Public メソッド | Protected メソッド | Private メソッド

クラス v8::String::ExternalStringResource

#include <v8.h>


Public メソッド

virtual ~ExternalStringResource ()
virtual const uint16_t * data () const =0
virtual size_t length () const =0

Protected メソッド

 ExternalStringResource ()

Private メソッド

 ExternalStringResource (const ExternalStringResource &)
void operator= (const ExternalStringResource &)


An ExternalStringResource is a wrapper around a two-byte string buffer that resides outside V8's heap. Implement an ExternalStringResource to manage the life cycle of the underlying buffer. Note that the string data must be immutable.

v8.h772 行で定義されています。


virtual v8::String::ExternalStringResource::~ExternalStringResource (  )  [inline, virtual]

Override the destructor to manage the life cycle of the underlying buffer.

v8.h778 行で定義されています。

v8::String::ExternalStringResource::ExternalStringResource (  )  [inline, protected]

v8.h784 行で定義されています。

v8::String::ExternalStringResource::ExternalStringResource ( const ExternalStringResource  )  [private]


virtual const uint16_t* v8::String::ExternalStringResource::data (  )  const [pure virtual]
virtual size_t v8::String::ExternalStringResource::length (  )  const [pure virtual]

The length of the string. That is, the number of two-byte characters.

参照元 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateExternalStringFromTwoByte(), v8::DisposeExternalString(), と v8::String::NewExternal().

void v8::String::ExternalStringResource::operator= ( const ExternalStringResource  )  [private]

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