Static Public メソッド

クラス v8::Exception

#include <v8.h>


Static Public メソッド

static Local< ValueRangeError (Handle< String > message)
static Local< ValueReferenceError (Handle< String > message)
static Local< ValueSyntaxError (Handle< String > message)
static Local< ValueTypeError (Handle< String > message)
static Local< ValueError (Handle< String > message)


Create new error objects by calling the corresponding error object constructor with the message.

v8.h1797 行で定義されています。


Local< Value > v8::Exception::Error ( Handle< String message  )  [static]
Local< Value > v8::Exception::RangeError ( Handle< String message  )  [static]
Local< Value > v8::Exception::ReferenceError ( Handle< String message  )  [static]
Local< Value > v8::Exception::SyntaxError ( Handle< String message  )  [static]
Local< Value > v8::Exception::TypeError ( Handle< String message  )  [static]

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