構成 | |
class | Accessors |
class | NativeAllocationChecker |
class | Malloced |
class | AllStatic |
class | FreeStoreAllocationPolicy |
class | PreallocatedStorage |
class | HandleScopeImplementer |
struct | Register |
struct | CRegister |
class | Assembler |
struct | XMMRegister |
class | CpuFeatures |
class | Label |
class | LabelShadow |
class | RelocIterator |
class | Node |
class | Statement |
class | Expression |
class | ValidLeftHandSideSentinel |
class | BreakableStatement |
class | Block |
class | Declaration |
class | IterationStatement |
class | LoopStatement |
class | ForInStatement |
class | ExpressionStatement |
class | ContinueStatement |
class | BreakStatement |
class | ReturnStatement |
class | WithEnterStatement |
class | WithExitStatement |
class | CaseClause |
class | SwitchStatement |
class | IfStatement |
class | LabelCollector |
class | TryStatement |
class | TryCatch |
class | TryFinally |
class | DebuggerStatement |
class | EmptyStatement |
class | Literal |
class | MaterializedLiteral |
class | ObjectLiteral |
class | RegExpLiteral |
class | ArrayLiteral |
class | VariableProxy |
class | VariableProxySentinel |
class | Slot |
class | Property |
class | Call |
class | CallNew |
class | CallRuntime |
class | UnaryOperation |
class | BinaryOperation |
class | CountOperation |
class | CompareOperation |
class | Conditional |
class | Assignment |
class | Throw |
class | FunctionLiteral |
class | FunctionBoilerplateLiteral |
class | ThisFunction |
class | PendingFixups |
class | Bootstrapper |
class | Builtins |
struct | IdentifierStart |
struct | IdentifierPart |
class | GetPropertyStub |
class | SetPropertyStub |
class | GenericBinaryOpStub |
class | InvokeBuiltinStub |
class | DeferredInlinedSmiOperation |
class | CallFunctionStub |
class | ObjectLiteralDeferred |
class | CodeGenerator |
class | ToBooleanStub |
class | FloatingPointHelper |
class | DeferredInlineBinaryOperation |
class | DeferredInlinedSmiOperationReversed |
class | DeferredInlinedSmiAdd |
class | DeferredInlinedSmiAddReversed |
class | DeferredInlinedSmiSub |
class | DeferredInlinedSmiSubReversed |
class | CompareStub |
class | SmiComparisonDeferred |
class | RegExpDeferred |
class | CountOperationDeferred |
class | RevertToNumberStub |
class | CounterOpStub |
class | InstanceofStub |
struct | InlineRuntimeLUT |
class | DeferredCode |
class | RuntimeStub |
class | StackCheckStub |
class | UnarySubStub |
class | CEntryStub |
class | CEntryDebugBreakStub |
class | JSEntryStub |
class | JSConstructEntryStub |
class | ArgumentsAccessStub |
class | CompilationCache |
class | Compiler |
class | Context |
class | StatsTable |
struct | StatsCounter |
struct | StatsCounterTimer |
struct | StatsRate |
class | CPU |
class | DateParser |
class | BreakLocationIterator |
class | DebugInfoListNode |
class | Debug |
class | Debugger |
class | DebugMessageThread |
class | Debug_Address |
class | Disassembler |
class | Execution |
class | GCExtension |
class | Factory |
class | StackHandlerConstants |
class | EntryFrameConstants |
class | ExitFrameConstants |
class | StandardFrameConstants |
class | JavaScriptFrameConstants |
class | ArgumentsAdaptorFrameConstants |
class | InternalFrameConstants |
class | EntryFrame |
class | EntryConstructFrame |
class | ExitFrame |
class | ExitDebugFrame |
class | StandardFrame |
class | JavaScriptFrame |
class | ArgumentsAdaptorFrame |
class | InternalFrame |
class | ConstructFrame |
class | ObjectGroup |
class | GlobalHandles |
struct | CodeDesc |
union | DoubleRepresentation |
struct | AccessorDescriptor |
class | Handle |
class | HashMap |
class | ScavengeVisitor |
class | UpdateRSetVisitor |
class | Heap |
class | AlwaysAllocateScope |
class | SpaceIterator |
class | MarkingStack |
class | AssertNoAllocation |
class | IC |
class | IC_Utility |
class | CallIC |
class | LoadIC |
class | KeyedLoadIC |
class | StoreIC |
class | KeyedStoreIC |
class | OffsetsVector |
class | RegExpImpl |
class | List |
class | VMState |
class | Logger |
class | MacroAssembler |
class | RecordWriteStub |
class | CodePatcher |
class | MarkingVisitor |
class | RootMarkingVisitor |
class | SymbolTableCleaner |
class | UpdatingVisitor |
class | MarkCompactCollector |
class | Memory |
class | MessageLocation |
class | MessageHandler |
class | NativesCollection |
class | NumberKey |
class | StringKey |
class | RegExpKey |
class | Utf8SymbolKey |
class | SymbolKey |
class | SymbolsKey |
class | MapNameKey |
struct | ValueInfo |
class | Smi |
class | Failure |
class | HeapObject |
class | HeapNumber |
class | JSObject |
class | Array |
class | FixedArray |
class | DescriptorArray |
class | HashTableKey |
class | HashTable |
class | SymbolTable |
class | MapCache |
class | LookupCache |
class | DictionaryBase |
class | Dictionary |
class | ByteArray |
class | Code |
class | Map |
class | Struct |
class | Script |
class | SharedFunctionInfo |
class | JSFunction |
class | JSGlobalProxy |
class | GlobalObject |
class | JSGlobalObject |
class | JSBuiltinsObject |
class | JSValue |
class | JSRegExp |
class | CompilationCacheTable |
class | StringHasher |
class | String |
class | SeqString |
class | SeqAsciiString |
class | SeqTwoByteString |
class | ConsString |
class | SlicedString |
class | ExternalString |
class | ExternalAsciiString |
class | ExternalTwoByteString |
class | StringInputBuffer |
class | SafeStringInputBuffer |
class | VectorIterator |
class | Oddball |
class | Proxy |
class | JSArray |
class | AccessorInfo |
class | AccessCheckInfo |
class | InterceptorInfo |
class | CallHandlerInfo |
class | TemplateInfo |
class | FunctionTemplateInfo |
class | ObjectTemplateInfo |
class | SignatureInfo |
class | TypeSwitchInfo |
class | DebugInfo |
class | BreakPointInfo |
class | BooleanBit |
class | Parser |
class | ZoneListWrapper |
class | AstBuildingParserFactory |
class | ParserRecorder |
class | AstBuildingParser |
class | PreParser |
class | ParserMessage |
class | ScriptDataImpl |
class | PosixMemoryMappedFile |
class | LinuxMutex |
class | LinuxSemaphore |
class | MacOSMutex |
class | MacOSSemaphore |
class | NullMutex |
class | NullSemaphore |
class | Time |
class | Win32MemoryMappedFile |
class | Win32Mutex |
class | Win32Semaphore |
class | OS |
class | VirtualMemory |
class | ThreadHandle |
class | Thread |
class | Mutex |
class | ScopedLock |
class | Semaphore |
class | MapTransitionDescriptor |
class | ConstTransitionDescriptor |
class | FieldDescriptor |
class | ConstantFunctionDescriptor |
class | CallbacksDescriptor |
class | DescriptorReader |
class | DescriptorWriter |
class | AstOptimizer |
class | Processor |
class | Rewriter |
class | BMGoodSuffixBuffers |
class | ArrayConcatVisitor |
class | Runtime |
class | UTF8Buffer |
class | UTF16Buffer |
class | Scanner |
class | LocalsMap |
class | Scope |
class | DummyScope |
class | RelativeAddress |
class | SimulatedHeapSpace |
class | ExternalReferenceTable |
class | SnapshotWriter |
class | ReferenceUpdater |
class | GlobalHandlesRetriever |
class | ExternalReferenceEncoder |
class | ExternalReferenceDecoder |
class | Serializer |
class | SnapshotReader |
class | Deserializer |
class | Shell |
class | SmartPointer |
class | Snapshot |
class | Page |
class | Space |
class | MemoryAllocator |
class | ObjectIterator |
class | HeapObjectIterator |
class | AllocationInfo |
class | PagedSpace |
class | SemiSpace |
class | SemiSpaceIterator |
class | NewSpace |
class | FreeListNode |
class | OldSpace |
class | MapSpace |
class | LargeObjectChunk |
class | LargeObjectSpace |
class | LargeObjectIterator |
class | StringAllocator |
class | HeapStringAllocator |
class | NoAllocationStringAllocator |
class | FmtElm |
class | StringStream |
class | StubCache |
class | SCTableReference |
class | LoadStubCompiler |
class | KeyedLoadStubCompiler |
class | StoreStubCompiler |
class | KeyedStoreStubCompiler |
class | CallStubCompiler |
class | Token |
class | PreallocatedMemoryThread |
class | StackTraceFrameIterator |
class | Top |
class | UsageComputer |
class | BitField |
class | StaticResource |
class | Access |
class | Vector |
class | EmbeddedVector |
class | AsciiStringAdapter |
class | StringBuilder |
class | Counters |
class | V8 |
class | ThreadState |
class | ThreadManager |
class | ContextSwitcher |
class | Variable |
class | Segment |
class | Zone |
class | ZoneObject |
class | AssertNoZoneAllocation |
class | ZoneListAllocationPolicy |
class | ZoneList |
型定義 | |
typedef uint32_t | SRegisterFieldMask |
typedef int32_t | Instr |
typedef int(* | F0 )() |
typedef ZoneList< Handle < String > > | ZoneStringList |
typedef Object * | JSCallerSavedBuffer [kNumJSCallerSaved] |
typedef uint32_t | RegList |
typedef uint8_t | byte |
typedef byte * | Address |
typedef uint16_t | uc16 |
typedef signed int | uc32 |
typedef bool(* | WeakSlotCallback )(Object **pointer) |
typedef void(* | ObjectSlotCallback )(HeapObject **pointer) |
typedef int(* | HeapObjectCallback )(HeapObject *obj) |
typedef bool(* | ConstraintCallback )(Address new_addr, Address old_addr) |
typedef void(* | InlineCacheCallback )(Code *code, Address ic) |
typedef bool(* | IsAliveFunction )(HeapObject *obj, int *size, int *offset) |
typedef void(* | DeallocateFunction )(Address start, int size_in_bytes) |
typedef bool(* | NativeSourceCallback )(Vector< const char > name, Vector< const char > source, int index) |
typedef NativesCollection< CORE > | Natives |
typedef IN PSTR | UserSearchPath |
typedef IN PSTR IN BOOL | fInvadeProcess |
typedef OUT PSTR | SearchPath |
typedef OUT PSTR IN DWORD | SearchPathLength |
typedef IN HANDLE | hFile |
typedef IN HANDLE IN PSTR | ImageName |
typedef IN HANDLE IN PSTR IN PSTR | ModuleName |
typedef HANDLE | hProcess |
typedef HANDLE HANDLE | hThread |
typedef IN DWORD64 | qwAddr |
typedef IN DWORD64 OUT PDWORD64 | pdwDisplacement |
typedef DWORD64 | AddrBase |
typedef DWORD | th32ProcessID |
typedef LPMODULEENTRY32W | lpme |
typedef uint64_t | ObjectPair |
列挙型 | |
enum | { H = 1 << 5, S6 = 1 << 6, L = 1 << 20, S = 1 << 20, W = 1 << 21, A = 1 << 21, B = 1 << 22, N = 1 << 22, U = 1 << 23, P = 1 << 24, I = 1 << 25, B4 = 1 << 4, B5 = 1 << 5, B7 = 1 << 7, B8 = 1 << 8, B12 = 1 << 12, B16 = 1 << 16, B20 = 1 << 20, B21 = 1 << 21, B22 = 1 << 22, B23 = 1 << 23, B24 = 1 << 24, B25 = 1 << 25, B26 = 1 << 26, B27 = 1 << 27, RdMask = 15 << 12, CondMask = 15 << 28, OpCodeMask = 15 << 21, Imm24Mask = (1 << 24) - 1, Off12Mask = (1 << 12) - 1, nv = 15 << 28 } |
enum | Coprocessor { p0 = 0, p1 = 1, p2 = 2, p3 = 3, p4 = 4, p5 = 5, p6 = 6, p7 = 7, p8 = 8, p9 = 9, p10 = 10, p11 = 11, p12 = 12, p13 = 13, p14 = 14, p15 = 15 } |
enum | Condition { eq = 0 << 28, ne = 1 << 28, cs = 2 << 28, hs = 2 << 28, cc = 3 << 28, lo = 3 << 28, mi = 4 << 28, pl = 5 << 28, vs = 6 << 28, vc = 7 << 28, hi = 8 << 28, ls = 9 << 28, ge = 10 << 28, lt = 11 << 28, gt = 12 << 28, le = 13 << 28, al = 14 << 28, no_condition = -1, overflow = 0, no_overflow = 1, below = 2, above_equal = 3, equal = 4, not_equal = 5, below_equal = 6, above = 7, sign = 8, not_sign = 9, parity_even = 10, parity_odd = 11, less = 12, greater_equal = 13, less_equal = 14, greater = 15, zero = equal, not_zero = not_equal, negative = sign, positive = not_sign } |
enum | ShiftOp { LSL = 0 << 5, LSR = 1 << 5, ASR = 2 << 5, ROR = 3 << 5, RRX = -1 } |
enum | SBit { SetCC = 1 << 20, LeaveCC = 0 << 20 } |
enum | SRegister { CPSR = 0 << 22, SPSR = 1 << 22 } |
enum | SRegisterField { CPSR_c = CPSR | 1 << 16, CPSR_x = CPSR | 1 << 17, CPSR_s = CPSR | 1 << 18, CPSR_f = CPSR | 1 << 19, SPSR_c = SPSR | 1 << 16, SPSR_x = SPSR | 1 << 17, SPSR_s = SPSR | 1 << 18, SPSR_f = SPSR | 1 << 19 } |
enum | AddrMode { Offset = (8|4|0) << 21, PreIndex = (8|4|1) << 21, PostIndex = (0|4|0) << 21, NegOffset = (8|0|0) << 21, NegPreIndex = (8|0|1) << 21, NegPostIndex = (0|0|0) << 21 } |
enum | BlockAddrMode { da = (0|0|0) << 21, ia = (0|4|0) << 21, db = (8|0|0) << 21, ib = (8|4|0) << 21, da_w = (0|0|1) << 21, ia_w = (0|4|1) << 21, db_w = (8|0|1) << 21, ib_w = (8|4|1) << 21 } |
enum | LFlag { Long = 1 << 22, Short = 0 << 22 } |
enum | Condition { eq = 0 << 28, ne = 1 << 28, cs = 2 << 28, hs = 2 << 28, cc = 3 << 28, lo = 3 << 28, mi = 4 << 28, pl = 5 << 28, vs = 6 << 28, vc = 7 << 28, hi = 8 << 28, ls = 9 << 28, ge = 10 << 28, lt = 11 << 28, gt = 12 << 28, le = 13 << 28, al = 14 << 28, no_condition = -1, overflow = 0, no_overflow = 1, below = 2, above_equal = 3, equal = 4, not_equal = 5, below_equal = 6, above = 7, sign = 8, not_sign = 9, parity_even = 10, parity_odd = 11, less = 12, greater_equal = 13, less_equal = 14, greater = 15, zero = equal, not_zero = not_equal, negative = sign, positive = not_sign } |
enum | Hint { no_hint = 0, not_taken = 0x2e, taken = 0x3e } |
enum | ScaleFactor { times_1 = 0, times_2 = 1, times_4 = 2, times_8 = 3 } |
enum | GenericBinaryFlags { SMI_CODE_IN_STUB, SMI_CODE_INLINED } |
enum | { NUMBER_OF_ENTRY_KINDS = CompilationCache::LAST_ENTRY + 1 } |
enum | ConversionFlags { NO_FLAGS = 0, ALLOW_HEX = 1, ALLOW_OCTALS = 2, ALLOW_TRAILING_JUNK = 4 } |
enum | StepAction { StepNone = -1, StepOut = 0, StepNext = 1, StepIn = 2, StepMin = 3, StepInMin = 4 } |
enum | ExceptionBreakType { BreakException = 0, BreakUncaughtException = 1 } |
enum | BreakLocatorType { ALL_BREAK_LOCATIONS = 0, SOURCE_BREAK_LOCATIONS = 1 } |
enum | InterruptFlag { INTERRUPT = 1 << 0, DEBUGBREAK = 1 << 1, PREEMPT = 1 << 2 } |
enum | PretenureFlag { NOT_TENURED, TENURED } |
enum | GarbageCollector { SCAVENGER, MARK_COMPACTOR } |
enum | Executability { NOT_EXECUTABLE, EXECUTABLE } |
enum | StateTag |
enum | ClearExceptionFlag { KEEP_EXCEPTION, CLEAR_EXCEPTION } |
enum | InvokeJSFlags { CALL_JS, JUMP_JS } |
enum | ExitJSFlag { RETURN, DO_NOT_RETURN } |
enum | NativeType { CORE, D8 } |
enum | StringRepresentationTag { kSeqStringTag = 0x0, kConsStringTag = 0x1, kSlicedStringTag = 0x2, kExternalStringTag = 0x3 } |
enum | CompareResult { LESS = -1, EQUAL = 0, GREATER = 1, NOT_EQUAL = GREATER } |
enum | AllowNullsFlag { ALLOW_NULLS, DISALLOW_NULLS } |
enum | OutputMode { UNKNOWN, CONSOLE, ODS } |
enum | GCTreatment { DataObject, PointerObject, CodeObject } |
enum | MayAccessDecision { YES, NO, UNKNOWN } |
enum | ZoneScopeMode { DELETE_ON_EXIT, DONT_DELETE_ON_EXIT } |
関数 | |
template<class C > | |
static C * | FindInPrototypeChain (Object *obj, bool *found_it) |
char * | StrDup (const char *str) |
template<typename T > | |
static T * | NewArray (int size) |
template<typename T > | |
static void | DeleteArray (T *array) |
Condition | NegateCondition (Condition cc) |
int | PcStoreOffset () |
static bool | fits_shifter (uint32_t imm32, uint32_t *rotate_imm, uint32_t *immed_8, Instr *instr) |
INLINE (Condition NegateCondition(Condition cc)) | |
Condition | ReverseCondition (Condition cc) |
static bool | is_intn (int x, int n) |
static bool | is_int24 (int x) |
static bool | is_int8 (int x) |
static bool | is_uintn (int x, int n) |
static bool | is_uint3 (int x) |
static bool | is_uint4 (int x) |
static bool | is_uint5 (int x) |
static bool | is_uint8 (int x) |
static bool | is_uint12 (int x) |
static bool | is_uint16 (int x) |
static bool | is_uint24 (int x) |
static SourceCodeCache | natives_cache (SCRIPT_TYPE_NATIVE) |
static SourceCodeCache | extensions_cache (SCRIPT_TYPE_EXTENSION) |
static void | SetObjectPrototype (Handle< JSObject > object, Handle< Object > proto) |
static Handle< JSFunction > | InstallFunction (Handle< JSObject > target, const char *name, InstanceType type, int instance_size, Handle< JSObject > prototype, Builtins::Name call, bool is_ecma_native) |
static Object * | __builtin_arg__ (int n, int argc, Object **argv) |
static bool | CalledAsConstructor () |
BUILTIN (Illegal) | |
BUILTIN_END | BUILTIN (EmptyFunction) |
static BUILTIN_END Object * | TypeCheck (int argc, Object **argv, FunctionTemplateInfo *info) |
BUILTIN (HandleApiCall) | |
BUILTIN_END | BUILTIN (HandleApiCallAsFunction) |
static void | Generate_LoadIC_ArrayLength (MacroAssembler *masm) |
static void | Generate_LoadIC_StringLength (MacroAssembler *masm) |
static void | Generate_LoadIC_FunctionPrototype (MacroAssembler *masm) |
static void | Generate_LoadIC_Initialize (MacroAssembler *masm) |
static void | Generate_LoadIC_PreMonomorphic (MacroAssembler *masm) |
static void | Generate_LoadIC_Miss (MacroAssembler *masm) |
static void | Generate_LoadIC_Megamorphic (MacroAssembler *masm) |
static void | Generate_LoadIC_Normal (MacroAssembler *masm) |
static void | Generate_KeyedLoadIC_Initialize (MacroAssembler *masm) |
static void | Generate_KeyedLoadIC_Miss (MacroAssembler *masm) |
static void | Generate_KeyedLoadIC_Generic (MacroAssembler *masm) |
static void | Generate_KeyedLoadIC_PreMonomorphic (MacroAssembler *masm) |
static void | Generate_StoreIC_Initialize (MacroAssembler *masm) |
static void | Generate_StoreIC_Miss (MacroAssembler *masm) |
static void | Generate_StoreIC_ExtendStorage (MacroAssembler *masm) |
static void | Generate_StoreIC_Megamorphic (MacroAssembler *masm) |
static void | Generate_KeyedStoreIC_Generic (MacroAssembler *masm) |
static void | Generate_KeyedStoreIC_ExtendStorage (MacroAssembler *masm) |
static void | Generate_KeyedStoreIC_Miss (MacroAssembler *masm) |
static void | Generate_KeyedStoreIC_Initialize (MacroAssembler *masm) |
bool | IsCarriageReturn (uc32 c) |
bool | IsLineFeed (uc32 c) |
bool | IsDecimalDigit (uc32 c) |
bool | IsHexDigit (uc32 c) |
static Handle< Code > | ComputeLazyCompile (int argc) |
static Handle < CompilationCacheTable > | AllocateTable (int size) |
static Handle < CompilationCacheTable > | GetTable (CompilationCache::Entry entry) |
static bool | HasOrigin (Handle< JSFunction > boilerplate, Handle< Object > name, int line_offset, int column_offset) |
static Handle< JSFunction > | Lookup (Handle< String > source, CompilationCache::Entry entry) |
static Handle< Code > | MakeCode (FunctionLiteral *literal, Handle< Script > script, bool is_eval) |
static Handle< JSFunction > | MakeFunction (bool is_global, bool is_eval, Handle< Script > script, v8::Extension *extension, ScriptDataImpl *pre_data) |
static int | FastD2I (double x) |
static double | DoubleToInteger (double x) |
int32_t | NumberToInt32 (Object *number) |
uint32_t | NumberToUint32 (Object *number) |
int32_t | DoubleToInt32 (double x) |
int | HexValue (uc32 c) |
static int | GetChar (const char *str, int index) |
static int | GetChar (String *str, int index) |
static int | GetLength (const char *str) |
static int | GetLength (String *str) |
static const char * | GetCString (const char *str, int index) |
static const char * | GetCString (String *str, int index) |
static void | ReleaseCString (const char *original, const char *str) |
static void | ReleaseCString (String *original, const char *str) |
static bool | IsSpace (const char *str, int index) |
static bool | IsSpace (String *str, int index) |
static bool | SubStringEquals (const char *str, int index, const char *other) |
static bool | SubStringEquals (String *str, int index, const char *other) |
template<class S > | |
static bool | ShouldParseOctal (S *s, int i) |
double | gay_strtod (const char *s00, const char **se) |
template<class S > | |
static int | InternalStringToInt (S *s, int i, int radix, double *value) |
int | StringToInt (String *str, int index, int radix, double *value) |
int | StringToInt (const char *str, int index, int radix, double *value) |
template<class S > | |
static double | InternalStringToDouble (S *str, int flags, double empty_string_val) |
double | StringToDouble (String *str, int flags, double empty_string_val) |
double | StringToDouble (const char *str, int flags, double empty_string_val) |
char * | dtoa (double d, int mode, int ndigits, int *decpt, int *sign, char **rve) |
void | freedtoa (char *s) |
const char * | DoubleToCString (double v, Vector< char > buffer) |
const char * | IntToCString (int n, Vector< char > buffer) |
char * | DoubleToFixedCString (double value, int f) |
static char * | CreateExponentialRepresentation (char *decimal_rep, int exponent, bool negative, int significant_digits) |
char * | DoubleToExponentialCString (double value, int f) |
char * | DoubleToPrecisionCString (double value, int p) |
char * | DoubleToRadixCString (double value, int radix) |
static double | FastI2D (int x) |
static double | FastUI2D (unsigned x) |
static uint32_t | DoubleToUint32 (double x) |
static void | PrintLn (v8::Local< v8::Value > value) |
static Handle< Code > | ComputeCallDebugBreak (int argc) |
static Handle< Code > | ComputeCallDebugPrepareStepIn (int argc) |
static Handle< Object > | Invoke (bool construct, Handle< JSFunction > func, Handle< Object > receiver, int argc, Object ***args, bool *has_pending_exception) |
static Object * | DoCopyInsert (DescriptorArray *array, String *key, Object *value, PropertyAttributes attributes) |
static Object * | UpdateMapCacheWith (Context *context, FixedArray *keys, Map *map) |
DEFINE_bool (debug_code, false,"generate extra code (comments, assertions) for debugging") DEFINE_bool(emit_branch_hints | |
emit branch hints | DEFINE_bool (push_pop_elimination, true,"eliminate redundant push/pops in assembly code") DEFINE_bool(print_push_pop_elimination |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code | DEFINE_string (expose_natives_as, NULL,"expose natives in global object") DEFINE_string(expose_debug_as |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object | DEFINE_string (natives_file, NULL,"alternative natives file") DEFINE_bool(expose_gc |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension | DEFINE_bool (inline_new, true,"use fast inline allocation") DEFINE_bool(stack_trace_on_abort |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs | DEFINE_bool (trace, false,"trace function calls") DEFINE_bool(defer_negation |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation | DEFINE_bool (check_stack, true,"check stack for overflow, interrupt, breakpoint") DEFINE_bool(lazy |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation | DEFINE_bool (debug_info, true,"add debug information to compiled functions") DEFINE_bool(strict |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking | DEFINE_int (min_preparse_length, 1024,"Minimum length for automatic enable preparsing") DEFINE_bool(remote_debugging |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging | DEFINE_bool (trace_debug_json, false,"trace debugging JSON request/response") DEFINE_bool(call_regexp |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects | DEFINE_int (max_stack_trace_source_length, 300,"maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace.") DEFINE_int(new_space_size |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size | of (each semispace in) the new generation") DEFINE_int(old_space_size |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation | DEFINE_bool (gc_global, false,"always perform global GCs") DEFINE_int(gc_interval |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations | DEFINE_bool (trace_gc, false,"print one trace line following each garbage collection") DEFINE_bool(collect_maps |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached | DEFINE_bool (use_ic, true,"use inline caching") DEFINE_bool(native_code_counters |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters | DEFINE_bool (always_compact, false,"Perform compaction on every full GC") DEFINE_bool(never_compact |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only | DEFINE_bool (cleanup_ics_at_gc, true,"Flush inline caches prior to mark compact collection.") DEFINE_bool(cleanup_caches_in_maps_at_gc |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle | DEFINE_bool (canonicalize_object_literal_maps, true,"Canonicalize maps for object literals.") DEFINE_bool(h |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message | DEFINE_bool (allow_natives_syntax, false,"allow natives syntax") DEFINE_bool(optimize_ast |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast | DEFINE_bool (trace_sim, false,"trace simulator execution") DEFINE_int(stop_sim_at |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions | DEFINE_bool (trace_exception, false,"print stack trace when throwing exceptions") DEFINE_bool(preallocate_message_memory |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces | DEFINE_bool (usage_computation, true,"compute variable usage counts") DEFINE_bool(preemption |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads | DEFINE_bool (testing_bool_flag, true,"testing_bool_flag") DEFINE_int(testing_int_flag |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag | DEFINE_float (testing_float_flag, 2.5,"float-flag") DEFINE_string(testing_string_flag |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag | DEFINE_int (testing_prng_seed, 42,"Seed used for threading test randomness") DEFINE_string(testing_serialization_file |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap | DEFINE_bool (dump_counters, false,"Dump counters on exit") DEFINE_bool(enable_slow_asserts |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute | DEFINE_bool (print_code_stubs, false,"print code stubs") DEFINE_bool(trace_codegen |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated | DEFINE_bool (print_builtin_code, false,"print generated code for builtins") DEFINE_bool(print_source |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code | DEFINE_bool (print_builtin_source, false,"pretty print source code for builtins") DEFINE_bool(print_ast |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST | DEFINE_bool (print_builtin_ast, false,"print source AST for builtins") DEFINE_bool(trace_calls |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls | DEFINE_bool (trace_builtin_calls, false,"trace builtins calls") DEFINE_string(stop_at |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint | DEFINE_bool (print_builtin_scopes, false,"print scopes for builtins") DEFINE_bool(print_scopes |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes | DEFINE_bool (trace_contexts, false,"trace contexts operations") DEFINE_bool(gc_greedy |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations | DEFINE_bool (gc_verbose, false,"print stuff during garbage collection") DEFINE_bool(heap_stats |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC | DEFINE_bool (code_stats, false,"report code statistics after GC") DEFINE_bool(verify_heap |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC | DEFINE_bool (print_handles, false,"report handles after GC") DEFINE_bool(print_global_handles |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC | DEFINE_bool (print_rset, false,"print remembered sets before GC") DEFINE_bool(trace_ic |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions | DEFINE_bool (trace_normalization, false,"prints when objects are turned into dictionaries.") DEFINE_bool(trace_lazy |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation | DEFINE_bool (debug_serialization, false,"write debug information into the snapshot.") DEFINE_bool(collect_heap_spill_statistics |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with | heap_stats (requires heap_stats)") DEFINE_bool(log |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal | logging (no API, code, GC, suspect, or handles samples).") DEFINE_bool(log_all |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal Log all events to the log file | DEFINE_bool (log_api, false,"Log API events to the log file.") DEFINE_bool(log_code |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal Log all events to the log file Log code events to the log file without profiling | DEFINE_bool (log_gc, false,"Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool.") DEFINE_bool(log_handles |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal Log all events to the log file Log code events to the log file without profiling Log global handle events | DEFINE_bool (log_state_changes, false,"Log state changes.") DEFINE_bool(log_suspect |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal Log all events to the log file Log code events to the log file without profiling Log global handle events Log suspect operations | DEFINE_bool (prof, false,"Log statistical profiling information (implies --log-code).") DEFINE_bool(log_regexp |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal Log all events to the log file Log code events to the log file without profiling Log global handle events Log suspect operations Log regular expression execution | DEFINE_bool (sliding_state_window, false,"Update sliding state window counters.") DEFINE_string(logfile |
DEFINE_bool (print_code, false,"print generated code") DEFINE_bool(debug_code | |
generate extra | code (comments, assertions) for debugging") DEFINE_bool(emit_branch_hints |
static const char * | Type2String (Flag::FlagType type) |
static char * | ToString (Flag *flag) |
static void | SplitArgument (const char *arg, char *buffer, int buffer_size, const char **name, const char **value, bool *is_bool) |
char | NormalizeChar (char ch) |
static bool | EqualNames (const char *a, const char *b) |
static Flag * | FindFlag (const char *name) |
static char * | SkipWhiteSpace (char *p) |
static char * | SkipBlackSpace (char *p) |
int | JSCallerSavedCode (int n) |
int | NumRegs (RegList reglist) |
template<typename T > | |
static void | USE (T) |
template<typename F > | |
F | FUNCTION_CAST (Address addr) |
template<class Dest , class Source > | |
Dest | bit_cast (const Source &source) |
Handle< FixedArray > | AddKeysFromJSArray (Handle< FixedArray > content, Handle< JSArray > array) |
Handle< FixedArray > | UnionOfKeys (Handle< FixedArray > first, Handle< FixedArray > second) |
Handle< JSGlobalProxy > | ReinitializeJSGlobalProxy (Handle< JSFunction > constructor, Handle< JSGlobalProxy > global) |
void | SetExpectedNofProperties (Handle< JSFunction > func, int nof) |
void | SetPrototypeProperty (Handle< JSFunction > func, Handle< JSObject > value) |
static int | ExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate (int estimate) |
void | SetExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate (Handle< SharedFunctionInfo > shared, int estimate) |
void | SetExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate (Handle< JSFunction > func, int estimate) |
void | NormalizeProperties (Handle< JSObject > object) |
void | NormalizeElements (Handle< JSObject > object) |
void | TransformToFastProperties (Handle< JSObject > object, int unused_property_fields) |
void | FlattenString (Handle< String > string) |
Handle< Object > | SetPrototype (Handle< JSFunction > function, Handle< Object > prototype) |
Handle< Object > | SetProperty (Handle< JSObject > object, Handle< String > key, Handle< Object > value, PropertyAttributes attributes) |
Handle< Object > | SetProperty (Handle< Object > object, Handle< Object > key, Handle< Object > value, PropertyAttributes attributes) |
Handle< Object > | IgnoreAttributesAndSetLocalProperty (Handle< JSObject > object, Handle< String > key, Handle< Object > value, PropertyAttributes attributes) |
Handle< Object > | SetPropertyWithInterceptor (Handle< JSObject > object, Handle< String > key, Handle< Object > value, PropertyAttributes attributes) |
Handle< Object > | GetProperty (Handle< JSObject > obj, const char *name) |
Handle< Object > | GetProperty (Handle< Object > obj, Handle< Object > key) |
Handle< Object > | GetPropertyWithInterceptor (Handle< JSObject > receiver, Handle< JSObject > holder, Handle< String > name, PropertyAttributes *attributes) |
Handle< Object > | GetPrototype (Handle< Object > obj) |
Handle< Object > | DeleteElement (Handle< JSObject > obj, uint32_t index) |
Handle< Object > | DeleteProperty (Handle< JSObject > obj, Handle< String > prop) |
Handle< Object > | LookupSingleCharacterStringFromCode (uint32_t index) |
Handle< String > | SubString (Handle< String > str, int start, int end) |
Handle< Object > | SetElement (Handle< JSObject > object, uint32_t index, Handle< Object > value) |
Handle< JSObject > | Copy (Handle< JSObject > obj) |
static void | ClearWrapperCache (Persistent< v8::Value > handle, void *) |
Handle< JSValue > | GetScriptWrapper (Handle< Script > script) |
v8::Handle< v8::Array > | GetKeysForNamedInterceptor (Handle< JSObject > receiver, Handle< JSObject > object) |
v8::Handle< v8::Array > | GetKeysForIndexedInterceptor (Handle< JSObject > receiver, Handle< JSObject > object) |
Handle< FixedArray > | GetKeysInFixedArrayFor (Handle< JSObject > object) |
Handle< JSArray > | GetKeysFor (Handle< JSObject > object) |
Handle< FixedArray > | GetEnumPropertyKeys (Handle< JSObject > object) |
bool | CompileLazyShared (Handle< SharedFunctionInfo > shared, ClearExceptionFlag flag) |
bool | CompileLazy (Handle< JSFunction > function, ClearExceptionFlag flag) |
void | LoadLazy (Handle< JSFunction > fun, bool *pending_exception) |
void | SetupLazy (Handle< JSFunction > fun, int index, Handle< Context > compile_context, Handle< Context > function_context) |
static bool | IsPowerOf2 (uint32_t x) |
static bool | IsShortcutCandidate (HeapObject *object, Map *map) |
static int | double_get_hash (double d) |
static int | smi_get_hash (Smi *smi) |
static void | GenerateDictionaryLoad (MacroAssembler *masm, Label *miss, Register t0, Register t1) |
static void | GenerateStringCheck (MacroAssembler *masm, Register receiver, Register scratch1, Register scratch2, Label *smi, Label *non_string_object) |
Object * | CallIC_Miss (Arguments args) |
static void | GenerateNormalHelper (MacroAssembler *masm, int argc, bool is_global_object, Label *miss) |
Object * | LoadIC_Miss (Arguments args) |
static void | GenerateDictionaryLoad (MacroAssembler *masm, Label *miss_label, Register r0, Register r1, Register r2, Register name) |
Object * | KeyedLoadIC_Miss (Arguments args) |
Object * | KeyedStoreIC_Miss (Arguments args) |
Object * | StoreIC_Miss (Arguments args) |
Object * | SharedStoreIC_ExtendStorage (Arguments args) |
static void * | JSREMalloc (size_t size) |
static void | JSREFree (void *p) |
static JSRegExp::Flags | RegExpFlagsFromString (Handle< String > str) |
static Object * | DoCompile (String *pattern, JSRegExp::Flags flags, unsigned *number_of_captures, const char **error_message, JscreRegExp **code) |
void | CompileWithRetryAfterGC (Handle< String > pattern, JSRegExp::Flags flags, unsigned *number_of_captures, const char **error_message, JscreRegExp **code) |
static MemOperand | FieldMemOperand (Register object, int offset) |
static void | RecordWriteHelper (MacroAssembler *masm, Register object, Register addr, Register scratch) |
static Operand | FieldOperand (Register object, int offset) |
static Operand | FieldOperand (Register object, Register index, ScaleFactor scale, int offset) |
static HeapObject * | ShortCircuitConsString (Object **p) |
static int | OverflowObjectSize (HeapObject *obj) |
template<class T > | |
static void | ScanOverflowedObjects (T *it) |
static int | CountMarkedCallback (HeapObject *obj) |
void | EncodeFreeRegion (Address free_start, int free_size) |
Object * | MCAllocateFromNewSpace (HeapObject *object, int object_size) |
Object * | MCAllocateFromOldPointerSpace (HeapObject *object, int object_size) |
Object * | MCAllocateFromOldDataSpace (HeapObject *object, int object_size) |
Object * | MCAllocateFromCodeSpace (HeapObject *object, int object_size) |
Object * | MCAllocateFromMapSpace (HeapObject *object, int object_size) |
void | EncodeForwardingAddressInNewSpace (HeapObject *old_object, int object_size, Object *new_object, int *ignored) |
void | EncodeForwardingAddressInPagedSpace (HeapObject *old_object, int object_size, Object *new_object, int *offset) |
void | IgnoreNonLiveObject (HeapObject *object) |
void | LogNonLiveCodeObject (HeapObject *object) |
template<MarkCompactCollector::AllocationFunction Alloc, MarkCompactCollector::EncodingFunction Encode, MarkCompactCollector::ProcessNonLiveFunction ProcessNonLive> | |
void | EncodeForwardingAddressesInRange (Address start, Address end, int *offset) |
static void | SweepSpace (NewSpace *space) |
static void | SweepSpace (PagedSpace *space, DeallocateFunction dealloc) |
static int | RelocateOldObject (HeapObject *obj, OldSpace *space, Address new_addr, Address map_addr) |
template<> | |
bool | Is< JSFunction > (Object *obj) |
template<> | |
bool | Is< JSArray > (Object *obj) |
ACCESSORS (Map, instance_descriptors, DescriptorArray, kInstanceDescriptorsOffset) ACCESSORS(FunctionTemplateInfo | |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset | ACCESSORS (FunctionTemplateInfo, prototype_template, Object, kPrototypeTemplateOffset) ACCESSORS(FunctionTemplateInfo |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset | ACCESSORS (FunctionTemplateInfo, indexed_property_handler, Object, kIndexedPropertyHandlerOffset) ACCESSORS(FunctionTemplateInfo |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset | ACCESSORS (FunctionTemplateInfo, instance_call_handler, Object, kInstanceCallHandlerOffset) ACCESSORS(FunctionTemplateInfo |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset | ACCESSORS (ObjectTemplateInfo, internal_field_count, Object, kInternalFieldCountOffset) ACCESSORS(SharedFunctionInfo |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset | ACCESSORS (SharedFunctionInfo, function_data, Object, kExternalReferenceDataOffset) BOOL_ACCESSORS(FunctionTemplateInfo |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset kHiddenPrototypeBit | BOOL_ACCESSORS (FunctionTemplateInfo, flag, needs_access_check, kNeedsAccessCheckBit) BOOL_ACCESSORS(SharedFunctionInfo |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset kHiddenPrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit | BOOL_ACCESSORS (SharedFunctionInfo, start_position_and_type, is_toplevel, kIsTopLevelBit) INT_ACCESSORS(SharedFunctionInfo |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset kHiddenPrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit kFormalParameterCountOffset | INT_ACCESSORS (SharedFunctionInfo, expected_nof_properties, kExpectedNofPropertiesOffset) INT_ACCESSORS(SharedFunctionInfo |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset kHiddenPrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit kFormalParameterCountOffset kStartPositionAndTypeOffset | INT_ACCESSORS (SharedFunctionInfo, function_token_position, kFunctionTokenPositionOffset) void SharedFunctionInfo |
ACCESSORS (JSFunction, prototype_or_initial_map, Object, kPrototypeOrInitialMapOffset) Map *JSFunction | |
static Object * | CreateJSValue (JSFunction *constructor, Object *value) |
static bool | AnWord (String *str) |
static bool | HasKey (FixedArray *array, Object *key) |
template<typename IteratorA , typename IteratorB > | |
static bool | CompareStringContents (IteratorA *ia, IteratorB *ib) |
template<typename Char > | |
static bool | CompareRawStringContents (Vector< Char > a, Vector< Char > b) |
template<typename IteratorA > | |
static bool | CompareStringContentsPartial (IteratorA *ia, String *b) |
static uint32_t | HashField (uint32_t hash, bool is_array_index) |
static int | NewElementsCapacity (int old_capacity) |
static Object * | ArrayLengthRangeError () |
static void | InsertionSortPairs (FixedArray *content, FixedArray *smis) |
void | HeapSortPairs (FixedArray *content, FixedArray *smis) |
template<class C > | |
static bool | Is (Object *obj) |
static bool | ContainsLabel (ZoneStringList *labels, Handle< String > label) |
static int | Precedence (Token::Value tok, bool accept_IN) |
ScriptDataImpl * | PreParse (unibrow::CharacterStream *stream, v8::Extension *extension) |
FunctionLiteral * | MakeAST (bool compile_in_global_context, Handle< Script > script, v8::Extension *extension, ScriptDataImpl *pre_data) |
FunctionLiteral * | MakeLazyAST (Handle< Script > script, Handle< String > name, int start_position, int end_position, bool is_expression) |
double | ceiling (double x) |
static void | UpdateAllocatedSpaceLimits (void *address, int size) |
static void * | ThreadEntry (void *arg) |
int | isfinite (double x) |
static bool | HasConsole () |
static void | VPrintHelper (FILE *stream, const char *format, va_list args) |
static size_t | GetPageSize () |
typedef | BOOL (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymInitialize))(IN HANDLE hProcess |
typedef | DWORD (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymGetOptions))(VOID) |
typedef | DWORD (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymSetOptions))(IN DWORD SymOptions) |
typedef | BOOL (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymGetSearchPath))(IN HANDLE hProcess |
typedef | DWORD64 (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymLoadModule64))(IN HANDLE hProcess |
typedef | BOOL (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(StackWalk64))(DWORD MachineType |
typedef | BOOL (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymGetSymFromAddr64))(IN HANDLE hProcess |
typedef | BOOL (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymGetLineFromAddr64))(IN HANDLE hProcess |
typedef | PVOID (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymFunctionTableAccess64))(HANDLE hProcess |
typedef | DWORD64 (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymGetModuleBase64))(HANDLE hProcess |
typedef | HANDLE (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(CreateToolhelp32Snapshot))(DWORD dwFlags |
typedef | BOOL (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(Module32FirstW))(HANDLE hSnapshot |
typedef | BOOL (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(Module32NextW))(HANDLE hSnapshot |
static bool | LoadDbgHelpAndTlHelp32 () |
static bool | LoadSymbols (HANDLE process_handle) |
static Object * | IllegalOperation () |
static Object * | Runtime_CloneObjectLiteralBoilerplate (Arguments args) |
static Handle< Map > | ComputeObjectLiteralMap (Handle< Context > context, Handle< FixedArray > constant_properties, bool *is_result_from_cache) |
static Object * | Runtime_CreateObjectLiteralBoilerplate (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_CreateArrayLiteral (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_ClassOf (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_HasStringClass (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_HasDateClass (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_HasArrayClass (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_HasFunctionClass (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_HasNumberClass (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_HasBooleanClass (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_HasArgumentsClass (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_HasRegExpClass (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_IsInPrototypeChain (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_IsConstructCall (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_RegExpCompile (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_CreateApiFunction (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_IsTemplate (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_GetTemplateField (Arguments args) |
static Object * | ThrowRedeclarationError (const char *type, Handle< String > name) |
static Object * | Runtime_DeclareGlobals (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_DeclareContextSlot (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_InitializeVarGlobal (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_InitializeConstGlobal (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_InitializeConstContextSlot (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_RegExpExec (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_RegExpExecGlobal (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_MaterializeRegExpLiteral (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_FunctionGetName (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_FunctionSetName (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_FunctionGetScript (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_FunctionGetSourceCode (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_FunctionGetScriptSourcePosition (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_FunctionSetInstanceClassName (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_FunctionSetLength (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_FunctionSetPrototype (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_SetCode (Arguments args) |
static Object * | CharCodeAt (String *subject, Object *index) |
static Object * | Runtime_StringCharCodeAt (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_CharFromCode (Arguments args) |
template<typename pchar > | |
static void | BoyerMoorePopulateBadCharTable (Vector< const pchar > pattern, int start) |
template<typename pchar > | |
static void | BoyerMoorePopulateGoodSuffixTable (Vector< const pchar > pattern, int start) |
template<typename schar , typename pchar > | |
static int | CharOccurence (int char_code) |
template<typename schar , typename pchar > | |
static int | BoyerMooreSimplified (Vector< const schar > subject, Vector< const pchar > pattern, int start_index, bool *complete) |
template<typename schar , typename pchar > | |
static int | BoyerMooreIndexOf (Vector< const schar > subject, Vector< const pchar > pattern, int idx) |
template<typename schar > | |
static int | SingleCharIndexOf (Vector< const schar > string, uc16 pattern_char, int start_index) |
template<typename pchar , typename schar > | |
static int | SimpleIndexOf (Vector< const schar > subject, Vector< const pchar > pattern, int idx, bool *complete) |
template<typename pchar , typename schar > | |
static int | SimpleIndexOf (Vector< const schar > subject, Vector< const pchar > pattern, int idx) |
template<typename schar , typename pchar > | |
static int | StringMatchStrategy (Vector< const schar > sub, Vector< const pchar > pat, int start_index) |
static Object * | Runtime_StringIndexOf (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_StringLastIndexOf (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_StringLocaleCompare (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_StringSlice (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberToRadixString (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberToFixed (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberToExponential (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberToPrecision (Arguments args) |
static Handle< Object > | GetCharAt (Handle< String > string, uint32_t index) |
static Object * | Runtime_GetProperty (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_KeyedGetProperty (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_SetProperty (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_IgnoreAttributesAndSetProperty (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_DeleteProperty (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_HasLocalProperty (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_HasProperty (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_HasElement (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_IsPropertyEnumerable (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_GetPropertyNames (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_GetPropertyNamesFast (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_GetArgumentsProperty (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_ToBool (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_Typeof (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_StringToNumber (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_StringFromCharCodeArray (Arguments args) |
static bool | IsNotEscaped (uint16_t character) |
static Object * | Runtime_URIEscape (Arguments args) |
static int | TwoDigitHex (uint16_t character1, uint16_t character2) |
static int | Unescape (String *source, int i, int length, int *step) |
static Object * | Runtime_URIUnescape (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_StringParseInt (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_StringParseFloat (Arguments args) |
template<class Converter > | |
static Object * | ConvertCase (Arguments args, unibrow::Mapping< Converter, 128 > *mapping) |
static Object * | Runtime_StringToLowerCase (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_StringToUpperCase (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_ConsStringFst (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_ConsStringSnd (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberToString (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberToInteger (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberToJSUint32 (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberToJSInt32 (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberAdd (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberSub (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberMul (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberUnaryMinus (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberDiv (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberMod (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_StringAdd (Arguments args) |
template<typename sinkchar > | |
static void | StringBuilderConcatHelper (String *special, sinkchar *sink, FixedArray *fixed_array, int array_length) |
static Object * | Runtime_StringBuilderConcat (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberOr (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberAnd (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberXor (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberNot (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberShl (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberShr (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberSar (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberEquals (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_StringEquals (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberCompare (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_SmiLexicographicCompare (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_StringCompare (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_Math_abs (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_Math_acos (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_Math_asin (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_Math_atan (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_Math_atan2 (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_Math_ceil (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_Math_cos (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_Math_exp (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_Math_floor (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_Math_log (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_Math_pow (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_Math_random (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_Math_round (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_Math_sin (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_Math_sqrt (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_Math_tan (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NewArguments (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NewArgumentsFast (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NewClosure (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NewObject (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_LazyCompile (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_GetCalledFunction (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_GetFunctionDelegate (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NewContext (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_PushContext (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_LookupContext (Arguments args) |
static ObjectPair | MakePair (Object *x, Object *y) |
static Object * | Unhole (Object *x, PropertyAttributes attributes) |
static JSObject * | ComputeReceiverForNonGlobal (JSObject *holder) |
static ObjectPair | LoadContextSlotHelper (Arguments args, bool throw_error) |
static ObjectPair | Runtime_LoadContextSlot (Arguments args) |
static ObjectPair | Runtime_LoadContextSlotNoReferenceError (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_StoreContextSlot (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_Throw (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_ReThrow (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_ThrowReferenceError (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_StackOverflow (Arguments args) |
static Object * | RuntimePreempt (Arguments args) |
static Object * | DebugBreakHelper () |
static Object * | Runtime_DebugBreak (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_StackGuard (Arguments args) |
static void | PrintString (String *str) |
static void | PrintObject (Object *obj) |
static int | StackSize () |
static void | PrintTransition (Object *result) |
static Object * | Runtime_TraceEnter (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_TraceExit (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_DebugPrint (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_DebugTrace (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_DateCurrentTime (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_DateParseString (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_DateLocalTimezone (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_DateLocalTimeOffset (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_DateDaylightSavingsOffset (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_NumberIsFinite (Arguments args) |
static Object * | EvalContext () |
static Object * | Runtime_EvalReceiver (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_GlobalReceiver (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_CompileString (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_CompileScript (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_SetNewFunctionAttributes (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_PushIfAbsent (Arguments args) |
static uint32_t | IterateElements (Handle< JSObject > receiver, uint32_t range, ArrayConcatVisitor *visitor) |
static uint32_t | IterateArrayAndPrototypeElements (Handle< JSArray > array, ArrayConcatVisitor *visitor) |
static uint32_t | IterateArguments (Handle< JSArray > arguments, ArrayConcatVisitor *visitor) |
static Object * | Runtime_ArrayConcat (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_GlobalPrint (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_RemoveArrayHoles (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_MoveArrayContents (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_EstimateNumberOfElements (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_GetArrayKeys (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_DefineAccessor (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_LookupAccessor (Arguments args) |
static Smi * | WrapFrameId (StackFrame::Id id) |
static StackFrame::Id | UnwrapFrameId (Smi *wrapped) |
static Object * | Runtime_AddDebugEventListener (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_RemoveDebugEventListener (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_Break (Arguments args) |
static Object * | DebugLookupResultValue (LookupResult *result) |
static Object * | Runtime_DebugGetPropertyDetails (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_DebugGetProperty (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_DebugLocalPropertyNames (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_DebugLocalElementNames (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_DebugPropertyTypeFromDetails (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_DebugPropertyAttributesFromDetails (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_DebugPropertyIndexFromDetails (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_DebugInterceptorInfo (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_DebugNamedInterceptorPropertyNames (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_DebugIndexedInterceptorElementNames (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_DebugNamedInterceptorPropertyValue (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_DebugIndexedInterceptorElementValue (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_CheckExecutionState (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_GetFrameCount (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_GetFrameDetails (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_GetCFrames (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_GetBreakLocations (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_SetFunctionBreakPoint (Arguments args) |
static Object * | FindSharedFunctionInfoInScript (Handle< Script > script, int position) |
static Object * | Runtime_SetScriptBreakPoint (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_ClearBreakPoint (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_ChangeBreakOnException (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_PrepareStep (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_ClearStepping (Arguments args) |
static Handle< Context > | CopyWithContextChain (Handle< Context > context_chain, Handle< Context > function_context) |
static Handle< Object > | GetArgumentsObject (JavaScriptFrame *frame, Handle< JSFunction > function, Handle< Code > code, const ScopeInfo<> *sinfo, Handle< Context > function_context) |
static Object * | Runtime_DebugEvaluate (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_DebugEvaluateGlobal (Arguments args) |
static int | DebugGetLoadedScripts (FixedArray *instances, int instances_size) |
static Object * | Runtime_DebugGetLoadedScripts (Arguments args) |
static int | DebugReferencedBy (JSObject *target, Object *instance_filter, int max_references, FixedArray *instances, int instances_size, JSFunction *context_extension_function, JSFunction *arguments_function) |
static Object * | Runtime_DebugReferencedBy (Arguments args) |
static int | DebugConstructedBy (JSFunction *constructor, int max_references, FixedArray *instances, int instances_size) |
static Object * | Runtime_DebugConstructedBy (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_GetPrototype (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_SystemBreak (Arguments args) |
static Handle< Object > | Runtime_GetScriptFromScriptName (Handle< String > script_name) |
static Object * | Runtime_GetScript (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_FunctionGetAssemblerCode (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_Abort (Arguments args) |
static Object * | Runtime_IS_VAR (Arguments args) |
static int | CompareLocal (Variable *const *v, Variable *const *w) |
static Object ** | ReadInt (Object **p, int *x) |
static Object ** | ReadBool (Object **p, bool *x) |
static Object ** | ReadSymbol (Object **p, Handle< String > *s) |
static Object ** | ReadSentinel (Object **p) |
template<class Allocator > | |
static Object ** | ReadList (Object **p, List< Handle< String >, Allocator > *list) |
template<class Allocator > | |
static Object ** | ReadList (Object **p, List< Handle< String >, Allocator > *list, List< Variable::Mode, Allocator > *modes) |
static Object ** | WriteInt (Object **p, int x) |
static Object ** | WriteSymbol (Object **p, Handle< String > s) |
static Object ** | WriteSentinel (Object **p) |
template<class Allocator > | |
static Object ** | WriteList (Object **p, List< Handle< String >, Allocator > *list) |
template<class Allocator > | |
static Object ** | WriteList (Object **p, List< Handle< String >, Allocator > *list, List< Variable::Mode, Allocator > *modes) |
static Object ** | ContextEntriesAddr (Code *code) |
static Object ** | ParameterEntriesAddr (Code *code) |
static Object ** | StackSlotEntriesAddr (Code *code) |
static AllocationSpace | GetSpace (Address addr) |
static bool | IsLargeExecutableObject (Address addr) |
static bool | IsLargeFixedArray (Address addr) |
static int | PageIndex (Address addr) |
static int | PageOffset (Address addr) |
static int | NewSpaceOffset (Address addr) |
static int | LargeObjectIndex (Address addr) |
static uint32_t | EncodeExternal (TypeCode type, uint16_t id) |
static int * | GetInternalPointer (StatsCounter *counter) |
static uint32_t | HeapObjectHash (HeapObject *key) |
static bool | MatchHeapObject (void *key1, void *key2) |
static int | IndexOf (const List< Object ** > &list, Object **element) |
static void | InitPagedSpace (PagedSpace *space, int capacity, List< Page * > *page_list) |
static Object * | ResolvePaged (int page_index, int page_offset, PagedSpace *space, List< Page * > *page_list) |
template<typename T > | |
void | ConcatReversed (List< T > *target, const List< T > &source) |
void | handle_debug_event (v8::DebugEvent event, v8::Handle< v8::Object > exec_state, v8::Handle< v8::Object > event_data, v8::Handle< Value > data) |
static int | PagesInChunk (Address start, size_t size) |
static bool | IsControlChar (char c) |
static void | ProbeTable (MacroAssembler *masm, Code::Flags flags, StubCache::Table table, Register name, Register offset) |
static void | GenerateStringCheck (MacroAssembler *masm, Register receiver, Register scratch, Label *smi, Label *non_string_object) |
static Object * | GetProbeValue (Code::Flags flags) |
static Object * | ProbeCache (Code::Flags flags) |
static Object * | FillCache (Object *code) |
Handle< Code > | ComputeCallMiss (int argc) |
Object * | LoadCallbackProperty (Arguments args) |
Object * | StoreCallbackProperty (Arguments args) |
Object * | LoadInterceptorProperty (Arguments args) |
Object * | StoreInterceptorProperty (Arguments args) |
Object * | CallInterceptorProperty (Arguments args) |
static unsigned int | Hash (const char *s) |
static void | PrintFrames (StringStream *accumulator, StackFrame::PrintMode mode) |
static MayAccessDecision | MayAccessPreCheck (JSObject *receiver, v8::AccessType type) |
bool | AnalyzeVariableUsage (FunctionLiteral *lit) |
uint32_t | RoundUpToPowerOf2 (uint32_t x) |
byte * | EncodeInt (byte *p, int x) |
byte * | DecodeInt (byte *p, int *x) |
byte * | EncodeUnsignedIntBackward (byte *p, unsigned int x) |
void | PrintF (const char *format,...) |
void | Flush () |
char * | ReadLine (const char *prompt) |
char * | ReadCharsFromFile (const char *filename, int *size, int extra_space, bool verbose) |
char * | ReadChars (const char *filename, int *size, bool verbose) |
Vector< const char > | ReadFile (const char *filename, bool *exists, bool verbose) |
int | WriteCharsToFile (const char *str, int size, FILE *f) |
int | WriteChars (const char *filename, const char *str, int size, bool verbose) |
template<typename T > | |
static bool | IsPowerOf2 (T x) |
static int | ArithmeticShiftRight (int x, int s) |
template<typename T > | |
static int | OffsetFrom (T x) |
template<typename T > | |
static T | AddressFrom (int x) |
template<typename T > | |
static T | RoundDown (T x, int m) |
template<typename T > | |
static T | RoundUp (T x, int m) |
template<typename T > | |
static bool | IsAligned (T value, T alignment) |
static bool | IsAddressAligned (Address addr, int alignment, int offset) |
template<typename T > | |
static T | Max (T a, T b) |
template<typename T > | |
static T | Min (T a, T b) |
byte * | DecodeUnsignedIntBackward (byte *p, unsigned int *x) |
int | WriteAsCFile (const char *filename, const char *varname, const char *str, int size, bool verbose=true) |
Vector< const char > | CStrVector (const char *data) |
Vector< char > | MutableCStrVector (char *data) |
Vector< char > | MutableCStrVector (char *data, int max) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector< Handle< Object > > | HandleVector (v8::internal::Handle< T > *elms, int length) |
template<typename sourcechar , typename sinkchar > | |
static void | CopyChars (sinkchar *dest, const sourcechar *src, int chars) |
static int | ArchiveSpacePerThread () |
変数 | |
static const int | kHandleBlockSize = v8::internal::KB - 2 |
Register | no_reg = { -1 } |
Register | r0 = { 0 } |
Register | r1 = { 1 } |
Register | r2 = { 2 } |
Register | r3 = { 3 } |
Register | r4 = { 4 } |
Register | r5 = { 5 } |
Register | r6 = { 6 } |
Register | r7 = { 7 } |
Register | r8 = { 8 } |
Register | r9 = { 9 } |
Register | r10 = { 10 } |
Register | fp = { 11 } |
Register | ip = { 12 } |
Register | sp = { 13 } |
Register | lr = { 14 } |
Register | pc = { 15 } |
CRegister | no_creg = { -1 } |
CRegister | cr0 = { 0 } |
CRegister | cr1 = { 1 } |
CRegister | cr2 = { 2 } |
CRegister | cr3 = { 3 } |
CRegister | cr4 = { 4 } |
CRegister | cr5 = { 5 } |
CRegister | cr6 = { 6 } |
CRegister | cr7 = { 7 } |
CRegister | cr8 = { 8 } |
CRegister | cr9 = { 9 } |
CRegister | cr10 = { 10 } |
CRegister | cr11 = { 11 } |
CRegister | cr12 = { 12 } |
CRegister | cr13 = { 13 } |
CRegister | cr14 = { 14 } |
CRegister | cr15 = { 15 } |
static const Instr | kPopInstruction |
static const Instr | kPushRegPattern |
static const Instr | kPopRegPattern |
static const int | kMinimalBufferSize = 4*KB |
static byte * | spare_buffer_ = NULL |
const int | kEndOfChain = -4 |
Register | eax = { 0 } |
Register | ecx = { 1 } |
Register | edx = { 2 } |
Register | ebx = { 3 } |
Register | esp = { 4 } |
Register | ebp = { 5 } |
Register | esi = { 6 } |
Register | edi = { 7 } |
XMMRegister | xmm0 = { 0 } |
XMMRegister | xmm1 = { 1 } |
XMMRegister | xmm2 = { 2 } |
XMMRegister | xmm3 = { 3 } |
XMMRegister | xmm4 = { 4 } |
XMMRegister | xmm5 = { 5 } |
XMMRegister | xmm6 = { 6 } |
XMMRegister | xmm7 = { 7 } |
const int | kMaxRelocModes = 14 |
const int | kTagBits = 2 |
const int | kTagMask = (1 << kTagBits) - 1 |
const int | kExtraTagBits = 4 |
const int | kPositionTypeTagBits = 1 |
const int | kSmallDataBits = kBitsPerByte - kPositionTypeTagBits |
const int | kEmbeddedObjectTag = 0 |
const int | kCodeTargetTag = 1 |
const int | kPositionTag = 2 |
const int | kDefaultTag = 3 |
const int | kPCJumpTag = (1 << kExtraTagBits) - 1 |
const int | kSmallPCDeltaBits = kBitsPerByte - kTagBits |
const int | kSmallPCDeltaMask = (1 << kSmallPCDeltaBits) - 1 |
const int | kVariableLengthPCJumpTopTag = 1 |
const int | kChunkBits = 7 |
const int | kChunkMask = (1 << kChunkBits) - 1 |
const int | kLastChunkTagBits = 1 |
const int | kLastChunkTagMask = 1 |
const int | kLastChunkTag = 1 |
const int | kDataJumpTag = kPCJumpTag - 1 |
const int | kNonstatementPositionTag = 0 |
const int | kStatementPositionTag = 1 |
const int | kCommentTag = 2 |
static bool | is_initialized = false |
static Object * | tables [NUMBER_OF_ENTRY_KINDS] = { 0, } |
static StaticResource < SafeStringInputBuffer > | safe_string_input_buffer |
static const double | JUNK_STRING_VALUE = OS::nan_value() |
static GCExtension | kGCExtension |
false | |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code | NULL |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension | true |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag | Hello |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag | world |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp | serdes |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal Log all events to the log file Log code events to the log file without profiling Log global handle events Log suspect operations Log regular expression execution v8 | log |
static const int | kR9Available = 1 |
static const int | kNumRegs = 16 |
static const RegList | kJSCallerSaved |
static const int | kNumJSCallerSaved = 4 |
static const RegList | kCalleeSaved |
static const int | kNumCalleeSaved = 7 + kR9Available |
const bool | kDebug = false |
const int | KB = 1024 |
const int | MB = KB * KB |
const int | GB = KB * KB * KB |
const int | kMaxInt = 0x7FFFFFFF |
const int | kMinInt = -kMaxInt - 1 |
const int | kCharSize = sizeof(char) |
const int | kShortSize = sizeof(short) |
const int | kIntSize = sizeof(int) |
const int | kDoubleSize = sizeof(double) |
const int | kPointerSize = sizeof(void*) |
const int | kPointerSizeLog2 = 2 |
const int | kObjectAlignmentBits = 2 |
const int | kObjectAlignmentMask = (1 << kObjectAlignmentBits) - 1 |
const int | kObjectAlignment = 1 << kObjectAlignmentBits |
const int | kHeapObjectTag = 1 |
const int | kHeapObjectTagSize = 2 |
const int | kHeapObjectTagMask = (1 << kHeapObjectTagSize) - 1 |
const int | kSmiTag = 0 |
const int | kSmiTagSize = 1 |
const int | kSmiTagMask = (1 << kSmiTagSize) - 1 |
const int | kFailureTag = 3 |
const int | kFailureTagSize = 2 |
const int | kFailureTagMask = (1 << kFailureTagSize) - 1 |
const int | kBitsPerByte = 8 |
const int | kBitsPerByteLog2 = 3 |
const int | kBitsPerPointer = kPointerSize * kBitsPerByte |
const int | kBitsPerInt = kIntSize * kBitsPerByte |
const Address | kZapValue = reinterpret_cast<Address>(0xdeadbeed) |
const Address | kHandleZapValue = reinterpret_cast<Address>(0xbaddead) |
const Address | kFromSpaceZapValue = reinterpret_cast<Address>(0xbeefdad) |
const int | kSpaceTagSize = 3 |
const int | kSpaceTagMask = (1 << kSpaceTagSize) - 1 |
static const int | kMinimumPromotionLimit = 2*MB |
static const int | kMinimumAllocationLimit = 8*MB |
static Address | promoted_top = NULL |
static bool | heap_configured = false |
static Address | IC_utilities [] |
static Failure * | malloc_failure |
unibrow::Predicate < unibrow::RegExpSpecialChar, 128 > | is_reg_exp_special_char |
Register | cp = { 8 } |
Register | pp = { 10 } |
static MarkingStack | marking_stack |
static const uint32_t | kSingleFreeEncoding = 0 |
static const uint32_t | kMultiFreeEncoding = 1 |
property_accessors | |
Object | |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset | named_property_handler |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset | instance_template |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset | access_check_info |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset | instance_class_name |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset | flag |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset | hidden_prototype |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset kHiddenPrototypeBit | start_position_and_type |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset kHiddenPrototypeBit | is_expression |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset kHiddenPrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit | formal_parameter_count |
const int | kGetterIndex = 0 |
const int | kSetterIndex = 1 |
static StaticResource < StringInputBuffer > | string_input_buffer |
static StringInputBuffer | string_compare_buffer_b |
static StringInputBuffer | string_compare_buffer_a |
const uint32_t | kIsNotStringMask = 0x80 |
const uint32_t | kStringTag = 0x0 |
const uint32_t | kNotStringTag = 0x80 |
const uint32_t | kIsSymbolMask = 0x20 |
const uint32_t | kNotSymbolTag = 0x0 |
const uint32_t | kSymbolTag = 0x20 |
const uint32_t | kStringSizeMask = 0x18 |
const uint32_t | kShortStringTag = 0x18 |
const uint32_t | kMediumStringTag = 0x10 |
const uint32_t | kLongStringTag = 0x00 |
const uint32_t | kStringEncodingMask = 0x4 |
const uint32_t | kTwoByteStringTag = 0x0 |
const uint32_t | kAsciiStringTag = 0x4 |
const uint32_t | kStringRepresentationMask = 0x03 |
const int | kFailureTypeTagSize = 2 |
const int | kFailureTypeTagMask = (1 << kFailureTypeTagSize) - 1 |
static bool | always_allow_natives_syntax = false |
static const pthread_t | kNoThread = (pthread_t) 0 |
static void * | lowest_ever_allocated = reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1) |
static void * | highest_ever_allocated = reinterpret_cast<void*>(0) |
static const int | kMmapFd = -1 |
static const int | kMmapFdOffset = 0 |
static OutputMode | output_mode = UNKNOWN |
static const DWORD | kNoThreadId = 0 |
static const int | kBMMaxShift = 0xff |
static const int | kBMAlphabetSize = 0x100 |
static const int | kBMMinPatternLength = 5 |
static int | bad_char_occurence [kBMAlphabetSize] |
static BMGoodSuffixBuffers | bmgs_buffers |
static unibrow::Mapping < unibrow::ToUppercase, 128 > | to_upper_mapping |
static unibrow::Mapping < unibrow::ToLowercase, 128 > | to_lower_mapping |
static const int | kFrameDetailsFrameIdIndex = 0 |
static const int | kFrameDetailsReceiverIndex = 1 |
static const int | kFrameDetailsFunctionIndex = 2 |
static const int | kFrameDetailsArgumentCountIndex = 3 |
static const int | kFrameDetailsLocalCountIndex = 4 |
static const int | kFrameDetailsSourcePositionIndex = 5 |
static const int | kFrameDetailsConstructCallIndex = 6 |
static const int | kFrameDetailsDebuggerFrameIndex = 7 |
static const int | kFrameDetailsFirstDynamicIndex = 8 |
static Runtime::Function | Runtime_functions [] |
const int | kSpaceShift = kHeapObjectTagSize |
const int | kSpaceBits = kSpaceTagSize |
const int | kSpaceMask = kSpaceTagMask |
const int | kLOSpaceExecutable = LAST_SPACE + 1 |
const int | kLOSpacePointer = LAST_SPACE + 2 |
const int | kOffsetShift = kSpaceShift + kSpaceBits |
const int | kOffsetBits = 11 |
const int | kOffsetMask = (1 << kOffsetBits) - 1 |
const int | kPageBits = 32 - (kOffsetBits + kSpaceBits + kHeapObjectTagSize) |
const int | kPageShift = kOffsetShift + kOffsetBits |
const int | kPageMask = (1 << kPageBits) - 1 |
const int | kPageAndOffsetShift = kOffsetShift |
const int | kPageAndOffsetBits = kPageBits + kOffsetBits |
const int | kPageAndOffsetMask = (1 << kPageAndOffsetBits) - 1 |
static const int | kInitArraySize = 32 |
const int | kTypeCodeCount = STUB_CACHE_TABLE + 1 |
const int | kFirstTypeCode = UNCLASSIFIED |
const int | kReferenceIdBits = 16 |
const int | kReferenceIdMask = (1 << kReferenceIdBits) - 1 |
const int | kReferenceTypeShift = kReferenceIdBits |
const int | kDebugRegisterBits = 4 |
const int | kDebugIdShift = kDebugRegisterBits |
const int | kEstimatedNumberOfChunks = 270 |
static const int | kMentionedObjectCacheMaxSize = 256 |
static List< HeapObject *, PreallocatedStorage > * | debug_object_cache = NULL |
static Object * | current_security_token = NULL |
static uint8_t | Hashtable [N] |
static bool | IsInitialized = false |
NoAllocationStringAllocator * | preallocated_message_space = NULL |
Address | top_addresses [] |
static bool | initialized = false |
static int | stack_trace_nesting_level = 0 |
static StringStream * | incomplete_message = NULL |
static const int | MinWeight = 1 |
static const int | MaxWeight = 1000000 |
static const int | InitialWeight = 100 |
static v8::internal::ContextSwitcher * | switcher |
typedef DWORD64 v8::internal::AddrBase |
platform-win32.cc の 915 行で定義されています。
typedef byte* v8::internal::Address |
typedef IN HANDLE IN PSTR IN PSTR IN DWORD64 v8::internal::BaseOfDll |
platform-win32.cc の 887 行で定義されています。
typedef uint8_t v8::internal::byte |
typedef bool(* v8::internal::ConstraintCallback)(Address new_addr, Address old_addr) |
typedef HANDLE HANDLE LPSTACKFRAME64 PVOID v8::internal::ContextRecord |
platform-win32.cc の 894 行で定義されています。
typedef void(* v8::internal::DeallocateFunction)(Address start, int size_in_bytes) |
mark-compact.h の 39 行で定義されています。
typedef int(* v8::internal::F0)() |
assembler-ia32.cc の 74 行で定義されています。
typedef IN PSTR IN BOOL v8::internal::fInvadeProcess |
platform-win32.cc の 877 行で定義されています。
platform-win32.cc の 894 行で定義されています。
platform-win32.cc の 894 行で定義されています。
typedef int(* v8::internal::HeapObjectCallback)(HeapObject *obj) |
typedef IN HANDLE v8::internal::hFile |
platform-win32.cc の 887 行で定義されています。
typedef HANDLE v8::internal::hProcess |
platform-win32.cc の 894 行で定義されています。
typedef HANDLE HANDLE v8::internal::hThread |
platform-win32.cc の 894 行で定義されています。
typedef IN HANDLE IN PSTR v8::internal::ImageName |
platform-win32.cc の 887 行で定義されています。
typedef void(* v8::internal::InlineCacheCallback)(Code *code, Address ic) |
typedef int32_t v8::internal::Instr |
assembler-arm.h の 369 行で定義されています。
typedef bool(* v8::internal::IsAliveFunction)(HeapObject *obj, int *size, int *offset) |
mark-compact.h の 36 行で定義されています。
typedef Object * v8::internal::JSCallerSavedBuffer |
frames-arm.h の 54 行で定義されています。
typedef IN DWORD64 OUT PDWORD OUT PIMAGEHLP_LINE64 v8::internal::Line64 |
platform-win32.cc の 909 行で定義されています。
typedef LPMODULEENTRY32W v8::internal::lpme |
platform-win32.cc の 925 行で定義されています。
typedef IN HANDLE IN PSTR IN PSTR v8::internal::ModuleName |
platform-win32.cc の 887 行で定義されています。
typedef NativesCollection<CORE> v8::internal::Natives |
typedef bool(* v8::internal::NativeSourceCallback)(Vector< const char > name, Vector< const char > source, int index) |
typedef uint64_t v8::internal::ObjectPair |
runtime.cc の 3377 行で定義されています。
typedef void(* v8::internal::ObjectSlotCallback)(HeapObject **pointer) |
typedef IN DWORD64 OUT PDWORD v8::internal::pdwDisplacement |
platform-win32.cc の 904 行で定義されています。
typedef IN DWORD64 v8::internal::qwAddr |
platform-win32.cc の 904 行で定義されています。
platform-win32.cc の 894 行で定義されています。
typedef uint32_t v8::internal::RegList |
typedef OUT PSTR v8::internal::SearchPath |
platform-win32.cc の 883 行で定義されています。
typedef OUT PSTR IN DWORD v8::internal::SearchPathLength |
platform-win32.cc の 883 行で定義されています。
typedef IN HANDLE IN PSTR IN PSTR IN DWORD64 IN DWORD v8::internal::SizeOfDll |
platform-win32.cc の 887 行で定義されています。
typedef uint32_t v8::internal::SRegisterFieldMask |
assembler-arm.h の 258 行で定義されています。
typedef HANDLE HANDLE LPSTACKFRAME64 v8::internal::StackFrame |
platform-win32.cc の 894 行で定義されています。
typedef IN DWORD64 OUT PDWORD64 OUT PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64 v8::internal::Symbol |
platform-win32.cc の 904 行で定義されています。
typedef DWORD v8::internal::th32ProcessID |
platform-win32.cc の 923 行で定義されています。
platform-win32.cc の 894 行で定義されています。
typedef uint16_t v8::internal::uc16 |
typedef signed int v8::internal::uc32 |
typedef IN PSTR v8::internal::UserSearchPath |
platform-win32.cc の 877 行で定義されています。
typedef bool(* v8::internal::WeakSlotCallback)(Object **pointer) |
anonymous enum |
H | |
S6 | |
L | |
S | |
W | |
A | |
B | |
N | |
U | |
P | |
I | |
B4 | |
B5 | |
B7 | |
B8 | |
B12 | |
B16 | |
B20 | |
B21 | |
B22 | |
B23 | |
B24 | |
B25 | |
B26 | |
B27 | |
RdMask | |
CondMask | |
OpCodeMask | |
Imm24Mask | |
Off12Mask | |
nv |
assembler-arm.cc の 230 行で定義されています。
anonymous enum |
compilation-cache.cc の 33 行で定義されています。
assembler-arm.h の 262 行で定義されています。
assembler-arm.h の 274 行で定義されています。
macro-assembler-arm.h の 57 行で定義されています。
macro-assembler-ia32.h の 42 行で定義されています。
assembler-ia32.h の 109 行で定義されています。
assembler-arm.h の 164 行で定義されています。
contexts.h の 34 行で定義されています。
conversions.h の 77 行で定義されています。
assembler-arm.h の 143 行で定義されています。
macro-assembler-arm.h の 52 行で定義されています。
serialize.cc の 253 行で定義されています。
codegen-ia32.cc の 698 行で定義されています。
macro-assembler-arm.h の 63 行で定義されています。
macro-assembler-ia32.h の 48 行で定義されています。
enum v8::internal::Hint |
assembler-ia32.h の 168 行で定義されています。
codegen-ia32.h の 41 行で定義されています。
codegen-arm.h の 52 行で定義されています。
execution.h の 35 行で定義されています。
macro-assembler-arm.h の 42 行で定義されています。
macro-assembler-ia32.h の 37 行で定義されています。
macro-assembler-arm.h の 47 行で定義されています。
enum v8::internal::LFlag |
assembler-arm.h の 288 行で定義されています。
platform-win32.cc の 574 行で定義されています。
codegen-ia32.h の 39 行で定義されています。
codegen-arm.h の 39 行で定義されています。
enum v8::internal::SBit |
assembler-arm.h の 232 行で定義されています。
assembler-ia32.h の 202 行で定義されています。
enum const AccessorDescriptor v8::internal::Accessors::ScriptType |
assembler-arm.h の 222 行で定義されています。
assembler-arm.h の 239 行で定義されています。
assembler-arm.h の 246 行で定義されています。
serialize.h の 37 行で定義されています。
codegen-ia32.h の 42 行で定義されています。
codegen-arm.h の 53 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::__builtin_arg__ | ( | int | n, | |
int | argc, | |||
Object ** | argv | |||
) | [inline, static] |
builtins.cc の 73 行で定義されています。
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset v8::internal::ACCESSORS | ( | ObjectTemplateInfo | , | |
internal_field_count | , | |||
Object | , | |||
kInternalFieldCountOffset | ||||
) |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset v8::internal::ACCESSORS | ( | SharedFunctionInfo | , | |
function_data | , | |||
Object | , | |||
kExternalReferenceDataOffset | ||||
) |
v8::internal::ACCESSORS | ( | JSFunction | , | |
prototype_or_initial_map | , | |||
Object | , | |||
kPrototypeOrInitialMapOffset | ||||
) |
objects-inl.h の 1995 行で定義されています。
v8::internal::ACCESSORS | ( | Map | , | |
instance_descriptors | , | |||
DescriptorArray | , | |||
kInstanceDescriptorsOffset | ||||
) |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset v8::internal::ACCESSORS | ( | FunctionTemplateInfo | , | |
prototype_template | , | |||
Object | , | |||
kPrototypeTemplateOffset | ||||
) |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset v8::internal::ACCESSORS | ( | FunctionTemplateInfo | , | |
indexed_property_handler | , | |||
Object | , | |||
kIndexedPropertyHandlerOffset | ||||
) |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset v8::internal::ACCESSORS | ( | FunctionTemplateInfo | , | |
instance_call_handler | , | |||
Object | , | |||
kInstanceCallHandlerOffset | ||||
) |
Handle<FixedArray> v8::internal::AddKeysFromJSArray | ( | Handle< FixedArray > | content, | |
Handle< JSArray > | array | |||
) |
handles.cc の 43 行で定義されています。
static T v8::internal::AddressFrom | ( | int | x | ) | [inline, static] |
static Handle<CompilationCacheTable> v8::internal::AllocateTable | ( | int | size | ) | [static] |
compilation-cache.cc の 42 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::HashTable< 0, 2 >::Allocate(), と CALL_HEAP_FUNCTION.
参照元 GetTable().
bool v8::internal::AnalyzeVariableUsage | ( | FunctionLiteral * | lit | ) |
参照元 MakeCode().
static bool v8::internal::AnWord | ( | String * | str | ) | [static] |
objects.cc の 477 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::String::Get(), と v8::internal::String::length().
static int v8::internal::ArchiveSpacePerThread | ( | ) | [static] |
v8threads.cc の 148 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Debug::ArchiveSpacePerThread(), v8::internal::Top::ArchiveSpacePerThread(), と v8::internal::HandleScopeImplementer::ArchiveSpacePerThread().
参照元 v8::internal::ThreadState::AllocateSpace(), v8::internal::ThreadManager::MarkCompactEpilogue(), と v8::internal::ThreadManager::MarkCompactPrologue().
static int v8::internal::ArithmeticShiftRight | ( | int | x, | |
int | s | |||
) | [inline, static] |
static Object* v8::internal::ArrayLengthRangeError | ( | ) | [static] |
objects.cc の 4592 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Factory::NewRangeError(), NULL, と v8::internal::Top::Throw().
Dest v8::internal::bit_cast | ( | const Source & | source | ) | [inline] |
typedef v8::internal::BOOL | ( | __stdcall * | DLL_FUNC_TYPESymInitialize | ) |
参照元 LoadSymbols().
typedef v8::internal::BOOL | ( | __stdcall * | DLL_FUNC_TYPEStackWalk64 | ) |
typedef v8::internal::BOOL | ( | __stdcall * | DLL_FUNC_TYPESymGetSymFromAddr64 | ) |
typedef v8::internal::BOOL | ( | __stdcall * | DLL_FUNC_TYPESymGetLineFromAddr64 | ) |
typedef v8::internal::BOOL | ( | __stdcall * | DLL_FUNC_TYPESymGetSearchPath | ) |
typedef v8::internal::BOOL | ( | __stdcall * | DLL_FUNC_TYPEModule32NextW | ) |
typedef v8::internal::BOOL | ( | __stdcall * | DLL_FUNC_TYPEModule32FirstW | ) |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset kHiddenPrototypeBit v8::internal::BOOL_ACCESSORS | ( | FunctionTemplateInfo | , | |
flag | , | |||
needs_access_check | , | |||
kNeedsAccessCheckBit | ||||
) |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset kHiddenPrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit v8::internal::BOOL_ACCESSORS | ( | SharedFunctionInfo | , | |
start_position_and_type | , | |||
is_toplevel | , | |||
kIsTopLevelBit | ||||
) |
static int v8::internal::BoyerMooreIndexOf | ( | Vector< const schar > | subject, | |
Vector< const pchar > | pattern, | |||
int | idx | |||
) | [static] |
static void v8::internal::BoyerMoorePopulateBadCharTable | ( | Vector< const pchar > | pattern, | |
int | start | |||
) | [static] |
static void v8::internal::BoyerMoorePopulateGoodSuffixTable | ( | Vector< const pchar > | pattern, | |
int | start | |||
) | [static] |
static int v8::internal::BoyerMooreSimplified | ( | Vector< const schar > | subject, | |
Vector< const pchar > | pattern, | |||
int | start_index, | |||
bool * | complete | |||
) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 1121 行で定義されています。
参照先 BoyerMoorePopulateBadCharTable(), kBMMaxShift, と v8::internal::Vector< T >::length().
BUILTIN_END v8::internal::BUILTIN | ( | HandleApiCallAsFunction | ) |
builtins.cc の 399 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CalledAsConstructor(), v8::internal::CallHandlerInfo::cast(), v8::internal::FunctionTemplateInfo::cast(), v8::internal::JSFunction::cast(), v8::internal::JSObject::cast(), v8::internal::Map::has_instance_call_handler(), v8::Handle< T >::IsEmpty(), v8::Value::IsUndefined(), LOG, v8::internal::HeapObject::map(), v8::ImplementationUtilities::NewArguments(), RETURN_IF_SCHEDULED_EXCEPTION, と v8::Utils::ToLocal().
v8::internal::BUILTIN | ( | HandleApiCall | ) |
builtins.cc の 318 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Builtins::builtin_passed_function, CalledAsConstructor(), v8::internal::JSObject::cast(), v8::internal::CallHandlerInfo::cast(), v8::internal::FunctionTemplateInfo::cast(), v8::internal::JSFunction::cast(), v8::internal::Factory::ConfigureInstance(), v8::internal::Failure::Exception(), HandleVector(), v8::internal::Top::has_pending_exception(), v8::Handle< T >::IsEmpty(), v8::Value::IsUndefined(), LOG, v8::ImplementationUtilities::NewArguments(), v8::internal::Factory::NewTypeError(), RETURN_IF_SCHEDULED_EXCEPTION, v8::internal::Top::Throw(), v8::Utils::ToLocal(), と TypeCheck().
BUILTIN_END v8::internal::BUILTIN | ( | ArrayCode | ) |
builtins.cc の 137 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateFixedArrayWithHoles(), v8::internal::Heap::AllocateJSObject(), BUILTIN_ARG, CalledAsConstructor(), v8::internal::FixedArray::cast(), v8::internal::Smi::cast(), v8::internal::JSArray::cast(), v8::internal::Top::context(), v8::internal::Smi::FromInt(), v8::internal::HeapObject::GetWriteBarrierMode(), v8::internal::Context::global_context(), v8::internal::JSArray::Initialize(), v8::internal::JSObject::kMaxFastElementsLength, v8::internal::FixedArray::set(), v8::internal::JSArray::SetContent(), v8::internal::JSObject::SetElementsLength(), SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER, と v8::internal::Smi::value().
BUILTIN_END v8::internal::BUILTIN | ( | ArrayPush | ) |
builtins.cc の 195 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateFixedArrayWithHoles(), ASSERT, BUILTIN_ARG, v8::internal::FixedArray::cast(), v8::internal::Smi::cast(), v8::internal::JSArray::cast(), v8::internal::Smi::FromInt(), v8::internal::FixedArray::get(), v8::internal::HeapObject::GetWriteBarrierMode(), v8::internal::JSObject::HasFastElements(), v8::internal::FixedArray::set(), と SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER.
BUILTIN_END v8::internal::BUILTIN | ( | ArrayPop | ) |
builtins.cc の 234 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::JSObject::cast(), v8::internal::FixedArray::cast(), v8::internal::Smi::cast(), v8::internal::JSArray::cast(), v8::internal::Top::context(), v8::internal::Smi::FromInt(), v8::internal::FixedArray::get(), v8::internal::Context::global_context(), v8::internal::JSObject::HasFastElements(), v8::internal::JSFunction::prototype(), v8::internal::FixedArray::set_the_hole(), と SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER.
v8::internal::BUILTIN | ( | Illegal | ) |
builtins.cc の 126 行で定義されています。
BUILTIN_END v8::internal::BUILTIN | ( | EmptyFunction | ) |
builtins.cc の 132 行で定義されています。
static bool v8::internal::CalledAsConstructor | ( | ) | [inline, static] |
Object * v8::internal::CallIC_Miss | ( | Arguments | args | ) |
参照先 ASSERT, と v8::internal::IC::StateFrom().
Object* v8::internal::CallInterceptorProperty | ( | Arguments | args | ) |
double v8::internal::ceiling | ( | double | x | ) |
platform-macos.cc の 64 行で定義されています。
参照元 Runtime_Math_ceil().
static Object* v8::internal::CharCodeAt | ( | String * | subject, | |
Object * | index | |||
) | [static] |
static int v8::internal::CharOccurence | ( | int | char_code | ) | [inline, static] |
runtime.cc の 1103 行で定義されています。
参照先 bad_char_occurence, kBMAlphabetSize, と v8::internal::String::kMaxAsciiCharCode.
static void v8::internal::ClearWrapperCache | ( | Persistent< v8::Value > | handle, | |
void * | ||||
) | [static] |
generate extra v8::internal::code | ( | comments | , | |
assertions | ||||
) |
参照元 v8::internal::CallIC::Clear(), compileBracket(), compileBranch(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallConstant(), v8::internal::Compiler::CompileLazy(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeCallConstant(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeCallField(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeCallInterceptor(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeCallNormal(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeKeyedLoadArrayLength(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeKeyedLoadCallback(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeKeyedLoadConstant(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeKeyedLoadField(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeKeyedLoadFunctionPrototype(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeKeyedLoadInterceptor(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeKeyedLoadStringLength(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeKeyedStoreField(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeLazyCompile(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeLoadCallback(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeLoadConstant(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeLoadField(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeLoadInterceptor(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeLoadNormal(), v8::internal::IC::ComputeMode(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeStoreCallback(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeStoreField(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeStoreInterceptor(), v8::internal::Factory::CreateApiFunction(), v8::internal::Heap::CreateCode(), v8::internal::Debug::FindDebugBreak(), v8::internal::Map::FindInCodeCache(), v8::internal::Builtins::GetCode(), v8::internal::Deserializer::GetObject(), v8::internal::IC::GetTargetAtAddress(), INT_ACCESSORS(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokeBuiltin(), v8::internal::SharedFunctionInfo::is_compiled(), v8::internal::Debug::IsDebugBreak(), v8::internal::RegExpImpl::JsreCompile(), v8::internal::RegExpImpl::JsreExecOnce(), jsRegExpCompile(), v8::internal::KeyedLoadIC::Load(), v8::internal::Context::Lookup(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::MakeCode(), MakeFunction(), v8::internal::Factory::NewDebugInfo(), v8::internal::IC::OriginalCodeAddress(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseNativeDeclaration(), v8::internal::Debug::PrepareStep(), v8::internal::CpuFeatures::Probe(), v8::internal::PendingFixups::Process(), v8::internal::Serializer::PutObject(), Runtime_DebugEvaluate(), Runtime_GetFrameDetails(), Runtime_SetCode(), v8::internal::Debug::SetAfterBreakTarget(), v8::internal::KeyedStoreIC::UpdateCaches(), v8::internal::StoreIC::UpdateCaches(), v8::internal::KeyedLoadIC::UpdateCaches(), v8::internal::LoadIC::UpdateCaches(), v8::internal::CallIC::UpdateCaches(), v8::internal::MarkingVisitor::VisitCodeTarget(), v8::internal::MarkingVisitor::VisitDebugTarget(), v8::internal::Deserializer::VisitExternalReferences(), と v8::internal::ReferenceUpdater::VisitExternalReferences().
static int v8::internal::CompareLocal | ( | Variable *const * | v, | |
Variable *const * | w | |||
) | [static] |
scopeinfo.cc の 38 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Slot::index(), と NULL.
static bool v8::internal::CompareRawStringContents | ( | Vector< Char > | a, | |
Vector< Char > | b | |||
) | [inline, static] |
objects.cc の 3731 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT_EQ, v8::internal::Vector< T >::length(), と v8::internal::Vector< T >::start().
static bool v8::internal::CompareStringContents | ( | IteratorA * | ia, | |
IteratorB * | ib | |||
) | [inline, static] |
objects.cc の 3715 行で定義されています。
参照元 CompareStringContentsPartial(), と v8::internal::String::SlowEquals().
static bool v8::internal::CompareStringContentsPartial | ( | IteratorA * | ia, | |
String * | b | |||
) | [inline, static] |
objects.cc の 3773 行で定義されています。
参照先 CompareStringContents(), ib, v8::internal::String::IsAsciiRepresentation(), v8::internal::String::IsFlat(), unibrow::InputBuffer< Reader, Input, kSize >::Reset(), string_compare_buffer_b, v8::internal::String::ToAsciiVector(), と v8::internal::String::ToUC16Vector().
bool v8::internal::CompileLazy | ( | Handle< JSFunction > | function, | |
ClearExceptionFlag | flag | |||
) |
bool v8::internal::CompileLazyShared | ( | Handle< SharedFunctionInfo > | shared, | |
ClearExceptionFlag | flag | |||
) |
void v8::internal::CompileWithRetryAfterGC | ( | Handle< String > | pattern, | |
JSRegExp::Flags | flags, | |||
unsigned * | number_of_captures, | |||
const char ** | error_message, | |||
JscreRegExp ** | code | |||
) |
jsregexp.cc の 341 行で定義されています。
codegen.cc の 184 行で定義されています。
static JSObject* v8::internal::ComputeReceiverForNonGlobal | ( | JSObject * | holder | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3391 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Top::context(), と v8::internal::HeapObject::map().
void v8::internal::ConcatReversed | ( | List< T > * | target, | |
const List< T > & | source | |||
) |
serialize.cc の 1463 行で定義されています。
static bool v8::internal::ContainsLabel | ( | ZoneStringList * | labels, | |
Handle< String > | label | |||
) | [static] |
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::List< T, P >::at(), v8::internal::Handle< T >::is_null(), と NULL.
参照元 v8::internal::Parser::LookupBreakTarget(), v8::internal::Parser::LookupContinueTarget(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseBreakStatement(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseExpressionOrLabelledStatement(), と v8::internal::Parser::TargetStackContainsLabel().
static Object** v8::internal::ContextEntriesAddr | ( | Code * | code | ) | [static] |
scopeinfo.cc の 344 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Code::sinfo_size(), と v8::internal::Code::sinfo_start().
static Object* v8::internal::ConvertCase | ( | Arguments | args, | |
unibrow::Mapping< Converter, 128 > * | mapping | |||
) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2345 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateRawAsciiString(), v8::internal::Heap::AllocateRawTwoByteString(), ASSERT, v8::internal::String::cast(), CONVERT_CHECKED, unibrow::Mapping< T, size >::get(), unibrow::kMaxCaseConvertedSize, v8::internal::String::Set(), と string_input_buffer.
static void v8::internal::CopyChars | ( | sinkchar * | dest, | |
const sourcechar * | src, | |||
int | chars | |||
) | [inline, static] |
static Handle<Context> v8::internal::CopyWithContextChain | ( | Handle< Context > | context_chain, | |
Handle< Context > | function_context | |||
) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 5130 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::JSObject::cast(), と v8::internal::Factory::NewWithContext().
static int v8::internal::CountMarkedCallback | ( | HeapObject * | obj | ) | [static] |
static char* v8::internal::CreateExponentialRepresentation | ( | char * | decimal_rep, | |
int | exponent, | |||
bool | negative, | |||
int | significant_digits | |||
) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::CreateJSValue | ( | JSFunction * | constructor, | |
Object * | value | |||
) | [static] |
objects.cc の 70 行で定義されています。
Vector<const char> v8::internal::CStrVector | ( | const char * | data | ) | [inline] |
参照元 v8::internal::AstBuildingParser::Declare(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), v8::internal::RegExpImpl::JsreCompile(), v8::internal::ParserRecorder::LogMessage(), v8::internal::Heap::LookupAsciiSymbol(), v8::internal::Factory::LookupAsciiSymbol(), v8::internal::Debugger::MakeBreakEvent(), v8::internal::Debugger::MakeCompileEvent(), v8::internal::Debugger::MakeExceptionEvent(), v8::internal::Debugger::MakeExecutionState(), v8::internal::Debugger::MakeNewFunctionEvent(), v8::Object::ObjectProtoToString(), v8::internal::AstBuildingParser::ReportMessageAt(), Runtime_CreateObjectLiteralBoilerplate(), Runtime_DateLocalTimezone(), Runtime_NumberToExponential(), Runtime_NumberToFixed(), Runtime_NumberToPrecision(), Runtime_NumberToRadixString(), Runtime_NumberToString(), と ThrowRedeclarationError().
static Object* v8::internal::DebugBreakHelper | ( | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3582 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::JSFunction::cast(), v8::internal::JSFunction::context(), DEBUGBREAK, v8::internal::Debug::disable_break(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::function(), v8::internal::Context::global(), v8::internal::Debug::IsDebugGlobal(), と v8::internal::Debugger::OnDebugBreak().
static int v8::internal::DebugConstructedBy | ( | JSFunction * | constructor, | |
int | max_references, | |||
FixedArray * | instances, | |||
int | instances_size | |||
) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 5564 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::JSObject::cast(), v8::internal::HeapObject::map(), NULL, と v8::internal::FixedArray::set().
static int v8::internal::DebugGetLoadedScripts | ( | FixedArray * | instances, | |
int | instances_size | |||
) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::DebugLookupResultValue | ( | LookupResult * | result | ) | [static] |
static int v8::internal::DebugReferencedBy | ( | JSObject * | target, | |
Object * | instance_filter, | |||
int | max_references, | |||
FixedArray * | instances, | |||
int | instances_size, | |||
JSFunction * | context_extension_function, | |||
JSFunction * | arguments_function | |||
) | [static] |
byte * v8::internal::DecodeInt | ( | byte * | p, | |
int * | x | |||
) |
byte* v8::internal::DecodeUnsignedIntBackward | ( | byte * | p, | |
unsigned int * | x | |||
) | [inline] |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | trace_exception | , | |
false | , | |||
"print stack trace when throwing exceptions" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | allow_natives_syntax | , | |
false | , | |||
"allow natives syntax" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | trace_sim | , | |
false | , | |||
"trace simulator execution" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | usage_computation | , | |
true | , | |||
"compute variable usage counts" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | testing_bool_flag | , | |
true | , | |||
"testing_bool_flag" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | dump_counters | , | |
false | , | |||
"Dump counters on exit" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | print_code_stubs | , | |
false | , | |||
"print code stubs" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | print_builtin_code | , | |
false | , | |||
"print generated code for builtins" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | print_builtin_source | , | |
false | , | |||
"pretty print source code for builtins" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | print_builtin_ast | , | |
false | , | |||
"print source AST for builtins" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | trace_builtin_calls | , | |
false | , | |||
"trace builtins calls" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | print_builtin_scopes | , | |
false | , | |||
"print scopes for builtins" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | trace_contexts | , | |
false | , | |||
"trace contexts operations" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | gc_verbose | , | |
false | , | |||
"print stuff during garbage collection" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | print_rset | , | |
false | , | |||
"print remembered sets before GC" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | print_handles | , | |
false | , | |||
"report handles after GC" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | trace_normalization | , | |
false | , | |||
"prints when objects are turned into dictionaries." | ||||
) | [inline] |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | debug_serialization | , | |
false | , | |||
"write debug information into the snapshot." | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal Log all events to the log file v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | log_api | , | |
false | , | |||
"Log API events to the log file." | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | code_stats | , | |
false | , | |||
"report code statistics after GC" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal Log all events to the log file Log code events to the log file without profiling Log global handle events v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | log_state_changes | , | |
false | , | |||
"Log state changes." | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal Log all events to the log file Log code events to the log file without profiling Log global handle events Log suspect operations v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | prof | , | |
false | , | |||
"Log statistical profiling information (implies --log-code)." | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal Log all events to the log file Log code events to the log file without profiling Log global handle events Log suspect operations Log regular expression execution v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | sliding_state_window | , | |
false | , | |||
"Update sliding state window counters." | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal Log all events to the log file Log code events to the log file without profiling v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | log_gc | , | |
false | , | |||
"Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool." | ||||
) |
v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | debug_code | , | |
false | , | |||
"generate extra code (comments, assertions) for debugging" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | push_pop_elimination | , | |
true | , | |||
"eliminate redundant push/pops in assembly code" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | inline_new | , | |
true | , | |||
"use fast inline allocation" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | trace | , | |
false | , | |||
"trace function calls" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | check_stack | , | |
true | , | |||
"check stack for | overflow, | |||
interrupt | , | |||
breakpoint" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | debug_info | , | |
true | , | |||
"add debug information to compiled functions" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | trace_debug_json | , | |
false | , | |||
"trace debugging JSON request/response" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | gc_global | , | |
false | , | |||
"always perform global GCs" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | trace_gc | , | |
false | , | |||
"print one trace line following each garbage collection" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | use_ic | , | |
true | , | |||
"use inline caching" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | always_compact | , | |
false | , | |||
"Perform compaction on every full GC" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | cleanup_ics_at_gc | , | |
true | , | |||
"Flush inline caches prior to mark compact collection." | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle v8::internal::DEFINE_bool | ( | canonicalize_object_literal_maps | , | |
true | , | |||
"Canonicalize maps for object literals." | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag v8::internal::DEFINE_float | ( | testing_float_flag | , | |
2. | 5, | |||
"float-flag" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag v8::internal::DEFINE_int | ( | testing_prng_seed | , | |
42 | , | |||
"Seed used for threading test randomness" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking v8::internal::DEFINE_int | ( | min_preparse_length | , | |
1024 | , | |||
"Minimum length for automatic enable preparsing" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects v8::internal::DEFINE_int | ( | max_stack_trace_source_length | , | |
300 | , | |||
"maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace." | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object v8::internal::DEFINE_string | ( | natives_file | , | |
NULL | , | |||
"alternative natives file" | ||||
) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code v8::internal::DEFINE_string | ( | expose_natives_as | , | |
NULL | , | |||
"expose natives in global object" | ||||
) |
static void v8::internal::DeleteArray | ( | T * | array | ) | [static] |
allocation.h の 117 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::UTF8Buffer::AddChar(), v8::internal::Logger::DebugEvent(), v8::internal::HandleScopeImplementer::DeleteExtensions(), v8::internal::Vector< uint16_t >::Dispose(), v8::internal::Deserializer::GetFlags(), v8::internal::Deserializer::GetLog(), v8::internal::HeapStringAllocator::grow(), v8::internal::Assembler::GrowBuffer(), v8::internal::Snapshot::Initialize(), v8::internal::UTF8Buffer::Initialize(), main(), v8::Object::ObjectProtoToString(), PrintLn(), v8::internal::Serializer::PutFlags(), ReadCharsFromFile(), ReleaseCString(), v8::internal::SnapshotWriter::Reserve(), Runtime_NumberToExponential(), Runtime_NumberToFixed(), Runtime_NumberToPrecision(), Runtime_NumberToRadixString(), v8::internal::OS::StackWalk(), v8::internal::NewSpace::TearDown(), v8::internal::Snapshot::WriteToFile(), v8::String::AsciiValue::~AsciiValue(), v8::internal::Assembler::~Assembler(), v8::internal::ExternalReferenceDecoder::~ExternalReferenceDecoder(), v8::internal::HeapStringAllocator::~HeapStringAllocator(), v8::internal::OffsetsVector::~OffsetsVector(), v8::internal::ParserMessage::~ParserMessage(), v8::internal::SmartPointer< T >::~SmartPointer(), v8::internal::SnapshotWriter::~SnapshotWriter(), v8::internal::UTF8Buffer::~UTF8Buffer(), v8::String::Utf8Value::~Utf8Value(), と v8::String::Value::~Value().
参照元 v8::Object::Delete().
参照元 v8::Object::Delete().
static Object* v8::internal::DoCompile | ( | String * | pattern, | |
JSRegExp::Flags | flags, | |||
unsigned * | number_of_captures, | |||
const char ** | error_message, | |||
JscreRegExp ** | code | |||
) | [inline, static] |
jsregexp.cc の 308 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Failure::Exception(), v8::internal::String::GetTwoByteData(), v8::internal::JSRegExp::Flags::is_ignore_case(), v8::internal::JSRegExp::Flags::is_multiline(), jsRegExpCompile(), JSRegExpIgnoreCase, JSRegExpMultiline, v8::internal::String::length(), malloc_failure, と NULL.
static Object* v8::internal::DoCopyInsert | ( | DescriptorArray * | array, | |
String * | key, | |||
Object * | value, | |||
PropertyAttributes | attributes | |||
) | [inline, static] |
factory.cc の 467 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::DescriptorArray::CopyInsert(), と REMOVE_TRANSITIONS.
static int v8::internal::double_get_hash | ( | double | d | ) | [inline, static] |
const char * v8::internal::DoubleToCString | ( | double | v, | |
Vector< char > | buffer | |||
) |
char * v8::internal::DoubleToExponentialCString | ( | double | value, | |
int | f | |||
) |
char * v8::internal::DoubleToFixedCString | ( | double | value, | |
int | f | |||
) |
static int32_t v8::internal::DoubleToInt32 | ( | double | x | ) | [inline] |
static double v8::internal::DoubleToInteger | ( | double | x | ) | [inline, static] |
char * v8::internal::DoubleToPrecisionCString | ( | double | value, | |
int | p | |||
) |
char * v8::internal::DoubleToRadixCString | ( | double | value, | |
int | radix | |||
) |
static uint32_t v8::internal::DoubleToUint32 | ( | double | x | ) | [inline, static] |
conversions.h の 65 行で定義されています。
参照先 DoubleToInt32().
char* v8::internal::dtoa | ( | double | d, | |
int | mode, | |||
int | ndigits, | |||
int * | decpt, | |||
int * | sign, | |||
char ** | rve | |||
) |
参照先 Balloc(), Bcopy, Bfree(), Bias, bigtens, Bletch, Bndry_mask, cmp(), d2b(), diff(), dval, Exp_1, Exp_mask, Exp_msk1, Exp_shift1, Flt_Rounds, Frac_mask, freedtoa(), hi0bits(), i2b(), Int_max, Bigint::k, Log2P, Long, lshift(), mult(), multadd(), n_bigtens, nrv_alloc(), P, pow5mult(), Quick_max, quorem(), Rounding, rv_alloc(), Bigint::sign, Sign_bit, Ten_pmax, tens, Bigint::wds, word0, word1, と Bigint::x.
typedef v8::internal::DWORD | ( | __stdcall * | DLL_FUNC_TYPESymSetOptions | ) |
typedef v8::internal::DWORD | ( | __stdcall * | DLL_FUNC_TYPESymGetOptions | ) |
typedef v8::internal::DWORD64 | ( | __stdcall * | DLL_FUNC_TYPESymLoadModule64 | ) |
参照元 LoadSymbols().
typedef v8::internal::DWORD64 | ( | __stdcall * | DLL_FUNC_TYPESymGetModuleBase64 | ) |
static uint32_t v8::internal::EncodeExternal | ( | TypeCode | type, | |
uint16_t | id | |||
) | [static] |
serialize.cc の 384 行で定義されています。
void v8::internal::EncodeForwardingAddressesInRange | ( | Address | start, | |
Address | end, | |||
int * | offset | |||
) | [inline] |
mark-compact.cc の 1057 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::HeapObject::address(), ASSERT, v8::internal::HeapObject::cast(), EncodeFreeRegion(), v8::internal::HeapObject::FromAddress(), v8::internal::HeapObject::IsMarked(), NULL, PrintF(), と v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::tracer().
参照元 v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::EncodeForwardingAddressesInNewSpace(), と v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::EncodeForwardingAddressesInPagedSpace().
void v8::internal::EncodeForwardingAddressInNewSpace | ( | HeapObject * | old_object, | |
int | object_size, | |||
Object * | new_object, | |||
int * | ignored | |||
) | [inline] |
void v8::internal::EncodeForwardingAddressInPagedSpace | ( | HeapObject * | old_object, | |
int | object_size, | |||
Object * | new_object, | |||
int * | offset | |||
) | [inline] |
void v8::internal::EncodeFreeRegion | ( | Address | free_start, | |
int | free_size | |||
) |
byte * v8::internal::EncodeInt | ( | byte * | p, | |
int | x | |||
) |
byte * v8::internal::EncodeUnsignedIntBackward | ( | byte * | p, | |
unsigned int | x | |||
) |
static bool v8::internal::EqualNames | ( | const char * | a, | |
const char * | b | |||
) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::EvalContext | ( | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3851 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Context::cast(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::context(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::FindCode(), v8::internal::Top::global_context(), v8::internal::Context::MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS, v8::internal::Factory::NewFunction(), と v8::internal::Factory::NewFunctionContext().
static int v8::internal::ExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate | ( | int | estimate | ) | [static] |
handles.cc の 79 行で定義されています。
static SourceCodeCache v8::internal::extensions_cache | ( | SCRIPT_TYPE_EXTENSION | ) | [static] |
static int v8::internal::FastD2I | ( | double | x | ) | [inline, static] |
static double v8::internal::FastI2D | ( | int | x | ) | [inline, static] |
static double v8::internal::FastUI2D | ( | unsigned | x | ) | [inline, static] |
conversions.h の 48 行で定義されています。
static MemOperand v8::internal::FieldMemOperand | ( | Register | object, | |
int | offset | |||
) | [inline, static] |
macro-assembler-arm.h の 279 行で定義されています。
参照先 kHeapObjectTag.
参照元 v8::internal::MacroAssembler::CheckAccessGlobalProxy(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::CheckMaps(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallConstant(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallField(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreCallback(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreField(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreInterceptor(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::EnterJSFrame(), v8::internal::CallIC::Generate(), v8::internal::CallFunctionStub::Generate(), v8::internal::SetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateArrayLength(), GenerateDictionaryLoad(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateIsArray(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateNormal(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateNormal(), v8::internal::StubCache::GenerateProbe(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateSetValueOf(), GenerateStringCheck(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateStringLength(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateValueOf(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokeFunction(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::LoadGlobalReceiver(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::ResolveBuiltin(), と v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SlotOperand().
static Operand v8::internal::FieldOperand | ( | Register | object, | |
int | offset | |||
) | [inline, static] |
macro-assembler-ia32.h の 312 行で定義されています。
参照先 kHeapObjectTag.
参照元 v8::internal::FloatingPointHelper::CheckFloatOperands(), v8::internal::InstanceofStub::Generate(), v8::internal::CompareStub::Generate(), v8::internal::ToBooleanStub::Generate(), GenerateDictionaryLoad(), GenerateNormalHelper(), GenerateStringCheck(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokeBuiltin(), v8::internal::FloatingPointHelper::LoadFloatOperands(), ProbeTable(), と v8::internal::MacroAssembler::TryGetFunctionPrototype().
static Operand v8::internal::FieldOperand | ( | Register | object, | |
Register | index, | |||
ScaleFactor | scale, | |||
int | offset | |||
) | [inline, static] |
macro-assembler-ia32.h の 318 行で定義されています。
参照先 kHeapObjectTag.
static Object* v8::internal::FillCache | ( | Object * | code | ) | [static] |
stub-cache.cc の 509 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Code::cast(), CHECK, と GetProbeValue().
参照元 v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeCallDebugBreak(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeCallDebugPrepareStepIn(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeCallInitialize(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeCallMegamorphic(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeCallMiss(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeCallNormal(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeCallPreMonomorphic(), と v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeLazyCompile().
static Flag* v8::internal::FindFlag | ( | const char * | name | ) | [static] |
参照先 EqualNames(), と NULL.
static C* v8::internal::FindInPrototypeChain | ( | Object * | obj, | |
bool * | found_it | |||
) | [static] |
accessors.cc の 40 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, C, v8::Object::GetPrototype(), と NULL.
static Object* v8::internal::FindSharedFunctionInfoInScript | ( | Handle< Script > | script, | |
int | position | |||
) | [static] |
static bool v8::internal::fits_shifter | ( | uint32_t | imm32, | |
uint32_t * | rotate_imm, | |||
uint32_t * | immed_8, | |||
Instr * | instr | |||
) | [static] |
assembler-arm.cc の 513 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::addrmod1(), と v8::internal::Assembler::msr().
void v8::internal::FlattenString | ( | Handle< String > | string | ) |
void v8::internal::Flush | ( | ) |
参照元 Runtime_DebugPrint().
void v8::internal::freedtoa | ( | char * | s | ) |
F v8::internal::FUNCTION_CAST | ( | Address | addr | ) |
double v8::internal::gay_strtod | ( | const char * | s00, | |
const char ** | se | |||
) |
static void v8::internal::Generate_KeyedLoadIC_Generic | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm | ) | [static] |
builtins.cc の 513 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::Generate_KeyedLoadIC_Initialize | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm | ) | [static] |
builtins.cc の 503 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::Generate_KeyedLoadIC_Miss | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm | ) | [static] |
builtins.cc の 508 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::Generate_KeyedLoadIC_PreMonomorphic | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm | ) | [static] |
builtins.cc の 518 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::Generate_KeyedStoreIC_ExtendStorage | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm | ) | [static] |
builtins.cc の 547 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::Generate_KeyedStoreIC_Generic | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm | ) | [static] |
builtins.cc の 542 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::Generate_KeyedStoreIC_Initialize | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm | ) | [static] |
builtins.cc の 557 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::Generate_KeyedStoreIC_Miss | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm | ) | [static] |
builtins.cc の 552 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::Generate_LoadIC_ArrayLength | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm | ) | [static] |
builtins.cc の 463 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::Generate_LoadIC_FunctionPrototype | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm | ) | [static] |
builtins.cc の 473 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::Generate_LoadIC_Initialize | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm | ) | [static] |
builtins.cc の 478 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::Generate_LoadIC_Megamorphic | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm | ) | [static] |
builtins.cc の 493 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::Generate_LoadIC_Miss | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm | ) | [static] |
builtins.cc の 488 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::Generate_LoadIC_Normal | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm | ) | [static] |
builtins.cc の 498 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::Generate_LoadIC_PreMonomorphic | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm | ) | [static] |
builtins.cc の 483 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::Generate_LoadIC_StringLength | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm | ) | [static] |
builtins.cc の 468 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::Generate_StoreIC_ExtendStorage | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm | ) | [static] |
builtins.cc の 533 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::Generate_StoreIC_Initialize | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm | ) | [static] |
builtins.cc の 523 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::Generate_StoreIC_Megamorphic | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm | ) | [static] |
builtins.cc の 537 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::Generate_StoreIC_Miss | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm | ) | [static] |
builtins.cc の 528 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::GenerateDictionaryLoad | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm, | |
Label * | miss, | |||
Register | t0, | |||
Register | t1 | |||
) | [static] |
参照先 __, ASR, ASSERT, cmp(), eq, FieldMemOperand(), ip, v8::internal::HashTable< 2, 3 >::kCapacityIndex, v8::internal::HashTable< 2, 3 >::kElementSize, v8::internal::HashTable< 2, 3 >::kElementsStartIndex, v8::internal::String::kHashShift, v8::internal::Map::kHasNamedInterceptor, v8::internal::Array::kHeaderSize, v8::internal::Map::kInstanceAttributesOffset, v8::internal::String::kLengthOffset, v8::internal::HeapObject::kMapOffset, kPointerSize, v8::internal::JSObject::kPropertiesOffset, kSmiTagSize, LSL, LSR, ne, r2, と r3.
参照元 v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateNormal(), と GenerateNormalHelper().
static void v8::internal::GenerateDictionaryLoad | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm, | |
Label * | miss_label, | |||
Register | r0, | |||
Register | r1, | |||
Register | r2, | |||
Register | name | |||
) | [static] |
ic-ia32.cc の 45 行で定義されています。
参照先 __, ASSERT, cmp(), equal, FieldOperand(), v8::internal::HashTable< 2, 3 >::kCapacityIndex, v8::internal::HashTable< 2, 3 >::kElementSize, v8::internal::HashTable< 2, 3 >::kElementsStartIndex, v8::internal::String::kHashShift, v8::internal::Map::kHasNamedInterceptor, v8::internal::Array::kHeaderSize, kHeapObjectTag, v8::internal::Map::kInstanceAttributesOffset, v8::internal::String::kLengthOffset, v8::internal::HeapObject::kMapOffset, kPointerSize, v8::internal::JSObject::kPropertiesOffset, kSmiTagSize, not_equal, not_taken, not_zero, taken, times_2, と times_4.
static void v8::internal::GenerateNormalHelper | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm, | |
int | argc, | |||
bool | is_global_object, | |||
Label * | miss | |||
) | [static] |
ic-ia32.cc の 441 行で定義されています。
参照先 __, cmp(), eax, ebx, ecx, edi, edx, esp, FieldOperand(), GenerateDictionaryLoad(), JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, JUMP_FUNCTION, v8::internal::GlobalObject::kGlobalReceiverOffset, v8::internal::Map::kInstanceTypeOffset, v8::internal::HeapObject::kMapOffset, kPointerSize, kSmiTagMask, not_equal, not_taken, と zero.
static void v8::internal::GenerateStringCheck | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm, | |
Register | receiver, | |||
Register | scratch, | |||
Label * | smi, | |||
Label * | non_string_object | |||
) | [static] |
stub-cache-ia32.cc の 164 行で定義されています。
参照先 __, ASSERT, FieldOperand(), kNotStringTag, kSmiTagMask, not_taken, not_zero, と zero.
static void v8::internal::GenerateStringCheck | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm, | |
Register | receiver, | |||
Register | scratch1, | |||
Register | scratch2, | |||
Label * | smi, | |||
Label * | non_string_object | |||
) | [static] |
static Handle<Object> v8::internal::GetArgumentsObject | ( | JavaScriptFrame * | frame, | |
Handle< JSFunction > | function, | |||
Handle< Code > | code, | |||
const ScopeInfo<> * | sinfo, | |||
Handle< Context > | function_context | |||
) | [static] |
static int v8::internal::GetChar | ( | const char * | str, | |
int | index | |||
) | [inline, static] |
conversions.cc の 51 行で定義されています。
参照元 InternalStringToDouble(), InternalStringToInt(), と ShouldParseOctal().
static int v8::internal::GetChar | ( | String * | str, | |
int | index | |||
) | [inline, static] |
conversions.cc の 57 行で定義されています。
static const char* v8::internal::GetCString | ( | const char * | str, | |
int | index | |||
) | [inline, static] |
conversions.cc の 72 行で定義されています。
static const char* v8::internal::GetCString | ( | String * | str, | |
int | index | |||
) | [inline, static] |
conversions.cc の 77 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::String::Get(), と v8::internal::String::length().
Handle< FixedArray > v8::internal::GetEnumPropertyKeys | ( | Handle< JSObject > | object | ) |
static int* v8::internal::GetInternalPointer | ( | StatsCounter * | counter | ) | [static] |
serialize.cc の 389 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::StatsCounter::Enabled(), と v8::internal::StatsCounter::GetInternalPointer().
v8::Handle< v8::Array > v8::internal::GetKeysForIndexedInterceptor | ( | Handle< JSObject > | receiver, | |
Handle< JSObject > | object | |||
) |
v8::Handle< v8::Array > v8::internal::GetKeysForNamedInterceptor | ( | Handle< JSObject > | receiver, | |
Handle< JSObject > | object | |||
) |
Handle< FixedArray > v8::internal::GetKeysInFixedArrayFor | ( | Handle< JSObject > | object | ) |
static int v8::internal::GetLength | ( | const char * | str | ) | [inline, static] |
conversions.cc の 62 行で定義されています。
参照元 InternalStringToDouble(), InternalStringToInt(), と ShouldParseOctal().
static int v8::internal::GetLength | ( | String * | str | ) | [inline, static] |
conversions.cc の 67 行で定義されています。
static size_t v8::internal::GetPageSize | ( | ) | [static] |
platform-win32.cc の 725 行で定義されています。
参照先 RoundUpToPowerOf2().
static Object* v8::internal::GetProbeValue | ( | Code::Flags | flags | ) | [static] |
stub-cache.cc の 486 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Dictionary::FindNumberEntry(), と v8::internal::Dictionary::ValueAt().
参照元 FillCache(), と ProbeCache().
参照元 v8::internal::Execution::CharAt(), v8::internal::Debug::CheckBreakPoint(), v8::Object::Get(), v8::Message::GetEndColumn(), v8::Message::GetEndPosition(), v8::internal::MessageHandler::GetMessage(), v8::internal::JSObject::GetPropertyPostInterceptor(), v8::Message::GetScriptResourceName(), v8::Message::GetStartPosition(), v8::internal::Debugger::MakeJSObject(), v8::internal::Factory::NewError(), v8::internal::Debugger::ProcessRequest(), Runtime_DebugEvaluate(), と v8::internal::Top::StackOverflow().
Handle< Object > v8::internal::GetPropertyWithInterceptor | ( | Handle< JSObject > | receiver, | |
Handle< JSObject > | holder, | |||
Handle< String > | name, | |||
PropertyAttributes * | attributes | |||
) |
static AllocationSpace v8::internal::GetSpace | ( | Address | addr | ) | [inline, static] |
serialize.cc の 80 行で定義されています。
参照先 kLOSpaceExecutable, kLOSpacePointer, kSpaceMask, と kSpaceShift.
参照元 v8::internal::Deserializer::GetObject(), と v8::internal::Deserializer::Resolve().
static Handle<CompilationCacheTable> v8::internal::GetTable | ( | CompilationCache::Entry | entry | ) | [static] |
typedef v8::internal::HANDLE | ( | __stdcall * | DLL_FUNC_TYPECreateToolhelp32Snapshot | ) |
参照元 LoadSymbols().
void v8::internal::handle_debug_event | ( | v8::DebugEvent | event, | |
v8::Handle< v8::Object > | exec_state, | |||
v8::Handle< v8::Object > | event_data, | |||
v8::Handle< Value > | data | |||
) |
Vector< Handle<Object> > v8::internal::HandleVector | ( | v8::internal::Handle< T > * | elms, | |
int | length | |||
) | [inline] |
参照元 BUILTIN(), v8::internal::Runtime::GetObjectProperty(), v8::internal::RegExpImpl::JsreExecOnce(), LoadContextSlotHelper(), v8::internal::IC::ReferenceError(), Runtime_NewObject(), Runtime_PushContext(), Runtime_ThrowReferenceError(), v8::internal::Runtime::SetObjectProperty(), v8::internal::JSObject::SetPropertyWithCallback(), ThrowRedeclarationError(), と v8::internal::IC::TypeError().
static bool v8::internal::HasConsole | ( | ) | [static] |
static unsigned int v8::internal::Hash | ( | const char * | s | ) | [static] |
static uint32_t v8::internal::HashField | ( | uint32_t | hash, | |
bool | is_array_index | |||
) | [inline, static] |
static bool v8::internal::HasKey | ( | FixedArray * | array, | |
Object * | key | |||
) | [static] |
static bool v8::internal::HasOrigin | ( | Handle< JSFunction > | boilerplate, | |
Handle< Object > | name, | |||
int | line_offset, | |||
int | column_offset | |||
) | [static] |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with v8::internal::heap_stats | ( | requires | heap_stats | ) |
static uint32_t v8::internal::HeapObjectHash | ( | HeapObject * | key | ) | [static] |
void v8::internal::HeapSortPairs | ( | FixedArray * | content, | |
FixedArray * | smis | |||
) |
int v8::internal::HexValue | ( | uc32 | c | ) |
Handle< Object > v8::internal::IgnoreAttributesAndSetLocalProperty | ( | Handle< JSObject > | object, | |
Handle< String > | key, | |||
Handle< Object > | value, | |||
PropertyAttributes | attributes | |||
) |
void v8::internal::IgnoreNonLiveObject | ( | HeapObject * | object | ) | [inline] |
static Object* v8::internal::IllegalOperation | ( | ) | [static] |
static int v8::internal::IndexOf | ( | const List< Object ** > & | list, | |
Object ** | element | |||
) | [static] |
serialize.cc の 1030 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::InitPagedSpace | ( | PagedSpace * | space, | |
int | capacity, | |||
List< Page * > * | page_list | |||
) | [static] |
v8::internal::INLINE | ( | Condition | NegateConditionCondition cc | ) |
static void v8::internal::InsertionSortPairs | ( | FixedArray * | content, | |
FixedArray * | smis | |||
) | [static] |
static Handle<JSFunction> v8::internal::InstallFunction | ( | Handle< JSObject > | target, | |
const char * | name, | |||
InstanceType | type, | |||
int | instance_size, | |||
Handle< JSObject > | prototype, | |||
Builtins::Name | call, | |||
bool | is_ecma_native | |||
) | [static] |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset kHiddenPrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit kFormalParameterCountOffset v8::internal::INT_ACCESSORS | ( | SharedFunctionInfo | , | |
expected_nof_properties | , | |||
kExpectedNofPropertiesOffset | ||||
) |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset kHiddenPrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit kFormalParameterCountOffset kStartPositionAndTypeOffset v8::internal::INT_ACCESSORS | ( | SharedFunctionInfo | , | |
function_token_position | , | |||
kFunctionTokenPositionOffset | ||||
) |
objects-inl.h の 1921 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Code::BUILTIN, と code().
static double v8::internal::InternalStringToDouble | ( | S * | str, | |
int | flags, | |||
double | empty_string_val | |||
) | [static] |
conversions.cc の 261 行で定義されています。
参照先 ALLOW_HEX, ALLOW_OCTALS, ALLOW_TRAILING_JUNK, gay_strtod(), GetChar(), GetCString(), GetLength(), IsSpace(), JUNK_STRING_VALUE, ReleaseCString(), ShouldParseOctal(), sign, StringToInt(), と SubStringEquals().
static int v8::internal::InternalStringToInt | ( | S * | s, | |
int | i, | |||
int | radix, | |||
double * | value | |||
) | [static] |
conversions.cc の 166 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, gay_strtod(), GetChar(), GetCString(), GetLength(), と ReleaseCString().
const char * v8::internal::IntToCString | ( | int | n, | |
Vector< char > | buffer | |||
) |
static Handle<Object> v8::internal::Invoke | ( | bool | construct, | |
Handle< JSFunction > | func, | |||
Handle< Object > | receiver, | |||
int | argc, | |||
Object *** | args, | |||
bool * | has_pending_exception | |||
) | [static] |
execution.cc の 42 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CALL_GENERATED_CODE, v8::internal::Top::context(), v8::internal::Top::has_pending_exception(), kZapValue, v8::internal::Context::mark_out_of_memory(), v8::internal::Failure::OutOfMemoryException(), v8::internal::Top::pending_exception(), と v8::internal::Top::setup_external_caught().
参照元 v8::internal::Execution::Call(), v8::internal::Execution::New(), と v8::internal::Execution::TryCall().
static bool v8::internal::Is | ( | Object * | obj | ) | [inline, static] |
bool v8::internal::Is< JSArray > | ( | Object * | obj | ) | [inline] |
bool v8::internal::Is< JSFunction > | ( | Object * | obj | ) | [inline] |
static bool v8::internal::is_int24 | ( | int | x | ) | [inline, static] |
static bool v8::internal::is_int8 | ( | int | x | ) | [inline, static] |
assembler.h の 461 行で定義されています。
参照先 is_intn().
参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::imul(), と v8::internal::Assembler::j().
static bool v8::internal::is_intn | ( | int | x, | |
int | n | |||
) | [inline, static] |
static bool v8::internal::is_uint12 | ( | int | x | ) | [inline, static] |
assembler.h の 471 行で定義されています。
参照先 is_uintn().
参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::addrmod2(), と v8::internal::Assembler::CheckConstPool().
static bool v8::internal::is_uint16 | ( | int | x | ) | [inline, static] |
assembler.h の 472 行で定義されています。
参照先 is_uintn().
参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::bkpt(), と v8::internal::Assembler::ret().
static bool v8::internal::is_uint24 | ( | int | x | ) | [inline, static] |
static bool v8::internal::is_uint3 | ( | int | x | ) | [inline, static] |
assembler.h の 467 行で定義されています。
参照先 is_uintn().
参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::cdp(), v8::internal::Assembler::mcr(), と v8::internal::Assembler::mrc().
static bool v8::internal::is_uint4 | ( | int | x | ) | [inline, static] |
static bool v8::internal::is_uint5 | ( | int | x | ) | [inline, static] |
static bool v8::internal::is_uint8 | ( | int | x | ) | [inline, static] |
assembler.h の 470 行で定義されています。
参照先 is_uintn().
参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::addrmod3(), v8::internal::Assembler::addrmod5(), v8::internal::Assembler::emit_arith_b(), v8::internal::Assembler::emit_farith(), v8::internal::Assembler::ldc(), v8::internal::Assembler::stc(), と v8::internal::Assembler::test().
static bool v8::internal::is_uintn | ( | int | x, | |
int | n | |||
) | [inline, static] |
assembler.h の 463 行で定義されています。
参照元 is_uint12(), is_uint16(), is_uint24(), is_uint3(), is_uint4(), is_uint5(), と is_uint8().
static bool v8::internal::IsAddressAligned | ( | Address | addr, | |
int | alignment, | |||
int | offset | |||
) | [inline, static] |
static bool v8::internal::IsAligned | ( | T | value, | |
T | alignment | |||
) | [inline, static] |
bool v8::internal::IsCarriageReturn | ( | uc32 | c | ) | [inline] |
static bool v8::internal::IsControlChar | ( | char | c | ) | [static] |
string-stream.cc の 85 行で定義されています。
bool v8::internal::IsDecimalDigit | ( | uc32 | c | ) | [inline] |
int v8::internal::isfinite | ( | double | x | ) |
platform-win32.cc の 89 行で定義されています。
参照元 Runtime_NumberMod().
bool v8::internal::IsHexDigit | ( | uc32 | c | ) | [inline] |
static bool v8::internal::IsLargeExecutableObject | ( | Address | addr | ) | [inline, static] |
serialize.cc の 89 行で定義されています。
参照先 kLOSpaceExecutable, kSpaceMask, と kSpaceShift.
static bool v8::internal::IsLargeFixedArray | ( | Address | addr | ) | [inline, static] |
serialize.cc の 97 行で定義されています。
参照先 kLOSpacePointer, kSpaceMask, と kSpaceShift.
bool v8::internal::IsLineFeed | ( | uc32 | c | ) | [inline] |
static bool v8::internal::IsNotEscaped | ( | uint16_t | character | ) | [static] |
static bool v8::internal::IsPowerOf2 | ( | T | x | ) | [inline, static] |
static bool v8::internal::IsPowerOf2 | ( | uint32_t | x | ) | [inline, static] |
hashmap.cc の 35 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::Align(), v8::internal::HashTable< 0, 1 >::GetProbe(), v8::internal::StubCache::Initialize(), v8::internal::HashMap::Initialize(), IsAligned(), v8::internal::HashMap::Probe(), RoundDown(), v8::internal::NewSpace::Setup(), と v8::internal::Heap::Setup().
static bool v8::internal::IsShortcutCandidate | ( | HeapObject * | object, | |
Map * | map | |||
) | [inline, static] |
static bool v8::internal::IsSpace | ( | String * | str, | |
int | index | |||
) | [inline, static] |
static bool v8::internal::IsSpace | ( | const char * | str, | |
int | index | |||
) | [inline, static] |
conversions.cc の 100 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, unibrow::Predicate< T, size >::get(), と v8::internal::Scanner::kIsWhiteSpace.
static uint32_t v8::internal::IterateArguments | ( | Handle< JSArray > | arguments, | |
ArrayConcatVisitor * | visitor | |||
) | [static] |
A helper function of Runtime_ArrayConcat.
The first argument is an Array of arrays and objects. It is the same as the arguments array of Array::concat JS function.
If an argument is an Array object, the function visits array elements. If an argument is not an Array object, the function visits the object as if it is an one-element array.
If the result array index overflows 32-bit integer, the rounded non-negative number is used as new length. For example, if one array length is 2^32 - 1, second array length is 1, the concatenated array length is 0.
runtime.cc の 4153 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Handle< T >::cast(), v8::internal::ArrayConcatVisitor::increase_index_offset(), IterateArrayAndPrototypeElements(), と v8::internal::ArrayConcatVisitor::visit().
static uint32_t v8::internal::IterateArrayAndPrototypeElements | ( | Handle< JSArray > | array, | |
ArrayConcatVisitor * | visitor | |||
) | [static] |
A helper function that visits elements of an Array object, and elements on its prototypes.
Elements on prototypes are visited first, and only elements whose indices less than Array length are visited.
If a ArrayConcatVisitor object is given, the visitor is called with parameters, element's index + visitor_index_offset and the element.
runtime.cc の 4109 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::List< T, P >::Add(), と IterateElements().
参照元 IterateArguments().
static uint32_t v8::internal::IterateElements | ( | Handle< JSObject > | receiver, | |
uint32_t | range, | |||
ArrayConcatVisitor * | visitor | |||
) | [static] |
A helper function that visits elements of a JSObject. Only elements whose index between 0 and range (exclusive) are visited.
If the third parameter, visitor, is not NULL, the visitor is called with parameters, 'visitor_index_offset + element index' and the element.
It returns the number of visisted elements.
runtime.cc の 4057 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::FixedArray::cast(), と v8::internal::ArrayConcatVisitor::visit().
int v8::internal::JSCallerSavedCode | ( | int | n | ) |
参照先 ASSERT, initialized, kJSCallerSaved, kNumJSCallerSaved, と kNumRegs.
参照元 v8::internal::MacroAssembler::CopyRegistersFromMemoryToStack(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::CopyRegistersFromStackToMemory(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::PopRegistersToMemory(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::PushRegistersFromMemory(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::RestoreRegistersFromMemory(), と v8::internal::MacroAssembler::SaveRegistersToMemory().
static void v8::internal::JSREFree | ( | void * | p | ) | [static] |
jsregexp.cc の 71 行で定義されています。
参照先 USE().
static void* v8::internal::JSREMalloc | ( | size_t | size | ) | [static] |
Object * v8::internal::KeyedLoadIC_Miss | ( | Arguments | args | ) |
参照先 ASSERT, と v8::internal::IC::StateFrom().
Object * v8::internal::KeyedStoreIC_Miss | ( | Arguments | args | ) |
参照先 ASSERT, と v8::internal::IC::StateFrom().
static int v8::internal::LargeObjectIndex | ( | Address | addr | ) | [inline, static] |
serialize.cc の 124 行で定義されています。
Object * v8::internal::LoadCallbackProperty | ( | Arguments | args | ) |
static ObjectPair v8::internal::LoadContextSlotHelper | ( | Arguments | args, | |
bool | throw_error | |||
) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3410 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::GlobalObject::cast(), v8::internal::JSObject::cast(), v8::internal::Context::cast(), ComputeReceiverForNonGlobal(), v8::internal::Top::context(), v8::internal::FixedArray::get(), v8::internal::Context::global(), HandleVector(), IllegalOperation(), v8::internal::Handle< T >::is_null(), MakePair(), v8::internal::Factory::NewReferenceError(), NULL, v8::internal::Top::Throw(), と Unhole().
参照元 Runtime_LoadContextSlot(), と Runtime_LoadContextSlotNoReferenceError().
static bool v8::internal::LoadDbgHelpAndTlHelp32 | ( | ) | [static] |
platform-win32.cc の 941 行で定義されています。
Object * v8::internal::LoadIC_Miss | ( | Arguments | args | ) |
参照先 ASSERT, と v8::internal::IC::StateFrom().
参照元 v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadCallback(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadConstant(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadInterceptor(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateArrayLength(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateFunctionPrototype(), と v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateStringLength().
Object * v8::internal::LoadInterceptorProperty | ( | Arguments | args | ) |
void v8::internal::LoadLazy | ( | Handle< JSFunction > | fun, | |
bool * | pending_exception | |||
) |
static bool v8::internal::LoadSymbols | ( | HANDLE | process_handle | ) | [static] |
platform-win32.cc の 995 行で定義されています。
参照先 BOOL(), DWORD(), DWORD64(), HANDLE(), v8::internal::OS::kStackWalkMaxNameLen, LOG, NULL, と PrintF().
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal v8::internal::logging | ( | no | API, | |
code | , | |||
GC | , | |||
suspect | , | |||
or handles | samples | |||
) |
void v8::internal::LogNonLiveCodeObject | ( | HeapObject * | object | ) | [inline] |
mark-compact.cc の 1041 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::HeapObject::address(), と LOG.
参照元 v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::EncodeForwardingAddresses().
static Handle<JSFunction> v8::internal::Lookup | ( | Handle< String > | source, | |
CompilationCache::Entry | entry | |||
) | [static] |
compilation-cache.cc の 86 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::JSFunction::cast(), GetTable(), と v8::internal::Handle< T >::null().
参照元 v8::internal::ExternalReferenceEncoder::IndexOf(), v8::internal::CompilationCache::LookupEval(), v8::internal::CompilationCache::LookupScript(), と v8::internal::Scanner::ScanIdentifier().
参照元 GetCharAt().
FunctionLiteral * v8::internal::MakeAST | ( | bool | compile_in_global_context, | |
Handle< Script > | script, | |||
v8::Extension * | extension, | |||
ScriptDataImpl * | pre_data | |||
) |
参照元 MakeFunction().
static Handle<Code> v8::internal::MakeCode | ( | FunctionLiteral * | literal, | |
Handle< Script > | script, | |||
bool | is_eval | |||
) | [static] |
compiler.cc の 40 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Scope::AllocateVariables(), AnalyzeVariableUsage(), ASSERT, v8::internal::Bootstrapper::IsActive(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::MakeCode(), v8::internal::Handle< T >::null(), NULL, v8::internal::Rewriter::Optimize(), v8::internal::Scope::outer_scope(), v8::internal::Rewriter::Process(), と v8::internal::FunctionLiteral::scope().
参照元 v8::internal::Compiler::CompileLazy(), と MakeFunction().
static Handle<JSFunction> v8::internal::MakeFunction | ( | bool | is_global, | |
bool | is_eval, | |||
Handle< Script > | script, | |||
v8::Extension * | extension, | |||
ScriptDataImpl * | pre_data | |||
) | [static] |
compiler.cc の 76 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::String::cast(), code(), v8::internal::FunctionLiteral::contains_array_literal(), DELETE_ON_EXIT, DISALLOW_NULLS, v8::internal::FunctionLiteral::end_position(), v8::internal::FunctionLiteral::expected_property_count(), v8::internal::Top::has_pending_exception(), v8::internal::FunctionLiteral::is_expression(), v8::internal::Handle< T >::is_null(), LOG, MakeAST(), MakeCode(), v8::internal::FunctionLiteral::materialized_literal_count(), v8::internal::FunctionLiteral::name(), v8::internal::Factory::NewFunctionBoilerplate(), v8::internal::Handle< T >::null(), NULL, v8::internal::Scope::num_parameters(), v8::internal::Debugger::OnAfterCompile(), v8::internal::Debugger::OnBeforeCompile(), v8::internal::FunctionLiteral::scope(), SetExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SetFunctionInfo(), v8::internal::Top::StackOverflow(), と v8::internal::FunctionLiteral::start_position().
参照元 v8::internal::Compiler::Compile(), と v8::internal::Compiler::CompileEval().
FunctionLiteral * v8::internal::MakeLazyAST | ( | Handle< Script > | script, | |
Handle< String > | name, | |||
int | start_position, | |||
int | end_position, | |||
bool | is_expression | |||
) |
static ObjectPair v8::internal::MakePair | ( | Object * | x, | |
Object * | y | |||
) | [inline, static] |
runtime.cc の 3378 行で定義されています。
static bool v8::internal::MatchHeapObject | ( | void * | key1, | |
void * | key2 | |||
) | [static] |
serialize.cc の 832 行で定義されています。
static T v8::internal::Max | ( | T | a, | |
T | b | |||
) | [static] |
static MayAccessDecision v8::internal::MayAccessPreCheck | ( | JSObject * | receiver, | |
v8::AccessType | type | |||
) | [static] |
Object* v8::internal::MCAllocateFromCodeSpace | ( | HeapObject * | object, | |
int | object_size | |||
) | [inline] |
mark-compact.cc の 992 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::code_space(), と v8::internal::PagedSpace::MCAllocateRaw().
Object* v8::internal::MCAllocateFromMapSpace | ( | HeapObject * | object, | |
int | object_size | |||
) | [inline] |
mark-compact.cc の 997 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::map_space(), と v8::internal::PagedSpace::MCAllocateRaw().
Object* v8::internal::MCAllocateFromNewSpace | ( | HeapObject * | object, | |
int | object_size | |||
) | [inline] |
Object* v8::internal::MCAllocateFromOldDataSpace | ( | HeapObject * | object, | |
int | object_size | |||
) | [inline] |
mark-compact.cc の 987 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::PagedSpace::MCAllocateRaw(), と v8::internal::Heap::old_data_space().
Object* v8::internal::MCAllocateFromOldPointerSpace | ( | HeapObject * | object, | |
int | object_size | |||
) | [inline] |
mark-compact.cc の 981 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::PagedSpace::MCAllocateRaw(), と v8::internal::Heap::old_pointer_space().
static T v8::internal::Min | ( | T | a, | |
T | b | |||
) | [static] |
Vector<char> v8::internal::MutableCStrVector | ( | char * | data | ) | [inline] |
Vector<char> v8::internal::MutableCStrVector | ( | char * | data, | |
int | max | |||
) | [inline] |
static SourceCodeCache v8::internal::natives_cache | ( | SCRIPT_TYPE_NATIVE | ) | [static] |
Condition v8::internal::NegateCondition | ( | Condition | cc | ) | [inline] |
assembler-ia32-inl.h の 44 行で定義されています。
static T* v8::internal::NewArray | ( | int | size | ) | [static] |
static int v8::internal::NewElementsCapacity | ( | int | old_capacity | ) | [static] |
objects.cc の 4586 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::JSObject::SetElementsLength(), と v8::internal::JSObject::SetFastElement().
static int v8::internal::NewSpaceOffset | ( | Address | addr | ) | [inline, static] |
serialize.cc の 117 行で定義されています。
参照先 kObjectAlignmentBits, kPageAndOffsetMask, と kPageAndOffsetShift.
char v8::internal::NormalizeChar | ( | char | ch | ) | [inline] |
参照元 EqualNames().
void v8::internal::NormalizeElements | ( | Handle< JSObject > | object | ) |
void v8::internal::NormalizeProperties | ( | Handle< JSObject > | object | ) |
static int32_t v8::internal::NumberToInt32 | ( | Object * | number | ) | [inline] |
static uint32_t v8::internal::NumberToUint32 | ( | Object * | number | ) | [inline] |
int v8::internal::NumRegs | ( | RegList | reglist | ) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size v8::internal::of | ( | each semispace | in | ) | [new] |
static int v8::internal::OffsetFrom | ( | T | x | ) | [inline, static] |
参照先 T.
参照元 v8::internal::BASE_EMBEDDED< Allocator >::id(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::InitializePagesInChunk(), v8::internal::Page::INLINE(), IsAddressAligned(), v8::internal::Page::IsAlignedToPageSize(), RoundDown(), v8::internal::Proxy::set_proxy(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::SetNextPage(), と WrapFrameId().
static int v8::internal::OverflowObjectSize | ( | HeapObject * | obj | ) | [static] |
static int v8::internal::PageIndex | ( | Address | addr | ) | [inline, static] |
serialize.cc の 105 行で定義されています。
参照先 kPageMask, と kPageShift.
static int v8::internal::PageOffset | ( | Address | addr | ) | [inline, static] |
serialize.cc の 111 行で定義されています。
参照先 kObjectAlignmentBits, kOffsetMask, と kOffsetShift.
static int v8::internal::PagesInChunk | ( | Address | start, | |
size_t | size | |||
) | [static] |
static Object** v8::internal::ParameterEntriesAddr | ( | Code * | code | ) | [static] |
scopeinfo.cc の 351 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, ContextEntriesAddr(), ReadInt(), と v8::internal::Code::sinfo_size().
int v8::internal::PcStoreOffset | ( | ) |
static int v8::internal::Precedence | ( | Token::Value | tok, | |
bool | accept_IN | |||
) | [static] |
参照先 IN, と v8::internal::Token::Precedence().
ScriptDataImpl * v8::internal::PreParse | ( | unibrow::CharacterStream * | stream, | |
v8::Extension * | extension | |||
) |
void v8::internal::PrintF | ( | const char * | format, | |
... | ||||
) |
参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::add(), v8::internal::MessageHandler::DefaultMessageReport(), EncodeForwardingAddressesInRange(), v8::internal::Failure::FailurePrint(), v8::internal::HeapNumber::HeapNumberPrint(), v8::internal::Token::Initialize(), v8::internal::HeapObject::IterateBody(), v8::internal::Assembler::ldr(), v8::internal::LoadIC::Load(), LoadSymbols(), v8::internal::Context::Lookup(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::MakeCode(), v8::internal::JSObject::NormalizeElements(), v8::internal::JSObject::NormalizeProperties(), v8::internal::StringStream::OutputToStdOut(), v8::internal::BASE_EMBEDDED< Allocator >::print(), v8::internal::Assembler::print(), PrintLn(), PrintObject(), PrintString(), PrintTransition(), assembler::arm::Simulator::ReadW(), v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::RelocateMapObject(), v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::RelocateNewObject(), RelocateOldObject(), v8::internal::MessageHandler::ReportMessage(), Runtime_DebugPrint(), Runtime_GlobalPrint(), Runtime_LazyCompile(), v8::internal::JSObject::SetElement(), v8::internal::Builtins::Setup(), v8::internal::Smi::SmiPrint(), v8::internal::Assembler::str(), v8::internal::UpdatingVisitor::UpdatePointer(), v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::UpdatePointersInNewObject(), と v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::UpdatePointersInOldObject().
static void v8::internal::PrintFrames | ( | StringStream * | accumulator, | |
StackFrame::PrintMode | mode | |||
) | [static] |
static void v8::internal::PrintObject | ( | Object * | obj | ) | [static] |
static void v8::internal::PrintString | ( | String * | str | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3647 行で定義されています。
参照先 DISALLOW_NULLS, v8::internal::String::length(), PrintF(), ROBUST_STRING_TRAVERSAL, と v8::internal::String::ToCString().
参照元 PrintObject().
static void v8::internal::PrintTransition | ( | Object * | result | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3687 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::JSFunction::cast(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::function(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::GetParameter(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::GetProvidedParametersCount(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::IsConstructor(), NULL, PrintF(), PrintObject(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::receiver(), と StackSize().
static Object* v8::internal::ProbeCache | ( | Code::Flags | flags | ) | [static] |
stub-cache.cc の 494 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Dictionary::cast(), GetProbeValue(), と v8::internal::Heap::set_non_monomorphic_cache().
参照元 v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeCallDebugBreak(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeCallDebugPrepareStepIn(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeCallInitialize(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeCallMegamorphic(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeCallMiss(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeCallNormal(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeCallPreMonomorphic(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeLazyCompile(), と v8::internal::StubCache::FindCallInitialize().
static void v8::internal::ProbeTable | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm, | |
Code::Flags | flags, | |||
StubCache::Table | table, | |||
Register | name, | |||
Register | offset | |||
) | [static] |
stub-cache-ia32.cc の 39 行で定義されています。
参照先 __, cmp(), FieldOperand(), v8::internal::SCTableReference::keyReference(), v8::internal::Code::kFlagsOffset, v8::internal::Code::kFlagsTypeMask, v8::internal::Code::kHeaderSize, kHeapObjectTag, not_equal, not_taken, times_2, と v8::internal::SCTableReference::valueReference().
typedef v8::internal::PVOID | ( | __stdcall * | DLL_FUNC_TYPESymFunctionTableAccess64 | ) |
static Object** v8::internal::ReadBool | ( | Object ** | p, | |
bool * | x | |||
) | [inline, static] |
scopeinfo.cc の 196 行で定義されています。
char * v8::internal::ReadChars | ( | const char * | filename, | |
int * | size, | |||
bool | verbose | |||
) |
char* v8::internal::ReadCharsFromFile | ( | const char * | filename, | |
int * | size, | |||
int | extra_space, | |||
bool | verbose | |||
) |
Vector< const char > v8::internal::ReadFile | ( | const char * | filename, | |
bool * | exists, | |||
bool | verbose | |||
) |
static Object** v8::internal::ReadInt | ( | Object ** | p, | |
int * | x | |||
) | [inline, static] |
scopeinfo.cc の 190 行で定義されています。
参照元 ParameterEntriesAddr(), ReadList(), と StackSlotEntriesAddr().
char * v8::internal::ReadLine | ( | const char * | prompt | ) |
static Object** v8::internal::ReadList | ( | Object ** | p, | |
List< Handle< String >, Allocator > * | list | |||
) | [static] |
scopeinfo.cc の 215 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, ReadInt(), ReadSentinel(), と ReadSymbol().
static Object** v8::internal::ReadList | ( | Object ** | p, | |
List< Handle< String >, Allocator > * | list, | |||
List< Variable::Mode, Allocator > * | modes | |||
) | [static] |
scopeinfo.cc の 229 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::List< T, P >::Add(), ASSERT, ReadInt(), ReadSentinel(), と ReadSymbol().
static Object** v8::internal::ReadSentinel | ( | Object ** | p | ) | [inline, static] |
static Object** v8::internal::ReadSymbol | ( | Object ** | p, | |
Handle< String > * | s | |||
) | [inline, static] |
scopeinfo.cc の 202 行で定義されています。
参照元 ReadList().
static void v8::internal::RecordWriteHelper | ( | MacroAssembler * | masm, | |
Register | object, | |||
Register | addr, | |||
Register | scratch | |||
) | [static] |
macro-assembler-ia32.cc の 46 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Assembler::add(), v8::internal::Assembler::and_(), v8::internal::Assembler::bind(), v8::internal::Assembler::bts(), v8::internal::Assembler::cmp(), v8::internal::Assembler::j(), kObjectAlignmentBits, kPointerSize, less, v8::internal::Assembler::mov(), v8::internal::Assembler::shl(), v8::internal::Assembler::shr(), と v8::internal::Assembler::sub().
参照元 v8::internal::RecordWriteStub::Generate(), と v8::internal::MacroAssembler::RecordWrite().
static JSRegExp::Flags v8::internal::RegExpFlagsFromString | ( | Handle< String > | str | ) | [static] |
jsregexp.cc の 154 行で定義されています。
Handle< JSGlobalProxy > v8::internal::ReinitializeJSGlobalProxy | ( | Handle< JSFunction > | constructor, | |
Handle< JSGlobalProxy > | global | |||
) |
static void v8::internal::ReleaseCString | ( | const char * | original, | |
const char * | str | |||
) | [inline, static] |
conversions.cc の 91 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::ReleaseCString | ( | String * | original, | |
const char * | str | |||
) | [inline, static] |
conversions.cc の 95 行で定義されています。
参照先 DeleteArray().
static int v8::internal::RelocateOldObject | ( | HeapObject * | obj, | |
OldSpace * | space, | |||
Address | new_addr, | |||
Address | map_addr | |||
) | [inline, static] |
mark-compact.cc の 1742 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::HeapObject::address(), ASSERT, ASSERT_OBJECT_SIZE, v8::internal::HeapObject::FromAddress(), v8::internal::OldSpace::MCAdjustRelocationEnd(), v8::internal::PagedSpace::MCSpaceOffsetForAddress(), PrintF(), v8::internal::HeapObject::set_map(), と v8::internal::HeapObject::Size().
参照元 v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::RelocateCodeObject(), と v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::RelocateOldNonCodeObject().
static Object* v8::internal::ResolvePaged | ( | int | page_index, | |
int | page_offset, | |||
PagedSpace * | space, | |||
List< Page * > * | page_list | |||
) | [inline, static] |
serialize.cc の 1452 行で定義されています。
Condition v8::internal::ReverseCondition | ( | Condition | cc | ) | [inline] |
assembler-ia32.h の 145 行で定義されています。
参照先 above, above_equal, below, below_equal, greater, greater_equal, less, と less_equal.
static T v8::internal::RoundDown | ( | T | x, | |
int | m | |||
) | [inline, static] |
static T v8::internal::RoundUp | ( | T | x, | |
int | m | |||
) | [inline, static] |
参照先 RoundDown().
参照元 v8::internal::OS::Allocate(), v8::internal::LargeObjectSpace::AllocateRawInternal(), v8::internal::Code::body_size(), v8::internal::Heap::ConfigureHeap(), v8::internal::Heap::CreateCode(), v8::internal::Zone::DeleteAll(), v8::internal::LargeObjectSpace::ExtraRSetBytesFor(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::FindFirstPageInSameChunk(), v8::internal::LargeObjectChunk::GetObject(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::InitializePagesInChunk(), v8::internal::Zone::New(), v8::internal::Zone::NewExpand(), PagesInChunk(), v8::internal::PagedSpace::Setup(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::Setup(), と v8::internal::Heap::Setup().
uint32_t v8::internal::RoundUpToPowerOf2 | ( | uint32_t | x | ) |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Abort | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_AddDebugEventListener | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4383 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::Debug::AddDebugEventListener(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_ArrayConcat | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
Array::concat implementation. See ECMAScript 262,
runtime.cc の 4187 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Handle< T >::cast(), v8::internal::JSArray::cast(), CONVERT_CHECKED, IterateArguments(), v8::internal::Factory::NewDictionary(), v8::internal::Factory::NewFixedArrayWithHoles(), v8::internal::Factory::NewJSArray(), v8::internal::Factory::NewNumber(), と NULL.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Break | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4410 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_ChangeBreakOnException | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 5068 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Debug::ChangeBreakOnException(), と NumberToUint32().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_CharFromCode | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_CheckExecutionState | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4641 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Top::break_frame_id(), v8::internal::Top::break_id(), CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Top::Throw().
参照元 Runtime_DebugEvaluate(), Runtime_DebugEvaluateGlobal(), Runtime_GetCFrames(), Runtime_GetFrameCount(), Runtime_GetFrameDetails(), と Runtime_PrepareStep().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_ClassOf | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 216 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::JSObject::cast(), と v8::internal::JSObject::class_name().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_ClearBreakPoint | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 5053 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_ClearStepping | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 5120 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_CloneObjectLiteralBoilerplate | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 95 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_CompileScript | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_CompileString | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3911 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Context::cast(), v8::internal::Compiler::CompileEval(), v8::internal::Top::context(), CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, EvalContext(), v8::internal::Failure::Exception(), v8::internal::Context::global_context(), v8::internal::Handle< T >::is_null(), v8::internal::Factory::NewFunctionFromBoilerplate(), と RUNTIME_ASSERT.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_ConsStringFst | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2461 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_ConsStringSnd | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2469 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_CreateApiFunction | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 303 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Factory::CreateApiFunction().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_CreateArrayLiteral | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_CreateObjectLiteralBoilerplate | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 132 行で定義されています。
参照先 ARRAY_SIZE, ASSERT, v8::internal::String::cast(), v8::internal::Smi::cast(), ComputeObjectLiteralMap(), CStrVector(), DoubleToCString(), v8::internal::JSFunction::GlobalContextFromLiterals(), v8::internal::Array::IndexFromObject(), v8::internal::Factory::NewJSObjectFromMap(), v8::internal::Factory::NewStringFromAscii(), NONE, SetElement(), SetProperty(), と v8::internal::Smi::value().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DateCurrentTime | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3780 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromDouble(), と v8::internal::OS::TimeCurrentMillis().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DateDaylightSavingsOffset | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DateLocalTimeOffset | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3819 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::OS::LocalTimeOffset(), と v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromDouble().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DateLocalTimezone | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DateParseString | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugBreak | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3619 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, と DebugBreakHelper().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugConstructedBy | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 5596 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateFixedArray(), v8::internal::Heap::AllocateJSObject(), ASSERT, v8::internal::JSArray::cast(), v8::internal::FixedArray::cast(), v8::internal::Heap::CollectAllGarbage(), v8::internal::Top::context(), CONVERT_CHECKED, CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED, DebugConstructedBy(), NULL, RUNTIME_ASSERT, と v8::internal::JSArray::SetContent().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugEvaluate | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 5194 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Execution::Call(), v8::internal::Handle< T >::cast(), v8::internal::String::cast(), v8::internal::JSObject::cast(), v8::internal::Context::cast(), v8::internal::JSFunction::cast(), code(), v8::internal::Compiler::CompileEval(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::context(), CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, CONVERT_BOOLEAN_CHECKED, CONVERT_CHECKED, CopyWithContextChain(), v8::internal::Failure::Exception(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::function(), GetArgumentsObject(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::GetExpression(), GetKeysInFixedArrayFor(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::GetParameter(), GetProperty(), v8::internal::Handle< T >::is_null(), v8::internal::Handle< T >::location(), v8::internal::Context::MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS, v8::internal::Factory::NewFunction(), v8::internal::Factory::NewFunctionContext(), v8::internal::Factory::NewFunctionFromBoilerplate(), v8::internal::Factory::NewJSObject(), v8::internal::Factory::NewStringFromAscii(), NONE, NULL, v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::receiver(), Runtime_CheckExecutionState(), v8::internal::Top::save_context(), v8::internal::Top::set_context(), SetProperty(), と UnwrapFrameId().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugEvaluateGlobal | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 5330 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Execution::Call(), v8::internal::Compiler::CompileEval(), CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, CONVERT_BOOLEAN_CHECKED, v8::internal::Debug::debug_context(), v8::internal::Failure::Exception(), v8::internal::Top::global(), v8::internal::Top::global_context(), v8::internal::Handle< T >::is_null(), v8::internal::Factory::NewFunctionFromBoilerplate(), NULL, Runtime_CheckExecutionState(), と v8::internal::Top::set_context().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugGetLoadedScripts | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugGetProperty | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4485 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, と DebugLookupResultValue().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugGetPropertyDetails | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugIndexedInterceptorElementNames | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4600 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, GetKeysForIndexedInterceptor(), v8::Utils::OpenHandle(), と RUNTIME_ASSERT.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugIndexedInterceptorElementValue | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4630 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugInterceptorInfo | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4568 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Smi::FromInt().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugLocalElementNames | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugLocalPropertyNames | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugNamedInterceptorPropertyNames | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4586 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, GetKeysForNamedInterceptor(), v8::Utils::OpenHandle(), と RUNTIME_ASSERT.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugNamedInterceptorPropertyValue | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4615 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugPrint | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3745 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugPropertyAttributesFromDetails | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4548 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Smi::FromInt().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugPropertyIndexFromDetails | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4558 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Smi::FromInt().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugPropertyTypeFromDetails | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4538 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Smi::FromInt().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugReferencedBy | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 5516 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateFixedArray(), v8::internal::Heap::AllocateJSObject(), ASSERT, v8::internal::JSArray::cast(), v8::internal::FixedArray::cast(), v8::internal::JSFunction::cast(), v8::internal::Heap::CollectAllGarbage(), v8::internal::Top::context(), CONVERT_CHECKED, CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED, DebugReferencedBy(), v8::internal::Context::global_context(), v8::Value::IsUndefined(), v8::internal::HeapObject::map(), NULL, RUNTIME_ASSERT, と v8::internal::JSArray::SetContent().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugTrace | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3772 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DeclareContextSlot | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 463 行で定義されています。
参照先 ABSENT, ASSERT, v8::internal::Handle< T >::cast(), v8::internal::Smi::cast(), v8::internal::String::cast(), CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, v8::internal::Handle< T >::is_identical_to(), v8::internal::Factory::NewJSObject(), NONE, NULL, READ_ONLY, SetProperty(), ThrowRedeclarationError(), と v8::internal::Smi::value().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DeclareGlobals | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 349 行で定義されています。
参照先 ABSENT, v8::internal::Handle< T >::cast(), v8::internal::String::cast(), v8::internal::Smi::cast(), v8::internal::Top::context(), CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, v8::internal::Context::global(), IgnoreAttributesAndSetLocalProperty(), INTERCEPTOR, v8::internal::Factory::NewFunctionFromBoilerplate(), NONE, SetProperty(), ThrowRedeclarationError(), と v8::internal::Smi::value().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DefineAccessor | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4339 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DeleteProperty | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 1845 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_EstimateNumberOfElements | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4285 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Dictionary::cast(), CONVERT_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Smi::FromInt().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_EvalReceiver | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3897 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_FunctionGetAssemblerCode | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 5693 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CompileLazy(), CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, v8::internal::Failure::Exception(), と KEEP_EXCEPTION.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_FunctionGetName | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 815 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_FunctionGetScript | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 835 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, と GetScriptWrapper().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_FunctionGetScriptSourcePosition | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 856 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Smi::FromInt().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_FunctionGetSourceCode | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 847 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_FunctionSetInstanceClassName | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 866 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_FunctionSetLength | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 877 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_FunctionSetName | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 824 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_FunctionSetPrototype | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 888 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, v8::internal::Accessors::FunctionSetPrototype(), と NULL.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetArgumentsProperty | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 1958 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Handle< T >::cast(), v8::internal::Failure::Exception(), v8::internal::Smi::FromInt(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::function(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::GetParameter(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::GetProvidedParametersCount(), v8::internal::Array::IndexFromObject(), と v8::internal::Execution::ToString().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetArrayKeys | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4300 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED, v8::internal::Smi::FromInt(), GetKeysInFixedArrayFor(), v8::internal::Array::IndexFromObject(), v8::internal::Factory::NewFixedArray(), v8::internal::Factory::NewJSArrayWithElements(), v8::internal::Factory::NewNumber(), と SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetBreakLocations | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetCalledFunction | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetCFrames | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4861 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Handle< T >::is_null(), v8::internal::OS::kStackWalkError, v8::internal::Factory::LookupAsciiSymbol(), v8::internal::Factory::NewFixedArray(), v8::internal::Factory::NewJSArrayWithElements(), v8::internal::Factory::NewJSObject(), v8::internal::Factory::NewNumberFromInt(), v8::internal::Factory::NewStringFromAscii(), NONE, Runtime_CheckExecutionState(), と v8::internal::OS::StackWalk().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetFrameCount | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4655 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Top::break_frame_id(), v8::internal::Smi::FromInt(), と Runtime_CheckExecutionState().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetFrameDetails | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4696 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, ASSERT_EQ, v8::internal::Top::break_frame_id(), v8::internal::Context::cast(), code(), CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED, v8::internal::Debug::debug_context(), v8::internal::Smi::FromInt(), kFrameDetailsArgumentCountIndex, kFrameDetailsConstructCallIndex, kFrameDetailsDebuggerFrameIndex, kFrameDetailsFirstDynamicIndex, kFrameDetailsFrameIdIndex, kFrameDetailsFunctionIndex, kFrameDetailsLocalCountIndex, kFrameDetailsReceiverIndex, kFrameDetailsSourcePositionIndex, v8::internal::Factory::NewFixedArray(), v8::internal::Factory::NewJSArrayWithElements(), NULL, Runtime_CheckExecutionState(), v8::internal::Top::save_context(), v8::internal::Heap::ToBoolean(), v8::internal::Factory::ToObject(), と WrapFrameId().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetFunctionDelegate | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3296 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Execution::GetFunctionDelegate(), と RUNTIME_ASSERT.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetProperty | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 1663 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetPropertyNames | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 1925 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetPropertyNamesFast | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 1940 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetPrototype | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 5628 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetScript | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 5679 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, と Runtime_GetScriptFromScriptName().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetTemplateField | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 320 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_INFO_TYPE, v8::internal::HeapObject::kHeaderSize, kPointerSize, v8::internal::ObjectTemplateInfo::kSize, v8::internal::FunctionTemplateInfo::kSize, OBJECT_TEMPLATE_INFO_TYPE, v8::internal::HeapObject::RawField(), と RUNTIME_ASSERT.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GlobalPrint | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4249 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, unibrow::CharacterStream::GetNext(), unibrow::CharacterStream::has_more(), と PrintF().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GlobalReceiver | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3903 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_HasArgumentsClass | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 256 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_HasArrayClass | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 235 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_HasBooleanClass | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 251 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_HasDateClass | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 230 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_HasElement | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 1891 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::JSObject::cast(), CONVERT_CHECKED, と v8::internal::JSObject::HasElement().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_HasFunctionClass | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 240 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_HasLocalProperty | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_HasNumberClass | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 246 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_HasProperty | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 1877 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::JSObject::cast(), CONVERT_CHECKED, と v8::internal::JSObject::HasProperty().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_HasRegExpClass | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 262 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_HasStringClass | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 225 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_IgnoreAttributesAndSetProperty | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 1824 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_InitializeConstContextSlot | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 693 行で定義されています。
参照先 ABSENT, ASSERT, v8::internal::JSObject::cast(), v8::internal::String::cast(), CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, FIELD, v8::internal::FixedArray::get(), v8::internal::Handle< T >::is_identical_to(), NORMAL, READ_ONLY, v8::internal::FixedArray::set(), UNREACHABLE, v8::internal::Dictionary::ValueAt(), と v8::internal::Dictionary::ValueAtPut().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_InitializeConstGlobal | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 609 行で定義されています。
参照先 ABSENT, ASSERT, v8::internal::Top::context(), CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, DONT_DELETE, FIELD, v8::internal::FixedArray::get(), v8::internal::Context::global(), v8::internal::JSObject::LocalLookup(), NORMAL, READ_ONLY, RUNTIME_ASSERT, v8::internal::FixedArray::set(), v8::internal::JSObject::SetProperty(), ThrowRedeclarationError(), v8::internal::Dictionary::ValueAt(), と v8::internal::Dictionary::ValueAtPut().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_InitializeVarGlobal | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 543 行で定義されています。
参照先 ABSENT, v8::internal::Top::context(), CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, v8::internal::JSObject::GetPropertyAttribute(), v8::internal::Context::global(), v8::internal::JSObject::IgnoreAttributesAndSetLocalProperty(), INTERCEPTOR, v8::internal::JSObject::LocalLookup(), READ_ONLY, RUNTIME_ASSERT, v8::internal::JSObject::SetProperty(), と ThrowRedeclarationError().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_IS_VAR | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 5744 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_IsConstructCall | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 282 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_IsInPrototypeChain | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 267 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::Object::GetPrototype(), と v8::Value::IsNull().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_IsPropertyEnumerable | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 1906 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Heap::ToBoolean().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_IsTemplate | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 312 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_KeyedGetProperty | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 1676 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::LookupCache::cast(), v8::internal::String::cast(), v8::internal::JSObject::cast(), v8::internal::Dictionary::DetailsAt(), v8::internal::JSObject::FastPropertyAt(), v8::internal::Dictionary::FindStringEntry(), v8::internal::Heap::GetKeyedLookupCache(), v8::internal::Runtime::GetObjectProperty(), v8::internal::JSObject::HasFastProperties(), v8::internal::DescriptorArray::kNotFound, v8::internal::LookupCache::kNotFound, v8::internal::JSObject::LocalLookup(), v8::internal::LookupCache::Lookup(), v8::internal::HeapObject::map(), v8::internal::JSObject::property_dictionary(), v8::internal::LookupCache::Put(), v8::internal::Heap::SetKeyedLookupCache(), と v8::internal::Dictionary::ValueAt().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_LazyCompile | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3251 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CompileLazy(), v8::internal::Failure::Exception(), KEEP_EXCEPTION, と PrintF().
static ObjectPair v8::internal::Runtime_LoadContextSlot | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3465 行で定義されています。
static ObjectPair v8::internal::Runtime_LoadContextSlotNoReferenceError | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3470 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_LookupAccessor | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4359 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_LookupContext | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_MaterializeRegExpLiteral | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 785 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Smi::cast(), CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, v8::internal::RegExpImpl::CreateRegExpLiteral(), v8::internal::Failure::Exception(), v8::internal::JSFunction::GlobalContextFromLiterals(), v8::internal::Top::has_pending_exception(), と v8::internal::Smi::value().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_abs | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2954 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_acos | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2963 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_asin | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2972 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_atan | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2981 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_atan2 | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2990 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, と isinf().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_ceil | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3013 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, ceiling(), CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromDouble().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_cos | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3022 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_exp | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3031 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_floor | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3040 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromDouble().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_log | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3049 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, と log.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_pow | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3058 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, v8::internal::Smi::FromInt(), isinf(), と isnan().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_random | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3075 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, hi, lo, と random().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_round | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3092 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromDouble(), と signbit().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_sin | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3102 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_sqrt | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3111 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_tan | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3120 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_MoveArrayContents | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4272 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::FixedArray::cast(), と CONVERT_CHECKED.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NewArguments | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3132 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateArgumentsObject(), v8::internal::Heap::AllocateFixedArray(), ASSERT, v8::internal::JSObject::cast(), v8::internal::FixedArray::cast(), CONVERT_CHECKED, v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::GetParameter(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::GetProvidedParametersCount(), v8::internal::HeapObject::GetWriteBarrierMode(), v8::internal::Array::length(), と v8::internal::FixedArray::set().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NewArgumentsFast | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3162 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateArgumentsObject(), v8::internal::Heap::AllocateRawFixedArray(), ASSERT, v8::internal::JSObject::cast(), v8::internal::FixedArray::cast(), v8::internal::Smi::cast(), v8::internal::JSFunction::cast(), v8::internal::HeapObject::GetWriteBarrierMode(), v8::internal::Heap::InNewSpace(), v8::internal::FixedArray::set(), v8::internal::Array::set_length(), SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER, と v8::internal::Smi::value().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NewClosure | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3193 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Factory::NewFunctionFromBoilerplate().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NewContext | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NewObject | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3205 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateJSObject(), ASSERT, v8::internal::JSFunction::cast(), v8::internal::Top::context(), v8::internal::Debug::FloodWithOneShot(), v8::internal::Context::global(), HandleVector(), v8::internal::JSFunction::has_initial_map(), v8::internal::JSFunction::initial_map(), v8::internal::Map::instance_type(), v8::internal::Factory::NewTypeError(), v8::internal::Debug::step_in_fp(), v8::internal::Debug::StepInActive(), と v8::internal::Top::Throw().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberAdd | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2541 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberAnd | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2745 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromInt32().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberCompare | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2841 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, EQUAL, v8::internal::Smi::FromInt(), GREATER, isless(), isnan(), と LESS.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberDiv | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2580 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Heap::NewNumberFromDouble().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberEquals | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2804 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, EQUAL, fpclassify(), v8::internal::Smi::FromInt(), isnan(), と NOT_EQUAL.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberIsFinite | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3836 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, fpclassify(), と isnan().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberMod | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2590 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, isfinite(), isnan(), と v8::internal::Heap::NewNumberFromDouble().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberMul | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2561 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberNot | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2765 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromInt32().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberOr | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2735 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromInt32().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberSar | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2794 行で定義されています。
参照先 ArithmeticShiftRight(), ASSERT, CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromInt32().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberShl | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2774 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromInt32().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberShr | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2784 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromUint32().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberSub | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2551 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberToExponential | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberToFixed | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberToInteger | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2508 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, DoubleToInteger(), と v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromDouble().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberToJSInt32 | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2530 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, DoubleToInt32(), と v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromInt32().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberToJSUint32 | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberToPrecision | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberToRadixString | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberToString | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2477 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateStringFromAscii(), ARRAY_SIZE, ASSERT, v8::internal::String::cast(), v8::internal::HeapNumber::cast(), v8::internal::Smi::cast(), CStrVector(), DoubleToCString(), v8::internal::Heap::GetNumberStringCache(), IntToCString(), RUNTIME_ASSERT, v8::internal::Heap::SetNumberStringCache(), v8::internal::HeapNumber::value(), と v8::internal::Smi::value().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberUnaryMinus | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2571 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberXor | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2755 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromInt32().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_PrepareStep | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 5087 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, NumberToInt32(), v8::internal::Debug::PrepareStep(), Runtime_CheckExecutionState(), StepIn, StepInMin, StepMin, StepNext, StepOut, と v8::internal::Top::Throw().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_PushContext | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3319 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateWithContext(), ASSERT, v8::internal::Context::cast(), v8::internal::JSObject::cast(), v8::internal::Failure::cast(), v8::internal::Top::context(), HandleVector(), v8::internal::Failure::IsInternalError(), v8::internal::Factory::NewTypeError(), v8::internal::Top::set_context(), と v8::internal::Top::Throw().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_PushIfAbsent | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_RegExpCompile | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 290 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::RegExpImpl::Compile(), と CONVERT_CHECKED.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_RegExpExec | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 761 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, と v8::internal::RegExpImpl::Exec().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_RegExpExecGlobal | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 774 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, と v8::internal::RegExpImpl::ExecGlobal().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_RemoveArrayHoles | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4263 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::JSArray::cast(), と v8::internal::JSArray::RemoveHoles().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_RemoveDebugEventListener | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4398 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, と v8::Debug::RemoveDebugEventListener().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_ReThrow | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3542 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, と v8::internal::Top::ReThrow().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_SetCode | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 899 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Handle< T >::cast(), code(), CompileLazy(), CONVERT_CHECKED, v8::internal::Failure::Exception(), KEEP_EXCEPTION, v8::internal::JSFunction::kLiteralGlobalContextIndex, v8::internal::Factory::NewFixedArray(), RUNTIME_ASSERT, SetExpectedNofProperties(), SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER, と TENURED.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_SetFunctionBreakPoint | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4920 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_SetNewFunctionAttributes | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3964 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_SetProperty | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 1800 行で定義されています。
参照先 CONVERT_CHECKED, DONT_DELETE, DONT_ENUM, READ_ONLY, RUNTIME_ASSERT, と v8::internal::Runtime::SetObjectProperty().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_SetScriptBreakPoint | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_SmiLexicographicCompare | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2856 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, diff(), EQUAL, v8::internal::Smi::FromInt(), GREATER, と LESS.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StackGuard | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3625 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, DebugBreakHelper(), INTERRUPT, Runtime_StackOverflow(), RuntimePreempt(), と v8::internal::Top::StackOverflow().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StackOverflow | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StoreContextSlot | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3475 行で定義されています。
参照先 ABSENT, ASSERT, v8::internal::Handle< T >::cast(), v8::internal::Top::context(), CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, v8::internal::Failure::Exception(), v8::internal::Context::global(), v8::internal::Top::has_pending_exception(), v8::internal::Handle< T >::is_null(), READ_ONLY, SetProperty(), と USE().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringAdd | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringBuilderConcat | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2655 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateRawAsciiString(), v8::internal::Heap::AllocateRawTwoByteString(), ASSERT, v8::internal::SeqTwoByteString::cast(), v8::internal::SeqAsciiString::cast(), v8::internal::String::cast(), v8::internal::FixedArray::cast(), v8::internal::Smi::cast(), v8::internal::Top::context(), CONVERT_CHECKED, v8::internal::FixedArray::get(), v8::internal::SeqTwoByteString::GetChars(), v8::internal::SeqAsciiString::GetChars(), v8::internal::String::IsAsciiRepresentation(), v8::Value::IsString(), v8::internal::Smi::IsValid(), v8::internal::String::length(), v8::internal::Array::length(), v8::internal::Context::mark_out_of_memory(), v8::internal::Failure::OutOfMemoryException(), StringBuilderConcatHelper(), v8::internal::Top::Throw(), と v8::internal::Smi::value().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringCharCodeAt | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 961 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringCompare | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringEquals | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2823 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, EQUAL, v8::internal::Smi::FromInt(), NOT_EQUAL, not_equal, と STATIC_CHECK.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringFromCharCodeArray | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2057 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateRawAsciiString(), v8::internal::Heap::AllocateRawTwoByteString(), ASSERT, v8::internal::String::cast(), v8::internal::Smi::cast(), CONVERT_CHECKED, CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED, v8::internal::String::kMaxAsciiCharCode, NULL, と v8::internal::String::Set().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringIndexOf | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringLastIndexOf | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 1392 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, v8::internal::Smi::FromInt(), と v8::internal::Array::IndexFromObject().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringLocaleCompare | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringParseFloat | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringParseInt | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringSlice | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 1474 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringToLowerCase | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2451 行で定義されています。
参照先 to_lower_mapping.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringToNumber | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2048 行で定義されています。
参照先 ALLOW_HEX, ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromDouble(), と StringToDouble().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringToUpperCase | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2456 行で定義されています。
参照先 to_upper_mapping.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_SystemBreak | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 5637 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Throw | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3534 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, と v8::internal::Top::Throw().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_ThrowReferenceError | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3550 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, HandleVector(), v8::internal::Factory::NewReferenceError(), と v8::internal::Top::Throw().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_ToBool | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2003 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_TraceEnter | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3730 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, NULL, と PrintTransition().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_TraceExit | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3738 行で定義されています。
参照先 PrintTransition().
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Typeof | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2013 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::HeapObject::cast(), FIRST_NONSTRING_TYPE, v8::internal::Map::instance_type(), v8::internal::Map::is_undetectable(), v8::Value::IsFalse(), v8::Value::IsNull(), v8::Value::IsNumber(), v8::Value::IsTrue(), v8::Value::IsUndefined(), JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, v8::internal::HeapObject::map(), と ODDBALL_TYPE.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_URIEscape | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 2128 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateRawAsciiString(), ASSERT, v8::internal::String::cast(), v8::internal::Top::context(), CONVERT_CHECKED, IsNotEscaped(), v8::internal::Smi::IsValid(), v8::internal::Context::mark_out_of_memory(), v8::internal::Failure::OutOfMemoryException(), v8::internal::String::Set(), と string_input_buffer.
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_URIUnescape | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::RuntimePreempt | ( | Arguments | args | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3567 行で定義されています。
参照先 PREEMPT, v8::internal::ContextSwitcher::PreemptionReceived(), と v8::internal::Thread::YieldCPU().
参照元 Runtime_StackGuard().
static void v8::internal::ScanOverflowedObjects | ( | T * | it | ) | [static] |
mark-compact.cc の 547 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Heap::Contains(), v8::internal::MarkingStack::is_full(), v8::internal::HeapObject::IsMarked(), v8::internal::HeapObject::IsOverflowed(), marking_stack, と v8::internal::MarkingStack::Push().
参照元 v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::RefillMarkingStack().
Handle< Object > v8::internal::SetElement | ( | Handle< JSObject > | object, | |
uint32_t | index, | |||
Handle< Object > | value | |||
) |
参照元 v8::internal::RegExpImpl::AtomExecGlobal(), v8::internal::RegExpImpl::JsreCompile(), v8::internal::RegExpImpl::JsreExecGlobal(), v8::internal::MessageHandler::MakeMessageObject(), v8::internal::AstBuildingParser::ReportMessageAt(), Runtime_CreateObjectLiteralBoilerplate(), v8::internal::Runtime::SetObjectProperty(), v8::internal::KeyedStoreIC::Store(), と v8::internal::StoreIC::Store().
void v8::internal::SetExpectedNofProperties | ( | Handle< JSFunction > | func, | |
int | nof | |||
) |
参照元 Runtime_SetCode().
void v8::internal::SetExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate | ( | Handle< SharedFunctionInfo > | shared, | |
int | estimate | |||
) |
void v8::internal::SetExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate | ( | Handle< JSFunction > | func, | |
int | estimate | |||
) |
static void v8::internal::SetObjectPrototype | ( | Handle< JSObject > | object, | |
Handle< Object > | proto | |||
) | [static] |
bootstrapper.cc の 341 行で定義されています。
Handle< Object > v8::internal::SetProperty | ( | Handle< Object > | object, | |
Handle< Object > | key, | |||
Handle< Object > | value, | |||
PropertyAttributes | attributes | |||
) |
Handle< Object > v8::internal::SetProperty | ( | Handle< JSObject > | object, | |
Handle< String > | key, | |||
Handle< Object > | value, | |||
PropertyAttributes | attributes | |||
) |
参照元 InstallFunction(), v8::internal::Debug::Load(), v8::internal::Factory::NewFunctionWithPrototype(), Runtime_CreateObjectLiteralBoilerplate(), Runtime_DebugEvaluate(), Runtime_DeclareContextSlot(), Runtime_DeclareGlobals(), Runtime_StoreContextSlot(), v8::Object::Set(), と v8::internal::Runtime::SetObjectProperty().
Handle< Object > v8::internal::SetPropertyWithInterceptor | ( | Handle< JSObject > | object, | |
Handle< String > | key, | |||
Handle< Object > | value, | |||
PropertyAttributes | attributes | |||
) |
Handle< Object > v8::internal::SetPrototype | ( | Handle< JSFunction > | function, | |
Handle< Object > | prototype | |||
) |
void v8::internal::SetPrototypeProperty | ( | Handle< JSFunction > | func, | |
Handle< JSObject > | value | |||
) |
void v8::internal::SetupLazy | ( | Handle< JSFunction > | fun, | |
int | index, | |||
Handle< Context > | compile_context, | |||
Handle< Context > | function_context | |||
) |
Object* v8::internal::SharedStoreIC_ExtendStorage | ( | Arguments | args | ) |
static HeapObject* v8::internal::ShortCircuitConsString | ( | Object ** | p | ) | [inline, static] |
mark-compact.cc の 213 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::HeapObject::cast(), FIRST_NONSTRING_TYPE, v8::internal::Heap::InNewSpace(), kConsStringTag, kIsSymbolMask, と kStringRepresentationMask.
参照元 v8::internal::RootMarkingVisitor::MarkObjectByPointer(), と v8::internal::MarkingVisitor::MarkObjectByPointer().
static bool v8::internal::ShouldParseOctal | ( | S * | s, | |
int | i | |||
) | [static] |
static int v8::internal::SimpleIndexOf | ( | Vector< const schar > | subject, | |
Vector< const pchar > | pattern, | |||
int | idx | |||
) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 1276 行で定義されています。
static int v8::internal::SimpleIndexOf | ( | Vector< const schar > | subject, | |
Vector< const pchar > | pattern, | |||
int | idx, | |||
bool * | complete | |||
) | [static] |
static int v8::internal::SingleCharIndexOf | ( | Vector< const schar > | string, | |
uc16 | pattern_char, | |||
int | start_index | |||
) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 1217 行で定義されています。
static int v8::internal::smi_get_hash | ( | Smi * | smi | ) | [inline, static] |
static void v8::internal::SplitArgument | ( | const char * | arg, | |
char * | buffer, | |||
int | buffer_size, | |||
const char ** | name, | |||
const char ** | value, | |||
bool * | is_bool | |||
) | [static] |
static int v8::internal::StackSize | ( | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 3680 行で定義されています。
参照元 PrintTransition().
static Object** v8::internal::StackSlotEntriesAddr | ( | Code * | code | ) | [static] |
scopeinfo.cc の 360 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, ParameterEntriesAddr(), ReadInt(), と v8::internal::Code::sinfo_size().
Object * v8::internal::StoreCallbackProperty | ( | Arguments | args | ) |
Object* v8::internal::StoreIC_Miss | ( | Arguments | args | ) |
Object * v8::internal::StoreInterceptorProperty | ( | Arguments | args | ) |
char * v8::internal::StrDup | ( | const char * | str | ) |
static void v8::internal::StringBuilderConcatHelper | ( | String * | special, | |
sinkchar * | sink, | |||
FixedArray * | fixed_array, | |||
int | array_length | |||
) | [inline, static] |
static int v8::internal::StringMatchStrategy | ( | Vector< const schar > | sub, | |
Vector< const pchar > | pat, | |||
int | start_index | |||
) | [static] |
double v8::internal::StringToDouble | ( | String * | str, | |
int | flags, | |||
double | empty_string_val | |||
) |
double v8::internal::StringToDouble | ( | const char * | str, | |
int | flags, | |||
double | empty_string_val | |||
) |
int v8::internal::StringToInt | ( | String * | str, | |
int | index, | |||
int | radix, | |||
double * | value | |||
) |
int v8::internal::StringToInt | ( | const char * | str, | |
int | index, | |||
int | radix, | |||
double * | value | |||
) |
static bool v8::internal::SubStringEquals | ( | const char * | str, | |
int | index, | |||
const char * | other | |||
) | [inline, static] |
conversions.cc の 111 行で定義されています。
static bool v8::internal::SubStringEquals | ( | String * | str, | |
int | index, | |||
const char * | other | |||
) | [inline, static] |
conversions.cc の 118 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::String::length(), と v8::internal::Factory::NewStringSlice().
static void v8::internal::SweepSpace | ( | PagedSpace * | space, | |
DeallocateFunction | dealloc | |||
) | [static] |
mark-compact.cc の 1170 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::Page::AllocationTop(), v8::internal::Code::cast(), v8::internal::Code::ConvertICTargetsFromObjectToAddress(), v8::internal::HeapObject::FromAddress(), v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::IsCompacting(), v8::internal::HeapObject::IsMarked(), LOG, NULL, v8::internal::Page::ObjectAreaStart(), と v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::tracer().
static void v8::internal::SweepSpace | ( | NewSpace * | space | ) | [static] |
mark-compact.cc の 1142 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::NewSpace::bottom(), v8::internal::ByteArray::cast(), v8::internal::HeapObject::FromAddress(), v8::internal::HeapObject::IsMarked(), v8::internal::Array::kHeaderSize, kPointerSize, v8::internal::ByteArray::LengthFor(), v8::internal::Array::set_length(), v8::internal::HeapObject::Size(), v8::internal::NewSpace::top(), と v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::tracer().
static unsigned int __stdcall v8::internal::ThreadEntry | ( | void * | arg | ) | [static] |
static Object* v8::internal::ThrowRedeclarationError | ( | const char * | type, | |
Handle< String > | name | |||
) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 339 行で定義されています。
参照先 CStrVector(), HandleVector(), v8::internal::Factory::NewStringFromAscii(), v8::internal::Factory::NewTypeError(), と v8::internal::Top::Throw().
参照元 Runtime_DeclareContextSlot(), Runtime_DeclareGlobals(), Runtime_InitializeConstGlobal(), と Runtime_InitializeVarGlobal().
static char* v8::internal::ToString | ( | Flag * | flag | ) | [static] |
void v8::internal::TransformToFastProperties | ( | Handle< JSObject > | object, | |
int | unused_property_fields | |||
) |
static int v8::internal::TwoDigitHex | ( | uint16_t | character1, | |
uint16_t | character2 | |||
) | [inline, static] |
static const char* v8::internal::Type2String | ( | Flag::FlagType | type | ) | [static] |
static BUILTIN_END Object* v8::internal::TypeCheck | ( | int | argc, | |
Object ** | argv, | |||
FunctionTemplateInfo * | info | |||
) | [inline, static] |
static int v8::internal::Unescape | ( | String * | source, | |
int | i, | |||
int | length, | |||
int * | step | |||
) | [inline, static] |
runtime.cc の 2212 行で定義されています。
static Object* v8::internal::Unhole | ( | Object * | x, | |
PropertyAttributes | attributes | |||
) | [inline, static] |
Handle< FixedArray > v8::internal::UnionOfKeys | ( | Handle< FixedArray > | first, | |
Handle< FixedArray > | second | |||
) |
static StackFrame::Id v8::internal::UnwrapFrameId | ( | Smi * | wrapped | ) | [static] |
static void v8::internal::UpdateAllocatedSpaceLimits | ( | void * | address, | |
int | size | |||
) | [static] |
platform-win32.cc の 704 行で定義されています。
参照先 highest_ever_allocated, lowest_ever_allocated, Max(), と Min().
参照元 v8::internal::OS::Allocate(), と v8::internal::VirtualMemory::Commit().
static Object* v8::internal::UpdateMapCacheWith | ( | Context * | context, | |
FixedArray * | keys, | |||
Map * | map | |||
) | [static] |
factory.cc の 772 行で定義されています。
static void v8::internal::USE | ( | T | ) | [inline, static] |
参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::cmov(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeLazyCompile(), v8::internal::Thread::CreateThreadLocalKey(), v8::internal::Thread::DeleteThreadLocalKey(), v8::internal::SnapshotReader::ExpectC(), v8::internal::Deserializer::ExpectEncodedAddress(), v8::internal::Handle< JSObject >::Handle(), JSREFree(), v8::internal::LoadIC::Load(), v8::internal::PendingFixups::Process(), v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::RelocateObjects(), Runtime_StoreContextSlot(), Unhole(), と v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::UpdatePointers().
static void v8::internal::VPrintHelper | ( | FILE * | stream, | |
const char * | format, | |||
va_list | args | |||
) | [static] |
platform-win32.cc の 602 行で定義されています。
参照先 HasConsole(), v8::internal::Vector< T >::start(), と v8::internal::OS::VSNPrintF().
static Smi* v8::internal::WrapFrameId | ( | StackFrame::Id | id | ) | [static] |
runtime.cc の 4369 行で定義されています。
参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Smi::FromInt(), IsAligned(), と OffsetFrom().
int v8::internal::WriteAsCFile | ( | const char * | filename, | |
const char * | varname, | |||
const char * | str, | |||
int | size, | |||
bool | verbose = true | |||
) |
int v8::internal::WriteChars | ( | const char * | filename, | |
const char * | str, | |||
int | size, | |||
bool | verbose | |||
) |
int v8::internal::WriteCharsToFile | ( | const char * | str, | |
int | size, | |||
FILE * | f | |||
) |
static Object** v8::internal::WriteInt | ( | Object ** | p, | |
int | x | |||
) | [inline, static] |
scopeinfo.cc の 268 行で定義されています。
参照元 WriteList().
static Object** v8::internal::WriteList | ( | Object ** | p, | |
List< Handle< String >, Allocator > * | list, | |||
List< Variable::Mode, Allocator > * | modes | |||
) | [static] |
scopeinfo.cc の 298 行で定義されています。
参照先 v8::internal::List< T, P >::at(), WriteInt(), WriteSentinel(), と WriteSymbol().
static Object** v8::internal::WriteList | ( | Object ** | p, | |
List< Handle< String >, Allocator > * | list | |||
) | [static] |
scopeinfo.cc の 287 行で定義されています。
参照先 WriteInt(), WriteSentinel(), と WriteSymbol().
static Object** v8::internal::WriteSentinel | ( | Object ** | p | ) | [inline, static] |
static Object** v8::internal::WriteSymbol | ( | Object ** | p, | |
Handle< String > | s | |||
) | [inline, static] |
scopeinfo.cc の 274 行で定義されています。
参照元 WriteList().
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset v8::internal::access_check_info |
objects-inl.h の 1864 行で定義されています。
bool v8::internal::always_allow_natives_syntax = false [static] |
int v8::internal::bad_char_occurence[kBMAlphabetSize] [static] |
runtime.cc の 1026 行で定義されています。
runtime.cc の 1027 行で定義されています。
参照元 BoyerMooreIndexOf(), と BoyerMoorePopulateGoodSuffixTable().
Register v8::internal::cp = { 8 } |
macro-assembler-arm.cc の 38 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::CodeGenerator::CallWithArguments(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallConstant(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::DeclareGlobals(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterExitFrame(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::EnterJSFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowOutOfMemory(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowTOS(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GlobalObject(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::InstantiateBoilerplate(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokeFunction(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::LeaveExitFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::LoadFromSlot(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::LoadGlobalReceiver(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::ResolveBuiltin(), と v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SlotOperand().
CRegister v8::internal::cr0 = { 0 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 67 行で定義されています。
CRegister v8::internal::cr1 = { 1 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 68 行で定義されています。
CRegister v8::internal::cr10 = { 10 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 77 行で定義されています。
CRegister v8::internal::cr11 = { 11 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 78 行で定義されています。
CRegister v8::internal::cr12 = { 12 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 79 行で定義されています。
CRegister v8::internal::cr13 = { 13 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 80 行で定義されています。
CRegister v8::internal::cr14 = { 14 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 81 行で定義されています。
CRegister v8::internal::cr15 = { 15 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 82 行で定義されています。
CRegister v8::internal::cr2 = { 2 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 69 行で定義されています。
CRegister v8::internal::cr3 = { 3 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 70 行で定義されています。
CRegister v8::internal::cr4 = { 4 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 71 行で定義されています。
CRegister v8::internal::cr5 = { 5 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 72 行で定義されています。
CRegister v8::internal::cr6 = { 6 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 73 行で定義されています。
CRegister v8::internal::cr7 = { 7 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 74 行で定義されています。
CRegister v8::internal::cr8 = { 8 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 75 行で定義されています。
CRegister v8::internal::cr9 = { 9 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 76 行で定義されています。
Object* v8::internal::current_security_token = NULL [static] |
List<HeapObject*, PreallocatedStorage>* v8::internal::debug_object_cache = NULL [static] |
Register v8::internal::eax = { 0 } |
assembler-ia32.cc の 46 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::FloatingPointHelper::AllocateHeapNumber(), v8::internal::FloatingPointHelper::CheckFloatOperands(), v8::internal::Assembler::emit_arith(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::FCmp(), v8::internal::Assembler::fild_s(), v8::internal::Assembler::fld_d(), v8::internal::Assembler::fld_s(), v8::internal::InstanceofStub::Generate(), v8::internal::CounterOpStub::Generate(), v8::internal::RevertToNumberStub::Generate(), v8::internal::CompareStub::Generate(), v8::internal::ToBooleanStub::Generate(), v8::internal::RegExpDeferred::Generate(), v8::internal::SmiComparisonDeferred::Generate(), v8::internal::DeferredInlinedSmiSubReversed::Generate(), v8::internal::DeferredInlinedSmiSub::Generate(), v8::internal::DeferredInlinedSmiAddReversed::Generate(), v8::internal::DeferredInlinedSmiAdd::Generate(), v8::internal::DeferredInlinedSmiOperationReversed::Generate(), v8::internal::DeferredInlinedSmiOperation::Generate(), v8::internal::DeferredInlineBinaryOperation::Generate(), GenerateNormalHelper(), v8::internal::GenericBinaryOpStub::GenerateSmiCode(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenericBinaryOperation(), v8::internal::Assembler::inc(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokePrologue(), v8::internal::Assembler::mov(), v8::internal::Assembler::mov_b(), v8::internal::Assembler::pop(), v8::internal::CpuFeatures::Probe(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SmiComparison(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SmiOperation(), と v8::internal::Assembler::test().
Register v8::internal::ebp = { 5 } |
assembler-ia32.cc の 51 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::BASE_EMBEDDED< Allocator >::Context(), v8::internal::Assembler::fild_d(), v8::internal::BASE_EMBEDDED< Allocator >::Function(), v8::internal::BASE_EMBEDDED< Allocator >::Local(), v8::internal::BASE_EMBEDDED< Allocator >::Parameter(), と v8::internal::CpuFeatures::Probe().
Register v8::internal::ebx = { 3 } |
assembler-ia32.cc の 49 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::fistp_s(), v8::internal::Assembler::fstp_d(), v8::internal::Assembler::fstp_s(), v8::internal::InstanceofStub::Generate(), v8::internal::CompareStub::Generate(), v8::internal::ToBooleanStub::Generate(), v8::internal::RegExpDeferred::Generate(), v8::internal::DeferredInlineBinaryOperation::Generate(), GenerateNormalHelper(), v8::internal::GenericBinaryOpStub::GenerateSmiCode(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenericBinaryOperation(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokePrologue(), v8::internal::CpuFeatures::Probe(), と v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SmiOperation().
Register v8::internal::ecx = { 1 } |
assembler-ia32.cc の 47 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::dec(), v8::internal::InstanceofStub::Generate(), v8::internal::CounterOpStub::Generate(), v8::internal::RevertToNumberStub::Generate(), v8::internal::CompareStub::Generate(), v8::internal::ToBooleanStub::Generate(), v8::internal::RegExpDeferred::Generate(), GenerateNormalHelper(), v8::internal::GenericBinaryOpStub::GenerateSmiCode(), v8::internal::CpuFeatures::Probe(), と v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SmiOperation().
Register v8::internal::edi = { 7 } |
Register v8::internal::edx = { 2 } |
assembler-ia32.cc の 48 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::call(), v8::internal::FloatingPointHelper::CheckFloatOperands(), v8::internal::Assembler::fist_s(), v8::internal::InstanceofStub::Generate(), v8::internal::CompareStub::Generate(), v8::internal::ToBooleanStub::Generate(), v8::internal::SmiComparisonDeferred::Generate(), GenerateNormalHelper(), v8::internal::GenericBinaryOpStub::GenerateSmiCode(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokeBuiltin(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokePrologue(), v8::internal::CpuFeatures::Probe(), と v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SmiOperation().
Register v8::internal::esi = { 6 } |
Register v8::internal::esp = { 4 } |
assembler-ia32.cc の 50 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::add(), v8::internal::BASE_EMBEDDED< Allocator >::Element(), v8::internal::Assembler::fisub_s(), v8::internal::InstanceofStub::Generate(), v8::internal::CounterOpStub::Generate(), v8::internal::ToBooleanStub::Generate(), GenerateNormalHelper(), v8::internal::Assembler::jmp(), v8::internal::FloatingPointHelper::LoadFloatOperands(), v8::internal::CpuFeatures::Probe(), と v8::internal::BASE_EMBEDDED< Allocator >::Top().
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal Log all events to the log file Log code events to the log file without profiling Log global handle events Log suspect operations v8::internal::false |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset v8::internal::flag |
objects-inl.h の 1903 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::AccessorInfo::all_can_read(), v8::internal::AccessorInfo::all_can_write(), v8::internal::AccessorInfo::property_attributes(), Runtime_DefineAccessor(), Runtime_LookupAccessor(), v8::internal::AccessorInfo::set_all_can_read(), v8::internal::AccessorInfo::set_all_can_write(), と v8::internal::AccessorInfo::set_property_attributes().
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset kHiddenPrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit v8::internal::formal_parameter_count |
objects-inl.h の 1914 行で定義されています。
Register v8::internal::fp = { 11 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 58 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::StandardFrame::caller_fp(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::caller_pc(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::CallWithArguments(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::CheckAccessGlobalProxy(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::ComputeExpressionsCount(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::ComputeParametersCount(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::context(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterExitFrame(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::EnterJSFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::ExitJSFrame(), v8::internal::InternalFrame::FindCode(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::function(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::FunctionOperand(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), v8::internal::JSEntryStub::GenerateBody(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateNewObject(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadElement(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadLength(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowOutOfMemory(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowTOS(), v8::internal::ExitFrame::GetCallerStackPointer(), v8::internal::InternalFrame::GetCallerStackPointer(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAdaptorFrame::GetCallerStackPointer(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::GetCallerStackPointer(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::GetCallerState(), v8::internal::ExitFrame::GetCallerState(), v8::internal::EntryFrame::GetCallerState(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::GetExpressionAddress(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::Iterate(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::IterateExpressions(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::LeaveExitFrame(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::LeaveFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::ParameterOperand(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::PushTryHandler(), と v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SlotOperand().
uint8_t v8::internal::Hashtable[N] [static] |
bool v8::internal::heap_configured = false [static] |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag v8::internal::Hello |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset v8::internal::hidden_prototype |
objects-inl.h の 1903 行で定義されています。
static void * v8::internal::highest_ever_allocated = reinterpret_cast<void*>(0) [static] |
platform-linux.cc の 215 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::OS::IsOutsideAllocatedSpace(), と UpdateAllocatedSpaceLimits().
Address v8::internal::IC_utilities[] [static] |
{ #define ADDR(name) NULL }
StringStream* v8::internal::incomplete_message = NULL [static] |
bool v8::internal::initialized = false [static] |
const int v8::internal::InitialWeight = 100 [static] |
usage-analyzer.cc の 39 行で定義されています。
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset v8::internal::instance_class_name |
objects-inl.h の 1895 行で定義されています。
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset v8::internal::instance_template |
Register v8::internal::ip = { 12 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 59 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::addrmod1(), v8::internal::Assembler::addrmod2(), v8::internal::Assembler::addrmod3(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::CheckAccessGlobalProxy(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadCallback(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreCallback(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreField(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreInterceptor(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::CopyRegistersFromMemoryToStack(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::CopyRegistersFromStackToMemory(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterExitFrame(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), v8::internal::StackCheckStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(), v8::internal::SetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::JSEntryStub::GenerateBody(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateCore(), GenerateDictionaryLoad(), v8::internal::StubCache::GenerateProbe(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::Jump(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::LeaveExitFrame(), v8::internal::Assembler::msr(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::PushTryHandler(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::RecordWrite(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::RestoreRegistersFromMemory(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::SaveRegistersToMemory(), と v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SmiOperation().
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset kHiddenPrototypeBit v8::internal::is_expression |
objects-inl.h の 1908 行で定義されています。
bool v8::internal::is_initialized = false [static] |
jsregexp.cc の 173 行で定義されています。
bool v8::internal::IsInitialized = false [static] |
const double v8::internal::JUNK_STRING_VALUE = OS::nan_value() [static] |
conversions.cc の 255 行で定義されています。
const uint32_t v8::internal::kAsciiStringTag = 0x4 |
const int v8::internal::KB = 1024 |
const int v8::internal::kBitsPerByte = 8 |
const int v8::internal::kBitsPerByteLog2 = 3 |
const int v8::internal::kBitsPerInt = kIntSize * kBitsPerByte |
const int v8::internal::kBitsPerPointer = kPointerSize * kBitsPerByte |
const int v8::internal::kBMAlphabetSize = 0x100 [static] |
runtime.cc の 988 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kBMMaxShift = 0xff [static] |
runtime.cc の 986 行で定義されています。
参照元 BoyerMooreIndexOf(), BoyerMooreSimplified(), と v8::internal::BMGoodSuffixBuffers::init().
const int v8::internal::kBMMinPatternLength = 5 [static] |
runtime.cc の 991 行で定義されています。
const RegList v8::internal::kCalleeSaved [static] |
1 << 4 | 1 << 5 | 1 << 6 | 1 << 7 | 1 << 8 | kR9Available << 9 | 1 << 10 | 1 << 11
frames-arm.h の 62 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kCharSize = sizeof(char) |
参照元 v8::internal::StringBuilder::AddSubstring(), v8::internal::ByteArray::get(), v8::Object::ObjectProtoToString(), v8::internal::SeqAsciiString::SeqAsciiStringGet(), v8::internal::SeqAsciiString::SeqAsciiStringReadBlock(), v8::internal::SeqAsciiString::SeqAsciiStringReadBlockIntoBuffer(), v8::internal::SeqAsciiString::SeqAsciiStringSet(), v8::internal::ByteArray::set(), と v8::internal::SeqAsciiString::SizeFor().
const int v8::internal::kChunkBits = 7 |
assembler.cc の 118 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::RelocIterator::AdvanceReadVariableLengthPCJump().
const int v8::internal::kChunkMask = (1 << kChunkBits) - 1 |
assembler.cc の 119 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kCodeTargetTag = 1 |
assembler.cc の 108 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kCommentTag = 2 |
assembler.cc の 129 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kDataJumpTag = kPCJumpTag - 1 |
assembler.cc の 125 行で定義されています。
const bool v8::internal::kDebug = false |
参照元 v8::internal::MacroAssembler::CheckAccessGlobalProxy(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowOutOfMemory(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowTOS(), v8::internal::EntryFrame::Iterate(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::LeaveExitFrame(), と v8::internal::Context::Lookup().
const int v8::internal::kDebugIdShift = kDebugRegisterBits |
serialize.h の 59 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::ExternalReferenceTable::ExternalReferenceTable().
const int v8::internal::kDebugRegisterBits = 4 |
serialize.h の 58 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kDefaultTag = 3 |
assembler.cc の 110 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kDoubleSize = sizeof(double) |
const int v8::internal::kEmbeddedObjectTag = 0 |
assembler.cc の 107 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kEndOfChain = -4 |
const int v8::internal::kEstimatedNumberOfChunks = 270 |
const int v8::internal::kExtraTagBits = 4 |
assembler.cc の 103 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::RelocIterator::GetExtraTag(), と v8::internal::RelocIterator::GetTopTag().
const int v8::internal::kFailureTag = 3 |
const int v8::internal::kFailureTagMask = (1 << kFailureTagSize) - 1 |
const int v8::internal::kFailureTagSize = 2 |
const int v8::internal::kFailureTypeTagMask = (1 << kFailureTypeTagSize) - 1 |
const int v8::internal::kFailureTypeTagSize = 2 |
const int v8::internal::kFirstTypeCode = UNCLASSIFIED |
const int v8::internal::kFrameDetailsArgumentCountIndex = 3 [static] |
runtime.cc の 4674 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kFrameDetailsConstructCallIndex = 6 [static] |
runtime.cc の 4677 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kFrameDetailsDebuggerFrameIndex = 7 [static] |
runtime.cc の 4678 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kFrameDetailsFirstDynamicIndex = 8 [static] |
runtime.cc の 4679 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kFrameDetailsFrameIdIndex = 0 [static] |
runtime.cc の 4671 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kFrameDetailsFunctionIndex = 2 [static] |
runtime.cc の 4673 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kFrameDetailsLocalCountIndex = 4 [static] |
runtime.cc の 4675 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kFrameDetailsReceiverIndex = 1 [static] |
runtime.cc の 4672 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kFrameDetailsSourcePositionIndex = 5 [static] |
runtime.cc の 4676 行で定義されています。
const Address v8::internal::kFromSpaceZapValue = reinterpret_cast<Address>(0xbeefdad) |
v8::DeclareExtension kGCExtensionDeclaration & v8::internal::kGCExtension [static] |
execution.cc の 526 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kGetterIndex = 0 |
objects.cc の 48 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kHandleBlockSize = v8::internal::KB - 2 [static] |
const Address v8::internal::kHandleZapValue = reinterpret_cast<Address>(0xbaddead) |
const int v8::internal::kHeapObjectTag = 1 |
参照元 v8::internal::HeapObject::address(), v8::internal::FloatingPointHelper::AllocateHeapNumber(), v8::internal::RelativeAddress::Encode(), FieldMemOperand(), FieldOperand(), v8::internal::HeapObject::FromAddress(), v8::internal::ByteArray::FromDataStartAddress(), v8::internal::CompareStub::Generate(), v8::internal::SetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::JSEntryStub::GenerateBody(), GenerateDictionaryLoad(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateSetValueOf(), v8::internal::ByteArray::GetDataStartAddress(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokeBuiltin(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokeFunction(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokePrologue(), ProbeTable(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::RecordWrite(), v8::internal::SeqAsciiString::SeqAsciiStringReadBlock(), v8::internal::SeqAsciiString::SeqAsciiStringReadBlockIntoBuffer(), v8::internal::SeqTwoByteString::SeqTwoByteStringGetData(), v8::internal::SeqTwoByteString::SeqTwoByteStringReadBlockIntoBuffer(), v8::internal::SemiSpace::Setup(), v8::internal::NewSpace::Setup(), と v8::internal::Context::SlotOffset().
const int v8::internal::kHeapObjectTagMask = (1 << kHeapObjectTagSize) - 1 |
const int v8::internal::kHeapObjectTagSize = 2 |
const int v8::internal::kInitArraySize = 32 [static] |
serialize.cc の 1175 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kIntSize = sizeof(int) |
参照元 v8::internal::RelocIterator::AdvanceReadData(), v8::internal::RelocIterator::AdvanceReadVariableLengthPCJump(), v8::internal::Heap::ClearRSetRange(), EncodeFreeRegion(), v8::internal::ByteArray::get_int(), v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::IterateLiveObjectsInRange(), v8::internal::Heap::IterateRSetRange(), と v8::internal::RelocIterator::next().
const uint32_t v8::internal::kIsNotStringMask = 0x80 |
const uint32_t v8::internal::kIsSymbolMask = 0x20 |
static const RegList v8::internal::kJSCallerSaved [static] |
1 << 0 | 1 << 1 | 1 << 2 | 1 << 3
frames-arm.h の 46 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::MacroAssembler::CopyRegistersFromMemoryToStack(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::CopyRegistersFromStackToMemory(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterExitFrame(), JSCallerSavedCode(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::LeaveExitFrame(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::PopRegistersToMemory(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::PushRegistersFromMemory(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::RestoreRegistersFromMemory(), と v8::internal::MacroAssembler::SaveRegistersToMemory().
const int v8::internal::kLastChunkTag = 1 |
assembler.cc の 122 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kLastChunkTagBits = 1 |
assembler.cc の 120 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::RelocIterator::AdvanceReadVariableLengthPCJump().
const int v8::internal::kLastChunkTagMask = 1 |
assembler.cc の 121 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::RelocIterator::AdvanceReadVariableLengthPCJump().
const uint32_t v8::internal::kLongStringTag = 0x00 |
const int v8::internal::kLOSpaceExecutable = LAST_SPACE + 1 |
const int v8::internal::kLOSpacePointer = LAST_SPACE + 2 |
const int v8::internal::kMaxInt = 0x7FFFFFFF |
const int v8::internal::kMaxRelocModes = 14 |
assembler.cc の 99 行で定義されています。
const uint32_t v8::internal::kMediumStringTag = 0x10 |
const int v8::internal::kMentionedObjectCacheMaxSize = 256 [static] |
string-stream.cc の 35 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kMinimalBufferSize = 4*KB [static] |
assembler-arm.cc の 282 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kMinimumAllocationLimit = 8*MB [static] |
const int v8::internal::kMinimumPromotionLimit = 2*MB [static] |
const int v8::internal::kMinInt = -kMaxInt - 1 |
static const int v8::internal::kMmapFd = -1 [static] |
static const int v8::internal::kMmapFdOffset = 0 [static] |
const uint32_t v8::internal::kMultiFreeEncoding = 1 [static] |
mark-compact.cc の 937 行で定義されています。
参照元 EncodeFreeRegion(), と v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::IterateLiveObjectsInRange().
const int v8::internal::kNonstatementPositionTag = 0 |
assembler.cc の 127 行で定義されています。
static const HANDLE v8::internal::kNoThread = (pthread_t) 0 [static] |
const DWORD v8::internal::kNoThreadId = 0 [static] |
platform-win32.cc の 1250 行で定義されています。
const uint32_t v8::internal::kNotStringTag = 0x80 |
const uint32_t v8::internal::kNotSymbolTag = 0x0 |
const int v8::internal::kNumCalleeSaved = 7 + kR9Available [static] |
frames-arm.h の 73 行で定義されています。
static const int v8::internal::kNumJSCallerSaved = 4 [static] |
frames-arm.h の 52 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::MacroAssembler::CopyRegistersFromMemoryToStack(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::CopyRegistersFromStackToMemory(), v8::internal::ExternalReferenceTable::ExternalReferenceTable(), v8::internal::ExitFrame::GetStateForFramePointer(), JSCallerSavedCode(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::LeaveExitFrame(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::RestoreRegistersFromMemory(), と v8::internal::MacroAssembler::SaveRegistersToMemory().
static const int v8::internal::kNumRegs = 16 [static] |
frames-arm.h の 42 行で定義されています。
参照元 JSCallerSavedCode().
const int v8::internal::kObjectAlignment = 1 << kObjectAlignmentBits |
const int v8::internal::kObjectAlignmentBits = 2 |
const int v8::internal::kObjectAlignmentMask = (1 << kObjectAlignmentBits) - 1 |
const int v8::internal::kOffsetBits = 11 |
serialize.cc の 68 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kOffsetMask = (1 << kOffsetBits) - 1 |
serialize.cc の 69 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::RelativeAddress::Encode(), と PageOffset().
const int v8::internal::kOffsetShift = kSpaceShift + kSpaceBits |
serialize.cc の 67 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::RelativeAddress::Encode(), と PageOffset().
const int v8::internal::kPageAndOffsetBits = kPageBits + kOffsetBits |
serialize.cc の 76 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kPageAndOffsetMask = (1 << kPageAndOffsetBits) - 1 |
serialize.cc の 77 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::RelativeAddress::Encode(), LargeObjectIndex(), と NewSpaceOffset().
const int v8::internal::kPageAndOffsetShift = kOffsetShift |
serialize.cc の 75 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::RelativeAddress::Encode(), LargeObjectIndex(), と NewSpaceOffset().
const int v8::internal::kPageBits = 32 - (kOffsetBits + kSpaceBits + kHeapObjectTagSize) |
serialize.cc の 71 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kPageMask = (1 << kPageBits) - 1 |
serialize.cc の 73 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kPageShift = kOffsetShift + kOffsetBits |
serialize.cc の 72 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kPCJumpTag = (1 << kExtraTagBits) - 1 |
assembler.cc の 112 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kPointerSize = sizeof(void*) |
参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::add(), v8::internal::Heap::AllocateInitialMap(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::CheckAccessGlobalProxy(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallConstant(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallField(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreCallback(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreField(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreInterceptor(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::ComputeExpressionsCount(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::ComputeParametersCount(), v8::internal::ConsString::ConsStringIterateBody(), v8::internal::Heap::CopyBlock(), v8::internal::Heap::CopyJSObject(), v8::internal::Factory::CreateApiFunction(), v8::internal::Heap::CreateInitialMaps(), v8::internal::BASE_EMBEDDED< Allocator >::Element(), EncodeFreeRegion(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterExitFrame(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::EnterJSFrame(), v8::internal::LargeObjectSpace::ExtraRSetBytesFor(), v8::internal::FixedArray::fast_set(), v8::internal::JSObject::FastPropertyAt(), v8::internal::JSObject::FastPropertyAtPut(), v8::internal::FixedArray::FixedArrayIterateBody(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), v8::internal::CallIC::Generate(), v8::internal::InstanceofStub::Generate(), v8::internal::CounterOpStub::Generate(), v8::internal::CompareStub::Generate(), v8::internal::ToBooleanStub::Generate(), v8::internal::CallFunctionStub::Generate(), v8::internal::JSEntryStub::GenerateBody(), GenerateDictionaryLoad(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateNewObject(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateNormal(), GenerateNormalHelper(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadElement(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowTOS(), v8::internal::FixedArray::get(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAdaptorFrame::GetCallerStackPointer(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::GetCallerStackPointer(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::GetExpressionAddress(), v8::internal::JSObject::GetInternalField(), v8::internal::JSObject::GetInternalFieldCount(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::GetParameter(), v8::internal::ExitFrame::GetStateForFramePointer(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::IllegalOperation(), v8::internal::Struct::InitializeBody(), v8::internal::JSObject::InitializeBody(), v8::internal::Page::INLINE(), v8::internal::JSObject::InObjectPropertyAtPut(), v8::internal::HashTable< prefix_size, element_size >::IterateElements(), v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::IterateLiveObjectsInRange(), v8::internal::Heap::IterateRSetRange(), v8::internal::JSBuiltinsObject::javascript_builtin(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::LeaveExitFrame(), v8::internal::ByteArray::LengthFor(), v8::internal::FloatingPointHelper::LoadFloatOperands(), v8::internal::BASE_EMBEDDED< Allocator >::Local(), v8::internal::Map::MapIterateBody(), v8::internal::PagedSpace::MCSpaceOffsetForAddress(), v8::internal::PreallocatedStorage::New(), v8::internal::FreeListNode::next(), v8::internal::Oddball::OddballIterateBody(), v8::internal::BASE_EMBEDDED< Allocator >::Parameter(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::ParameterOperand(), v8::internal::Assembler::pop(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::PushTryHandler(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::RecordWrite(), RecordWriteHelper(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::ResolveBuiltin(), Runtime_GetTemplateField(), v8::internal::Heap::Scavenge(), v8::internal::Heap::ScavengeObjectSlow(), v8::internal::FixedArray::set(), v8::internal::Map::set_instance_size(), v8::internal::JSBuiltinsObject::set_javascript_builtin(), v8::internal::FreeListNode::set_next(), v8::internal::FixedArray::set_null(), v8::internal::FreeListNode::set_size(), v8::internal::FixedArray::set_the_hole(), v8::internal::FixedArray::set_undefined(), v8::internal::JSObject::SetInternalField(), v8::internal::SharedFunctionInfo::SharedFunctionInfoIterateBody(), v8::internal::FixedArray::SizeFor(), v8::internal::Context::SlotOffset(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SlotOperand(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::StubReturn(), SweepSpace(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::UnloadReference(), と v8::internal::Heap::UpdateRSet().
const int v8::internal::kPointerSizeLog2 = 2 |
参照元 v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterExitFrame(), v8::internal::SetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateNewObject(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadElement(), v8::internal::JSObject::GetInternalFieldCount(), v8::internal::Map::instance_size(), と v8::internal::Map::set_instance_size().
const Instr v8::internal::kPopInstruction [static] |
assembler-arm.cc の 270 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::add(), と v8::internal::Assembler::str().
const Instr v8::internal::kPopRegPattern [static] |
assembler-arm.cc の 278 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kPositionTag = 2 |
assembler.cc の 109 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kPositionTypeTagBits = 1 |
const Instr v8::internal::kPushRegPattern [static] |
al | B26 | 4 | NegPreIndex | sp.code() * B16
assembler-arm.cc の 274 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::add(), v8::internal::Assembler::ldr(), と v8::internal::Assembler::str().
const int v8::internal::kR9Available = 1 [static] |
frames-arm.h の 37 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kReferenceIdBits = 16 |
serialize.h の 55 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kReferenceIdMask = (1 << kReferenceIdBits) - 1 |
serialize.h の 56 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kReferenceTypeShift = kReferenceIdBits |
serialize.h の 57 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kSetterIndex = 1 |
const int v8::internal::kShortSize = sizeof(short) |
const uint32_t v8::internal::kShortStringTag = 0x18 |
const uint32_t v8::internal::kSingleFreeEncoding = 0 [static] |
mark-compact.cc の 936 行で定義されています。
参照元 EncodeFreeRegion(), と v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::IterateLiveObjectsInRange().
const int v8::internal::kSmallDataBits = kBitsPerByte - kPositionTypeTagBits |
assembler.cc の 105 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kSmallPCDeltaBits = kBitsPerByte - kTagBits |
assembler.cc の 114 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::RelocIterator::AdvanceReadVariableLengthPCJump().
const int v8::internal::kSmallPCDeltaMask = (1 << kSmallPCDeltaBits) - 1 |
assembler.cc の 115 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kSmiTag = 0 |
const int v8::internal::kSmiTagMask = (1 << kSmiTagSize) - 1 |
参照元 v8::internal::MacroAssembler::Abort(), v8::internal::FloatingPointHelper::CheckFloatOperands(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::Comparison(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallConstant(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadCallback(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadConstant(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadInterceptor(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreCallback(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreField(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreInterceptor(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::EnterJSFrame(), v8::internal::CallIC::Generate(), v8::internal::InstanceofStub::Generate(), v8::internal::CompareStub::Generate(), v8::internal::CallFunctionStub::Generate(), v8::internal::UnarySubStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(), v8::internal::SetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateArrayLength(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateFastCaseSwitchJumpTable(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateIsArray(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateIsNonNegativeSmi(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateIsSmi(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateNormal(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateNormal(), GenerateNormalHelper(), v8::internal::StubCache::GenerateProbe(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadElement(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateSetValueOf(), v8::internal::GenericBinaryOpStub::GenerateSmiCode(), GenerateStringCheck(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateValueOf(), v8::internal::FloatingPointHelper::LoadFloatOperands(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::RecordWrite(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SmiComparison(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SmiOperation(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::ToBoolean(), と v8::internal::MacroAssembler::TryGetFunctionPrototype().
const int v8::internal::kSmiTagSize = 1 |
参照元 v8::internal::Smi::FromInt(), v8::internal::GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(), v8::internal::SetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GetPropertyStub::Generate(), GenerateDictionaryLoad(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateFastCaseSwitchJumpTable(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateNewObject(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadElement(), v8::internal::GenericBinaryOpStub::GenerateSmiCode(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateStringLength(), v8::internal::FloatingPointHelper::LoadFloatOperands(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SmiOperation(), と v8::internal::Smi::value().
const int v8::internal::kSpaceBits = kSpaceTagSize |
serialize.cc の 54 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::kSpaceMask = kSpaceTagMask |
serialize.cc の 55 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::RelativeAddress::Encode(), GetSpace(), IsLargeExecutableObject(), と IsLargeFixedArray().
const int v8::internal::kSpaceShift = kHeapObjectTagSize |
serialize.cc の 53 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::RelativeAddress::Encode(), GetSpace(), IsLargeExecutableObject(), と IsLargeFixedArray().
const int v8::internal::kSpaceTagMask = (1 << kSpaceTagSize) - 1 |
const int v8::internal::kSpaceTagSize = 3 |
const int v8::internal::kStatementPositionTag = 1 |
assembler.cc の 128 行で定義されています。
const uint32_t v8::internal::kStringEncodingMask = 0x4 |
const uint32_t v8::internal::kStringRepresentationMask = 0x03 |
const uint32_t v8::internal::kStringSizeMask = 0x18 |
const uint32_t v8::internal::kStringTag = 0x0 |
const uint32_t v8::internal::kSymbolTag = 0x20 |
const int v8::internal::kTagBits = 2 |
const int v8::internal::kTagMask = (1 << kTagBits) - 1 |
assembler.cc の 102 行で定義されています。
const uint32_t v8::internal::kTwoByteStringTag = 0x0 |
const int v8::internal::kTypeCodeCount = STUB_CACHE_TABLE + 1 |
const int v8::internal::kVariableLengthPCJumpTopTag = 1 |
assembler.cc の 117 行で定義されています。
const Address v8::internal::kZapValue = reinterpret_cast<Address>(0xdeadbeed) |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal Log all events to the log file Log code events to the log file without profiling Log global handle events Log suspect operations Log regular expression execution v8 v8::internal::log |
static void * v8::internal::lowest_ever_allocated = reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1) [static] |
platform-linux.cc の 214 行で定義されています。
Register v8::internal::lr = { 14 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 61 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::MacroAssembler::Call(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterExitFrame(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::EnterJSFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::ExitJSFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), v8::internal::JSEntryStub::GenerateBody(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateCore(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadElement(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadLength(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowOutOfMemory(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowTOS(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::LeaveFrame(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::PushTryHandler(), と v8::internal::MacroAssembler::Ret().
Failure* v8::internal::malloc_failure [static] |
jsregexp.cc の 52 行で定義されています。
参照元 DoCompile(), と JSREMalloc().
MarkingStack v8::internal::marking_stack [static] |
mark-compact.cc の 210 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::EmptyMarkingStack(), v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::MarkDescriptorArray(), v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::MarkLiveObjects(), v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::MarkUnmarkedObject(), v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::ProcessMarkingStack(), v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::ProcessObjectGroups(), v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::ProcessRoots(), v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::RefillMarkingStack(), と ScanOverflowedObjects().
const int v8::internal::MaxWeight = 1000000 [static] |
usage-analyzer.cc の 38 行で定義されています。
const int v8::internal::MB = KB * KB |
const int v8::internal::MinWeight = 1 [static] |
usage-analyzer.cc の 37 行で定義されています。
kPropertyAccessorsOffset v8::internal::named_property_handler |
objects-inl.h の 1854 行で定義されています。
CRegister v8::internal::no_creg = { -1 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 65 行で定義されています。
Register v8::internal::no_reg = { -1 } |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code v8::internal::NULL |
参照元 v8::internal::MacroAssembler::Abort(), v8::internal::ExternalReferenceTable::Add(), v8::internal::Assembler::add(), v8::internal::Debug_Address::address(), v8::internal::OS::Allocate(), v8::internal::Heap::AllocateFunctionContext(), v8::internal::PagedSpace::AllocateLinearly(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::AllocatePages(), v8::internal::PagedSpace::AllocateRaw(), v8::internal::LargeObjectSpace::AllocateRawInternal(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::AllocateRawMemory(), v8::internal::Logger::ApiEntryCall(), v8::internal::Logger::ApiIndexedPropertyAccess(), v8::internal::Logger::ApiIndexedSecurityCheck(), v8::internal::Logger::ApiNamedPropertyAccess(), v8::internal::Logger::ApiNamedSecurityCheck(), v8::internal::Logger::ApiObjectAccess(), v8::internal::ThreadManager::ArchiveThread(), ArrayLengthRangeError(), v8::internal::Accessors::ArraySetLength(), v8::internal::Node::AsAssignment(), v8::internal::Node::AsBinaryOperation(), v8::internal::Node::AsBreakableStatement(), v8::internal::Node::AsCall(), v8::internal::Node::AsEmptyStatement(), v8::internal::Node::AsExpression(), v8::internal::Node::AsExpressionStatement(), v8::internal::Node::AsFunctionLiteral(), v8::internal::Node::AsIterationStatement(), v8::internal::Node::AsLabelCollector(), v8::internal::Node::AsLiteral(), v8::internal::Variable::AsProperty(), v8::internal::VariableProxy::AsProperty(), v8::internal::Node::AsProperty(), v8::internal::Statement::AsReturnStatement(), v8::internal::Assembler::Assembler(), v8::internal::Node::AsSlot(), v8::internal::Node::AsStatement(), v8::internal::Node::AsUnaryOperation(), v8::internal::Variable::AsVariable(), v8::internal::VariableProxy::AsVariable(), v8::internal::Node::AsVariableProxy(), v8::internal::VariableProxy::BindTo(), v8::internal::BreakableStatement::BreakableStatement(), v8::internal::BreakLocationIterator::BreakLocationIterator(), v8::internal::ScriptDataImpl::BuildMessage(), v8::internal::RegExpImpl::CachedStringToTwoByte(), v8::internal::HashMap::Clear(), v8::internal::Segment::clear_next(), v8::internal::Debug::ClearBreakPoint(), v8::internal::StringStream::ClearMentionedObjectCache(), v8::internal::Debug::ClearOneShot(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::Node::ClearWeakness(), v8::internal::Logger::CodeCreateEvent(), v8::internal::Logger::CodeDeleteEvent(), v8::internal::MarkingVisitor::CodeFromDerivedPointer(), v8::internal::Logger::CodeMoveEvent(), v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::CollectGarbage(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::CommitBlock(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::CommitPages(), CompareLocal(), v8::internal::Compiler::Compile(), v8::internal::Debug::CompileDebuggerScript(), v8::internal::Compiler::CompileEval(), v8::internal::Compiler::CompileLazy(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreField(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeKeyedStoreField(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeStoreField(), ContainsLabel(), v8::internal::Code::ConvertICTargetsFromAddressToObject(), v8::internal::Code::ConvertICTargetsFromObjectToAddress(), v8::internal::OS::MemoryMappedFile::create(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::Create(), v8::internal::Heap::CreateCode(), v8::internal::SpaceIterator::CreateIterator(), v8::internal::Thread::CreateThreadLocalKey(), v8::internal::PreallocatedMemoryThread::data(), DebugConstructedBy(), v8::internal::Logger::DebugEvent(), v8::internal::DebugMessageThread::DebugEvent(), DebugGetLoadedScripts(), DebugReferencedBy(), v8::internal::Logger::DebugTag(), v8::internal::Declaration::Declaration(), v8::internal::DummyScope::Declare(), v8::internal::AstBuildingParser::Declare(), v8::internal::PreParser::Declare(), v8::internal::ExternalReferenceDecoder::Decode(), v8::internal::MessageHandler::DefaultMessageReport(), v8::internal::PreallocatedStorage::Delete(), v8::internal::Zone::DeleteAll(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::DeleteChunk(), v8::internal::Logger::DeleteEvent(), v8::internal::HandleScopeImplementer::DeleteExtensions(), v8::internal::Deserializer::Deserialize(), v8::internal::Deserializer::Deserializer(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::Destroy(), v8::internal::SmartPointer< T >::Detach(), v8::internal::Vector< uint16_t >::Dispose(), DoCompile(), v8::internal::BASE_EMBEDDED< Allocator >::done(), v8::internal::Top::DoThrow(), v8::internal::ThreadManager::EagerlyArchiveThread(), v8::internal::Vector< uint16_t >::empty(), v8::internal::BASE_EMBEDDED< Allocator >::EmptyStatement(), v8::internal::StatsCounter::Enabled(), v8::internal::Logger::EnableSlidingStateWindow(), EncodeForwardingAddressesInRange(), v8::internal::Map::FindAccessor(), v8::internal::InternalFrame::FindCode(), FindInPrototypeChain(), v8::internal::StatsTable::FindLocation(), v8::internal::LargeObjectSpace::FindObject(), FindSharedFunctionInfoInScript(), v8::internal::SCTableReference::first_entry(), fits_shifter(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::FreePages(), v8::internal::LargeObjectSpace::FreeUnmarkedObjects(), v8::internal::Runtime::FunctionForName(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), GetArgumentsObject(), v8::internal::Builtins::GetCode(), v8::internal::Deserializer::GetHeader(), v8::internal::StatsCounter::GetInternalPointer(), v8::internal::SymbolKey::GetObject(), v8::internal::RegExpKey::GetObject(), v8::internal::Serializer::GetSavedAddress(), v8::internal::HandleScopeImplementer::GetSpareOrNewBlock(), v8::internal::String::GetTwoByteData(), v8::internal::HeapStringAllocator::grow(), v8::internal::Handle< JSObject >::Handle(), v8::internal::Logger::HandleEvent(), v8::internal::Debug::HandleWeakDebugInfo(), v8::internal::Context::has_extension(), v8::internal::LargeObjectIterator::has_next(), v8::internal::SemiSpace::HasBeenSetup(), v8::internal::Heap::HasBeenSetup(), v8::internal::StatsTable::HasCounterFunction(), v8::internal::HashMap::HashMap(), v8::internal::Scope::HasIllegalRedeclaration(), v8::internal::HeapObjectIterator::HeapObjectIterator(), v8::internal::Logger::HeapSampleBeginEvent(), v8::internal::Logger::HeapSampleEndEvent(), v8::internal::Logger::HeapSampleItemEvent(), v8::internal::Accessors::IllegalSetter(), v8::internal::ExternalReferenceEncoder::IndexOf(), v8::internal::V8::Initialize(), v8::internal::Top::Initialize(), v8::internal::HashMap::Initialize(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::Node::Initialize(), v8::internal::LoopStatement::Initialize(), v8::internal::HandleScopeImplementer::Initialize(), v8::internal::Top::InitializeThreadLocal(), v8::internal::Execution::InstantiateObject(), v8::internal::Logger::IntEvent(), v8::internal::CaseClause::is_default(), v8::internal::SmartPointer< T >::is_empty(), v8::internal::Context::is_function_context(), v8::internal::Variable::is_global(), v8::internal::Handle< JSObject >::is_null(), v8::internal::Page::is_valid(), v8::internal::Bootstrapper::IsActive(), v8::internal::Parser::IsBoilerplateProperty(), v8::internal::LargeObjectSpace::IsEmpty(), v8::internal::Statement::IsEmpty(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::IsInlineSmi(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::IsValidChunk(), v8::internal::VariableProxy::IsValidLeftHandSide(), v8::internal::Serializer::IsVisited(), v8::internal::ThreadManager::Iterate(), v8::internal::Top::Iterate(), v8::internal::BASE_EMBEDDED< Allocator >::Iterate(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::IterateRoots(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::IterateWeakRoots(), v8::internal::Thread::Join(), v8::internal::RegExpImpl::JsreCompile(), JSREMalloc(), v8::internal::LabelShadow::LabelShadow(), v8::internal::LargeObjectIterator::LargeObjectIterator(), v8::internal::PreallocatedMemoryThread::length(), v8::internal::KeyedLoadIC::Load(), v8::internal::LoadIC::Load(), v8::internal::Debug::Load(), LoadContextSlotHelper(), LoadDbgHelpAndTlHelp32(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::LoadReference(), LoadSymbols(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::LoadTypeofExpression(), v8::internal::OS::LocalTimeOffset(), v8::internal::Handle< JSObject >::location(), v8::internal::OS::LogSharedLibraryAddresses(), v8::internal::Token::Lookup(), v8::internal::DummyScope::Lookup(), v8::internal::HashMap::Lookup(), v8::internal::Context::Lookup(), v8::internal::Builtins::Lookup(), v8::internal::Parser::LookupBreakTarget(), v8::internal::Parser::LookupContinueTarget(), v8::internal::Heap::LookupSymbol(), v8::internal::Parser::MakeCatchContext(), MakeCode(), MakeFunction(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::MakeWeak(), v8::internal::ThreadManager::MarkCompactEpilogue(), v8::internal::ThreadManager::MarkCompactPrologue(), v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::MarkObjectGroups(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::MarkWeakRoots(), v8::internal::PagedSpace::MCAllocateRaw(), v8::internal::Variable::Mode2String(), v8::internal::Assembler::msr(), v8::internal::ExternalReferenceEncoder::NameOfAddress(), v8::internal::Segment::New(), v8::internal::LargeObjectChunk::New(), v8::internal::PreallocatedStorage::New(), v8::internal::Malloced::New(), NewArray(), v8::internal::Logger::NewEvent(), v8::internal::Zone::NewExpand(), v8::internal::RegExpImpl::NewSpaceCollectionPrologue(), v8::internal::DummyScope::NewTemporary(), v8::internal::Parser::NewThrowError(), v8::internal::Parser::NewThrowReferenceError(), v8::internal::DummyScope::NewUnresolved(), v8::internal::ThreadState::Next(), v8::internal::SemiSpaceIterator::next(), v8::internal::HeapObjectIterator::next(), v8::internal::SpaceIterator::next(), v8::internal::HashMap::Next(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::Node::Node(), v8::internal::JSObject::NumberOfLocalElements(), v8::internal::Accessors::ObjectSetPrototype(), v8::internal::RegExpImpl::OldSpaceCollectionPrologue(), v8::internal::SmartPointer< T >::operator=(), v8::internal::PagedSpace::PagedSpace(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseArrayLiteral(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseAssignmentExpression(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseBlock(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseBreakStatement(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseCaseClause(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseContinueStatement(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseDoStatement(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseExpressionOrLabelledStatement(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseForStatement(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseFunctionLiteral(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseIfStatement(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseLazy(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseLeftHandSideExpression(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseMemberWithNewPrefixesExpression(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseNativeDeclaration(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseObjectLiteral(), v8::internal::Parser::ParsePostfixExpression(), v8::internal::Parser::ParsePrimaryExpression(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseProgram(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseRegExpLiteral(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseSourceElements(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseStatement(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseThrowStatement(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseTryStatement(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseUnaryExpression(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseV8Intrinsic(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseVariableDeclarations(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseWhileStatement(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::PostGarbageCollectionProcessing(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::Node::PostGarbageCollectionProcessing(), v8::internal::Logger::Preamble(), v8::internal::Parser::PreParseProgram(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::Print(), PrintLn(), v8::internal::Top::PrintStack(), PrintTransition(), v8::internal::HashMap::Probe(), v8::internal::CpuFeatures::Probe(), v8::internal::Debugger::ProcessCommand(), v8::internal::Debugger::ProcessDebugEvent(), v8::internal::ObjectLiteral::Property::Property(), v8::internal::String::ReadBlock(), ReadCharsFromFile(), v8::internal::ParserRecorder::ReadString(), v8::internal::Logger::RegExpCompileEvent(), v8::internal::Logger::RegExpExecEvent(), v8::internal::Parser::RegisterLabelUse(), v8::internal::Debug::RemoveDebugInfo(), v8::internal::Parser::ReportUnexpectedToken(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::ReserveInitialChunk(), v8::internal::BreakLocationIterator::Reset(), v8::internal::HashMap::Resize(), v8::internal::Deserializer::Resolve(), v8::internal::Logger::ResourceEvent(), v8::internal::ThreadManager::RestoreThread(), Runtime_Abort(), Runtime_ArrayConcat(), Runtime_CompileScript(), Runtime_DebugConstructedBy(), Runtime_DebugEvaluate(), Runtime_DebugEvaluateGlobal(), Runtime_DebugGetLoadedScripts(), Runtime_DebugReferencedBy(), Runtime_DeclareContextSlot(), Runtime_FunctionSetPrototype(), Runtime_GetFrameDetails(), Runtime_IS_VAR(), Runtime_StringFromCharCodeArray(), Runtime_TraceEnter(), v8::internal::SemiSpace::SemiSpace(), v8::internal::SemiSpaceIterator::SemiSpaceIterator(), v8::internal::Debugger::SendMessage(), v8::internal::Serializer::Serialize(), v8::internal::Serializer::Serializer(), v8::internal::DebugMessageThread::SetEventJSONFromEvent(), v8::internal::Top::SetFailedAccessCheckCallback(), v8::internal::JSObject::SetPropertyWithCallback(), v8::internal::LargeObjectSpace::Setup(), v8::internal::NewSpace::Setup(), v8::internal::Logger::Setup(), v8::internal::Heap::Setup(), v8::internal::Builtins::Setup(), v8::internal::Top::setup_external_caught(), v8::internal::Logger::SharedLibraryEvent(), v8::internal::Top::ShouldReportException(), v8::internal::Variable::slot(), v8::internal::Slot::Slot(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SlotOperand(), v8::internal::MapSpace::SlowAllocateRaw(), v8::internal::OldSpace::SlowAllocateRaw(), v8::internal::PagedSpace::SlowMCAllocateRaw(), v8::internal::SmartPointer< T >::SmartPointer(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SmiOperation(), v8::internal::Heap::SmiOrNumberFromDouble(), v8::internal::Top::StackOverflow(), v8::internal::Top::StackTrace(), v8::internal::OS::StackWalk(), v8::internal::Thread::Start(), v8::internal::ContextSwitcher::StartPreemption(), v8::internal::PreallocatedMemoryThread::StartThread(), v8::internal::ContextSwitcher::StopPreemption(), v8::internal::PreallocatedMemoryThread::StopThread(), v8::internal::Logger::StringEvent(), v8::internal::Logger::SuspectReadEvent(), SweepSpace(), v8::internal::Heap::SymbolMapForString(), v8::internal::Parser::TargetStackContainsLabel(), v8::internal::Top::TearDown(), v8::internal::LargeObjectSpace::TearDown(), v8::internal::SemiSpace::TearDown(), v8::internal::NewSpace::TearDown(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::TearDown(), v8::internal::Logger::TearDown(), v8::internal::Heap::TearDown(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::TearDown(), v8::internal::Top::Throw(), v8::internal::OS::Ticks(), v8::internal::OS::TimeCurrentMillis(), v8::internal::String::ToCString(), v8::internal::TryCatch::TryCatch(), Type2String(), v8::internal::Debugger::UpdateActiveDebugger(), v8::internal::KeyedStoreIC::UpdateCaches(), v8::internal::StoreIC::UpdateCaches(), v8::internal::KeyedLoadIC::UpdateCaches(), v8::internal::LoadIC::UpdateCaches(), v8::internal::CallIC::UpdateCaches(), v8::internal::UTF8Buffer::UTF8Buffer(), v8::internal::Vector< uint16_t >::Vector(), v8::internal::VirtualMemory::VirtualMemory(), v8::internal::UsageComputer::VisitDeclaration(), v8::internal::ReferenceUpdater::VisitExternalReferences(), v8::internal::UsageComputer::VisitLoopStatement(), v8::internal::UsageComputer::VisitProperty(), v8::internal::ReferenceUpdater::VisitRuntimeEntry(), v8::internal::Win32Semaphore::Win32Semaphore(), v8::internal::Parser::WithHelper(), v8::internal::Access< T >::~Access(), v8::internal::Assembler::~Assembler(), v8::internal::BreakLocationIterator::~BreakLocationIterator(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::Node::~Node(), v8::internal::OffsetsVector::~OffsetsVector(), と v8::internal::Win32MemoryMappedFile::~Win32MemoryMappedFile().
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset v8::internal::Object |
objects-inl.h の 1849 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::Function::Call(), v8::CallV8HeapFunction(), v8::Context::DetachGlobal(), v8::Value::Equals(), v8::Exception::Error(), v8::TryCatch::Exception(), v8::Context::GetSecurityToken(), v8::Context::Global(), v8::TryCatch::HasCaught(), v8::FunctionTemplate::HasInstance(), v8::Array::Length(), v8::TryCatch::Message(), v8::Function::NewInstance(), v8::Exception::RangeError(), v8::HandleScope::RawClose(), v8::Exception::ReferenceError(), v8::Script::Run(), v8::Exception::SyntaxError(), と v8::Exception::TypeError().
OutputMode v8::internal::output_mode = UNKNOWN [static] |
platform-win32.cc の 580 行で定義されています。
参照元 HasConsole().
Register v8::internal::pc = { 15 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 62 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::addrmod1(), v8::internal::Assembler::addrmod2(), v8::internal::Assembler::addrmod3(), v8::internal::Assembler::addrmod4(), v8::internal::Assembler::addrmod5(), v8::internal::Assembler::blx(), v8::internal::Assembler::bx(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::Call(), v8::internal::Assembler::CheckConstPool(), v8::internal::Assembler::clz(), disasm::Disassembler::Disassemble(), v8::internal::InternalFrame::FindCode(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), v8::internal::JSEntryStub::GenerateBody(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateCore(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateFastCaseSwitchJumpTable(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadElement(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadLength(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowOutOfMemory(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowTOS(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::Jump(), v8::internal::Assembler::ldm(), v8::internal::Assembler::lea(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::LeaveExitFrame(), v8::internal::Assembler::mla(), v8::internal::Assembler::mrs(), v8::internal::Assembler::msr(), v8::internal::Assembler::mul(), v8::internal::PendingFixups::Process(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::Ret(), v8::internal::Assembler::smlal(), v8::internal::Assembler::smull(), v8::internal::Assembler::swp(), v8::internal::Assembler::swpb(), v8::internal::Assembler::umlal(), v8::internal::Assembler::umull(), と v8::internal::Deserializer::VisitRuntimeEntry().
Register v8::internal::pp = { 10 } |
macro-assembler-arm.cc の 39 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::StandardFrame::caller_sp(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::ComputeParametersCount(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowOutOfMemory(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowTOS(), v8::internal::ExitFrame::GetCallerState(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::GetParameter(), v8::internal::BASE_EMBEDDED< Allocator >::id(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::Iterate(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::PushTryHandler(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::receiver(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::set_receiver(), と tryRequiredByteOptimization().
Address v8::internal::promoted_top = NULL [static] |
objects-inl.h の 1849 行で定義されています。
Register v8::internal::r0 = { 0 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 47 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::MacroAssembler::Abort(), v8::internal::Assembler::cmn(), v8::internal::Assembler::cmp(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::Comparison(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadCallback(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadConstant(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadInterceptor(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreCallback(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreField(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreInterceptor(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::DeclareGlobals(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterExitFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), v8::internal::StoreIC::Generate(), v8::internal::LoadIC::Generate(), v8::internal::CallIC::Generate(), v8::internal::CallFunctionStub::Generate(), v8::internal::InvokeBuiltinStub::Generate(), v8::internal::UnarySubStub::Generate(), v8::internal::StackCheckStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(), v8::internal::SetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::ObjectLiteralDeferred::Generate(), v8::internal::DeferredInlinedSmiOperation::Generate(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateArgumentsAccess(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateArgumentsLength(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateArrayLength(), v8::internal::JSEntryStub::GenerateBody(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateBody(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateCore(), v8::internal::StoreIC::GenerateExtendStorage(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateFastCaseSwitchJumpTable(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateFastCharCodeAt(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateIsArray(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateIsNonNegativeSmi(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateIsSmi(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateNewObject(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateNormal(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateNormal(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateObjectEquals(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadElement(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadLength(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateSetValueOf(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateStringLength(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowOutOfMemory(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateValueOf(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenericBinaryOperation(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::IllegalOperation(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::InstantiateBoilerplate(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokePrologue(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::Load(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::LoadFromSlot(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::LoadGlobal(), v8::internal::Assembler::mov(), v8::internal::Assembler::mvn(), v8::internal::Assembler::nop(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::PushTryHandler(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SlotOperand(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SmiOperation(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::TailCallRuntime(), v8::internal::Assembler::teq(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::ToBoolean(), v8::internal::Assembler::tst(), と v8::internal::CodeGenerator::UnloadReference().
Register v8::internal::r1 = { 1 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 48 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::CodeGenerator::Comparison(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallConstant(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadCallback(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadConstant(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadInterceptor(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreCallback(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreField(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreInterceptor(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterExitFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::EnterJSFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), v8::internal::CallIC::Generate(), v8::internal::CallFunctionStub::Generate(), v8::internal::UnarySubStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(), v8::internal::SetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::ObjectLiteralDeferred::Generate(), v8::internal::DeferredInlinedSmiOperation::Generate(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateArgumentsAccess(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateArrayLength(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateCore(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateIsArray(), v8::internal::StoreIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateNormal(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateNormal(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateObjectEquals(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadElement(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateSetValueOf(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateStringLength(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateValueOf(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenericBinaryOperation(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokeFunction(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::JumpToBuiltin(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::PushTryHandler(), と v8::internal::MacroAssembler::ResolveBuiltin().
Register v8::internal::r10 = { 10 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 57 行で定義されています。
Register v8::internal::r2 = { 2 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 49 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::MacroAssembler::Call(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::Comparison(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallConstant(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadCallback(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadInterceptor(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreCallback(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreField(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreInterceptor(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::EnterJSFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), v8::internal::StoreIC::Generate(), v8::internal::LoadIC::Generate(), v8::internal::CallIC::Generate(), v8::internal::CallFunctionStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(), v8::internal::SetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::ObjectLiteralDeferred::Generate(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateCore(), GenerateDictionaryLoad(), v8::internal::StoreIC::GenerateExtendStorage(), v8::internal::StoreIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateNewObject(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateNormal(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadElement(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadLength(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateSetValueOf(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowOutOfMemory(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowTOS(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokeFunction(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokePrologue(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::LeaveExitFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::LoadFromSlot(), と v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SmiOperation().
Register v8::internal::r3 = { 3 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 50 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallConstant(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadCallback(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadConstant(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadInterceptor(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreCallback(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreField(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreInterceptor(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), v8::internal::StoreIC::Generate(), v8::internal::CallIC::Generate(), v8::internal::GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(), v8::internal::SetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::JSEntryStub::GenerateBody(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateCore(), GenerateDictionaryLoad(), v8::internal::StoreIC::GenerateExtendStorage(), v8::internal::StoreIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateNewObject(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadElement(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadLength(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateSetValueOf(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateStringLength(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowOutOfMemory(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowTOS(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokeFunction(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokePrologue(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::LeaveExitFrame(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::PushTryHandler(), と v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SmiOperation().
Register v8::internal::r4 = { 4 } |
Register v8::internal::r5 = { 5 } |
Register v8::internal::r6 = { 6 } |
Register v8::internal::r7 = { 7 } |
Register v8::internal::r8 = { 8 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 55 行で定義されています。
Register v8::internal::r9 = { 9 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 56 行で定義されています。
Runtime::Function v8::internal::Runtime_functions[] [static] |
runtime.cc の 5757 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::Runtime::FunctionForId(), と v8::internal::Runtime::FunctionForName().
compiler.cc の 151 行で定義されています。
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp v8::internal::serdes |
Register v8::internal::sp = { 13 } |
assembler-arm.cc の 60 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::CodeGenerator::CleanStack(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallConstant(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadCallback(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadConstant(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadInterceptor(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreCallback(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreField(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreInterceptor(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::ComputeExpressionsCount(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterExitFrame(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::EnterJSFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::ExitJSFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), v8::internal::StoreIC::Generate(), v8::internal::LoadIC::Generate(), v8::internal::CallIC::Generate(), v8::internal::CallFunctionStub::Generate(), v8::internal::StackCheckStub::Generate(), v8::internal::SetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateArrayLength(), v8::internal::JSEntryStub::GenerateBody(), v8::internal::StoreIC::GenerateExtendStorage(), v8::internal::StoreIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateNewObject(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateNormal(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateNormal(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateStringLength(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowOutOfMemory(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowTOS(), v8::internal::ExitFrame::GetStateForFramePointer(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::IllegalOperation(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::IterateExpressions(), v8::internal::Assembler::ldm(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::LeaveExitFrame(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::LeaveFrame(), v8::internal::Assembler::pop(), v8::internal::Assembler::push(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::PushTryHandler(), v8::internal::Assembler::str(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::StubReturn(), と v8::internal::CodeGenerator::UnloadReference().
static byte * v8::internal::spare_buffer_ = NULL [static] |
assembler-arm.cc の 283 行で定義されています。
参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::Assembler(), と v8::internal::Assembler::~Assembler().
int v8::internal::stack_trace_nesting_level = 0 [static] |
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset kHiddenPrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit kFormalParameterCountOffset v8::internal::start_position_and_type |
objects-inl.h の 1908 行で定義されています。
objects.cc の 3789 行で定義されています。
objects.cc の 3769 行で定義されています。
参照元 CompareStringContentsPartial(), と v8::internal::String::SlowEquals().
static StaticResource< StringInputBuffer > v8::internal::string_input_buffer [static] |
Object* v8::internal::tables[NUMBER_OF_ENTRY_KINDS] = { 0, } [static] |
unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::ToLowercase, 128> v8::internal::to_lower_mapping [static] |
runtime.cc の 2341 行で定義されています。
unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::ToUppercase, 128> v8::internal::to_upper_mapping [static] |
runtime.cc の 2340 行で定義されています。
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message v8::internal::true |
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag v8::internal::world |
XMMRegister v8::internal::xmm0 = { 0 } |
assembler-ia32.cc の 56 行で定義されています。
XMMRegister v8::internal::xmm1 = { 1 } |
assembler-ia32.cc の 57 行で定義されています。
XMMRegister v8::internal::xmm2 = { 2 } |
assembler-ia32.cc の 58 行で定義されています。
XMMRegister v8::internal::xmm3 = { 3 } |
assembler-ia32.cc の 59 行で定義されています。
XMMRegister v8::internal::xmm4 = { 4 } |
assembler-ia32.cc の 60 行で定義されています。
XMMRegister v8::internal::xmm5 = { 5 } |
assembler-ia32.cc の 61 行で定義されています。
XMMRegister v8::internal::xmm6 = { 6 } |
assembler-ia32.cc の 62 行で定義されています。
XMMRegister v8::internal::xmm7 = { 7 } |
assembler-ia32.cc の 63 行で定義されています。