構成 | 型定義 | 列挙型 | 関数 | 変数

ネームスペース v8::internal


class  Accessors
class  NativeAllocationChecker
class  Malloced
class  AllStatic
class  FreeStoreAllocationPolicy
class  PreallocatedStorage
class  HandleScopeImplementer
struct  Register
struct  CRegister
class  Assembler
struct  XMMRegister
class  CpuFeatures
class  Label
class  LabelShadow
class  RelocIterator
class  Node
class  Statement
class  Expression
class  ValidLeftHandSideSentinel
class  BreakableStatement
class  Block
class  Declaration
class  IterationStatement
class  LoopStatement
class  ForInStatement
class  ExpressionStatement
class  ContinueStatement
class  BreakStatement
class  ReturnStatement
class  WithEnterStatement
class  WithExitStatement
class  CaseClause
class  SwitchStatement
class  IfStatement
class  LabelCollector
class  TryStatement
class  TryCatch
class  TryFinally
class  DebuggerStatement
class  EmptyStatement
class  Literal
class  MaterializedLiteral
class  ObjectLiteral
class  RegExpLiteral
class  ArrayLiteral
class  VariableProxy
class  VariableProxySentinel
class  Slot
class  Property
class  Call
class  CallNew
class  CallRuntime
class  UnaryOperation
class  BinaryOperation
class  CountOperation
class  CompareOperation
class  Conditional
class  Assignment
class  Throw
class  FunctionLiteral
class  FunctionBoilerplateLiteral
class  ThisFunction
class  PendingFixups
class  Bootstrapper
class  Builtins
struct  IdentifierStart
struct  IdentifierPart
class  GetPropertyStub
class  SetPropertyStub
class  GenericBinaryOpStub
class  InvokeBuiltinStub
class  DeferredInlinedSmiOperation
class  CallFunctionStub
class  ObjectLiteralDeferred
class  CodeGenerator
class  ToBooleanStub
class  FloatingPointHelper
class  DeferredInlineBinaryOperation
class  DeferredInlinedSmiOperationReversed
class  DeferredInlinedSmiAdd
class  DeferredInlinedSmiAddReversed
class  DeferredInlinedSmiSub
class  DeferredInlinedSmiSubReversed
class  CompareStub
class  SmiComparisonDeferred
class  RegExpDeferred
class  CountOperationDeferred
class  RevertToNumberStub
class  CounterOpStub
class  InstanceofStub
struct  InlineRuntimeLUT
class  DeferredCode
class  RuntimeStub
class  StackCheckStub
class  UnarySubStub
class  CEntryStub
class  CEntryDebugBreakStub
class  JSEntryStub
class  JSConstructEntryStub
class  ArgumentsAccessStub
class  CompilationCache
class  Compiler
class  Context
class  StatsTable
struct  StatsCounter
struct  StatsCounterTimer
struct  StatsRate
class  CPU
class  DateParser
class  BreakLocationIterator
class  DebugInfoListNode
class  Debug
class  Debugger
class  DebugMessageThread
class  Debug_Address
class  Disassembler
class  Execution
class  GCExtension
class  Factory
class  StackHandlerConstants
class  EntryFrameConstants
class  ExitFrameConstants
class  StandardFrameConstants
class  JavaScriptFrameConstants
class  ArgumentsAdaptorFrameConstants
class  InternalFrameConstants
class  EntryFrame
class  EntryConstructFrame
class  ExitFrame
class  ExitDebugFrame
class  StandardFrame
class  JavaScriptFrame
class  ArgumentsAdaptorFrame
class  InternalFrame
class  ConstructFrame
class  ObjectGroup
class  GlobalHandles
struct  CodeDesc
union  DoubleRepresentation
struct  AccessorDescriptor
class  Handle
class  HashMap
class  ScavengeVisitor
class  UpdateRSetVisitor
class  Heap
class  AlwaysAllocateScope
class  SpaceIterator
class  MarkingStack
class  AssertNoAllocation
class  IC
class  IC_Utility
class  CallIC
class  LoadIC
class  KeyedLoadIC
class  StoreIC
class  KeyedStoreIC
class  OffsetsVector
class  RegExpImpl
class  List
class  VMState
class  Logger
class  MacroAssembler
class  RecordWriteStub
class  CodePatcher
class  MarkingVisitor
class  RootMarkingVisitor
class  SymbolTableCleaner
class  UpdatingVisitor
class  MarkCompactCollector
class  Memory
class  MessageLocation
class  MessageHandler
class  NativesCollection
class  NumberKey
class  StringKey
class  RegExpKey
class  Utf8SymbolKey
class  SymbolKey
class  SymbolsKey
class  MapNameKey
struct  ValueInfo
class  Smi
class  Failure
class  HeapObject
class  HeapNumber
class  JSObject
class  Array
class  FixedArray
class  DescriptorArray
class  HashTableKey
class  HashTable
class  SymbolTable
class  MapCache
class  LookupCache
class  DictionaryBase
class  Dictionary
class  ByteArray
class  Code
class  Map
class  Struct
class  Script
class  SharedFunctionInfo
class  JSFunction
class  JSGlobalProxy
class  GlobalObject
class  JSGlobalObject
class  JSBuiltinsObject
class  JSValue
class  JSRegExp
class  CompilationCacheTable
class  StringHasher
class  String
class  SeqString
class  SeqAsciiString
class  SeqTwoByteString
class  ConsString
class  SlicedString
class  ExternalString
class  ExternalAsciiString
class  ExternalTwoByteString
class  StringInputBuffer
class  SafeStringInputBuffer
class  VectorIterator
class  Oddball
class  Proxy
class  JSArray
class  AccessorInfo
class  AccessCheckInfo
class  InterceptorInfo
class  CallHandlerInfo
class  TemplateInfo
class  FunctionTemplateInfo
class  ObjectTemplateInfo
class  SignatureInfo
class  TypeSwitchInfo
class  DebugInfo
class  BreakPointInfo
class  BooleanBit
class  Parser
class  ZoneListWrapper
class  AstBuildingParserFactory
class  ParserRecorder
class  AstBuildingParser
class  PreParser
class  ParserMessage
class  ScriptDataImpl
class  PosixMemoryMappedFile
class  LinuxMutex
class  LinuxSemaphore
class  MacOSMutex
class  MacOSSemaphore
class  NullMutex
class  NullSemaphore
class  Time
class  Win32MemoryMappedFile
class  Win32Mutex
class  Win32Semaphore
class  OS
class  VirtualMemory
class  ThreadHandle
class  Thread
class  Mutex
class  ScopedLock
class  Semaphore
class  MapTransitionDescriptor
class  ConstTransitionDescriptor
class  FieldDescriptor
class  ConstantFunctionDescriptor
class  CallbacksDescriptor
class  DescriptorReader
class  DescriptorWriter
class  AstOptimizer
class  Processor
class  Rewriter
class  BMGoodSuffixBuffers
class  ArrayConcatVisitor
class  Runtime
class  UTF8Buffer
class  UTF16Buffer
class  Scanner
class  LocalsMap
class  Scope
class  DummyScope
class  RelativeAddress
class  SimulatedHeapSpace
class  ExternalReferenceTable
class  SnapshotWriter
class  ReferenceUpdater
class  GlobalHandlesRetriever
class  ExternalReferenceEncoder
class  ExternalReferenceDecoder
class  Serializer
class  SnapshotReader
class  Deserializer
class  Shell
class  SmartPointer
class  Snapshot
class  Page
class  Space
class  MemoryAllocator
class  ObjectIterator
class  HeapObjectIterator
class  AllocationInfo
class  PagedSpace
class  SemiSpace
class  SemiSpaceIterator
class  NewSpace
class  FreeListNode
class  OldSpace
class  MapSpace
class  LargeObjectChunk
class  LargeObjectSpace
class  LargeObjectIterator
class  StringAllocator
class  HeapStringAllocator
class  NoAllocationStringAllocator
class  FmtElm
class  StringStream
class  StubCache
class  SCTableReference
class  LoadStubCompiler
class  KeyedLoadStubCompiler
class  StoreStubCompiler
class  KeyedStoreStubCompiler
class  CallStubCompiler
class  Token
class  PreallocatedMemoryThread
class  StackTraceFrameIterator
class  Top
class  UsageComputer
class  BitField
class  StaticResource
class  Access
class  Vector
class  EmbeddedVector
class  AsciiStringAdapter
class  StringBuilder
class  Counters
class  V8
class  ThreadState
class  ThreadManager
class  ContextSwitcher
class  Variable
class  Segment
class  Zone
class  ZoneObject
class  AssertNoZoneAllocation
class  ZoneListAllocationPolicy
class  ZoneList


typedef uint32_t SRegisterFieldMask
typedef int32_t Instr
typedef int(* F0 )()
typedef ZoneList< Handle
< String > > 
typedef ObjectJSCallerSavedBuffer [kNumJSCallerSaved]
typedef uint32_t RegList
typedef uint8_t byte
typedef byteAddress
typedef uint16_t uc16
typedef signed int uc32
typedef bool(* WeakSlotCallback )(Object **pointer)
typedef void(* ObjectSlotCallback )(HeapObject **pointer)
typedef int(* HeapObjectCallback )(HeapObject *obj)
typedef bool(* ConstraintCallback )(Address new_addr, Address old_addr)
typedef void(* InlineCacheCallback )(Code *code, Address ic)
typedef bool(* IsAliveFunction )(HeapObject *obj, int *size, int *offset)
typedef void(* DeallocateFunction )(Address start, int size_in_bytes)
typedef bool(* NativeSourceCallback )(Vector< const char > name, Vector< const char > source, int index)
typedef NativesCollection< CORE > Natives
typedef IN PSTR UserSearchPath
typedef IN PSTR IN BOOL fInvadeProcess
typedef OUT PSTR SearchPath
typedef OUT PSTR IN DWORD SearchPathLength
typedef IN HANDLE hFile
typedef IN HANDLE IN PSTR ImageName
typedef IN HANDLE IN PSTR IN PSTR ModuleName
typedef HANDLE hProcess
typedef HANDLE HANDLE hThread
typedef IN DWORD64 qwAddr
typedef IN DWORD64 OUT PDWORD64 pdwDisplacement
typedef IN DWORD64 OUT
typedef DWORD64 AddrBase
typedef DWORD th32ProcessID
typedef LPMODULEENTRY32W lpme
typedef uint64_t ObjectPair


enum  {
  H = 1 << 5, S6 = 1 << 6, L = 1 << 20, S = 1 << 20,
  W = 1 << 21, A = 1 << 21, B = 1 << 22, N = 1 << 22,
  U = 1 << 23, P = 1 << 24, I = 1 << 25, B4 = 1 << 4,
  B5 = 1 << 5, B7 = 1 << 7, B8 = 1 << 8, B12 = 1 << 12,
  B16 = 1 << 16, B20 = 1 << 20, B21 = 1 << 21, B22 = 1 << 22,
  B23 = 1 << 23, B24 = 1 << 24, B25 = 1 << 25, B26 = 1 << 26,
  B27 = 1 << 27, RdMask = 15 << 12, CondMask = 15 << 28, OpCodeMask = 15 << 21,
  Imm24Mask = (1 << 24) - 1, Off12Mask = (1 << 12) - 1, nv = 15 << 28
enum  Coprocessor {
  p0 = 0, p1 = 1, p2 = 2, p3 = 3,
  p4 = 4, p5 = 5, p6 = 6, p7 = 7,
  p8 = 8, p9 = 9, p10 = 10, p11 = 11,
  p12 = 12, p13 = 13, p14 = 14, p15 = 15
enum  Condition {
  eq = 0 << 28, ne = 1 << 28, cs = 2 << 28, hs = 2 << 28,
  cc = 3 << 28, lo = 3 << 28, mi = 4 << 28, pl = 5 << 28,
  vs = 6 << 28, vc = 7 << 28, hi = 8 << 28, ls = 9 << 28,
  ge = 10 << 28, lt = 11 << 28, gt = 12 << 28, le = 13 << 28,
  al = 14 << 28, no_condition = -1, overflow = 0, no_overflow = 1,
  below = 2, above_equal = 3, equal = 4, not_equal = 5,
  below_equal = 6, above = 7, sign = 8, not_sign = 9,
  parity_even = 10, parity_odd = 11, less = 12, greater_equal = 13,
  less_equal = 14, greater = 15, zero = equal, not_zero = not_equal,
  negative = sign, positive = not_sign
enum  ShiftOp {
  LSL = 0 << 5, LSR = 1 << 5, ASR = 2 << 5, ROR = 3 << 5,
  RRX = -1
enum  SBit { SetCC = 1 << 20, LeaveCC = 0 << 20 }
enum  SRegister { CPSR = 0 << 22, SPSR = 1 << 22 }
enum  SRegisterField {
  CPSR_c = CPSR | 1 << 16, CPSR_x = CPSR | 1 << 17, CPSR_s = CPSR | 1 << 18, CPSR_f = CPSR | 1 << 19,
  SPSR_c = SPSR | 1 << 16, SPSR_x = SPSR | 1 << 17, SPSR_s = SPSR | 1 << 18, SPSR_f = SPSR | 1 << 19
enum  AddrMode {
  Offset = (8|4|0) << 21, PreIndex = (8|4|1) << 21, PostIndex = (0|4|0) << 21, NegOffset = (8|0|0) << 21,
  NegPreIndex = (8|0|1) << 21, NegPostIndex = (0|0|0) << 21
enum  BlockAddrMode {
  da = (0|0|0) << 21, ia = (0|4|0) << 21, db = (8|0|0) << 21, ib = (8|4|0) << 21,
  da_w = (0|0|1) << 21, ia_w = (0|4|1) << 21, db_w = (8|0|1) << 21, ib_w = (8|4|1) << 21
enum  LFlag { Long = 1 << 22, Short = 0 << 22 }
enum  Condition {
  eq = 0 << 28, ne = 1 << 28, cs = 2 << 28, hs = 2 << 28,
  cc = 3 << 28, lo = 3 << 28, mi = 4 << 28, pl = 5 << 28,
  vs = 6 << 28, vc = 7 << 28, hi = 8 << 28, ls = 9 << 28,
  ge = 10 << 28, lt = 11 << 28, gt = 12 << 28, le = 13 << 28,
  al = 14 << 28, no_condition = -1, overflow = 0, no_overflow = 1,
  below = 2, above_equal = 3, equal = 4, not_equal = 5,
  below_equal = 6, above = 7, sign = 8, not_sign = 9,
  parity_even = 10, parity_odd = 11, less = 12, greater_equal = 13,
  less_equal = 14, greater = 15, zero = equal, not_zero = not_equal,
  negative = sign, positive = not_sign
enum  Hint { no_hint = 0, not_taken = 0x2e, taken = 0x3e }
enum  ScaleFactor { times_1 = 0, times_2 = 1, times_4 = 2, times_8 = 3 }
enum  OverwriteMode {
enum  GenericBinaryFlags { SMI_CODE_IN_STUB, SMI_CODE_INLINED }
enum  OverwriteMode {
enum  { NUMBER_OF_ENTRY_KINDS = CompilationCache::LAST_ENTRY + 1 }
enum  ConversionFlags { NO_FLAGS = 0, ALLOW_HEX = 1, ALLOW_OCTALS = 2, ALLOW_TRAILING_JUNK = 4 }
enum  StepAction {
  StepNone = -1, StepOut = 0, StepNext = 1, StepIn = 2,
  StepMin = 3, StepInMin = 4
enum  ExceptionBreakType { BreakException = 0, BreakUncaughtException = 1 }
enum  InterruptFlag { INTERRUPT = 1 << 0, DEBUGBREAK = 1 << 1, PREEMPT = 1 << 2 }
enum  AllocationSpace {
enum  PretenureFlag { NOT_TENURED, TENURED }
enum  GarbageCollector { SCAVENGER, MARK_COMPACTOR }
enum  Executability { NOT_EXECUTABLE, EXECUTABLE }
enum  InlineCacheState {
enum  PropertyType {
enum  StateTag
enum  ClearExceptionFlag { KEEP_EXCEPTION, CLEAR_EXCEPTION }
enum  InvokeJSFlags { CALL_JS, JUMP_JS }
enum  ExitJSFlag { RETURN, DO_NOT_RETURN }
enum  CodeLocation {
enum  HandlerType {
enum  CodeLocation {
enum  HandlerType {
enum  NativeType { CORE, D8 }
enum  StringRepresentationTag { kSeqStringTag = 0x0, kConsStringTag = 0x1, kSlicedStringTag = 0x2, kExternalStringTag = 0x3 }
enum  InstanceType {
  SHORT_SYMBOL_TYPE = kShortStringTag | kSymbolTag | kSeqStringTag, MEDIUM_SYMBOL_TYPE = kMediumStringTag | kSymbolTag | kSeqStringTag, LONG_SYMBOL_TYPE = kLongStringTag | kSymbolTag | kSeqStringTag, SHORT_ASCII_SYMBOL_TYPE,
  MEDIUM_ASCII_SYMBOL_TYPE, LONG_ASCII_SYMBOL_TYPE, SHORT_CONS_SYMBOL_TYPE = kShortStringTag | kSymbolTag | kConsStringTag, MEDIUM_CONS_SYMBOL_TYPE = kMediumStringTag | kSymbolTag | kConsStringTag,
  SHORT_SLICED_SYMBOL_TYPE = kShortStringTag | kSymbolTag | kSlicedStringTag, MEDIUM_SLICED_SYMBOL_TYPE = kMediumStringTag | kSymbolTag | kSlicedStringTag, LONG_SLICED_SYMBOL_TYPE = kLongStringTag | kSymbolTag | kSlicedStringTag, SHORT_SLICED_ASCII_SYMBOL_TYPE,
  SHORT_STRING_TYPE = kShortStringTag | kSeqStringTag, MEDIUM_STRING_TYPE = kMediumStringTag | kSeqStringTag, LONG_STRING_TYPE = kLongStringTag | kSeqStringTag, SHORT_ASCII_STRING_TYPE = kShortStringTag | kAsciiStringTag | kSeqStringTag,
  MEDIUM_ASCII_STRING_TYPE = kMediumStringTag | kAsciiStringTag | kSeqStringTag, LONG_ASCII_STRING_TYPE = kLongStringTag | kAsciiStringTag | kSeqStringTag, SHORT_CONS_STRING_TYPE = kShortStringTag | kConsStringTag, MEDIUM_CONS_STRING_TYPE = kMediumStringTag | kConsStringTag,
  SHORT_SLICED_STRING_TYPE = kShortStringTag | kSlicedStringTag, MEDIUM_SLICED_STRING_TYPE = kMediumStringTag | kSlicedStringTag, LONG_SLICED_STRING_TYPE = kLongStringTag | kSlicedStringTag, SHORT_SLICED_ASCII_STRING_TYPE,
enum  CompareResult { LESS = -1, EQUAL = 0, GREATER = 1, NOT_EQUAL = GREATER }
enum  AllowNullsFlag { ALLOW_NULLS, DISALLOW_NULLS }
enum  OutputMode { UNKNOWN, CONSOLE, ODS }
enum  GCTreatment { DataObject, PointerObject, CodeObject }
enum  TypeCode {
enum  MayAccessDecision { YES, NO, UNKNOWN }


template<class C >
static C * FindInPrototypeChain (Object *obj, bool *found_it)
char * StrDup (const char *str)
template<typename T >
static T * NewArray (int size)
template<typename T >
static void DeleteArray (T *array)
Condition NegateCondition (Condition cc)
int PcStoreOffset ()
static bool fits_shifter (uint32_t imm32, uint32_t *rotate_imm, uint32_t *immed_8, Instr *instr)
 INLINE (Condition NegateCondition(Condition cc))
Condition ReverseCondition (Condition cc)
static bool is_intn (int x, int n)
static bool is_int24 (int x)
static bool is_int8 (int x)
static bool is_uintn (int x, int n)
static bool is_uint3 (int x)
static bool is_uint4 (int x)
static bool is_uint5 (int x)
static bool is_uint8 (int x)
static bool is_uint12 (int x)
static bool is_uint16 (int x)
static bool is_uint24 (int x)
static SourceCodeCache natives_cache (SCRIPT_TYPE_NATIVE)
static SourceCodeCache extensions_cache (SCRIPT_TYPE_EXTENSION)
static void SetObjectPrototype (Handle< JSObject > object, Handle< Object > proto)
static Handle< JSFunctionInstallFunction (Handle< JSObject > target, const char *name, InstanceType type, int instance_size, Handle< JSObject > prototype, Builtins::Name call, bool is_ecma_native)
static Object__builtin_arg__ (int n, int argc, Object **argv)
static bool CalledAsConstructor ()
 BUILTIN (Illegal)
static BUILTIN_END ObjectTypeCheck (int argc, Object **argv, FunctionTemplateInfo *info)
 BUILTIN (HandleApiCall)
BUILTIN_END BUILTIN (HandleApiCallAsFunction)
static void Generate_LoadIC_ArrayLength (MacroAssembler *masm)
static void Generate_LoadIC_StringLength (MacroAssembler *masm)
static void Generate_LoadIC_FunctionPrototype (MacroAssembler *masm)
static void Generate_LoadIC_Initialize (MacroAssembler *masm)
static void Generate_LoadIC_PreMonomorphic (MacroAssembler *masm)
static void Generate_LoadIC_Miss (MacroAssembler *masm)
static void Generate_LoadIC_Megamorphic (MacroAssembler *masm)
static void Generate_LoadIC_Normal (MacroAssembler *masm)
static void Generate_KeyedLoadIC_Initialize (MacroAssembler *masm)
static void Generate_KeyedLoadIC_Miss (MacroAssembler *masm)
static void Generate_KeyedLoadIC_Generic (MacroAssembler *masm)
static void Generate_KeyedLoadIC_PreMonomorphic (MacroAssembler *masm)
static void Generate_StoreIC_Initialize (MacroAssembler *masm)
static void Generate_StoreIC_Miss (MacroAssembler *masm)
static void Generate_StoreIC_ExtendStorage (MacroAssembler *masm)
static void Generate_StoreIC_Megamorphic (MacroAssembler *masm)
static void Generate_KeyedStoreIC_Generic (MacroAssembler *masm)
static void Generate_KeyedStoreIC_ExtendStorage (MacroAssembler *masm)
static void Generate_KeyedStoreIC_Miss (MacroAssembler *masm)
static void Generate_KeyedStoreIC_Initialize (MacroAssembler *masm)
bool IsCarriageReturn (uc32 c)
bool IsLineFeed (uc32 c)
bool IsDecimalDigit (uc32 c)
bool IsHexDigit (uc32 c)
static Handle< CodeComputeLazyCompile (int argc)
static Handle
< CompilationCacheTable
AllocateTable (int size)
static Handle
< CompilationCacheTable
GetTable (CompilationCache::Entry entry)
static bool HasOrigin (Handle< JSFunction > boilerplate, Handle< Object > name, int line_offset, int column_offset)
static Handle< JSFunctionLookup (Handle< String > source, CompilationCache::Entry entry)
static Handle< CodeMakeCode (FunctionLiteral *literal, Handle< Script > script, bool is_eval)
static Handle< JSFunctionMakeFunction (bool is_global, bool is_eval, Handle< Script > script, v8::Extension *extension, ScriptDataImpl *pre_data)
static int FastD2I (double x)
static double DoubleToInteger (double x)
int32_t NumberToInt32 (Object *number)
uint32_t NumberToUint32 (Object *number)
int32_t DoubleToInt32 (double x)
int HexValue (uc32 c)
static int GetChar (const char *str, int index)
static int GetChar (String *str, int index)
static int GetLength (const char *str)
static int GetLength (String *str)
static const char * GetCString (const char *str, int index)
static const char * GetCString (String *str, int index)
static void ReleaseCString (const char *original, const char *str)
static void ReleaseCString (String *original, const char *str)
static bool IsSpace (const char *str, int index)
static bool IsSpace (String *str, int index)
static bool SubStringEquals (const char *str, int index, const char *other)
static bool SubStringEquals (String *str, int index, const char *other)
template<class S >
static bool ShouldParseOctal (S *s, int i)
double gay_strtod (const char *s00, const char **se)
template<class S >
static int InternalStringToInt (S *s, int i, int radix, double *value)
int StringToInt (String *str, int index, int radix, double *value)
int StringToInt (const char *str, int index, int radix, double *value)
template<class S >
static double InternalStringToDouble (S *str, int flags, double empty_string_val)
double StringToDouble (String *str, int flags, double empty_string_val)
double StringToDouble (const char *str, int flags, double empty_string_val)
char * dtoa (double d, int mode, int ndigits, int *decpt, int *sign, char **rve)
void freedtoa (char *s)
const char * DoubleToCString (double v, Vector< char > buffer)
const char * IntToCString (int n, Vector< char > buffer)
char * DoubleToFixedCString (double value, int f)
static char * CreateExponentialRepresentation (char *decimal_rep, int exponent, bool negative, int significant_digits)
char * DoubleToExponentialCString (double value, int f)
char * DoubleToPrecisionCString (double value, int p)
char * DoubleToRadixCString (double value, int radix)
static double FastI2D (int x)
static double FastUI2D (unsigned x)
static uint32_t DoubleToUint32 (double x)
static void PrintLn (v8::Local< v8::Value > value)
static Handle< CodeComputeCallDebugBreak (int argc)
static Handle< CodeComputeCallDebugPrepareStepIn (int argc)
static Handle< ObjectInvoke (bool construct, Handle< JSFunction > func, Handle< Object > receiver, int argc, Object ***args, bool *has_pending_exception)
static ObjectDoCopyInsert (DescriptorArray *array, String *key, Object *value, PropertyAttributes attributes)
static ObjectUpdateMapCacheWith (Context *context, FixedArray *keys, Map *map)
 DEFINE_bool (debug_code, false,"generate extra code (comments, assertions) for debugging") DEFINE_bool(emit_branch_hints
emit branch hints DEFINE_bool (push_pop_elimination, true,"eliminate redundant push/pops in assembly code") DEFINE_bool(print_push_pop_elimination
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code 
DEFINE_string (expose_natives_as, NULL,"expose natives in global object") DEFINE_string(expose_debug_as
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object 
DEFINE_string (natives_file, NULL,"alternative natives file") DEFINE_bool(expose_gc
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension 
DEFINE_bool (inline_new, true,"use fast inline allocation") DEFINE_bool(stack_trace_on_abort
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
DEFINE_bool (trace, false,"trace function calls") DEFINE_bool(defer_negation
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
DEFINE_bool (check_stack, true,"check stack for overflow, interrupt, breakpoint") DEFINE_bool(lazy
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation 
DEFINE_bool (debug_info, true,"add debug information to compiled functions") DEFINE_bool(strict
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking 
DEFINE_int (min_preparse_length, 1024,"Minimum length for automatic enable preparsing") DEFINE_bool(remote_debugging
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging 
DEFINE_bool (trace_debug_json, false,"trace debugging JSON request/response") DEFINE_bool(call_regexp
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects 
DEFINE_int (max_stack_trace_source_length, 300,"maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace.") DEFINE_int(new_space_size
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size 
of (each semispace in) the new generation") DEFINE_int(old_space_size
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation 
DEFINE_bool (gc_global, false,"always perform global GCs") DEFINE_int(gc_interval
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations 
DEFINE_bool (trace_gc, false,"print one trace line following each garbage collection") DEFINE_bool(collect_maps
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
DEFINE_bool (use_ic, true,"use inline caching") DEFINE_bool(native_code_counters
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
DEFINE_bool (always_compact, false,"Perform compaction on every full GC") DEFINE_bool(never_compact
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
DEFINE_bool (cleanup_ics_at_gc, true,"Flush inline caches prior to mark compact collection.") DEFINE_bool(cleanup_caches_in_maps_at_gc
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle 
DEFINE_bool (canonicalize_object_literal_maps, true,"Canonicalize maps for object literals.") DEFINE_bool(h
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message 
DEFINE_bool (allow_natives_syntax, false,"allow natives syntax") DEFINE_bool(optimize_ast
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast 
DEFINE_bool (trace_sim, false,"trace simulator execution") DEFINE_int(stop_sim_at
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions 
DEFINE_bool (trace_exception, false,"print stack trace when throwing exceptions") DEFINE_bool(preallocate_message_memory
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces 
DEFINE_bool (usage_computation, true,"compute variable usage counts") DEFINE_bool(preemption
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
DEFINE_bool (testing_bool_flag, true,"testing_bool_flag") DEFINE_int(testing_int_flag
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag 
DEFINE_float (testing_float_flag, 2.5,"float-flag") DEFINE_string(testing_string_flag
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag 
DEFINE_int (testing_prng_seed, 42,"Seed used for threading test randomness") DEFINE_string(testing_serialization_file
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp file in which
to serialize heap 
DEFINE_bool (dump_counters, false,"Dump counters on exit") DEFINE_bool(enable_slow_asserts
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp file in which
to serialize heap enable
asserts that are slow to
DEFINE_bool (print_code_stubs, false,"print code stubs") DEFINE_bool(trace_codegen
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp file in which
to serialize heap enable
asserts that are slow to
execute print name of
functions for which code is
DEFINE_bool (print_builtin_code, false,"print generated code for builtins") DEFINE_bool(print_source
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp file in which
to serialize heap enable
asserts that are slow to
execute print name of
functions for which code is
generated pretty print source
DEFINE_bool (print_builtin_source, false,"pretty print source code for builtins") DEFINE_bool(print_ast
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp file in which
to serialize heap enable
asserts that are slow to
execute print name of
functions for which code is
generated pretty print source
code print source AST 
DEFINE_bool (print_builtin_ast, false,"print source AST for builtins") DEFINE_bool(trace_calls
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp file in which
to serialize heap enable
asserts that are slow to
execute print name of
functions for which code is
generated pretty print source
code print source AST trace
DEFINE_bool (trace_builtin_calls, false,"trace builtins calls") DEFINE_string(stop_at
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp file in which
to serialize heap enable
asserts that are slow to
execute print name of
functions for which code is
generated pretty print source
code print source AST trace
calls function name where to
insert a breakpoint 
DEFINE_bool (print_builtin_scopes, false,"print scopes for builtins") DEFINE_bool(print_scopes
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp file in which
to serialize heap enable
asserts that are slow to
execute print name of
functions for which code is
generated pretty print source
code print source AST trace
calls function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
DEFINE_bool (trace_contexts, false,"trace contexts operations") DEFINE_bool(gc_greedy
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp file in which
to serialize heap enable
asserts that are slow to
execute print name of
functions for which code is
generated pretty print source
code print source AST trace
calls function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes perform GC prior to
some allocations 
DEFINE_bool (gc_verbose, false,"print stuff during garbage collection") DEFINE_bool(heap_stats
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp file in which
to serialize heap enable
asserts that are slow to
execute print name of
functions for which code is
generated pretty print source
code print source AST trace
calls function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes perform GC prior to
some allocations report heap
statistics before and after GC 
DEFINE_bool (code_stats, false,"report code statistics after GC") DEFINE_bool(verify_heap
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp file in which
to serialize heap enable
asserts that are slow to
execute print name of
functions for which code is
generated pretty print source
code print source AST trace
calls function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes perform GC prior to
some allocations report heap
statistics before and after GC
verify heap pointers before
and after GC 
DEFINE_bool (print_handles, false,"report handles after GC") DEFINE_bool(print_global_handles
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp file in which
to serialize heap enable
asserts that are slow to
execute print name of
functions for which code is
generated pretty print source
code print source AST trace
calls function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes perform GC prior to
some allocations report heap
statistics before and after GC
verify heap pointers before
and after GC report global
handles after GC 
DEFINE_bool (print_rset, false,"print remembered sets before GC") DEFINE_bool(trace_ic
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp file in which
to serialize heap enable
asserts that are slow to
execute print name of
functions for which code is
generated pretty print source
code print source AST trace
calls function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes perform GC prior to
some allocations report heap
statistics before and after GC
verify heap pointers before
and after GC report global
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions 
DEFINE_bool (trace_normalization, false,"prints when objects are turned into dictionaries.") DEFINE_bool(trace_lazy
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp file in which
to serialize heap enable
asserts that are slow to
execute print name of
functions for which code is
generated pretty print source
code print source AST trace
calls function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes perform GC prior to
some allocations report heap
statistics before and after GC
verify heap pointers before
and after GC report global
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions trace lazy
DEFINE_bool (debug_serialization, false,"write debug information into the snapshot.") DEFINE_bool(collect_heap_spill_statistics
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp file in which
to serialize heap enable
asserts that are slow to
execute print name of
functions for which code is
generated pretty print source
code print source AST trace
calls function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes perform GC prior to
some allocations report heap
statistics before and after GC
verify heap pointers before
and after GC report global
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions trace lazy
compilation report heap spill
statistics along with 
heap_stats (requires heap_stats)") DEFINE_bool(log
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp file in which
to serialize heap enable
asserts that are slow to
execute print name of
functions for which code is
generated pretty print source
code print source AST trace
calls function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes perform GC prior to
some allocations report heap
statistics before and after GC
verify heap pointers before
and after GC report global
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions trace lazy
compilation report heap spill
statistics along with Minimal 
logging (no API, code, GC, suspect, or handles samples).") DEFINE_bool(log_all
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp file in which
to serialize heap enable
asserts that are slow to
execute print name of
functions for which code is
generated pretty print source
code print source AST trace
calls function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes perform GC prior to
some allocations report heap
statistics before and after GC
verify heap pointers before
and after GC report global
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions trace lazy
compilation report heap spill
statistics along with Minimal
Log all events to the log file 
DEFINE_bool (log_api, false,"Log API events to the log file.") DEFINE_bool(log_code
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp file in which
to serialize heap enable
asserts that are slow to
execute print name of
functions for which code is
generated pretty print source
code print source AST trace
calls function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes perform GC prior to
some allocations report heap
statistics before and after GC
verify heap pointers before
and after GC report global
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions trace lazy
compilation report heap spill
statistics along with Minimal
Log all events to the log file
Log code events to the log
file without profiling 
DEFINE_bool (log_gc, false,"Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool.") DEFINE_bool(log_handles
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp file in which
to serialize heap enable
asserts that are slow to
execute print name of
functions for which code is
generated pretty print source
code print source AST trace
calls function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes perform GC prior to
some allocations report heap
statistics before and after GC
verify heap pointers before
and after GC report global
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions trace lazy
compilation report heap spill
statistics along with Minimal
Log all events to the log file
Log code events to the log
file without profiling Log
global handle events 
DEFINE_bool (log_state_changes, false,"Log state changes.") DEFINE_bool(log_suspect
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp file in which
to serialize heap enable
asserts that are slow to
execute print name of
functions for which code is
generated pretty print source
code print source AST trace
calls function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes perform GC prior to
some allocations report heap
statistics before and after GC
verify heap pointers before
and after GC report global
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions trace lazy
compilation report heap spill
statistics along with Minimal
Log all events to the log file
Log code events to the log
file without profiling Log
global handle events Log
suspect operations 
DEFINE_bool (prof, false,"Log statistical profiling information (implies --log-code).") DEFINE_bool(log_regexp
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp file in which
to serialize heap enable
asserts that are slow to
execute print name of
functions for which code is
generated pretty print source
code print source AST trace
calls function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes perform GC prior to
some allocations report heap
statistics before and after GC
verify heap pointers before
and after GC report global
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions trace lazy
compilation report heap spill
statistics along with Minimal
Log all events to the log file
Log code events to the log
file without profiling Log
global handle events Log
suspect operations Log regular
expression execution 
DEFINE_bool (sliding_state_window, false,"Update sliding state window counters.") DEFINE_string(logfile
 DEFINE_bool (print_code, false,"print generated code") DEFINE_bool(debug_code
generate extra code (comments, assertions) for debugging") DEFINE_bool(emit_branch_hints
static const char * Type2String (Flag::FlagType type)
static char * ToString (Flag *flag)
static void SplitArgument (const char *arg, char *buffer, int buffer_size, const char **name, const char **value, bool *is_bool)
char NormalizeChar (char ch)
static bool EqualNames (const char *a, const char *b)
static Flag * FindFlag (const char *name)
static char * SkipWhiteSpace (char *p)
static char * SkipBlackSpace (char *p)
int JSCallerSavedCode (int n)
int NumRegs (RegList reglist)
template<typename T >
static void USE (T)
template<typename F >
FUNCTION_CAST (Address addr)
template<class Dest , class Source >
Dest bit_cast (const Source &source)
Handle< FixedArrayAddKeysFromJSArray (Handle< FixedArray > content, Handle< JSArray > array)
Handle< FixedArrayUnionOfKeys (Handle< FixedArray > first, Handle< FixedArray > second)
Handle< JSGlobalProxyReinitializeJSGlobalProxy (Handle< JSFunction > constructor, Handle< JSGlobalProxy > global)
void SetExpectedNofProperties (Handle< JSFunction > func, int nof)
void SetPrototypeProperty (Handle< JSFunction > func, Handle< JSObject > value)
static int ExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate (int estimate)
void SetExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate (Handle< SharedFunctionInfo > shared, int estimate)
void SetExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate (Handle< JSFunction > func, int estimate)
void NormalizeProperties (Handle< JSObject > object)
void NormalizeElements (Handle< JSObject > object)
void TransformToFastProperties (Handle< JSObject > object, int unused_property_fields)
void FlattenString (Handle< String > string)
Handle< ObjectSetPrototype (Handle< JSFunction > function, Handle< Object > prototype)
Handle< ObjectSetProperty (Handle< JSObject > object, Handle< String > key, Handle< Object > value, PropertyAttributes attributes)
Handle< ObjectSetProperty (Handle< Object > object, Handle< Object > key, Handle< Object > value, PropertyAttributes attributes)
Handle< ObjectIgnoreAttributesAndSetLocalProperty (Handle< JSObject > object, Handle< String > key, Handle< Object > value, PropertyAttributes attributes)
Handle< ObjectSetPropertyWithInterceptor (Handle< JSObject > object, Handle< String > key, Handle< Object > value, PropertyAttributes attributes)
Handle< ObjectGetProperty (Handle< JSObject > obj, const char *name)
Handle< ObjectGetProperty (Handle< Object > obj, Handle< Object > key)
Handle< ObjectGetPropertyWithInterceptor (Handle< JSObject > receiver, Handle< JSObject > holder, Handle< String > name, PropertyAttributes *attributes)
Handle< ObjectGetPrototype (Handle< Object > obj)
Handle< ObjectDeleteElement (Handle< JSObject > obj, uint32_t index)
Handle< ObjectDeleteProperty (Handle< JSObject > obj, Handle< String > prop)
Handle< ObjectLookupSingleCharacterStringFromCode (uint32_t index)
Handle< StringSubString (Handle< String > str, int start, int end)
Handle< ObjectSetElement (Handle< JSObject > object, uint32_t index, Handle< Object > value)
Handle< JSObjectCopy (Handle< JSObject > obj)
static void ClearWrapperCache (Persistent< v8::Value > handle, void *)
Handle< JSValueGetScriptWrapper (Handle< Script > script)
v8::Handle< v8::ArrayGetKeysForNamedInterceptor (Handle< JSObject > receiver, Handle< JSObject > object)
v8::Handle< v8::ArrayGetKeysForIndexedInterceptor (Handle< JSObject > receiver, Handle< JSObject > object)
Handle< FixedArrayGetKeysInFixedArrayFor (Handle< JSObject > object)
Handle< JSArrayGetKeysFor (Handle< JSObject > object)
Handle< FixedArrayGetEnumPropertyKeys (Handle< JSObject > object)
bool CompileLazyShared (Handle< SharedFunctionInfo > shared, ClearExceptionFlag flag)
bool CompileLazy (Handle< JSFunction > function, ClearExceptionFlag flag)
void LoadLazy (Handle< JSFunction > fun, bool *pending_exception)
void SetupLazy (Handle< JSFunction > fun, int index, Handle< Context > compile_context, Handle< Context > function_context)
static bool IsPowerOf2 (uint32_t x)
static bool IsShortcutCandidate (HeapObject *object, Map *map)
static int double_get_hash (double d)
static int smi_get_hash (Smi *smi)
static void GenerateDictionaryLoad (MacroAssembler *masm, Label *miss, Register t0, Register t1)
static void GenerateStringCheck (MacroAssembler *masm, Register receiver, Register scratch1, Register scratch2, Label *smi, Label *non_string_object)
ObjectCallIC_Miss (Arguments args)
static void GenerateNormalHelper (MacroAssembler *masm, int argc, bool is_global_object, Label *miss)
ObjectLoadIC_Miss (Arguments args)
static void GenerateDictionaryLoad (MacroAssembler *masm, Label *miss_label, Register r0, Register r1, Register r2, Register name)
ObjectKeyedLoadIC_Miss (Arguments args)
ObjectKeyedStoreIC_Miss (Arguments args)
ObjectStoreIC_Miss (Arguments args)
ObjectSharedStoreIC_ExtendStorage (Arguments args)
static void * JSREMalloc (size_t size)
static void JSREFree (void *p)
static JSRegExp::Flags RegExpFlagsFromString (Handle< String > str)
static ObjectDoCompile (String *pattern, JSRegExp::Flags flags, unsigned *number_of_captures, const char **error_message, JscreRegExp **code)
void CompileWithRetryAfterGC (Handle< String > pattern, JSRegExp::Flags flags, unsigned *number_of_captures, const char **error_message, JscreRegExp **code)
static MemOperand FieldMemOperand (Register object, int offset)
static void RecordWriteHelper (MacroAssembler *masm, Register object, Register addr, Register scratch)
static Operand FieldOperand (Register object, int offset)
static Operand FieldOperand (Register object, Register index, ScaleFactor scale, int offset)
static HeapObjectShortCircuitConsString (Object **p)
static int OverflowObjectSize (HeapObject *obj)
template<class T >
static void ScanOverflowedObjects (T *it)
static int CountMarkedCallback (HeapObject *obj)
void EncodeFreeRegion (Address free_start, int free_size)
ObjectMCAllocateFromNewSpace (HeapObject *object, int object_size)
ObjectMCAllocateFromOldPointerSpace (HeapObject *object, int object_size)
ObjectMCAllocateFromOldDataSpace (HeapObject *object, int object_size)
ObjectMCAllocateFromCodeSpace (HeapObject *object, int object_size)
ObjectMCAllocateFromMapSpace (HeapObject *object, int object_size)
void EncodeForwardingAddressInNewSpace (HeapObject *old_object, int object_size, Object *new_object, int *ignored)
void EncodeForwardingAddressInPagedSpace (HeapObject *old_object, int object_size, Object *new_object, int *offset)
void IgnoreNonLiveObject (HeapObject *object)
void LogNonLiveCodeObject (HeapObject *object)
template<MarkCompactCollector::AllocationFunction Alloc, MarkCompactCollector::EncodingFunction Encode, MarkCompactCollector::ProcessNonLiveFunction ProcessNonLive>
void EncodeForwardingAddressesInRange (Address start, Address end, int *offset)
static void SweepSpace (NewSpace *space)
static void SweepSpace (PagedSpace *space, DeallocateFunction dealloc)
static int RelocateOldObject (HeapObject *obj, OldSpace *space, Address new_addr, Address map_addr)
bool Is< JSFunction > (Object *obj)
bool Is< JSArray > (Object *obj)
 ACCESSORS (Map, instance_descriptors, DescriptorArray, kInstanceDescriptorsOffset) ACCESSORS(FunctionTemplateInfo
kPropertyAccessorsOffset ACCESSORS (FunctionTemplateInfo, prototype_template, Object, kPrototypeTemplateOffset) ACCESSORS(FunctionTemplateInfo
ACCESSORS (FunctionTemplateInfo, indexed_property_handler, Object, kIndexedPropertyHandlerOffset) ACCESSORS(FunctionTemplateInfo
ACCESSORS (FunctionTemplateInfo, instance_call_handler, Object, kInstanceCallHandlerOffset) ACCESSORS(FunctionTemplateInfo
ACCESSORS (ObjectTemplateInfo, internal_field_count, Object, kInternalFieldCountOffset) ACCESSORS(SharedFunctionInfo
ACCESSORS (SharedFunctionInfo, function_data, Object, kExternalReferenceDataOffset) BOOL_ACCESSORS(FunctionTemplateInfo
BOOL_ACCESSORS (FunctionTemplateInfo, flag, needs_access_check, kNeedsAccessCheckBit) BOOL_ACCESSORS(SharedFunctionInfo
BOOL_ACCESSORS (SharedFunctionInfo, start_position_and_type, is_toplevel, kIsTopLevelBit) INT_ACCESSORS(SharedFunctionInfo
INT_ACCESSORS (SharedFunctionInfo, expected_nof_properties, kExpectedNofPropertiesOffset) INT_ACCESSORS(SharedFunctionInfo
INT_ACCESSORS (SharedFunctionInfo, function_token_position, kFunctionTokenPositionOffset) void SharedFunctionInfo
 ACCESSORS (JSFunction, prototype_or_initial_map, Object, kPrototypeOrInitialMapOffset) Map *JSFunction
static ObjectCreateJSValue (JSFunction *constructor, Object *value)
static bool AnWord (String *str)
static bool HasKey (FixedArray *array, Object *key)
template<typename IteratorA , typename IteratorB >
static bool CompareStringContents (IteratorA *ia, IteratorB *ib)
template<typename Char >
static bool CompareRawStringContents (Vector< Char > a, Vector< Char > b)
template<typename IteratorA >
static bool CompareStringContentsPartial (IteratorA *ia, String *b)
static uint32_t HashField (uint32_t hash, bool is_array_index)
static int NewElementsCapacity (int old_capacity)
static ObjectArrayLengthRangeError ()
static void InsertionSortPairs (FixedArray *content, FixedArray *smis)
void HeapSortPairs (FixedArray *content, FixedArray *smis)
template<class C >
static bool Is (Object *obj)
static bool ContainsLabel (ZoneStringList *labels, Handle< String > label)
static int Precedence (Token::Value tok, bool accept_IN)
ScriptDataImplPreParse (unibrow::CharacterStream *stream, v8::Extension *extension)
FunctionLiteralMakeAST (bool compile_in_global_context, Handle< Script > script, v8::Extension *extension, ScriptDataImpl *pre_data)
FunctionLiteralMakeLazyAST (Handle< Script > script, Handle< String > name, int start_position, int end_position, bool is_expression)
double ceiling (double x)
static void UpdateAllocatedSpaceLimits (void *address, int size)
static void * ThreadEntry (void *arg)
int isfinite (double x)
static bool HasConsole ()
static void VPrintHelper (FILE *stream, const char *format, va_list args)
static size_t GetPageSize ()
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymInitialize))(IN HANDLE hProcess
typedef DWORD (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymGetOptions))(VOID)
typedef DWORD (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymSetOptions))(IN DWORD SymOptions)
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymGetSearchPath))(IN HANDLE hProcess
typedef DWORD64 (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymLoadModule64))(IN HANDLE hProcess
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(StackWalk64))(DWORD MachineType
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymGetSymFromAddr64))(IN HANDLE hProcess
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymGetLineFromAddr64))(IN HANDLE hProcess
typedef PVOID (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymFunctionTableAccess64))(HANDLE hProcess
typedef DWORD64 (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymGetModuleBase64))(HANDLE hProcess
typedef HANDLE (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(CreateToolhelp32Snapshot))(DWORD dwFlags
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(Module32FirstW))(HANDLE hSnapshot
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(Module32NextW))(HANDLE hSnapshot
static bool LoadDbgHelpAndTlHelp32 ()
static bool LoadSymbols (HANDLE process_handle)
static ObjectIllegalOperation ()
static ObjectRuntime_CloneObjectLiteralBoilerplate (Arguments args)
static Handle< MapComputeObjectLiteralMap (Handle< Context > context, Handle< FixedArray > constant_properties, bool *is_result_from_cache)
static ObjectRuntime_CreateObjectLiteralBoilerplate (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_CreateArrayLiteral (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_ClassOf (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_HasStringClass (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_HasDateClass (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_HasArrayClass (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_HasFunctionClass (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_HasNumberClass (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_HasBooleanClass (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_HasArgumentsClass (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_HasRegExpClass (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_IsInPrototypeChain (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_IsConstructCall (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_RegExpCompile (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_CreateApiFunction (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_IsTemplate (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_GetTemplateField (Arguments args)
static ObjectThrowRedeclarationError (const char *type, Handle< String > name)
static ObjectRuntime_DeclareGlobals (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_DeclareContextSlot (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_InitializeVarGlobal (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_InitializeConstGlobal (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_InitializeConstContextSlot (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_RegExpExec (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_RegExpExecGlobal (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_MaterializeRegExpLiteral (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_FunctionGetName (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_FunctionSetName (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_FunctionGetScript (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_FunctionGetSourceCode (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_FunctionGetScriptSourcePosition (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_FunctionSetInstanceClassName (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_FunctionSetLength (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_FunctionSetPrototype (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_SetCode (Arguments args)
static ObjectCharCodeAt (String *subject, Object *index)
static ObjectRuntime_StringCharCodeAt (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_CharFromCode (Arguments args)
template<typename pchar >
static void BoyerMoorePopulateBadCharTable (Vector< const pchar > pattern, int start)
template<typename pchar >
static void BoyerMoorePopulateGoodSuffixTable (Vector< const pchar > pattern, int start)
template<typename schar , typename pchar >
static int CharOccurence (int char_code)
template<typename schar , typename pchar >
static int BoyerMooreSimplified (Vector< const schar > subject, Vector< const pchar > pattern, int start_index, bool *complete)
template<typename schar , typename pchar >
static int BoyerMooreIndexOf (Vector< const schar > subject, Vector< const pchar > pattern, int idx)
template<typename schar >
static int SingleCharIndexOf (Vector< const schar > string, uc16 pattern_char, int start_index)
template<typename pchar , typename schar >
static int SimpleIndexOf (Vector< const schar > subject, Vector< const pchar > pattern, int idx, bool *complete)
template<typename pchar , typename schar >
static int SimpleIndexOf (Vector< const schar > subject, Vector< const pchar > pattern, int idx)
template<typename schar , typename pchar >
static int StringMatchStrategy (Vector< const schar > sub, Vector< const pchar > pat, int start_index)
static ObjectRuntime_StringIndexOf (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_StringLastIndexOf (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_StringLocaleCompare (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_StringSlice (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberToRadixString (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberToFixed (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberToExponential (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberToPrecision (Arguments args)
static Handle< ObjectGetCharAt (Handle< String > string, uint32_t index)
static ObjectRuntime_GetProperty (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_KeyedGetProperty (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_SetProperty (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_IgnoreAttributesAndSetProperty (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_DeleteProperty (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_HasLocalProperty (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_HasProperty (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_HasElement (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_IsPropertyEnumerable (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_GetPropertyNames (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_GetPropertyNamesFast (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_GetArgumentsProperty (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_ToBool (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_Typeof (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_StringToNumber (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_StringFromCharCodeArray (Arguments args)
static bool IsNotEscaped (uint16_t character)
static ObjectRuntime_URIEscape (Arguments args)
static int TwoDigitHex (uint16_t character1, uint16_t character2)
static int Unescape (String *source, int i, int length, int *step)
static ObjectRuntime_URIUnescape (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_StringParseInt (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_StringParseFloat (Arguments args)
template<class Converter >
static ObjectConvertCase (Arguments args, unibrow::Mapping< Converter, 128 > *mapping)
static ObjectRuntime_StringToLowerCase (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_StringToUpperCase (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_ConsStringFst (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_ConsStringSnd (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberToString (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberToInteger (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberToJSUint32 (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberToJSInt32 (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberAdd (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberSub (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberMul (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberUnaryMinus (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberDiv (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberMod (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_StringAdd (Arguments args)
template<typename sinkchar >
static void StringBuilderConcatHelper (String *special, sinkchar *sink, FixedArray *fixed_array, int array_length)
static ObjectRuntime_StringBuilderConcat (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberOr (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberAnd (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberXor (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberNot (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberShl (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberShr (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberSar (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberEquals (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_StringEquals (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberCompare (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_SmiLexicographicCompare (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_StringCompare (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_Math_abs (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_Math_acos (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_Math_asin (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_Math_atan (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_Math_atan2 (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_Math_ceil (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_Math_cos (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_Math_exp (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_Math_floor (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_Math_log (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_Math_pow (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_Math_random (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_Math_round (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_Math_sin (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_Math_sqrt (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_Math_tan (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NewArguments (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NewArgumentsFast (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NewClosure (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NewObject (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_LazyCompile (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_GetCalledFunction (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_GetFunctionDelegate (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NewContext (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_PushContext (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_LookupContext (Arguments args)
static ObjectPair MakePair (Object *x, Object *y)
static ObjectUnhole (Object *x, PropertyAttributes attributes)
static JSObjectComputeReceiverForNonGlobal (JSObject *holder)
static ObjectPair LoadContextSlotHelper (Arguments args, bool throw_error)
static ObjectPair Runtime_LoadContextSlot (Arguments args)
static ObjectPair Runtime_LoadContextSlotNoReferenceError (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_StoreContextSlot (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_Throw (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_ReThrow (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_ThrowReferenceError (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_StackOverflow (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntimePreempt (Arguments args)
static ObjectDebugBreakHelper ()
static ObjectRuntime_DebugBreak (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_StackGuard (Arguments args)
static void PrintString (String *str)
static void PrintObject (Object *obj)
static int StackSize ()
static void PrintTransition (Object *result)
static ObjectRuntime_TraceEnter (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_TraceExit (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_DebugPrint (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_DebugTrace (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_DateCurrentTime (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_DateParseString (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_DateLocalTimezone (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_DateLocalTimeOffset (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_DateDaylightSavingsOffset (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_NumberIsFinite (Arguments args)
static ObjectEvalContext ()
static ObjectRuntime_EvalReceiver (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_GlobalReceiver (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_CompileString (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_CompileScript (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_SetNewFunctionAttributes (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_PushIfAbsent (Arguments args)
static uint32_t IterateElements (Handle< JSObject > receiver, uint32_t range, ArrayConcatVisitor *visitor)
static uint32_t IterateArrayAndPrototypeElements (Handle< JSArray > array, ArrayConcatVisitor *visitor)
static uint32_t IterateArguments (Handle< JSArray > arguments, ArrayConcatVisitor *visitor)
static ObjectRuntime_ArrayConcat (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_GlobalPrint (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_RemoveArrayHoles (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_MoveArrayContents (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_EstimateNumberOfElements (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_GetArrayKeys (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_DefineAccessor (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_LookupAccessor (Arguments args)
static SmiWrapFrameId (StackFrame::Id id)
static StackFrame::Id UnwrapFrameId (Smi *wrapped)
static ObjectRuntime_AddDebugEventListener (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_RemoveDebugEventListener (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_Break (Arguments args)
static ObjectDebugLookupResultValue (LookupResult *result)
static ObjectRuntime_DebugGetPropertyDetails (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_DebugGetProperty (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_DebugLocalPropertyNames (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_DebugLocalElementNames (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_DebugPropertyTypeFromDetails (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_DebugPropertyAttributesFromDetails (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_DebugPropertyIndexFromDetails (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_DebugInterceptorInfo (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_DebugNamedInterceptorPropertyNames (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_DebugIndexedInterceptorElementNames (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_DebugNamedInterceptorPropertyValue (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_DebugIndexedInterceptorElementValue (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_CheckExecutionState (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_GetFrameCount (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_GetFrameDetails (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_GetCFrames (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_GetBreakLocations (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_SetFunctionBreakPoint (Arguments args)
static ObjectFindSharedFunctionInfoInScript (Handle< Script > script, int position)
static ObjectRuntime_SetScriptBreakPoint (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_ClearBreakPoint (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_ChangeBreakOnException (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_PrepareStep (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_ClearStepping (Arguments args)
static Handle< ContextCopyWithContextChain (Handle< Context > context_chain, Handle< Context > function_context)
static Handle< ObjectGetArgumentsObject (JavaScriptFrame *frame, Handle< JSFunction > function, Handle< Code > code, const ScopeInfo<> *sinfo, Handle< Context > function_context)
static ObjectRuntime_DebugEvaluate (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_DebugEvaluateGlobal (Arguments args)
static int DebugGetLoadedScripts (FixedArray *instances, int instances_size)
static ObjectRuntime_DebugGetLoadedScripts (Arguments args)
static int DebugReferencedBy (JSObject *target, Object *instance_filter, int max_references, FixedArray *instances, int instances_size, JSFunction *context_extension_function, JSFunction *arguments_function)
static ObjectRuntime_DebugReferencedBy (Arguments args)
static int DebugConstructedBy (JSFunction *constructor, int max_references, FixedArray *instances, int instances_size)
static ObjectRuntime_DebugConstructedBy (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_GetPrototype (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_SystemBreak (Arguments args)
static Handle< ObjectRuntime_GetScriptFromScriptName (Handle< String > script_name)
static ObjectRuntime_GetScript (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_FunctionGetAssemblerCode (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_Abort (Arguments args)
static ObjectRuntime_IS_VAR (Arguments args)
static int CompareLocal (Variable *const *v, Variable *const *w)
static Object ** ReadInt (Object **p, int *x)
static Object ** ReadBool (Object **p, bool *x)
static Object ** ReadSymbol (Object **p, Handle< String > *s)
static Object ** ReadSentinel (Object **p)
template<class Allocator >
static Object ** ReadList (Object **p, List< Handle< String >, Allocator > *list)
template<class Allocator >
static Object ** ReadList (Object **p, List< Handle< String >, Allocator > *list, List< Variable::Mode, Allocator > *modes)
static Object ** WriteInt (Object **p, int x)
static Object ** WriteSymbol (Object **p, Handle< String > s)
static Object ** WriteSentinel (Object **p)
template<class Allocator >
static Object ** WriteList (Object **p, List< Handle< String >, Allocator > *list)
template<class Allocator >
static Object ** WriteList (Object **p, List< Handle< String >, Allocator > *list, List< Variable::Mode, Allocator > *modes)
static Object ** ContextEntriesAddr (Code *code)
static Object ** ParameterEntriesAddr (Code *code)
static Object ** StackSlotEntriesAddr (Code *code)
static AllocationSpace GetSpace (Address addr)
static bool IsLargeExecutableObject (Address addr)
static bool IsLargeFixedArray (Address addr)
static int PageIndex (Address addr)
static int PageOffset (Address addr)
static int NewSpaceOffset (Address addr)
static int LargeObjectIndex (Address addr)
static uint32_t EncodeExternal (TypeCode type, uint16_t id)
static int * GetInternalPointer (StatsCounter *counter)
static uint32_t HeapObjectHash (HeapObject *key)
static bool MatchHeapObject (void *key1, void *key2)
static int IndexOf (const List< Object ** > &list, Object **element)
static void InitPagedSpace (PagedSpace *space, int capacity, List< Page * > *page_list)
static ObjectResolvePaged (int page_index, int page_offset, PagedSpace *space, List< Page * > *page_list)
template<typename T >
void ConcatReversed (List< T > *target, const List< T > &source)
void handle_debug_event (v8::DebugEvent event, v8::Handle< v8::Object > exec_state, v8::Handle< v8::Object > event_data, v8::Handle< Value > data)
static int PagesInChunk (Address start, size_t size)
static bool IsControlChar (char c)
static void ProbeTable (MacroAssembler *masm, Code::Flags flags, StubCache::Table table, Register name, Register offset)
static void GenerateStringCheck (MacroAssembler *masm, Register receiver, Register scratch, Label *smi, Label *non_string_object)
static ObjectGetProbeValue (Code::Flags flags)
static ObjectProbeCache (Code::Flags flags)
static ObjectFillCache (Object *code)
Handle< CodeComputeCallMiss (int argc)
ObjectLoadCallbackProperty (Arguments args)
ObjectStoreCallbackProperty (Arguments args)
ObjectLoadInterceptorProperty (Arguments args)
ObjectStoreInterceptorProperty (Arguments args)
ObjectCallInterceptorProperty (Arguments args)
static unsigned int Hash (const char *s)
static void PrintFrames (StringStream *accumulator, StackFrame::PrintMode mode)
static MayAccessDecision MayAccessPreCheck (JSObject *receiver, v8::AccessType type)
bool AnalyzeVariableUsage (FunctionLiteral *lit)
uint32_t RoundUpToPowerOf2 (uint32_t x)
byteEncodeInt (byte *p, int x)
byteDecodeInt (byte *p, int *x)
byteEncodeUnsignedIntBackward (byte *p, unsigned int x)
void PrintF (const char *format,...)
void Flush ()
char * ReadLine (const char *prompt)
char * ReadCharsFromFile (const char *filename, int *size, int extra_space, bool verbose)
char * ReadChars (const char *filename, int *size, bool verbose)
Vector< const char > ReadFile (const char *filename, bool *exists, bool verbose)
int WriteCharsToFile (const char *str, int size, FILE *f)
int WriteChars (const char *filename, const char *str, int size, bool verbose)
template<typename T >
static bool IsPowerOf2 (T x)
static int ArithmeticShiftRight (int x, int s)
template<typename T >
static int OffsetFrom (T x)
template<typename T >
static T AddressFrom (int x)
template<typename T >
static T RoundDown (T x, int m)
template<typename T >
static T RoundUp (T x, int m)
template<typename T >
static bool IsAligned (T value, T alignment)
static bool IsAddressAligned (Address addr, int alignment, int offset)
template<typename T >
static T Max (T a, T b)
template<typename T >
static T Min (T a, T b)
byteDecodeUnsignedIntBackward (byte *p, unsigned int *x)
int WriteAsCFile (const char *filename, const char *varname, const char *str, int size, bool verbose=true)
Vector< const char > CStrVector (const char *data)
Vector< char > MutableCStrVector (char *data)
Vector< char > MutableCStrVector (char *data, int max)
template<typename T >
Vector< Handle< Object > > HandleVector (v8::internal::Handle< T > *elms, int length)
template<typename sourcechar , typename sinkchar >
static void CopyChars (sinkchar *dest, const sourcechar *src, int chars)
static int ArchiveSpacePerThread ()


static const int kHandleBlockSize = v8::internal::KB - 2
Register no_reg = { -1 }
Register r0 = { 0 }
Register r1 = { 1 }
Register r2 = { 2 }
Register r3 = { 3 }
Register r4 = { 4 }
Register r5 = { 5 }
Register r6 = { 6 }
Register r7 = { 7 }
Register r8 = { 8 }
Register r9 = { 9 }
Register r10 = { 10 }
Register fp = { 11 }
Register ip = { 12 }
Register sp = { 13 }
Register lr = { 14 }
Register pc = { 15 }
CRegister no_creg = { -1 }
CRegister cr0 = { 0 }
CRegister cr1 = { 1 }
CRegister cr2 = { 2 }
CRegister cr3 = { 3 }
CRegister cr4 = { 4 }
CRegister cr5 = { 5 }
CRegister cr6 = { 6 }
CRegister cr7 = { 7 }
CRegister cr8 = { 8 }
CRegister cr9 = { 9 }
CRegister cr10 = { 10 }
CRegister cr11 = { 11 }
CRegister cr12 = { 12 }
CRegister cr13 = { 13 }
CRegister cr14 = { 14 }
CRegister cr15 = { 15 }
static const Instr kPopInstruction
static const Instr kPushRegPattern
static const Instr kPopRegPattern
static const int kMinimalBufferSize = 4*KB
static bytespare_buffer_ = NULL
const int kEndOfChain = -4
Register eax = { 0 }
Register ecx = { 1 }
Register edx = { 2 }
Register ebx = { 3 }
Register esp = { 4 }
Register ebp = { 5 }
Register esi = { 6 }
Register edi = { 7 }
XMMRegister xmm0 = { 0 }
XMMRegister xmm1 = { 1 }
XMMRegister xmm2 = { 2 }
XMMRegister xmm3 = { 3 }
XMMRegister xmm4 = { 4 }
XMMRegister xmm5 = { 5 }
XMMRegister xmm6 = { 6 }
XMMRegister xmm7 = { 7 }
const int kMaxRelocModes = 14
const int kTagBits = 2
const int kTagMask = (1 << kTagBits) - 1
const int kExtraTagBits = 4
const int kPositionTypeTagBits = 1
const int kSmallDataBits = kBitsPerByte - kPositionTypeTagBits
const int kEmbeddedObjectTag = 0
const int kCodeTargetTag = 1
const int kPositionTag = 2
const int kDefaultTag = 3
const int kPCJumpTag = (1 << kExtraTagBits) - 1
const int kSmallPCDeltaBits = kBitsPerByte - kTagBits
const int kSmallPCDeltaMask = (1 << kSmallPCDeltaBits) - 1
const int kVariableLengthPCJumpTopTag = 1
const int kChunkBits = 7
const int kChunkMask = (1 << kChunkBits) - 1
const int kLastChunkTagBits = 1
const int kLastChunkTagMask = 1
const int kLastChunkTag = 1
const int kDataJumpTag = kPCJumpTag - 1
const int kNonstatementPositionTag = 0
const int kStatementPositionTag = 1
const int kCommentTag = 2
static bool is_initialized = false
static Objecttables [NUMBER_OF_ENTRY_KINDS] = { 0, }
static StaticResource
< SafeStringInputBuffer
static const double JUNK_STRING_VALUE = OS::nan_value()
static GCExtension kGCExtension
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code 
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension 
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag 
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag 
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp 
emit branch hints print
elimination of redundant push
pops in assembly code expose
debug in global object expose
gc extension print a stack
trace if an assertion failure
occurs defer negation
operation use lazy compilation
strict error checking enable
remote debugging allow calls
to RegExp objects size size of
the old generation garbage
collect after< n > allocations
garbage collect maps from
which no objects can be
reached generate extra code
for manipulating stats
counters Never perform
compaction on full GC testing
only Flush code caches in maps
during mark compact cycle
print this message optimize
the ast Simulator stop after x
number of instructions
preallocate some memory to
build stack traces activate a
timer that switches between V8
threads testing_int_flag
string flag tmp file in which
to serialize heap enable
asserts that are slow to
execute print name of
functions for which code is
generated pretty print source
code print source AST trace
calls function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes perform GC prior to
some allocations report heap
statistics before and after GC
verify heap pointers before
and after GC report global
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions trace lazy
compilation report heap spill
statistics along with Minimal
Log all events to the log file
Log code events to the log
file without profiling Log
global handle events Log
suspect operations Log regular
expression execution v8 
static const int kR9Available = 1
static const int kNumRegs = 16
static const RegList kJSCallerSaved
static const int kNumJSCallerSaved = 4
static const RegList kCalleeSaved
static const int kNumCalleeSaved = 7 + kR9Available
const bool kDebug = false
const int KB = 1024
const int MB = KB * KB
const int GB = KB * KB * KB
const int kMaxInt = 0x7FFFFFFF
const int kMinInt = -kMaxInt - 1
const int kCharSize = sizeof(char)
const int kShortSize = sizeof(short)
const int kIntSize = sizeof(int)
const int kDoubleSize = sizeof(double)
const int kPointerSize = sizeof(void*)
const int kPointerSizeLog2 = 2
const int kObjectAlignmentBits = 2
const int kObjectAlignmentMask = (1 << kObjectAlignmentBits) - 1
const int kObjectAlignment = 1 << kObjectAlignmentBits
const int kHeapObjectTag = 1
const int kHeapObjectTagSize = 2
const int kHeapObjectTagMask = (1 << kHeapObjectTagSize) - 1
const int kSmiTag = 0
const int kSmiTagSize = 1
const int kSmiTagMask = (1 << kSmiTagSize) - 1
const int kFailureTag = 3
const int kFailureTagSize = 2
const int kFailureTagMask = (1 << kFailureTagSize) - 1
const int kBitsPerByte = 8
const int kBitsPerByteLog2 = 3
const int kBitsPerPointer = kPointerSize * kBitsPerByte
const int kBitsPerInt = kIntSize * kBitsPerByte
const Address kZapValue = reinterpret_cast<Address>(0xdeadbeed)
const Address kHandleZapValue = reinterpret_cast<Address>(0xbaddead)
const Address kFromSpaceZapValue = reinterpret_cast<Address>(0xbeefdad)
const int kSpaceTagSize = 3
const int kSpaceTagMask = (1 << kSpaceTagSize) - 1
static const int kMinimumPromotionLimit = 2*MB
static const int kMinimumAllocationLimit = 8*MB
static Address promoted_top = NULL
static bool heap_configured = false
static Address IC_utilities []
static Failuremalloc_failure
< unibrow::RegExpSpecialChar, 128 > 
Register cp = { 8 }
Register pp = { 10 }
static MarkingStack marking_stack
static const uint32_t kSingleFreeEncoding = 0
static const uint32_t kMultiFreeEncoding = 1
kPropertyAccessorsOffset named_property_handler
const int kGetterIndex = 0
const int kSetterIndex = 1
static StaticResource
< StringInputBuffer
static StringInputBuffer string_compare_buffer_b
static StringInputBuffer string_compare_buffer_a
const uint32_t kIsNotStringMask = 0x80
const uint32_t kStringTag = 0x0
const uint32_t kNotStringTag = 0x80
const uint32_t kIsSymbolMask = 0x20
const uint32_t kNotSymbolTag = 0x0
const uint32_t kSymbolTag = 0x20
const uint32_t kStringSizeMask = 0x18
const uint32_t kShortStringTag = 0x18
const uint32_t kMediumStringTag = 0x10
const uint32_t kLongStringTag = 0x00
const uint32_t kStringEncodingMask = 0x4
const uint32_t kTwoByteStringTag = 0x0
const uint32_t kAsciiStringTag = 0x4
const uint32_t kStringRepresentationMask = 0x03
const int kFailureTypeTagSize = 2
const int kFailureTypeTagMask = (1 << kFailureTypeTagSize) - 1
static bool always_allow_natives_syntax = false
static const pthread_t kNoThread = (pthread_t) 0
static void * lowest_ever_allocated = reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1)
static void * highest_ever_allocated = reinterpret_cast<void*>(0)
static const int kMmapFd = -1
static const int kMmapFdOffset = 0
static OutputMode output_mode = UNKNOWN
static const DWORD kNoThreadId = 0
static const int kBMMaxShift = 0xff
static const int kBMAlphabetSize = 0x100
static const int kBMMinPatternLength = 5
static int bad_char_occurence [kBMAlphabetSize]
static BMGoodSuffixBuffers bmgs_buffers
static unibrow::Mapping
< unibrow::ToUppercase, 128 > 
static unibrow::Mapping
< unibrow::ToLowercase, 128 > 
static const int kFrameDetailsFrameIdIndex = 0
static const int kFrameDetailsReceiverIndex = 1
static const int kFrameDetailsFunctionIndex = 2
static const int kFrameDetailsArgumentCountIndex = 3
static const int kFrameDetailsLocalCountIndex = 4
static const int kFrameDetailsSourcePositionIndex = 5
static const int kFrameDetailsConstructCallIndex = 6
static const int kFrameDetailsDebuggerFrameIndex = 7
static const int kFrameDetailsFirstDynamicIndex = 8
static Runtime::Function Runtime_functions []
const int kSpaceShift = kHeapObjectTagSize
const int kSpaceBits = kSpaceTagSize
const int kSpaceMask = kSpaceTagMask
const int kLOSpaceExecutable = LAST_SPACE + 1
const int kLOSpacePointer = LAST_SPACE + 2
const int kOffsetShift = kSpaceShift + kSpaceBits
const int kOffsetBits = 11
const int kOffsetMask = (1 << kOffsetBits) - 1
const int kPageBits = 32 - (kOffsetBits + kSpaceBits + kHeapObjectTagSize)
const int kPageShift = kOffsetShift + kOffsetBits
const int kPageMask = (1 << kPageBits) - 1
const int kPageAndOffsetShift = kOffsetShift
const int kPageAndOffsetBits = kPageBits + kOffsetBits
const int kPageAndOffsetMask = (1 << kPageAndOffsetBits) - 1
static const int kInitArraySize = 32
const int kTypeCodeCount = STUB_CACHE_TABLE + 1
const int kFirstTypeCode = UNCLASSIFIED
const int kReferenceIdBits = 16
const int kReferenceIdMask = (1 << kReferenceIdBits) - 1
const int kReferenceTypeShift = kReferenceIdBits
const int kDebugRegisterBits = 4
const int kDebugIdShift = kDebugRegisterBits
const int kEstimatedNumberOfChunks = 270
static const int kMentionedObjectCacheMaxSize = 256
static List< HeapObject
*, PreallocatedStorage > * 
debug_object_cache = NULL
static Objectcurrent_security_token = NULL
static uint8_t Hashtable [N]
static bool IsInitialized = false
NoAllocationStringAllocatorpreallocated_message_space = NULL
Address top_addresses []
static bool initialized = false
static int stack_trace_nesting_level = 0
static StringStreamincomplete_message = NULL
static const int MinWeight = 1
static const int MaxWeight = 1000000
static const int InitialWeight = 100


typedef DWORD64 v8::internal::AddrBase

platform-win32.cc915 行で定義されています。

globals.h70 行で定義されています。

typedef IN HANDLE IN PSTR IN PSTR IN DWORD64 v8::internal::BaseOfDll

platform-win32.cc887 行で定義されています。

typedef uint8_t v8::internal::byte

globals.h69 行で定義されています。

typedef bool(* v8::internal::ConstraintCallback)(Address new_addr, Address old_addr)

globals.h273 行で定義されています。

typedef HANDLE HANDLE LPSTACKFRAME64 PVOID v8::internal::ContextRecord

platform-win32.cc894 行で定義されています。

typedef void(* v8::internal::DeallocateFunction)(Address start, int size_in_bytes)

mark-compact.h39 行で定義されています。

typedef int(* v8::internal::F0)()

assembler-ia32.cc74 行で定義されています。

typedef IN PSTR IN BOOL v8::internal::fInvadeProcess

platform-win32.cc877 行で定義されています。


platform-win32.cc894 行で定義されています。


platform-win32.cc894 行で定義されています。

globals.h267 行で定義されています。

typedef IN HANDLE v8::internal::hFile

platform-win32.cc887 行で定義されています。

typedef HANDLE v8::internal::hProcess

platform-win32.cc894 行で定義されています。

typedef HANDLE HANDLE v8::internal::hThread

platform-win32.cc894 行で定義されています。

typedef IN HANDLE IN PSTR v8::internal::ImageName

platform-win32.cc887 行で定義されています。

typedef void(* v8::internal::InlineCacheCallback)(Code *code, Address ic)

globals.h278 行で定義されています。

typedef int32_t v8::internal::Instr

assembler-arm.h369 行で定義されています。

typedef bool(* v8::internal::IsAliveFunction)(HeapObject *obj, int *size, int *offset)

mark-compact.h36 行で定義されています。

frames-arm.h54 行で定義されています。

typedef IN DWORD64 OUT PDWORD OUT PIMAGEHLP_LINE64 v8::internal::Line64

platform-win32.cc909 行で定義されています。

typedef LPMODULEENTRY32W v8::internal::lpme

platform-win32.cc925 行で定義されています。

typedef IN HANDLE IN PSTR IN PSTR v8::internal::ModuleName

platform-win32.cc887 行で定義されています。

natives.h58 行で定義されています。

typedef bool(* v8::internal::NativeSourceCallback)(Vector< const char > name, Vector< const char > source, int index)

natives.h33 行で定義されています。

typedef uint64_t v8::internal::ObjectPair

runtime.cc3377 行で定義されています。

typedef void(* v8::internal::ObjectSlotCallback)(HeapObject **pointer)

globals.h262 行で定義されています。

typedef IN DWORD64 OUT PDWORD v8::internal::pdwDisplacement

platform-win32.cc904 行で定義されています。

typedef IN DWORD64 v8::internal::qwAddr

platform-win32.cc904 行で定義されています。


platform-win32.cc894 行で定義されています。

typedef uint32_t v8::internal::RegList

frames.h33 行で定義されています。

typedef OUT PSTR v8::internal::SearchPath

platform-win32.cc883 行で定義されています。

typedef OUT PSTR IN DWORD v8::internal::SearchPathLength

platform-win32.cc883 行で定義されています。

typedef IN HANDLE IN PSTR IN PSTR IN DWORD64 IN DWORD v8::internal::SizeOfDll

platform-win32.cc887 行で定義されています。

assembler-arm.h258 行で定義されています。

typedef HANDLE HANDLE LPSTACKFRAME64 v8::internal::StackFrame

platform-win32.cc894 行で定義されています。

typedef IN DWORD64 OUT PDWORD64 OUT PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64 v8::internal::Symbol

platform-win32.cc904 行で定義されています。

platform-win32.cc923 行で定義されています。


platform-win32.cc894 行で定義されています。

typedef uint16_t v8::internal::uc16

globals.h73 行で定義されています。

typedef signed int v8::internal::uc32

globals.h74 行で定義されています。

platform-win32.cc877 行で定義されています。

typedef bool(* v8::internal::WeakSlotCallback)(Object **pointer)

globals.h205 行で定義されています。

ast.h99 行で定義されています。


anonymous enum

assembler-arm.cc230 行で定義されています。

anonymous enum

compilation-cache.cc33 行で定義されています。


assembler-arm.h262 行で定義されています。


globals.h212 行で定義されています。


objects.h2974 行で定義されています。


assembler-arm.h274 行で定義されています。


debug.h63 行で定義されています。


handles.h196 行で定義されています。


macro-assembler-arm.h57 行で定義されています。


macro-assembler-ia32.h42 行で定義されています。


objects.h549 行で定義されています。


assembler-ia32.h109 行で定義されています。


assembler-arm.h164 行で定義されています。


contexts.h34 行で定義されています。


conversions.h77 行で定義されています。


assembler-arm.h143 行で定義されています。


debug.h56 行で定義されています。


globals.h234 行で定義されています。


macro-assembler-arm.h52 行で定義されています。


globals.h232 行で定義されています。


serialize.cc253 行で定義されています。


codegen-ia32.cc698 行で定義されています。


macro-assembler-arm.h63 行で定義されています。


macro-assembler-ia32.h48 行で定義されています。


assembler-ia32.h168 行で定義されています。


codegen-ia32.h41 行で定義されています。


codegen-arm.h52 行で定義されています。


globals.h282 行で定義されています。


objects.h429 行で定義されています。


execution.h35 行で定義されています。


macro-assembler-arm.h42 行で定義されています。


macro-assembler-ia32.h37 行で定義されています。


macro-assembler-arm.h47 行で定義されています。


assembler-arm.h288 行で定義されています。


top.cc468 行で定義されています。


natives.h37 行で定義されています。


platform-win32.cc574 行で定義されています。


codegen-ia32.h39 行で定義されています。


codegen-arm.h39 行で定義されています。


globals.h230 行で定義されています。


globals.h303 行で定義されています。


objects.h2975 行で定義されています。


assembler-arm.h232 行で定義されています。


assembler-ia32.h202 行で定義されています。

enum const AccessorDescriptor v8::internal::Accessors::ScriptType

objects.h2492 行で定義されています。


assembler-arm.h222 行で定義されています。


assembler-arm.h239 行で定義されています。


assembler-arm.h246 行で定義されています。

globals.h354 行で定義されています。


debug.h43 行で定義されています。


objects.h422 行で定義されています。


globals.h319 行で定義されています。


serialize.h37 行で定義されています。


codegen-ia32.h42 行で定義されています。


codegen-arm.h53 行で定義されています。


objects.h170 行で定義されています。


zone.h36 行で定義されています。


static Object* v8::internal::__builtin_arg__ ( int  n,
int  argc,
Object **  argv 
) [inline, static]

builtins.cc73 行で定義されています。


kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset v8::internal::ACCESSORS ( ObjectTemplateInfo  ,
internal_field_count  ,
Object  ,
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset v8::internal::ACCESSORS ( SharedFunctionInfo  ,
function_data  ,
Object  ,
v8::internal::ACCESSORS ( JSFunction  ,
prototype_or_initial_map  ,
Object  ,

objects-inl.h1995 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Map::cast().

v8::internal::ACCESSORS ( Map  ,
instance_descriptors  ,
DescriptorArray  ,
kPropertyAccessorsOffset v8::internal::ACCESSORS ( FunctionTemplateInfo  ,
prototype_template  ,
Object  ,
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset v8::internal::ACCESSORS ( FunctionTemplateInfo  ,
indexed_property_handler  ,
Object  ,
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset v8::internal::ACCESSORS ( FunctionTemplateInfo  ,
instance_call_handler  ,
Object  ,
Handle<FixedArray> v8::internal::AddKeysFromJSArray ( Handle< FixedArray >  content,
Handle< JSArray >  array 

handles.cc43 行で定義されています。


template<typename T >
static T v8::internal::AddressFrom ( int  x  )  [inline, static]

utils.h66 行で定義されています。

参照先 T.

static Handle<CompilationCacheTable> v8::internal::AllocateTable ( int  size  )  [static]

compilation-cache.cc42 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::HashTable< 0, 2 >::Allocate(), と CALL_HEAP_FUNCTION.

参照元 GetTable().

bool v8::internal::AnalyzeVariableUsage ( FunctionLiteral *  lit  ) 

参照元 MakeCode().

static bool v8::internal::AnWord ( String *  str  )  [static]
static int v8::internal::ArchiveSpacePerThread (  )  [static]
static int v8::internal::ArithmeticShiftRight ( int  x,
int  s 
) [inline, static]
static Object* v8::internal::ArrayLengthRangeError (  )  [static]
template<class Dest , class Source >
Dest v8::internal::bit_cast ( const Source &  source  )  [inline]

globals.h493 行で定義されています。

typedef v8::internal::BOOL ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPESymInitialize  ) 

参照元 LoadSymbols().

typedef v8::internal::BOOL ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPEStackWalk64  ) 
typedef v8::internal::BOOL ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPESymGetSymFromAddr64  ) 
typedef v8::internal::BOOL ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPESymGetLineFromAddr64  ) 
typedef v8::internal::BOOL ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPESymGetSearchPath  ) 
typedef v8::internal::BOOL ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPEModule32NextW  ) 
typedef v8::internal::BOOL ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPEModule32FirstW  ) 
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset kHiddenPrototypeBit v8::internal::BOOL_ACCESSORS ( FunctionTemplateInfo  ,
flag  ,
needs_access_check  ,
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset kHiddenPrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit v8::internal::BOOL_ACCESSORS ( SharedFunctionInfo  ,
start_position_and_type  ,
is_toplevel  ,
template<typename schar , typename pchar >
static int v8::internal::BoyerMooreIndexOf ( Vector< const schar >  subject,
Vector< const pchar >  pattern,
int  idx 
) [static]
template<typename pchar >
static void v8::internal::BoyerMoorePopulateBadCharTable ( Vector< const pchar >  pattern,
int  start 
) [static]
template<typename pchar >
static void v8::internal::BoyerMoorePopulateGoodSuffixTable ( Vector< const pchar >  pattern,
int  start 
) [static]
template<typename schar , typename pchar >
static int v8::internal::BoyerMooreSimplified ( Vector< const schar >  subject,
Vector< const pchar >  pattern,
int  start_index,
bool *  complete 
) [static]
BUILTIN_END v8::internal::BUILTIN ( HandleApiCallAsFunction   ) 
v8::internal::BUILTIN ( HandleApiCall   ) 
BUILTIN_END v8::internal::BUILTIN ( ArrayCode   ) 
BUILTIN_END v8::internal::BUILTIN ( ArrayPush   ) 
BUILTIN_END v8::internal::BUILTIN ( ArrayPop   ) 
v8::internal::BUILTIN ( Illegal   ) 

builtins.cc126 行で定義されています。


BUILTIN_END v8::internal::BUILTIN ( EmptyFunction   ) 

builtins.cc132 行で定義されています。

static bool v8::internal::CalledAsConstructor (  )  [inline, static]

builtins.cc92 行で定義されています。


参照元 BUILTIN().

Object * v8::internal::CallIC_Miss ( Arguments  args  ) 

ic.cc1042 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, と v8::internal::IC::StateFrom().

Object* v8::internal::CallInterceptorProperty ( Arguments  args  ) 
double v8::internal::ceiling ( double  x  ) 

platform-macos.cc64 行で定義されています。

参照元 Runtime_Math_ceil().

static Object* v8::internal::CharCodeAt ( String *  subject,
Object *  index 
) [static]
template<typename schar , typename pchar >
static int v8::internal::CharOccurence ( int  char_code  )  [inline, static]

runtime.cc1103 行で定義されています。

参照先 bad_char_occurence, kBMAlphabetSize, と v8::internal::String::kMaxAsciiCharCode.

static void v8::internal::ClearWrapperCache ( Persistent< v8::Value handle,
void *   
) [static]
generate extra v8::internal::code ( comments  ,

参照元 v8::internal::CallIC::Clear(), compileBracket(), compileBranch(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallConstant(), v8::internal::Compiler::CompileLazy(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeCallConstant(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeCallField(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeCallInterceptor(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeCallNormal(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeKeyedLoadArrayLength(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeKeyedLoadCallback(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeKeyedLoadConstant(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeKeyedLoadField(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeKeyedLoadFunctionPrototype(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeKeyedLoadInterceptor(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeKeyedLoadStringLength(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeKeyedStoreField(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeLazyCompile(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeLoadCallback(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeLoadConstant(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeLoadField(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeLoadInterceptor(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeLoadNormal(), v8::internal::IC::ComputeMode(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeStoreCallback(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeStoreField(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeStoreInterceptor(), v8::internal::Factory::CreateApiFunction(), v8::internal::Heap::CreateCode(), v8::internal::Debug::FindDebugBreak(), v8::internal::Map::FindInCodeCache(), v8::internal::Builtins::GetCode(), v8::internal::Deserializer::GetObject(), v8::internal::IC::GetTargetAtAddress(), INT_ACCESSORS(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokeBuiltin(), v8::internal::SharedFunctionInfo::is_compiled(), v8::internal::Debug::IsDebugBreak(), v8::internal::RegExpImpl::JsreCompile(), v8::internal::RegExpImpl::JsreExecOnce(), jsRegExpCompile(), v8::internal::KeyedLoadIC::Load(), v8::internal::Context::Lookup(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::MakeCode(), MakeFunction(), v8::internal::Factory::NewDebugInfo(), v8::internal::IC::OriginalCodeAddress(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseNativeDeclaration(), v8::internal::Debug::PrepareStep(), v8::internal::CpuFeatures::Probe(), v8::internal::PendingFixups::Process(), v8::internal::Serializer::PutObject(), Runtime_DebugEvaluate(), Runtime_GetFrameDetails(), Runtime_SetCode(), v8::internal::Debug::SetAfterBreakTarget(), v8::internal::KeyedStoreIC::UpdateCaches(), v8::internal::StoreIC::UpdateCaches(), v8::internal::KeyedLoadIC::UpdateCaches(), v8::internal::LoadIC::UpdateCaches(), v8::internal::CallIC::UpdateCaches(), v8::internal::MarkingVisitor::VisitCodeTarget(), v8::internal::MarkingVisitor::VisitDebugTarget(), v8::internal::Deserializer::VisitExternalReferences(), と v8::internal::ReferenceUpdater::VisitExternalReferences().

static int v8::internal::CompareLocal ( Variable *const *  v,
Variable *const *  w 
) [static]

scopeinfo.cc38 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Slot::index(), と NULL.

template<typename Char >
static bool v8::internal::CompareRawStringContents ( Vector< Char >  a,
Vector< Char >  b 
) [inline, static]
template<typename IteratorA , typename IteratorB >
static bool v8::internal::CompareStringContents ( IteratorA *  ia,
IteratorB *  ib 
) [inline, static]

objects.cc3715 行で定義されています。

参照元 CompareStringContentsPartial(), と v8::internal::String::SlowEquals().

template<typename IteratorA >
static bool v8::internal::CompareStringContentsPartial ( IteratorA *  ia,
String *  b 
) [inline, static]
bool v8::internal::CompileLazy ( Handle< JSFunction >  function,
ClearExceptionFlag  flag 
bool v8::internal::CompileLazyShared ( Handle< SharedFunctionInfo >  shared,
ClearExceptionFlag  flag 
void v8::internal::CompileWithRetryAfterGC ( Handle< String >  pattern,
JSRegExp::Flags  flags,
unsigned *  number_of_captures,
const char **  error_message,
JscreRegExp **  code 

jsregexp.cc341 行で定義されています。


参照元 v8::internal::RegExpImpl::JsreCompile().

static Handle<Code> v8::internal::ComputeCallDebugBreak ( int  argc  )  [static]
static Handle<Code> v8::internal::ComputeCallDebugPrepareStepIn ( int  argc  )  [static]
Handle< Code > v8::internal::ComputeCallMiss ( int  argc  ) 
static Handle<Code> v8::internal::ComputeLazyCompile ( int  argc  )  [static]

codegen.cc184 行で定義されています。

static Handle<Map> v8::internal::ComputeObjectLiteralMap ( Handle< Context >  context,
Handle< FixedArray >  constant_properties,
bool *  is_result_from_cache 
) [static]
static JSObject* v8::internal::ComputeReceiverForNonGlobal ( JSObject *  holder  )  [static]

runtime.cc3391 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Top::context(), と v8::internal::HeapObject::map().

参照元 LoadContextSlotHelper().

template<typename T >
void v8::internal::ConcatReversed ( List< T > *  target,
const List< T > &  source 

serialize.cc1463 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::List< T, P >::Add().

参照元 v8::internal::Deserializer::Resolve().

static bool v8::internal::ContainsLabel ( ZoneStringList *  labels,
Handle< String >  label 
) [static]
static Object** v8::internal::ContextEntriesAddr ( Code *  code  )  [static]

scopeinfo.cc344 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Code::sinfo_size(), と v8::internal::Code::sinfo_start().

参照元 ParameterEntriesAddr().

template<class Converter >
static Object* v8::internal::ConvertCase ( Arguments  args,
unibrow::Mapping< Converter, 128 > *  mapping 
) [static]
Handle< JSObject > v8::internal::Copy ( Handle< JSObject >  obj  ) 
template<typename sourcechar , typename sinkchar >
static void v8::internal::CopyChars ( sinkchar *  dest,
const sourcechar *  src,
int  chars 
) [inline, static]

utils.h449 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::String::WriteToFlat().

static Handle<Context> v8::internal::CopyWithContextChain ( Handle< Context >  context_chain,
Handle< Context >  function_context 
) [static]

runtime.cc5130 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::JSObject::cast(), と v8::internal::Factory::NewWithContext().

参照元 Runtime_DebugEvaluate().

static int v8::internal::CountMarkedCallback ( HeapObject *  obj  )  [static]
static char* v8::internal::CreateExponentialRepresentation ( char *  decimal_rep,
int  exponent,
bool  negative,
int  significant_digits 
) [static]
static Object* v8::internal::CreateJSValue ( JSFunction *  constructor,
Object *  value 
) [static]

objects.cc70 行で定義されています。

Vector<const char> v8::internal::CStrVector ( const char *  data  )  [inline]
static Object* v8::internal::DebugBreakHelper (  )  [static]
static int v8::internal::DebugConstructedBy ( JSFunction *  constructor,
int  max_references,
FixedArray *  instances,
int  instances_size 
) [static]
static int v8::internal::DebugGetLoadedScripts ( FixedArray *  instances,
int  instances_size 
) [static]
static Object* v8::internal::DebugLookupResultValue ( LookupResult *  result  )  [static]
static int v8::internal::DebugReferencedBy ( JSObject *  target,
Object *  instance_filter,
int  max_references,
FixedArray *  instances,
int  instances_size,
JSFunction *  context_extension_function,
JSFunction *  arguments_function 
) [static]
byte * v8::internal::DecodeInt ( byte *  p,
int *  x 
byte* v8::internal::DecodeUnsignedIntBackward ( byte *  p,
unsigned int *  x 
) [inline]

utils.h170 行で定義されています。

emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( trace_exception  ,
false  ,
"print stack trace when throwing exceptions"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( allow_natives_syntax  ,
false  ,
"allow natives syntax"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( trace_sim  ,
false  ,
"trace simulator execution"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( usage_computation  ,
true  ,
"compute variable usage counts"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( testing_bool_flag  ,
true  ,
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( dump_counters  ,
false  ,
"Dump counters on exit"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( print_code_stubs  ,
false  ,
"print code stubs"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( print_builtin_code  ,
false  ,
"print generated code for builtins"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( print_builtin_source  ,
false  ,
"pretty print source code for builtins"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( print_builtin_ast  ,
false  ,
"print source AST for builtins"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( trace_builtin_calls  ,
false  ,
"trace builtins calls"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( print_builtin_scopes  ,
false  ,
"print scopes for builtins"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( trace_contexts  ,
false  ,
"trace contexts operations"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( gc_verbose  ,
false  ,
"print stuff during garbage collection"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( print_rset  ,
false  ,
"print remembered sets before GC"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( print_handles  ,
false  ,
"report handles after GC"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( trace_normalization  ,
false  ,
"prints when objects are turned into dictionaries."   
) [inline]
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( debug_serialization  ,
false  ,
"write debug information into the snapshot."   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal Log all events to the log file v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( log_api  ,
false  ,
"Log API events to the log file."   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( code_stats  ,
false  ,
"report code statistics after GC"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal Log all events to the log file Log code events to the log file without profiling Log global handle events v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( log_state_changes  ,
false  ,
"Log state changes."   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal Log all events to the log file Log code events to the log file without profiling Log global handle events Log suspect operations v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( prof  ,
false  ,
"Log statistical profiling information (implies --log-code)."   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal Log all events to the log file Log code events to the log file without profiling Log global handle events Log suspect operations Log regular expression execution v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( sliding_state_window  ,
false  ,
"Update sliding state window counters."   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal Log all events to the log file Log code events to the log file without profiling v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( log_gc  ,
false  ,
"Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool."   
v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( print_code  ,
false  ,
"print generated code"   

flags.h313 行で定義されています。

v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( debug_code  ,
false  ,
"generate extra code (comments, assertions) for debugging"   
emit branch hints v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( push_pop_elimination  ,
true  ,
"eliminate redundant push/pops in assembly code"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( inline_new  ,
true  ,
"use fast inline allocation"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( trace  ,
false  ,
"trace function calls"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( check_stack  ,
true  ,
"check stack for   overflow,
interrupt  ,
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( debug_info  ,
true  ,
"add debug information to compiled functions"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( trace_debug_json  ,
false  ,
"trace debugging JSON request/response"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( gc_global  ,
false  ,
"always perform global GCs"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( trace_gc  ,
false  ,
"print one trace line following each garbage collection"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( use_ic  ,
true  ,
"use inline caching"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( always_compact  ,
false  ,
"Perform compaction on every full GC"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( cleanup_ics_at_gc  ,
true  ,
"Flush inline caches prior to mark compact collection."   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( canonicalize_object_literal_maps  ,
true  ,
"Canonicalize maps for object literals."   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag v8::internal::DEFINE_float ( testing_float_flag  ,
2.  5,
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag v8::internal::DEFINE_int ( testing_prng_seed  ,
42  ,
"Seed used for threading test randomness"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking v8::internal::DEFINE_int ( min_preparse_length  ,
1024  ,
"Minimum length for automatic enable preparsing"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects v8::internal::DEFINE_int ( max_stack_trace_source_length  ,
300  ,
"maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace."   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object v8::internal::DEFINE_string ( natives_file  ,
"alternative natives file"   
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code v8::internal::DEFINE_string ( expose_natives_as  ,
"expose natives in global object"   
template<typename T >
static void v8::internal::DeleteArray ( T *  array  )  [static]
Handle< Object > v8::internal::DeleteElement ( Handle< JSObject >  obj,
uint32_t  index 
Handle< Object > v8::internal::DeleteProperty ( Handle< JSObject >  obj,
Handle< String >  prop 
static Object* v8::internal::DoCompile ( String *  pattern,
JSRegExp::Flags  flags,
unsigned *  number_of_captures,
const char **  error_message,
JscreRegExp **  code 
) [inline, static]
static Object* v8::internal::DoCopyInsert ( DescriptorArray *  array,
String *  key,
Object *  value,
PropertyAttributes  attributes 
) [inline, static]
static int v8::internal::double_get_hash ( double  d  )  [inline, static]
const char * v8::internal::DoubleToCString ( double  v,
Vector< char >  buffer 
char * v8::internal::DoubleToExponentialCString ( double  value,
int  f 
char * v8::internal::DoubleToFixedCString ( double  value,
int  f 
static int32_t v8::internal::DoubleToInt32 ( double  x  )  [inline]
static double v8::internal::DoubleToInteger ( double  x  )  [inline, static]
char * v8::internal::DoubleToPrecisionCString ( double  value,
int  p 
char * v8::internal::DoubleToRadixCString ( double  value,
int  radix 
static uint32_t v8::internal::DoubleToUint32 ( double  x  )  [inline, static]

conversions.h65 行で定義されています。

参照先 DoubleToInt32().

参照元 v8::internal::Parser::ParseBinaryExpression().

char* v8::internal::dtoa ( double  d,
int  mode,
int  ndigits,
int *  decpt,
int *  sign,
char **  rve 
typedef v8::internal::DWORD ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPESymSetOptions  ) 
typedef v8::internal::DWORD ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPESymGetOptions  ) 
typedef v8::internal::DWORD64 ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPESymLoadModule64  ) 

参照元 LoadSymbols().

typedef v8::internal::DWORD64 ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPESymGetModuleBase64  ) 
static uint32_t v8::internal::EncodeExternal ( TypeCode  type,
uint16_t  id 
) [static]

serialize.cc384 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::ExternalReferenceTable::Add().

template<MarkCompactCollector::AllocationFunction Alloc, MarkCompactCollector::EncodingFunction Encode, MarkCompactCollector::ProcessNonLiveFunction ProcessNonLive>
void v8::internal::EncodeForwardingAddressesInRange ( Address  start,
Address  end,
int *  offset 
) [inline]
void v8::internal::EncodeForwardingAddressInNewSpace ( HeapObject *  old_object,
int  object_size,
Object *  new_object,
int *  ignored 
) [inline]
void v8::internal::EncodeForwardingAddressInPagedSpace ( HeapObject *  old_object,
int  object_size,
Object *  new_object,
int *  offset 
) [inline]
void v8::internal::EncodeFreeRegion ( Address  free_start,
int  free_size 
byte * v8::internal::EncodeInt ( byte *  p,
int  x 
byte * v8::internal::EncodeUnsignedIntBackward ( byte *  p,
unsigned int  x 
static bool v8::internal::EqualNames ( const char *  a,
const char *  b 
) [static]

flags.cc274 行で定義されています。

参照先 NormalizeChar().

参照元 FindFlag().

static Object* v8::internal::EvalContext (  )  [static]
static int v8::internal::ExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate ( int  estimate  )  [static]

handles.cc79 行で定義されています。

static SourceCodeCache v8::internal::extensions_cache ( SCRIPT_TYPE_EXTENSION   )  [static]
static int v8::internal::FastD2I ( double  x  )  [inline, static]
static double v8::internal::FastI2D ( int  x  )  [inline, static]
static double v8::internal::FastUI2D ( unsigned  x  )  [inline, static]

conversions.h48 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromUint32().

static MemOperand v8::internal::FieldMemOperand ( Register  object,
int  offset 
) [inline, static]
static Operand v8::internal::FieldOperand ( Register  object,
int  offset 
) [inline, static]
static Operand v8::internal::FieldOperand ( Register  object,
Register  index,
ScaleFactor  scale,
int  offset 
) [inline, static]

macro-assembler-ia32.h318 行で定義されています。

参照先 kHeapObjectTag.

static Object* v8::internal::FillCache ( Object *  code  )  [static]
static Flag* v8::internal::FindFlag ( const char *  name  )  [static]

flags.cc284 行で定義されています。

参照先 EqualNames(), と NULL.

template<class C >
static C* v8::internal::FindInPrototypeChain ( Object *  obj,
bool *  found_it 
) [static]

accessors.cc40 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, C, v8::Object::GetPrototype(), と NULL.

static Object* v8::internal::FindSharedFunctionInfoInScript ( Handle< Script >  script,
int  position 
) [static]
static bool v8::internal::fits_shifter ( uint32_t  imm32,
uint32_t *  rotate_imm,
uint32_t *  immed_8,
Instr *  instr 
) [static]

assembler-arm.cc513 行で定義されています。

参照先 B21, と NULL.

参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::addrmod1(), と v8::internal::Assembler::msr().

void v8::internal::FlattenString ( Handle< String >  string  ) 
void v8::internal::Flush (  ) 
void v8::internal::freedtoa ( char *  s  ) 

dtoa.c2582 行で定義されています。

参照先 Bfree(), Bigint::k, と Bigint::maxwds.

参照元 dtoa().

template<typename F >
F v8::internal::FUNCTION_CAST ( Address  addr  ) 

globals.h414 行で定義されています。

参照先 F.

double v8::internal::gay_strtod ( const char *  s00,
const char **  se 
static void v8::internal::Generate_KeyedLoadIC_Generic ( MacroAssembler *  masm  )  [static]

builtins.cc513 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::KeyedLoadIC::GenerateGeneric().

static void v8::internal::Generate_KeyedLoadIC_Initialize ( MacroAssembler *  masm  )  [static]

builtins.cc503 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::KeyedLoadIC::GenerateInitialize().

static void v8::internal::Generate_KeyedLoadIC_Miss ( MacroAssembler *  masm  )  [static]

builtins.cc508 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::KeyedLoadIC::GenerateMiss().

static void v8::internal::Generate_KeyedLoadIC_PreMonomorphic ( MacroAssembler *  masm  )  [static]

builtins.cc518 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::KeyedLoadIC::GeneratePreMonomorphic().

static void v8::internal::Generate_KeyedStoreIC_ExtendStorage ( MacroAssembler *  masm  )  [static]

builtins.cc547 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::KeyedStoreIC::GenerateExtendStorage().

static void v8::internal::Generate_KeyedStoreIC_Generic ( MacroAssembler *  masm  )  [static]

builtins.cc542 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::KeyedStoreIC::GenerateGeneric().

static void v8::internal::Generate_KeyedStoreIC_Initialize ( MacroAssembler *  masm  )  [static]

builtins.cc557 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::KeyedStoreIC::GenerateInitialize().

static void v8::internal::Generate_KeyedStoreIC_Miss ( MacroAssembler *  masm  )  [static]

builtins.cc552 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::KeyedStoreIC::GenerateMiss().

static void v8::internal::Generate_LoadIC_ArrayLength ( MacroAssembler *  masm  )  [static]

builtins.cc463 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateArrayLength().

static void v8::internal::Generate_LoadIC_FunctionPrototype ( MacroAssembler *  masm  )  [static]

builtins.cc473 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateFunctionPrototype().

static void v8::internal::Generate_LoadIC_Initialize ( MacroAssembler *  masm  )  [static]

builtins.cc478 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateInitialize().

static void v8::internal::Generate_LoadIC_Megamorphic ( MacroAssembler *  masm  )  [static]

builtins.cc493 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateMegamorphic().

static void v8::internal::Generate_LoadIC_Miss ( MacroAssembler *  masm  )  [static]

builtins.cc488 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateMiss().

static void v8::internal::Generate_LoadIC_Normal ( MacroAssembler *  masm  )  [static]

builtins.cc498 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateNormal().

static void v8::internal::Generate_LoadIC_PreMonomorphic ( MacroAssembler *  masm  )  [static]

builtins.cc483 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::LoadIC::GeneratePreMonomorphic().

static void v8::internal::Generate_LoadIC_StringLength ( MacroAssembler *  masm  )  [static]

builtins.cc468 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateStringLength().

static void v8::internal::Generate_StoreIC_ExtendStorage ( MacroAssembler *  masm  )  [static]

builtins.cc533 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::StoreIC::GenerateExtendStorage().

static void v8::internal::Generate_StoreIC_Initialize ( MacroAssembler *  masm  )  [static]

builtins.cc523 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::StoreIC::GenerateInitialize().

static void v8::internal::Generate_StoreIC_Megamorphic ( MacroAssembler *  masm  )  [static]

builtins.cc537 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::StoreIC::GenerateMegamorphic().

static void v8::internal::Generate_StoreIC_Miss ( MacroAssembler *  masm  )  [static]

builtins.cc528 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::StoreIC::GenerateMiss().

static void v8::internal::GenerateDictionaryLoad ( MacroAssembler *  masm,
Label *  miss,
Register  t0,
Register  t1 
) [static]
static void v8::internal::GenerateDictionaryLoad ( MacroAssembler *  masm,
Label *  miss_label,
Register  r0,
Register  r1,
Register  r2,
Register  name 
) [static]
static void v8::internal::GenerateNormalHelper ( MacroAssembler *  masm,
int  argc,
bool  is_global_object,
Label *  miss 
) [static]
static void v8::internal::GenerateStringCheck ( MacroAssembler *  masm,
Register  receiver,
Register  scratch,
Label *  smi,
Label *  non_string_object 
) [static]

stub-cache-ia32.cc164 行で定義されています。

参照先 __, ASSERT, FieldOperand(), kNotStringTag, kSmiTagMask, not_taken, not_zero, と zero.

static void v8::internal::GenerateStringCheck ( MacroAssembler *  masm,
Register  receiver,
Register  scratch1,
Register  scratch2,
Label *  smi,
Label *  non_string_object 
) [static]
static Handle<Object> v8::internal::GetArgumentsObject ( JavaScriptFrame *  frame,
Handle< JSFunction >  function,
Handle< Code >  code,
const ScopeInfo<> *  sinfo,
Handle< Context >  function_context 
) [static]
static int v8::internal::GetChar ( const char *  str,
int  index 
) [inline, static]

conversions.cc51 行で定義されています。


参照元 InternalStringToDouble(), InternalStringToInt(), と ShouldParseOctal().

static int v8::internal::GetChar ( String *  str,
int  index 
) [inline, static]

conversions.cc57 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::String::Get().

static Handle<Object> v8::internal::GetCharAt ( Handle< String >  string,
uint32_t  index 
) [static]
static const char* v8::internal::GetCString ( const char *  str,
int  index 
) [inline, static]

conversions.cc72 行で定義されています。

参照元 InternalStringToDouble(), と InternalStringToInt().

static const char* v8::internal::GetCString ( String *  str,
int  index 
) [inline, static]

conversions.cc77 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::String::Get(), と v8::internal::String::length().

Handle< FixedArray > v8::internal::GetEnumPropertyKeys ( Handle< JSObject >  object  ) 
static int* v8::internal::GetInternalPointer ( StatsCounter *  counter  )  [static]
Handle< JSArray > v8::internal::GetKeysFor ( Handle< JSObject >  object  ) 
v8::Handle< v8::Array > v8::internal::GetKeysForIndexedInterceptor ( Handle< JSObject >  receiver,
Handle< JSObject >  object 
v8::Handle< v8::Array > v8::internal::GetKeysForNamedInterceptor ( Handle< JSObject >  receiver,
Handle< JSObject >  object 
Handle< FixedArray > v8::internal::GetKeysInFixedArrayFor ( Handle< JSObject >  object  ) 
static int v8::internal::GetLength ( const char *  str  )  [inline, static]

conversions.cc62 行で定義されています。

参照元 InternalStringToDouble(), InternalStringToInt(), と ShouldParseOctal().

static int v8::internal::GetLength ( String *  str  )  [inline, static]

conversions.cc67 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::String::length().

static size_t v8::internal::GetPageSize (  )  [static]

platform-win32.cc725 行で定義されています。

参照先 RoundUpToPowerOf2().

static Object* v8::internal::GetProbeValue ( Code::Flags  flags  )  [static]
Handle< Object > v8::internal::GetProperty ( Handle< JSObject >  obj,
const char *  name 
Handle< Object > v8::internal::GetProperty ( Handle< Object >  obj,
Handle< Object >  key 
Handle< Object > v8::internal::GetPropertyWithInterceptor ( Handle< JSObject >  receiver,
Handle< JSObject >  holder,
Handle< String >  name,
PropertyAttributes attributes 
Handle< Object > v8::internal::GetPrototype ( Handle< Object >  obj  ) 
Handle< JSValue > v8::internal::GetScriptWrapper ( Handle< Script >  script  ) 
static AllocationSpace v8::internal::GetSpace ( Address  addr  )  [inline, static]
static Handle<CompilationCacheTable> v8::internal::GetTable ( CompilationCache::Entry  entry  )  [static]
typedef v8::internal::HANDLE ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPECreateToolhelp32Snapshot  ) 

参照元 LoadSymbols().

void v8::internal::handle_debug_event ( v8::DebugEvent  event,
v8::Handle< v8::Object exec_state,
v8::Handle< v8::Object event_data,
v8::Handle< Value >  data 
template<typename T >
Vector< Handle<Object> > v8::internal::HandleVector ( v8::internal::Handle< T > *  elms,
int  length 
) [inline]
static bool v8::internal::HasConsole (  )  [static]

platform-win32.cc584 行で定義されています。

参照先 output_mode, と UNKNOWN.

参照元 VPrintHelper().

static unsigned int v8::internal::Hash ( const char *  s  )  [static]
static uint32_t v8::internal::HashField ( uint32_t  hash,
bool  is_array_index 
) [inline, static]
static bool v8::internal::HasKey ( FixedArray *  array,
Object *  key 
) [static]
static bool v8::internal::HasOrigin ( Handle< JSFunction >  boilerplate,
Handle< Object >  name,
int  line_offset,
int  column_offset 
) [static]
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with v8::internal::heap_stats ( requires  heap_stats  ) 
static uint32_t v8::internal::HeapObjectHash ( HeapObject *  key  )  [static]
void v8::internal::HeapSortPairs ( FixedArray *  content,
FixedArray *  smis 
int v8::internal::HexValue ( uc32  c  ) 
Handle< Object > v8::internal::IgnoreAttributesAndSetLocalProperty ( Handle< JSObject >  object,
Handle< String >  key,
Handle< Object >  value,
PropertyAttributes  attributes 
void v8::internal::IgnoreNonLiveObject ( HeapObject *  object  )  [inline]
static Object* v8::internal::IllegalOperation (  )  [static]

runtime.cc90 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Top::Throw().

参照元 LoadContextSlotHelper().

static int v8::internal::IndexOf ( const List< Object ** > &  list,
Object **  element 
) [static]

serialize.cc1030 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Serializer::PutGlobalHandleStack().

static void v8::internal::InitPagedSpace ( PagedSpace *  space,
int  capacity,
List< Page * > *  page_list 
) [static]
v8::internal::INLINE ( Condition   NegateConditionCondition cc  ) 
static void v8::internal::InsertionSortPairs ( FixedArray *  content,
FixedArray *  smis 
) [static]
static Handle<JSFunction> v8::internal::InstallFunction ( Handle< JSObject >  target,
const char *  name,
InstanceType  type,
int  instance_size,
Handle< JSObject >  prototype,
Builtins::Name  call,
bool  is_ecma_native 
) [static]
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset kHiddenPrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit kFormalParameterCountOffset v8::internal::INT_ACCESSORS ( SharedFunctionInfo  ,
expected_nof_properties  ,
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset kHiddenPrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit kFormalParameterCountOffset kStartPositionAndTypeOffset v8::internal::INT_ACCESSORS ( SharedFunctionInfo  ,
function_token_position  ,

objects-inl.h1921 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Code::BUILTIN, と code().

template<class S >
static double v8::internal::InternalStringToDouble ( S *  str,
int  flags,
double  empty_string_val 
) [static]
template<class S >
static int v8::internal::InternalStringToInt ( S *  s,
int  i,
int  radix,
double *  value 
) [static]

conversions.cc166 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, gay_strtod(), GetChar(), GetCString(), GetLength(), と ReleaseCString().

const char * v8::internal::IntToCString ( int  n,
Vector< char >  buffer 
static Handle<Object> v8::internal::Invoke ( bool  construct,
Handle< JSFunction >  func,
Handle< Object >  receiver,
int  argc,
Object ***  args,
bool *  has_pending_exception 
) [static]
template<class C >
static bool v8::internal::Is ( Object *  obj  )  [inline, static]
bool v8::internal::Is< JSArray > ( Object *  obj  )  [inline]
bool v8::internal::Is< JSFunction > ( Object *  obj  )  [inline]
static bool v8::internal::is_int24 ( int  x  )  [inline, static]
static bool v8::internal::is_int8 ( int  x  )  [inline, static]

assembler.h461 行で定義されています。

参照先 is_intn().

参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::imul(), と v8::internal::Assembler::j().

static bool v8::internal::is_intn ( int  x,
int  n 
) [inline, static]
static bool v8::internal::is_uint12 ( int  x  )  [inline, static]

assembler.h471 行で定義されています。

参照先 is_uintn().

参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::addrmod2(), と v8::internal::Assembler::CheckConstPool().

static bool v8::internal::is_uint16 ( int  x  )  [inline, static]

assembler.h472 行で定義されています。

参照先 is_uintn().

参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::bkpt(), と v8::internal::Assembler::ret().

static bool v8::internal::is_uint24 ( int  x  )  [inline, static]

assembler.h473 行で定義されています。

参照先 is_uintn().

参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::swi().

static bool v8::internal::is_uint3 ( int  x  )  [inline, static]
static bool v8::internal::is_uint4 ( int  x  )  [inline, static]

assembler.h468 行で定義されています。

参照先 is_uintn().

参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::cdp().

static bool v8::internal::is_uint5 ( int  x  )  [inline, static]
static bool v8::internal::is_uint8 ( int  x  )  [inline, static]
static bool v8::internal::is_uintn ( int  x,
int  n 
) [inline, static]

assembler.h463 行で定義されています。

参照元 is_uint12(), is_uint16(), is_uint24(), is_uint3(), is_uint4(), is_uint5(), と is_uint8().

static bool v8::internal::IsAddressAligned ( Address  addr,
int  alignment,
int  offset 
) [inline, static]

utils.h99 行で定義されています。

参照先 IsAligned(), と OffsetFrom().

参照元 v8::internal::Zone::New(), と v8::internal::NewSpace::Setup().

template<typename T >
static bool v8::internal::IsAligned ( value,
) [inline, static]
bool v8::internal::IsCarriageReturn ( uc32  c  )  [inline]
static bool v8::internal::IsControlChar ( char  c  )  [static]

string-stream.cc85 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::StringStream::Add().

bool v8::internal::IsDecimalDigit ( uc32  c  )  [inline]
int v8::internal::isfinite ( double  x  ) 

platform-win32.cc89 行で定義されています。

参照元 Runtime_NumberMod().

bool v8::internal::IsHexDigit ( uc32  c  )  [inline]
static bool v8::internal::IsLargeExecutableObject ( Address  addr  )  [inline, static]

serialize.cc89 行で定義されています。

参照先 kLOSpaceExecutable, kSpaceMask, と kSpaceShift.

参照元 v8::internal::Deserializer::GetObject().

static bool v8::internal::IsLargeFixedArray ( Address  addr  )  [inline, static]

serialize.cc97 行で定義されています。

参照先 kLOSpacePointer, kSpaceMask, と kSpaceShift.

参照元 v8::internal::Deserializer::GetObject().

bool v8::internal::IsLineFeed ( uc32  c  )  [inline]
static bool v8::internal::IsNotEscaped ( uint16_t  character  )  [static]

runtime.cc2103 行で定義されています。


参照元 Runtime_URIEscape().

template<typename T >
static bool v8::internal::IsPowerOf2 ( x  )  [inline, static]

utils.h38 行で定義されています。

static bool v8::internal::IsPowerOf2 ( uint32_t  x  )  [inline, static]
static bool v8::internal::IsShortcutCandidate ( HeapObject *  object,
Map *  map 
) [inline, static]
static bool v8::internal::IsSpace ( String *  str,
int  index 
) [inline, static]
static bool v8::internal::IsSpace ( const char *  str,
int  index 
) [inline, static]
static uint32_t v8::internal::IterateArguments ( Handle< JSArray >  arguments,
ArrayConcatVisitor *  visitor 
) [static]

A helper function of Runtime_ArrayConcat.

The first argument is an Array of arrays and objects. It is the same as the arguments array of Array::concat JS function.

If an argument is an Array object, the function visits array elements. If an argument is not an Array object, the function visits the object as if it is an one-element array.

If the result array index overflows 32-bit integer, the rounded non-negative number is used as new length. For example, if one array length is 2^32 - 1, second array length is 1, the concatenated array length is 0.

runtime.cc4153 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Handle< T >::cast(), v8::internal::ArrayConcatVisitor::increase_index_offset(), IterateArrayAndPrototypeElements(), と v8::internal::ArrayConcatVisitor::visit().

参照元 Runtime_ArrayConcat().

static uint32_t v8::internal::IterateArrayAndPrototypeElements ( Handle< JSArray >  array,
ArrayConcatVisitor *  visitor 
) [static]

A helper function that visits elements of an Array object, and elements on its prototypes.

Elements on prototypes are visited first, and only elements whose indices less than Array length are visited.

If a ArrayConcatVisitor object is given, the visitor is called with parameters, element's index + visitor_index_offset and the element.

runtime.cc4109 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::List< T, P >::Add(), と IterateElements().

参照元 IterateArguments().

static uint32_t v8::internal::IterateElements ( Handle< JSObject >  receiver,
uint32_t  range,
ArrayConcatVisitor *  visitor 
) [static]

A helper function that visits elements of a JSObject. Only elements whose index between 0 and range (exclusive) are visited.

If the third parameter, visitor, is not NULL, the visitor is called with parameters, 'visitor_index_offset + element index' and the element.

It returns the number of visisted elements.

runtime.cc4057 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::FixedArray::cast(), と v8::internal::ArrayConcatVisitor::visit().

参照元 IterateArrayAndPrototypeElements().

int v8::internal::JSCallerSavedCode ( int  n  ) 
static void v8::internal::JSREFree ( void *  p  )  [static]

jsregexp.cc71 行で定義されています。

参照先 USE().

static void* v8::internal::JSREMalloc ( size_t  size  )  [static]
Object * v8::internal::KeyedLoadIC_Miss ( Arguments  args  ) 

ic.cc1087 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, と v8::internal::IC::StateFrom().

Object * v8::internal::KeyedStoreIC_Miss ( Arguments  args  ) 

ic.cc1162 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, と v8::internal::IC::StateFrom().

static int v8::internal::LargeObjectIndex ( Address  addr  )  [inline, static]

serialize.cc124 行で定義されています。

参照先 kPageAndOffsetMask, と kPageAndOffsetShift.

参照元 v8::internal::Deserializer::Resolve().

Object * v8::internal::LoadCallbackProperty ( Arguments  args  ) 
static ObjectPair v8::internal::LoadContextSlotHelper ( Arguments  args,
bool  throw_error 
) [static]
static bool v8::internal::LoadDbgHelpAndTlHelp32 (  )  [static]

platform-win32.cc941 行で定義されています。


Object * v8::internal::LoadIC_Miss ( Arguments  args  ) 
Object * v8::internal::LoadInterceptorProperty ( Arguments  args  ) 
void v8::internal::LoadLazy ( Handle< JSFunction >  fun,
bool *  pending_exception 
static bool v8::internal::LoadSymbols ( HANDLE  process_handle  )  [static]

platform-win32.cc995 行で定義されています。

参照先 BOOL(), DWORD(), DWORD64(), HANDLE(), v8::internal::OS::kStackWalkMaxNameLen, LOG, NULL, と PrintF().

emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal v8::internal::logging ( no  API,
code  ,
GC  ,
suspect  ,
or handles  samples 
void v8::internal::LogNonLiveCodeObject ( HeapObject *  object  )  [inline]
static Handle<JSFunction> v8::internal::Lookup ( Handle< String >  source,
CompilationCache::Entry  entry 
) [static]
Handle< Object > v8::internal::LookupSingleCharacterStringFromCode ( uint32_t  index  ) 

参照元 GetCharAt().

FunctionLiteral * v8::internal::MakeAST ( bool  compile_in_global_context,
Handle< Script >  script,
v8::Extension extension,
ScriptDataImpl *  pre_data 

参照元 MakeFunction().

static Handle<Code> v8::internal::MakeCode ( FunctionLiteral *  literal,
Handle< Script >  script,
bool  is_eval 
) [static]
static Handle<JSFunction> v8::internal::MakeFunction ( bool  is_global,
bool  is_eval,
Handle< Script >  script,
v8::Extension extension,
ScriptDataImpl *  pre_data 
) [static]
FunctionLiteral * v8::internal::MakeLazyAST ( Handle< Script >  script,
Handle< String >  name,
int  start_position,
int  end_position,
bool  is_expression 
static ObjectPair v8::internal::MakePair ( Object *  x,
Object *  y 
) [inline, static]

runtime.cc3378 行で定義されています。

参照元 LoadContextSlotHelper().

static bool v8::internal::MatchHeapObject ( void *  key1,
void *  key2 
) [static]

serialize.cc832 行で定義されています。

template<typename T >
static T v8::internal::Max ( a,
) [static]
static MayAccessDecision v8::internal::MayAccessPreCheck ( JSObject *  receiver,
v8::AccessType  type 
) [static]
Object* v8::internal::MCAllocateFromCodeSpace ( HeapObject *  object,
int  object_size 
) [inline]
Object* v8::internal::MCAllocateFromMapSpace ( HeapObject *  object,
int  object_size 
) [inline]
Object* v8::internal::MCAllocateFromNewSpace ( HeapObject *  object,
int  object_size 
) [inline]
Object* v8::internal::MCAllocateFromOldDataSpace ( HeapObject *  object,
int  object_size 
) [inline]
Object* v8::internal::MCAllocateFromOldPointerSpace ( HeapObject *  object,
int  object_size 
) [inline]
template<typename T >
static T v8::internal::Min ( a,
) [static]
Vector<char> v8::internal::MutableCStrVector ( char *  data  )  [inline]

utils.h344 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::OS::StackWalk().

Vector<char> v8::internal::MutableCStrVector ( char *  data,
int  max 
) [inline]

utils.h348 行で定義されています。

static SourceCodeCache v8::internal::natives_cache ( SCRIPT_TYPE_NATIVE   )  [static]
Condition v8::internal::NegateCondition ( Condition  cc  )  [inline]

assembler-ia32-inl.h44 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::CodeGenerator::Branch().

template<typename T >
static T* v8::internal::NewArray ( int  size  )  [static]
static int v8::internal::NewElementsCapacity ( int  old_capacity  )  [static]
static int v8::internal::NewSpaceOffset ( Address  addr  )  [inline, static]

serialize.cc117 行で定義されています。

参照先 kObjectAlignmentBits, kPageAndOffsetMask, と kPageAndOffsetShift.

参照元 v8::internal::Deserializer::Resolve().

char v8::internal::NormalizeChar ( char  ch  )  [inline]

flags.cc269 行で定義されています。

参照元 EqualNames().

void v8::internal::NormalizeElements ( Handle< JSObject >  object  ) 
void v8::internal::NormalizeProperties ( Handle< JSObject >  object  ) 
static int32_t v8::internal::NumberToInt32 ( Object *  number  )  [inline]
static uint32_t v8::internal::NumberToUint32 ( Object *  number  )  [inline]
int v8::internal::NumRegs ( RegList  reglist  ) 
emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size v8::internal::of ( each semispace  in  )  [new]
template<typename T >
static int v8::internal::OffsetFrom ( x  )  [inline, static]
static int v8::internal::OverflowObjectSize ( HeapObject *  obj  )  [static]
static int v8::internal::PageIndex ( Address  addr  )  [inline, static]

serialize.cc105 行で定義されています。

参照先 kPageMask, と kPageShift.

参照元 v8::internal::Deserializer::Resolve().

static int v8::internal::PageOffset ( Address  addr  )  [inline, static]

serialize.cc111 行で定義されています。

参照先 kObjectAlignmentBits, kOffsetMask, と kOffsetShift.

参照元 v8::internal::Deserializer::Resolve().

static int v8::internal::PagesInChunk ( Address  start,
size_t  size 
) [static]
static Object** v8::internal::ParameterEntriesAddr ( Code *  code  )  [static]

scopeinfo.cc351 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, ContextEntriesAddr(), ReadInt(), と v8::internal::Code::sinfo_size().

参照元 StackSlotEntriesAddr().

int v8::internal::PcStoreOffset (  ) 
static int v8::internal::Precedence ( Token::Value  tok,
bool  accept_IN 
) [static]

parser.cc2080 行で定義されています。

参照先 IN, と v8::internal::Token::Precedence().

参照元 v8::internal::Parser::ParseBinaryExpression().

ScriptDataImpl * v8::internal::PreParse ( unibrow::CharacterStream stream,
v8::Extension extension 
void v8::internal::PrintF ( const char *  format,
static void v8::internal::PrintFrames ( StringStream *  accumulator,
StackFrame::PrintMode  mode 
) [static]

top.cc406 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Top::PrintStack().

static void v8::internal::PrintLn ( v8::Local< v8::Value value  )  [static]
static void v8::internal::PrintObject ( Object *  obj  )  [static]
static void v8::internal::PrintString ( String *  str  )  [static]
static void v8::internal::PrintTransition ( Object *  result  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::ProbeCache ( Code::Flags  flags  )  [static]
static void v8::internal::ProbeTable ( MacroAssembler *  masm,
Code::Flags  flags,
StubCache::Table  table,
Register  name,
Register  offset 
) [static]
typedef v8::internal::PVOID ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPESymFunctionTableAccess64  ) 
static Object** v8::internal::ReadBool ( Object **  p,
bool *  x 
) [inline, static]

scopeinfo.cc196 行で定義されています。

char * v8::internal::ReadChars ( const char *  filename,
int *  size,
bool  verbose 
char* v8::internal::ReadCharsFromFile ( const char *  filename,
int *  size,
int  extra_space,
bool  verbose 

utils.cc154 行で定義されています。

参照先 DeleteArray(), v8::internal::OS::FOpen(), NULL, と v8::internal::OS::PrintError().

Vector< const char > v8::internal::ReadFile ( const char *  filename,
bool *  exists,
bool  verbose 
static Object** v8::internal::ReadInt ( Object **  p,
int *  x 
) [inline, static]

scopeinfo.cc190 行で定義されています。

参照元 ParameterEntriesAddr(), ReadList(), と StackSlotEntriesAddr().

char * v8::internal::ReadLine ( const char *  prompt  ) 
template<class Allocator >
static Object** v8::internal::ReadList ( Object **  p,
List< Handle< String >, Allocator > *  list 
) [static]

scopeinfo.cc215 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, ReadInt(), ReadSentinel(), と ReadSymbol().

template<class Allocator >
static Object** v8::internal::ReadList ( Object **  p,
List< Handle< String >, Allocator > *  list,
List< Variable::Mode, Allocator > *  modes 
) [static]

scopeinfo.cc229 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::List< T, P >::Add(), ASSERT, ReadInt(), ReadSentinel(), と ReadSymbol().

static Object** v8::internal::ReadSentinel ( Object **  p  )  [inline, static]

scopeinfo.cc208 行で定義されています。


参照元 ReadList().

static Object** v8::internal::ReadSymbol ( Object **  p,
Handle< String > *  s 
) [inline, static]

scopeinfo.cc202 行で定義されています。

参照元 ReadList().

static void v8::internal::RecordWriteHelper ( MacroAssembler *  masm,
Register  object,
Register  addr,
Register  scratch 
) [static]
static JSRegExp::Flags v8::internal::RegExpFlagsFromString ( Handle< String >  str  )  [static]

jsregexp.cc154 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RegExpImpl::Compile().

Handle< JSGlobalProxy > v8::internal::ReinitializeJSGlobalProxy ( Handle< JSFunction >  constructor,
Handle< JSGlobalProxy >  global 
static void v8::internal::ReleaseCString ( const char *  original,
const char *  str 
) [inline, static]

conversions.cc91 行で定義されています。

参照元 InternalStringToDouble(), と InternalStringToInt().

static void v8::internal::ReleaseCString ( String *  original,
const char *  str 
) [inline, static]

conversions.cc95 行で定義されています。

参照先 DeleteArray().

static int v8::internal::RelocateOldObject ( HeapObject *  obj,
OldSpace *  space,
Address  new_addr,
Address  map_addr 
) [inline, static]
static Object* v8::internal::ResolvePaged ( int  page_index,
int  page_offset,
PagedSpace *  space,
List< Page * > *  page_list 
) [inline, static]

serialize.cc1452 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, と v8::internal::HeapObject::FromAddress().

参照元 v8::internal::Deserializer::Resolve().

Condition v8::internal::ReverseCondition ( Condition  cc  )  [inline]
template<typename T >
static T v8::internal::RoundDown ( x,
int  m 
) [inline, static]
template<typename T >
static T v8::internal::RoundUp ( x,
int  m 
) [inline, static]
uint32_t v8::internal::RoundUpToPowerOf2 ( uint32_t  x  ) 
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Abort ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_AddDebugEventListener ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc4383 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::Debug::AddDebugEventListener(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_ArrayConcat ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Break ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc4410 行で定義されています。


static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_ChangeBreakOnException ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc5068 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Debug::ChangeBreakOnException(), と NumberToUint32().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_CharFromCode ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_CheckExecutionState ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_ClassOf ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc216 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::JSObject::cast(), と v8::internal::JSObject::class_name().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_ClearBreakPoint ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc5053 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, と v8::internal::Debug::ClearBreakPoint().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_ClearStepping ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc5120 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, と v8::internal::Debug::ClearStepping().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_CloneObjectLiteralBoilerplate ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc95 行で定義されています。

参照先 CONVERT_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Heap::CopyJSObject().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_CompileScript ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_CompileString ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_ConsStringFst ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2461 行で定義されています。


static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_ConsStringSnd ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2469 行で定義されています。


static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_CreateApiFunction ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc303 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Factory::CreateApiFunction().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_CreateArrayLiteral ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_CreateObjectLiteralBoilerplate ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DateCurrentTime ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DateDaylightSavingsOffset ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DateLocalTimeOffset ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DateLocalTimezone ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DateParseString ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugBreak ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3619 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, と DebugBreakHelper().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugConstructedBy ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugEvaluate ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugEvaluateGlobal ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugGetLoadedScripts ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugGetProperty ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc4485 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, と DebugLookupResultValue().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugGetPropertyDetails ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugIndexedInterceptorElementNames ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugIndexedInterceptorElementValue ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc4630 行で定義されています。


static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugInterceptorInfo ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc4568 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Smi::FromInt().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugLocalElementNames ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugLocalPropertyNames ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugNamedInterceptorPropertyNames ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugNamedInterceptorPropertyValue ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc4615 行で定義されています。


static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugPrint ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3745 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, Flush(), と PrintF().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugPropertyAttributesFromDetails ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc4548 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Smi::FromInt().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugPropertyIndexFromDetails ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc4558 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Smi::FromInt().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugPropertyTypeFromDetails ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc4538 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Smi::FromInt().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugReferencedBy ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DebugTrace ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3772 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, と v8::internal::Top::PrintStack().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DeclareContextSlot ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DeclareGlobals ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DefineAccessor ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc4339 行で定義されています。


static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_DeleteProperty ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc1845 行で定義されています。


static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_EstimateNumberOfElements ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_EvalReceiver ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3897 行で定義されています。

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_FunctionGetAssemblerCode ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_FunctionGetName ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc815 行で定義されています。


static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_FunctionGetScript ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc835 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, と GetScriptWrapper().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_FunctionGetScriptSourcePosition ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc856 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Smi::FromInt().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_FunctionGetSourceCode ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc847 行で定義されています。


static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_FunctionSetInstanceClassName ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc866 行で定義されています。


static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_FunctionSetLength ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc877 行で定義されています。


static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_FunctionSetName ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc824 行で定義されています。


static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_FunctionSetPrototype ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc888 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, v8::internal::Accessors::FunctionSetPrototype(), と NULL.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetArgumentsProperty ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetArrayKeys ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetBreakLocations ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetCalledFunction ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetCFrames ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetFrameCount ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetFrameDetails ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetFunctionDelegate ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3296 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Execution::GetFunctionDelegate(), と RUNTIME_ASSERT.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetProperty ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc1663 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, と v8::internal::Runtime::GetObjectProperty().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetPropertyNames ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc1925 行で定義されています。


static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetPropertyNamesFast ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc1940 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, と GetKeysInFixedArrayFor().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetPrototype ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc5628 行で定義されています。


static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetScript ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc5679 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, と Runtime_GetScriptFromScriptName().

static Handle<Object> v8::internal::Runtime_GetScriptFromScriptName ( Handle< String >  script_name  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GetTemplateField ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GlobalPrint ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_GlobalReceiver ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3903 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, と v8::internal::JSGlobalObject::cast().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_HasArgumentsClass ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc256 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::ToBoolean().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_HasArrayClass ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc235 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::ToBoolean().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_HasBooleanClass ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc251 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::ToBoolean().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_HasDateClass ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc230 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::ToBoolean().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_HasElement ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_HasFunctionClass ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc240 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::ToBoolean().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_HasLocalProperty ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_HasNumberClass ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc246 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::ToBoolean().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_HasProperty ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_HasRegExpClass ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc262 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::ToBoolean().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_HasStringClass ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc225 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::ToBoolean().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_IgnoreAttributesAndSetProperty ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_InitializeConstContextSlot ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_InitializeConstGlobal ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_InitializeVarGlobal ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_IS_VAR ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc5744 行で定義されています。


static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_IsConstructCall ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc282 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, と v8::internal::Heap::ToBoolean().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_IsInPrototypeChain ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc267 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, v8::Object::GetPrototype(), と v8::Value::IsNull().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_IsPropertyEnumerable ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc1906 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Heap::ToBoolean().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_IsTemplate ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc312 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, と v8::internal::Heap::ToBoolean().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_KeyedGetProperty ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_LazyCompile ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3251 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CompileLazy(), v8::internal::Failure::Exception(), KEEP_EXCEPTION, と PrintF().

static ObjectPair v8::internal::Runtime_LoadContextSlot ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3465 行で定義されています。

参照先 LoadContextSlotHelper().

static ObjectPair v8::internal::Runtime_LoadContextSlotNoReferenceError ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3470 行で定義されています。

参照先 LoadContextSlotHelper().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_LookupAccessor ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc4359 行で定義されています。


static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_LookupContext ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_MaterializeRegExpLiteral ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_abs ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2954 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_acos ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2963 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_asin ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2972 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_atan ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2981 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_atan2 ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2990 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, と isinf().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_ceil ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3013 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, ceiling(), CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromDouble().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_cos ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3022 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_exp ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3031 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_floor ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3040 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromDouble().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_log ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3049 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, と log.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_pow ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_random ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3075 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, hi, lo, と random().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_round ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3092 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromDouble(), と signbit().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_sin ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3102 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_sqrt ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3111 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Math_tan ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3120 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_MoveArrayContents ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc4272 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::FixedArray::cast(), と CONVERT_CHECKED.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NewArguments ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NewArgumentsFast ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NewClosure ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3193 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Factory::NewFunctionFromBoilerplate().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NewContext ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NewObject ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberAdd ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2541 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberAnd ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2745 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromInt32().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberCompare ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2841 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, EQUAL, v8::internal::Smi::FromInt(), GREATER, isless(), isnan(), と LESS.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberDiv ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2580 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Heap::NewNumberFromDouble().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberEquals ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2804 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, EQUAL, fpclassify(), v8::internal::Smi::FromInt(), isnan(), と NOT_EQUAL.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberIsFinite ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3836 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, fpclassify(), と isnan().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberMod ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberMul ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2561 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberNot ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2765 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromInt32().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberOr ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2735 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromInt32().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberSar ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberShl ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2774 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromInt32().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberShr ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2784 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromUint32().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberSub ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2551 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberToExponential ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberToFixed ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberToInteger ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberToJSInt32 ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2530 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED, DoubleToInt32(), と v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromInt32().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberToJSUint32 ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberToPrecision ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberToRadixString ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberToString ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberUnaryMinus ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2571 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateHeapNumber(), ASSERT, と CONVERT_DOUBLE_CHECKED.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_NumberXor ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2755 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED, と v8::internal::Heap::NumberFromInt32().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_PrepareStep ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_PushContext ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_PushIfAbsent ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_RegExpCompile ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc290 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::RegExpImpl::Compile(), と CONVERT_CHECKED.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_RegExpExec ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc761 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, と v8::internal::RegExpImpl::Exec().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_RegExpExecGlobal ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc774 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, と v8::internal::RegExpImpl::ExecGlobal().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_RemoveArrayHoles ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc4263 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::JSArray::cast(), と v8::internal::JSArray::RemoveHoles().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_RemoveDebugEventListener ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc4398 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, と v8::Debug::RemoveDebugEventListener().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_ReThrow ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3542 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, と v8::internal::Top::ReThrow().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_SetCode ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_SetFunctionBreakPoint ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_SetNewFunctionAttributes ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3964 行で定義されています。


static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_SetProperty ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_SetScriptBreakPoint ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_SmiLexicographicCompare ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2856 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, diff(), EQUAL, v8::internal::Smi::FromInt(), GREATER, と LESS.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StackGuard ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StackOverflow ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3561 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Top::StackOverflow().

参照元 Runtime_StackGuard().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StoreContextSlot ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringAdd ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringBuilderConcat ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringCharCodeAt ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc961 行で定義されています。


static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringCompare ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringEquals ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2823 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, CONVERT_CHECKED, EQUAL, v8::internal::Smi::FromInt(), NOT_EQUAL, not_equal, と STATIC_CHECK.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringFromCharCodeArray ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringIndexOf ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringLastIndexOf ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringLocaleCompare ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringParseFloat ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringParseInt ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringSlice ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc1474 行で定義されています。


static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringToLowerCase ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2451 行で定義されています。

参照先 to_lower_mapping.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringToNumber ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_StringToUpperCase ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2456 行で定義されています。

参照先 to_upper_mapping.

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_SystemBreak ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc5637 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, と v8::internal::CPU::DebugBreak().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Throw ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3534 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, と v8::internal::Top::Throw().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_ThrowReferenceError ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_ToBool ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc2003 行で定義されています。


static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_TraceEnter ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3730 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, NULL, と PrintTransition().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_TraceExit ( Arguments  args  )  [static]

runtime.cc3738 行で定義されています。

参照先 PrintTransition().

static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_Typeof ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_URIEscape ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::Runtime_URIUnescape ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::RuntimePreempt ( Arguments  args  )  [static]
template<class T >
static void v8::internal::ScanOverflowedObjects ( T *  it  )  [static]
Handle< Object > v8::internal::SetElement ( Handle< JSObject >  object,
uint32_t  index,
Handle< Object >  value 
void v8::internal::SetExpectedNofProperties ( Handle< JSFunction >  func,
int  nof 

参照元 Runtime_SetCode().

void v8::internal::SetExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate ( Handle< SharedFunctionInfo >  shared,
int  estimate 
void v8::internal::SetExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate ( Handle< JSFunction >  func,
int  estimate 
static void v8::internal::SetObjectPrototype ( Handle< JSObject >  object,
Handle< Object >  proto 
) [static]
Handle< Object > v8::internal::SetProperty ( Handle< Object >  object,
Handle< Object >  key,
Handle< Object >  value,
PropertyAttributes  attributes 
Handle< Object > v8::internal::SetProperty ( Handle< JSObject >  object,
Handle< String >  key,
Handle< Object >  value,
PropertyAttributes  attributes 
Handle< Object > v8::internal::SetPropertyWithInterceptor ( Handle< JSObject >  object,
Handle< String >  key,
Handle< Object >  value,
PropertyAttributes  attributes 
Handle< Object > v8::internal::SetPrototype ( Handle< JSFunction >  function,
Handle< Object >  prototype 
void v8::internal::SetPrototypeProperty ( Handle< JSFunction >  func,
Handle< JSObject >  value 
void v8::internal::SetupLazy ( Handle< JSFunction >  fun,
int  index,
Handle< Context >  compile_context,
Handle< Context >  function_context 
Object* v8::internal::SharedStoreIC_ExtendStorage ( Arguments  args  ) 
static HeapObject* v8::internal::ShortCircuitConsString ( Object **  p  )  [inline, static]
template<class S >
static bool v8::internal::ShouldParseOctal ( S *  s,
int  i 
) [static]

conversions.cc131 行で定義されています。

参照先 GetChar(), と GetLength().

参照元 InternalStringToDouble().

template<typename pchar , typename schar >
static int v8::internal::SimpleIndexOf ( Vector< const schar >  subject,
Vector< const pchar >  pattern,
int  idx 
) [static]

runtime.cc1276 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Vector< T >::length().

template<typename pchar , typename schar >
static int v8::internal::SimpleIndexOf ( Vector< const schar >  subject,
Vector< const pchar >  pattern,
int  idx,
bool *  complete 
) [static]

runtime.cc1238 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Vector< T >::length().

参照元 StringMatchStrategy().

template<typename schar >
static int v8::internal::SingleCharIndexOf ( Vector< const schar >  string,
uc16  pattern_char,
int  start_index 
) [static]

runtime.cc1217 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::String::kMaxAsciiCharCode.

参照元 v8::internal::Runtime::StringMatch().

static char* v8::internal::SkipBlackSpace ( char *  p  )  [static]

flags.cc390 行で定義されています。

static char* v8::internal::SkipWhiteSpace ( char *  p  )  [static]

flags.cc384 行で定義されています。

static int v8::internal::smi_get_hash ( Smi *  smi  )  [inline, static]
static void v8::internal::SplitArgument ( const char *  arg,
char *  buffer,
int  buffer_size,
const char **  name,
const char **  value,
bool *  is_bool 
) [static]

flags.cc229 行で定義されています。

参照先 CHECK, と NULL.

static int v8::internal::StackSize (  )  [static]

runtime.cc3680 行で定義されています。

参照元 PrintTransition().

static Object** v8::internal::StackSlotEntriesAddr ( Code *  code  )  [static]

scopeinfo.cc360 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, ParameterEntriesAddr(), ReadInt(), と v8::internal::Code::sinfo_size().

Object * v8::internal::StoreCallbackProperty ( Arguments  args  ) 
Object* v8::internal::StoreIC_Miss ( Arguments  args  ) 
Object * v8::internal::StoreInterceptorProperty ( Arguments  args  ) 
char * v8::internal::StrDup ( const char *  str  ) 
template<typename sinkchar >
static void v8::internal::StringBuilderConcatHelper ( String *  special,
sinkchar *  sink,
FixedArray *  fixed_array,
int  array_length 
) [inline, static]
template<typename schar , typename pchar >
static int v8::internal::StringMatchStrategy ( Vector< const schar >  sub,
Vector< const pchar >  pat,
int  start_index 
) [static]
double v8::internal::StringToDouble ( String *  str,
int  flags,
double  empty_string_val 
double v8::internal::StringToDouble ( const char *  str,
int  flags,
double  empty_string_val 
int v8::internal::StringToInt ( String *  str,
int  index,
int  radix,
double *  value 
int v8::internal::StringToInt ( const char *  str,
int  index,
int  radix,
double *  value 
Handle< String > v8::internal::SubString ( Handle< String >  str,
int  start,
int  end 
static bool v8::internal::SubStringEquals ( const char *  str,
int  index,
const char *  other 
) [inline, static]

conversions.cc111 行で定義されています。

参照元 InternalStringToDouble().

static bool v8::internal::SubStringEquals ( String *  str,
int  index,
const char *  other 
) [inline, static]

conversions.cc118 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::String::length(), と v8::internal::Factory::NewStringSlice().

static void v8::internal::SweepSpace ( PagedSpace *  space,
DeallocateFunction  dealloc 
) [static]
static void v8::internal::SweepSpace ( NewSpace *  space  )  [static]
static unsigned int __stdcall v8::internal::ThreadEntry ( void *  arg  )  [static]
static Object* v8::internal::ThrowRedeclarationError ( const char *  type,
Handle< String >  name 
) [static]
static char* v8::internal::ToString ( Flag *  flag  )  [static]
void v8::internal::TransformToFastProperties ( Handle< JSObject >  object,
int  unused_property_fields 
static int v8::internal::TwoDigitHex ( uint16_t  character1,
uint16_t  character2 
) [inline, static]

runtime.cc2192 行で定義されています。

参照先 hi, と lo.

参照元 Unescape().

static const char* v8::internal::Type2String ( Flag::FlagType  type  )  [static]

flags.cc154 行で定義されています。


static BUILTIN_END Object* v8::internal::TypeCheck ( int  argc,
Object **  argv,
FunctionTemplateInfo *  info 
) [inline, static]
static int v8::internal::Unescape ( String *  source,
int  i,
int  length,
int *  step 
) [inline, static]

runtime.cc2212 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::String::Get(), と TwoDigitHex().

参照元 Runtime_URIUnescape().

static Object* v8::internal::Unhole ( Object *  x,
PropertyAttributes  attributes 
) [inline, static]

runtime.cc3384 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, と USE().

参照元 LoadContextSlotHelper().

Handle< FixedArray > v8::internal::UnionOfKeys ( Handle< FixedArray >  first,
Handle< FixedArray >  second 
static StackFrame::Id v8::internal::UnwrapFrameId ( Smi *  wrapped  )  [static]

runtime.cc4375 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::Smi::value().

参照元 Runtime_DebugEvaluate().

static void v8::internal::UpdateAllocatedSpaceLimits ( void *  address,
int  size 
) [static]
static Object* v8::internal::UpdateMapCacheWith ( Context *  context,
FixedArray *  keys,
Map *  map 
) [static]

factory.cc772 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::MapCache::cast().

参照元 v8::internal::Factory::AddToMapCache().

template<typename T >
static void v8::internal::USE (  )  [inline, static]
static void v8::internal::VPrintHelper ( FILE *  stream,
const char *  format,
va_list  args 
) [static]
static Smi* v8::internal::WrapFrameId ( StackFrame::Id  id  )  [static]

runtime.cc4369 行で定義されています。

参照先 ASSERT, v8::internal::Smi::FromInt(), IsAligned(), と OffsetFrom().

参照元 Runtime_GetFrameDetails().

int v8::internal::WriteAsCFile ( const char *  filename,
const char *  varname,
const char *  str,
int  size,
bool  verbose = true 
int v8::internal::WriteChars ( const char *  filename,
const char *  str,
int  size,
bool  verbose 
int v8::internal::WriteCharsToFile ( const char *  str,
int  size,
FILE *  f 

utils.cc205 行で定義されています。

static Object** v8::internal::WriteInt ( Object **  p,
int  x 
) [inline, static]

scopeinfo.cc268 行で定義されています。

参照元 WriteList().

template<class Allocator >
static Object** v8::internal::WriteList ( Object **  p,
List< Handle< String >, Allocator > *  list,
List< Variable::Mode, Allocator > *  modes 
) [static]

scopeinfo.cc298 行で定義されています。

参照先 v8::internal::List< T, P >::at(), WriteInt(), WriteSentinel(), と WriteSymbol().

template<class Allocator >
static Object** v8::internal::WriteList ( Object **  p,
List< Handle< String >, Allocator > *  list 
) [static]

scopeinfo.cc287 行で定義されています。

参照先 WriteInt(), WriteSentinel(), と WriteSymbol().

static Object** v8::internal::WriteSentinel ( Object **  p  )  [inline, static]

scopeinfo.cc280 行で定義されています。

参照先 NULL.

参照元 WriteList().

static Object** v8::internal::WriteSymbol ( Object **  p,
Handle< String >  s 
) [inline, static]

scopeinfo.cc274 行で定義されています。

参照元 WriteList().


kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset v8::internal::access_check_info

objects-inl.h1864 行で定義されています。

parser.cc3170 行で定義されています。

runtime.cc1026 行で定義されています。

参照元 BoyerMoorePopulateBadCharTable(), と CharOccurence().

runtime.cc1027 行で定義されています。

参照元 BoyerMooreIndexOf(), と BoyerMoorePopulateGoodSuffixTable().

assembler-arm.cc67 行で定義されています。

assembler-arm.cc68 行で定義されています。

assembler-arm.cc77 行で定義されています。

assembler-arm.cc78 行で定義されています。

assembler-arm.cc79 行で定義されています。

assembler-arm.cc80 行で定義されています。

assembler-arm.cc81 行で定義されています。

assembler-arm.cc82 行で定義されています。

assembler-arm.cc69 行で定義されています。

assembler-arm.cc70 行で定義されています。

assembler-arm.cc71 行で定義されています。

assembler-arm.cc72 行で定義されています。

assembler-arm.cc73 行で定義されています。

assembler-arm.cc74 行で定義されています。

assembler-arm.cc75 行で定義されています。

assembler-arm.cc76 行で定義されています。

assembler-ia32.cc46 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::FloatingPointHelper::AllocateHeapNumber(), v8::internal::FloatingPointHelper::CheckFloatOperands(), v8::internal::Assembler::emit_arith(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::FCmp(), v8::internal::Assembler::fild_s(), v8::internal::Assembler::fld_d(), v8::internal::Assembler::fld_s(), v8::internal::InstanceofStub::Generate(), v8::internal::CounterOpStub::Generate(), v8::internal::RevertToNumberStub::Generate(), v8::internal::CompareStub::Generate(), v8::internal::ToBooleanStub::Generate(), v8::internal::RegExpDeferred::Generate(), v8::internal::SmiComparisonDeferred::Generate(), v8::internal::DeferredInlinedSmiSubReversed::Generate(), v8::internal::DeferredInlinedSmiSub::Generate(), v8::internal::DeferredInlinedSmiAddReversed::Generate(), v8::internal::DeferredInlinedSmiAdd::Generate(), v8::internal::DeferredInlinedSmiOperationReversed::Generate(), v8::internal::DeferredInlinedSmiOperation::Generate(), v8::internal::DeferredInlineBinaryOperation::Generate(), GenerateNormalHelper(), v8::internal::GenericBinaryOpStub::GenerateSmiCode(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenericBinaryOperation(), v8::internal::Assembler::inc(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokePrologue(), v8::internal::Assembler::mov(), v8::internal::Assembler::mov_b(), v8::internal::Assembler::pop(), v8::internal::CpuFeatures::Probe(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SmiComparison(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SmiOperation(), と v8::internal::Assembler::test().

emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal Log all events to the log file Log code events to the log file without profiling Log global handle events Log suspect operations v8::internal::false

flags.cc86 行で定義されています。

kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset v8::internal::flag
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset kHiddenPrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit v8::internal::formal_parameter_count

objects-inl.h1914 行で定義されています。

assembler-arm.cc58 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::StandardFrame::caller_fp(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::caller_pc(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::CallWithArguments(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::CheckAccessGlobalProxy(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::ComputeExpressionsCount(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::ComputeParametersCount(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::context(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterExitFrame(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::EnterJSFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::ExitJSFrame(), v8::internal::InternalFrame::FindCode(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::function(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::FunctionOperand(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), v8::internal::JSEntryStub::GenerateBody(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateNewObject(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadElement(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadLength(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowOutOfMemory(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowTOS(), v8::internal::ExitFrame::GetCallerStackPointer(), v8::internal::InternalFrame::GetCallerStackPointer(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAdaptorFrame::GetCallerStackPointer(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::GetCallerStackPointer(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::GetCallerState(), v8::internal::ExitFrame::GetCallerState(), v8::internal::EntryFrame::GetCallerState(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::GetExpressionAddress(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::Iterate(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::IterateExpressions(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::LeaveExitFrame(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::LeaveFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::ParameterOperand(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::PushTryHandler(), と v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SlotOperand().

const int v8::internal::GB = KB * KB * KB

globals.h91 行で定義されています。

uint8_t v8::internal::Hashtable[N] [static]

token.cc62 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Token::Initialize(), と v8::internal::Token::Lookup().

heap.cc2574 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Heap::ConfigureHeap(), と v8::internal::Heap::Setup().

emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag v8::internal::Hello

flags.cc190 行で定義されています。

kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset v8::internal::hidden_prototype

objects-inl.h1903 行で定義されています。

static void * v8::internal::highest_ever_allocated = reinterpret_cast<void*>(0) [static]
#define ADDR(name) 



ic.cc1182 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::IC::AddressFromUtilityId().

top.cc336 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Top::PrintStack(), と v8::internal::Top::StackTrace().

const int v8::internal::InitialWeight = 100 [static]

usage-analyzer.cc39 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::UsageComputer::Traverse().

kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset v8::internal::instance_class_name

objects-inl.h1895 行で定義されています。

kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset v8::internal::instance_template
kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset kHiddenPrototypeBit v8::internal::is_expression

objects-inl.h1908 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Compiler::CompileLazy().

jsregexp.cc173 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RegExpImpl::Compile().

token.cc63 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Token::Initialize(), と v8::internal::Token::Lookup().

const double v8::internal::JUNK_STRING_VALUE = OS::nan_value() [static]

conversions.cc255 行で定義されています。

参照元 InternalStringToDouble().

const uint32_t v8::internal::kAsciiStringTag = 0x4

objects.h417 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::String::WriteToFlat().

const int v8::internal::KB = 1024

globals.h127 行で定義されています。

globals.h128 行で定義されています。

const int v8::internal::kBMAlphabetSize = 0x100 [static]

runtime.cc988 行で定義されています。

参照元 BoyerMoorePopulateBadCharTable(), と CharOccurence().

const int v8::internal::kBMMaxShift = 0xff [static]
const int v8::internal::kBMMinPatternLength = 5 [static]

runtime.cc991 行で定義されています。

参照元 StringMatchStrategy().

  1 <<  4 |  
  1 <<  5 |  
  1 <<  6 |  
  1 <<  7 |  
  1 <<  8 |  
    <<  9 |  
  1 << 10 |  
  1 << 11

frames-arm.h62 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::JSEntryStub::GenerateBody().

const int v8::internal::kCharSize = sizeof(char)
const int v8::internal::kChunkBits = 7

assembler.cc118 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RelocIterator::AdvanceReadVariableLengthPCJump().

const int v8::internal::kChunkMask = (1 << kChunkBits) - 1

assembler.cc119 行で定義されています。

assembler.cc108 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RelocIterator::next().

assembler.cc129 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RelocIterator::DebugInfoModeFromTag().

assembler.cc125 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RelocIterator::next().

serialize.h59 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::ExternalReferenceTable::ExternalReferenceTable().

serialize.h58 行で定義されています。

assembler.cc110 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RelocIterator::next().

const int v8::internal::kDoubleSize = sizeof(double)

globals.h98 行で定義されています。

assembler.cc107 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RelocIterator::next().

const int v8::internal::kEndOfChain = -4

spaces.cc149 行で定義されています。

globals.h121 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Failure::Construct(), と v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateCore().

globals.h123 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateCore().

objects.h802 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Failure::type().

const int v8::internal::kFirstTypeCode = UNCLASSIFIED

runtime.cc4674 行で定義されています。

参照元 Runtime_GetFrameDetails().

runtime.cc4677 行で定義されています。

参照元 Runtime_GetFrameDetails().

runtime.cc4678 行で定義されています。

参照元 Runtime_GetFrameDetails().

runtime.cc4679 行で定義されています。

参照元 Runtime_GetFrameDetails().

runtime.cc4671 行で定義されています。

参照元 Runtime_GetFrameDetails().

runtime.cc4673 行で定義されています。

参照元 Runtime_GetFrameDetails().

runtime.cc4675 行で定義されています。

参照元 Runtime_GetFrameDetails().

runtime.cc4672 行で定義されています。

参照元 Runtime_GetFrameDetails().

runtime.cc4676 行で定義されています。

参照元 Runtime_GetFrameDetails().

const Address v8::internal::kFromSpaceZapValue = reinterpret_cast<Address>(0xbeefdad)

globals.h136 行で定義されています。

v8::DeclareExtension kGCExtensionDeclaration & v8::internal::kGCExtension [static]

execution.cc526 行で定義されています。

objects.cc48 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::JSObject::LookupAccessor().

const Address v8::internal::kHandleZapValue = reinterpret_cast<Address>(0xbaddead)

globals.h135 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::HandleScope::ZapRange().

globals.h111 行で定義されています。

const int v8::internal::kInitArraySize = 32 [static]

serialize.cc1175 行で定義されています。

const int v8::internal::kIntSize = sizeof(int)
const uint32_t v8::internal::kIsNotStringMask = 0x80

objects.h394 行で定義されています。

参照元 GenerateStringCheck().

const uint32_t v8::internal::kIsSymbolMask = 0x20

objects.h400 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::String::is_symbol_map(), と ShortCircuitConsString().

static const RegList v8::internal::kJSCallerSaved [static]

assembler.cc122 行で定義されています。

assembler.cc120 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RelocIterator::AdvanceReadVariableLengthPCJump().

assembler.cc121 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RelocIterator::AdvanceReadVariableLengthPCJump().

const uint32_t v8::internal::kLongStringTag = 0x00
const int v8::internal::kLOSpaceExecutable = LAST_SPACE + 1
const int v8::internal::kLOSpacePointer = LAST_SPACE + 2
const int v8::internal::kMaxInt = 0x7FFFFFFF

assembler.cc99 行で定義されています。

const uint32_t v8::internal::kMediumStringTag = 0x10

string-stream.cc35 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::StringStream::PrintObject().

const int v8::internal::kMinimalBufferSize = 4*KB [static]

assembler-arm.cc282 行で定義されています。

const int v8::internal::kMinimumAllocationLimit = 8*MB [static]

heap.cc67 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Heap::PerformGarbageCollection().

const int v8::internal::kMinimumPromotionLimit = 2*MB [static]

heap.cc66 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Heap::PerformGarbageCollection().

const int v8::internal::kMinInt = -kMaxInt - 1

globals.h93 行で定義されています。

static const int v8::internal::kMmapFd = -1 [static]
static const int v8::internal::kMmapFdOffset = 0 [static]
const uint32_t v8::internal::kMultiFreeEncoding = 1 [static]

assembler.cc127 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RelocIterator::DebugInfoModeFromTag().

static const HANDLE v8::internal::kNoThread = (pthread_t) 0 [static]
const DWORD v8::internal::kNoThreadId = 0 [static]

platform-win32.cc1250 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::ThreadHandle::PlatformData::Initialize().

const uint32_t v8::internal::kNotStringTag = 0x80

objects.h396 行で定義されています。

参照元 GenerateStringCheck().

const uint32_t v8::internal::kNotSymbolTag = 0x0

objects.h401 行で定義されています。

const int v8::internal::kNumCalleeSaved = 7 + kR9Available [static]

frames-arm.h73 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::JSEntryStub::GenerateBody().

static const int v8::internal::kNumJSCallerSaved = 4 [static]
static const int v8::internal::kNumRegs = 16 [static]

frames-arm.h42 行で定義されています。

参照元 JSCallerSavedCode().

globals.h105 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Code::body_size(), と v8::internal::Heap::CreateCode().

globals.h104 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Serializer::PutObject().

const int v8::internal::kOffsetBits = 11

serialize.cc68 行で定義されています。

const int v8::internal::kOffsetMask = (1 << kOffsetBits) - 1

serialize.cc69 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RelativeAddress::Encode(), と PageOffset().

serialize.cc67 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RelativeAddress::Encode(), と PageOffset().

serialize.cc76 行で定義されています。

serialize.cc77 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RelativeAddress::Encode(), LargeObjectIndex(), と NewSpaceOffset().

serialize.cc75 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RelativeAddress::Encode(), LargeObjectIndex(), と NewSpaceOffset().

serialize.cc71 行で定義されています。

const int v8::internal::kPageMask = (1 << kPageBits) - 1

serialize.cc73 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RelativeAddress::Encode(), と PageIndex().

serialize.cc72 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RelativeAddress::Encode(), と PageIndex().

const int v8::internal::kPCJumpTag = (1 << kExtraTagBits) - 1

assembler.cc112 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RelocIterator::next().

const int v8::internal::kPointerSize = sizeof(void*)

globals.h99 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::add(), v8::internal::Heap::AllocateInitialMap(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::CheckAccessGlobalProxy(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallConstant(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallField(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreCallback(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreField(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreInterceptor(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::ComputeExpressionsCount(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::ComputeParametersCount(), v8::internal::ConsString::ConsStringIterateBody(), v8::internal::Heap::CopyBlock(), v8::internal::Heap::CopyJSObject(), v8::internal::Factory::CreateApiFunction(), v8::internal::Heap::CreateInitialMaps(), v8::internal::BASE_EMBEDDED< Allocator >::Element(), EncodeFreeRegion(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterExitFrame(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::EnterJSFrame(), v8::internal::LargeObjectSpace::ExtraRSetBytesFor(), v8::internal::FixedArray::fast_set(), v8::internal::JSObject::FastPropertyAt(), v8::internal::JSObject::FastPropertyAtPut(), v8::internal::FixedArray::FixedArrayIterateBody(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), v8::internal::CallIC::Generate(), v8::internal::InstanceofStub::Generate(), v8::internal::CounterOpStub::Generate(), v8::internal::CompareStub::Generate(), v8::internal::ToBooleanStub::Generate(), v8::internal::CallFunctionStub::Generate(), v8::internal::JSEntryStub::GenerateBody(), GenerateDictionaryLoad(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateNewObject(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateNormal(), GenerateNormalHelper(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadElement(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowTOS(), v8::internal::FixedArray::get(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAdaptorFrame::GetCallerStackPointer(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::GetCallerStackPointer(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::GetExpressionAddress(), v8::internal::JSObject::GetInternalField(), v8::internal::JSObject::GetInternalFieldCount(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::GetParameter(), v8::internal::ExitFrame::GetStateForFramePointer(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::IllegalOperation(), v8::internal::Struct::InitializeBody(), v8::internal::JSObject::InitializeBody(), v8::internal::Page::INLINE(), v8::internal::JSObject::InObjectPropertyAtPut(), v8::internal::HashTable< prefix_size, element_size >::IterateElements(), v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::IterateLiveObjectsInRange(), v8::internal::Heap::IterateRSetRange(), v8::internal::JSBuiltinsObject::javascript_builtin(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::LeaveExitFrame(), v8::internal::ByteArray::LengthFor(), v8::internal::FloatingPointHelper::LoadFloatOperands(), v8::internal::BASE_EMBEDDED< Allocator >::Local(), v8::internal::Map::MapIterateBody(), v8::internal::PagedSpace::MCSpaceOffsetForAddress(), v8::internal::PreallocatedStorage::New(), v8::internal::FreeListNode::next(), v8::internal::Oddball::OddballIterateBody(), v8::internal::BASE_EMBEDDED< Allocator >::Parameter(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::ParameterOperand(), v8::internal::Assembler::pop(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::PushTryHandler(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::RecordWrite(), RecordWriteHelper(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::ResolveBuiltin(), Runtime_GetTemplateField(), v8::internal::Heap::Scavenge(), v8::internal::Heap::ScavengeObjectSlow(), v8::internal::FixedArray::set(), v8::internal::Map::set_instance_size(), v8::internal::JSBuiltinsObject::set_javascript_builtin(), v8::internal::FreeListNode::set_next(), v8::internal::FixedArray::set_null(), v8::internal::FreeListNode::set_size(), v8::internal::FixedArray::set_the_hole(), v8::internal::FixedArray::set_undefined(), v8::internal::JSObject::SetInternalField(), v8::internal::SharedFunctionInfo::SharedFunctionInfoIterateBody(), v8::internal::FixedArray::SizeFor(), v8::internal::Context::SlotOffset(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SlotOperand(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::StubReturn(), SweepSpace(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::UnloadReference(), と v8::internal::Heap::UpdateRSet().

    al | 4 * B21 | 4 | LeaveCC | I | sp.code() * B16 | sp.code() * B12

assembler-arm.cc270 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::add(), と v8::internal::Assembler::str().

    al | B26 | L | 4 | PostIndex | sp.code() * B16

assembler-arm.cc278 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::ldr().

assembler.cc109 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RelocIterator::next().

    al | B26 | 4 | NegPreIndex | sp.code() * B16

assembler-arm.cc274 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::add(), v8::internal::Assembler::ldr(), と v8::internal::Assembler::str().

const int v8::internal::kR9Available = 1 [static]

frames-arm.h37 行で定義されています。

serialize.h55 行で定義されています。

serialize.h56 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::ExternalReferenceDecoder::Lookup().

serialize.h57 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::ExternalReferenceDecoder::Lookup().

const int v8::internal::kShortSize = sizeof(short)
const uint32_t v8::internal::kShortStringTag = 0x18
const uint32_t v8::internal::kSingleFreeEncoding = 0 [static]

assembler.cc105 行で定義されています。

assembler.cc114 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RelocIterator::AdvanceReadVariableLengthPCJump().

assembler.cc115 行で定義されています。

const int v8::internal::kSmiTag = 0
const int v8::internal::kSmiTagMask = (1 << kSmiTagSize) - 1

globals.h117 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::MacroAssembler::Abort(), v8::internal::FloatingPointHelper::CheckFloatOperands(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::Comparison(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallConstant(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadCallback(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadConstant(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadInterceptor(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreCallback(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreField(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreInterceptor(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::EnterJSFrame(), v8::internal::CallIC::Generate(), v8::internal::InstanceofStub::Generate(), v8::internal::CompareStub::Generate(), v8::internal::CallFunctionStub::Generate(), v8::internal::UnarySubStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(), v8::internal::SetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateArrayLength(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateFastCaseSwitchJumpTable(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateIsArray(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateIsNonNegativeSmi(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateIsSmi(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateNormal(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateNormal(), GenerateNormalHelper(), v8::internal::StubCache::GenerateProbe(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadElement(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateSetValueOf(), v8::internal::GenericBinaryOpStub::GenerateSmiCode(), GenerateStringCheck(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateValueOf(), v8::internal::FloatingPointHelper::LoadFloatOperands(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::RecordWrite(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SmiComparison(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SmiOperation(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::ToBoolean(), と v8::internal::MacroAssembler::TryGetFunctionPrototype().

serialize.cc54 行で定義されています。

globals.h222 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Failure::requested(), と v8::internal::Failure::RetryAfterGC().

assembler.cc128 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RelocIterator::DebugInfoModeFromTag().

const uint32_t v8::internal::kStringEncodingMask = 0x4
const uint32_t v8::internal::kStringSizeMask = 0x18
const uint32_t v8::internal::kStringTag = 0x0

objects.h395 行で定義されています。

参照元 GenerateStringCheck().

const uint32_t v8::internal::kSymbolTag = 0x20

objects.h402 行で定義されています。

const int v8::internal::kTagBits = 2
const int v8::internal::kTagMask = (1 << kTagBits) - 1

assembler.cc102 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RelocIterator::AdvanceGetTag().

const uint32_t v8::internal::kTwoByteStringTag = 0x0

objects.h416 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::String::WriteToFlat().

const int v8::internal::kTypeCodeCount = STUB_CACHE_TABLE + 1

assembler.cc117 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::RelocIterator::next().

const Address v8::internal::kZapValue = reinterpret_cast<Address>(0xdeadbeed)

globals.h134 行で定義されています。

参照元 EncodeFreeRegion(), Invoke(), と v8::internal::Handle< JSObject >::location().

emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap enable asserts that are slow to execute print name of functions for which code is generated pretty print source code print source AST trace calls function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes perform GC prior to some allocations report heap statistics before and after GC verify heap pointers before and after GC report global handles after GC trace cache state transitions trace lazy compilation report heap spill statistics along with Minimal Log all events to the log file Log code events to the log file without profiling Log global handle events Log suspect operations Log regular expression execution v8 v8::internal::log

flags.cc300 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Serializer::PutLog(), と Runtime_Math_log().

static void * v8::internal::lowest_ever_allocated = reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1) [static]

platform-linux.cc214 行で定義されています。

参照元 UpdateAllocatedSpaceLimits().

jsregexp.cc52 行で定義されています。

参照元 DoCompile(), と JSREMalloc().

const int v8::internal::MaxWeight = 1000000 [static]

usage-analyzer.cc38 行で定義されています。

const int v8::internal::MB = KB * KB
const int v8::internal::MinWeight = 1 [static]

usage-analyzer.cc37 行で定義されています。

kPropertyAccessorsOffset v8::internal::named_property_handler

objects-inl.h1854 行で定義されています。

assembler-arm.cc65 行で定義されています。

emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code v8::internal::NULL

flags.cc94 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::MacroAssembler::Abort(), v8::internal::ExternalReferenceTable::Add(), v8::internal::Assembler::add(), v8::internal::Debug_Address::address(), v8::internal::OS::Allocate(), v8::internal::Heap::AllocateFunctionContext(), v8::internal::PagedSpace::AllocateLinearly(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::AllocatePages(), v8::internal::PagedSpace::AllocateRaw(), v8::internal::LargeObjectSpace::AllocateRawInternal(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::AllocateRawMemory(), v8::internal::Logger::ApiEntryCall(), v8::internal::Logger::ApiIndexedPropertyAccess(), v8::internal::Logger::ApiIndexedSecurityCheck(), v8::internal::Logger::ApiNamedPropertyAccess(), v8::internal::Logger::ApiNamedSecurityCheck(), v8::internal::Logger::ApiObjectAccess(), v8::internal::ThreadManager::ArchiveThread(), ArrayLengthRangeError(), v8::internal::Accessors::ArraySetLength(), v8::internal::Node::AsAssignment(), v8::internal::Node::AsBinaryOperation(), v8::internal::Node::AsBreakableStatement(), v8::internal::Node::AsCall(), v8::internal::Node::AsEmptyStatement(), v8::internal::Node::AsExpression(), v8::internal::Node::AsExpressionStatement(), v8::internal::Node::AsFunctionLiteral(), v8::internal::Node::AsIterationStatement(), v8::internal::Node::AsLabelCollector(), v8::internal::Node::AsLiteral(), v8::internal::Variable::AsProperty(), v8::internal::VariableProxy::AsProperty(), v8::internal::Node::AsProperty(), v8::internal::Statement::AsReturnStatement(), v8::internal::Assembler::Assembler(), v8::internal::Node::AsSlot(), v8::internal::Node::AsStatement(), v8::internal::Node::AsUnaryOperation(), v8::internal::Variable::AsVariable(), v8::internal::VariableProxy::AsVariable(), v8::internal::Node::AsVariableProxy(), v8::internal::VariableProxy::BindTo(), v8::internal::BreakableStatement::BreakableStatement(), v8::internal::BreakLocationIterator::BreakLocationIterator(), v8::internal::ScriptDataImpl::BuildMessage(), v8::internal::RegExpImpl::CachedStringToTwoByte(), v8::internal::HashMap::Clear(), v8::internal::Segment::clear_next(), v8::internal::Debug::ClearBreakPoint(), v8::internal::StringStream::ClearMentionedObjectCache(), v8::internal::Debug::ClearOneShot(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::Node::ClearWeakness(), v8::internal::Logger::CodeCreateEvent(), v8::internal::Logger::CodeDeleteEvent(), v8::internal::MarkingVisitor::CodeFromDerivedPointer(), v8::internal::Logger::CodeMoveEvent(), v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::CollectGarbage(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::CommitBlock(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::CommitPages(), CompareLocal(), v8::internal::Compiler::Compile(), v8::internal::Debug::CompileDebuggerScript(), v8::internal::Compiler::CompileEval(), v8::internal::Compiler::CompileLazy(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreField(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeKeyedStoreField(), v8::internal::StubCache::ComputeStoreField(), ContainsLabel(), v8::internal::Code::ConvertICTargetsFromAddressToObject(), v8::internal::Code::ConvertICTargetsFromObjectToAddress(), v8::internal::OS::MemoryMappedFile::create(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::Create(), v8::internal::Heap::CreateCode(), v8::internal::SpaceIterator::CreateIterator(), v8::internal::Thread::CreateThreadLocalKey(), v8::internal::PreallocatedMemoryThread::data(), DebugConstructedBy(), v8::internal::Logger::DebugEvent(), v8::internal::DebugMessageThread::DebugEvent(), DebugGetLoadedScripts(), DebugReferencedBy(), v8::internal::Logger::DebugTag(), v8::internal::Declaration::Declaration(), v8::internal::DummyScope::Declare(), v8::internal::AstBuildingParser::Declare(), v8::internal::PreParser::Declare(), v8::internal::ExternalReferenceDecoder::Decode(), v8::internal::MessageHandler::DefaultMessageReport(), v8::internal::PreallocatedStorage::Delete(), v8::internal::Zone::DeleteAll(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::DeleteChunk(), v8::internal::Logger::DeleteEvent(), v8::internal::HandleScopeImplementer::DeleteExtensions(), v8::internal::Deserializer::Deserialize(), v8::internal::Deserializer::Deserializer(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::Destroy(), v8::internal::SmartPointer< T >::Detach(), v8::internal::Vector< uint16_t >::Dispose(), DoCompile(), v8::internal::BASE_EMBEDDED< Allocator >::done(), v8::internal::Top::DoThrow(), v8::internal::ThreadManager::EagerlyArchiveThread(), v8::internal::Vector< uint16_t >::empty(), v8::internal::BASE_EMBEDDED< Allocator >::EmptyStatement(), v8::internal::StatsCounter::Enabled(), v8::internal::Logger::EnableSlidingStateWindow(), EncodeForwardingAddressesInRange(), v8::internal::Map::FindAccessor(), v8::internal::InternalFrame::FindCode(), FindInPrototypeChain(), v8::internal::StatsTable::FindLocation(), v8::internal::LargeObjectSpace::FindObject(), FindSharedFunctionInfoInScript(), v8::internal::SCTableReference::first_entry(), fits_shifter(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::FreePages(), v8::internal::LargeObjectSpace::FreeUnmarkedObjects(), v8::internal::Runtime::FunctionForName(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), GetArgumentsObject(), v8::internal::Builtins::GetCode(), v8::internal::Deserializer::GetHeader(), v8::internal::StatsCounter::GetInternalPointer(), v8::internal::SymbolKey::GetObject(), v8::internal::RegExpKey::GetObject(), v8::internal::Serializer::GetSavedAddress(), v8::internal::HandleScopeImplementer::GetSpareOrNewBlock(), v8::internal::String::GetTwoByteData(), v8::internal::HeapStringAllocator::grow(), v8::internal::Handle< JSObject >::Handle(), v8::internal::Logger::HandleEvent(), v8::internal::Debug::HandleWeakDebugInfo(), v8::internal::Context::has_extension(), v8::internal::LargeObjectIterator::has_next(), v8::internal::SemiSpace::HasBeenSetup(), v8::internal::Heap::HasBeenSetup(), v8::internal::StatsTable::HasCounterFunction(), v8::internal::HashMap::HashMap(), v8::internal::Scope::HasIllegalRedeclaration(), v8::internal::HeapObjectIterator::HeapObjectIterator(), v8::internal::Logger::HeapSampleBeginEvent(), v8::internal::Logger::HeapSampleEndEvent(), v8::internal::Logger::HeapSampleItemEvent(), v8::internal::Accessors::IllegalSetter(), v8::internal::ExternalReferenceEncoder::IndexOf(), v8::internal::V8::Initialize(), v8::internal::Top::Initialize(), v8::internal::HashMap::Initialize(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::Node::Initialize(), v8::internal::LoopStatement::Initialize(), v8::internal::HandleScopeImplementer::Initialize(), v8::internal::Top::InitializeThreadLocal(), v8::internal::Execution::InstantiateObject(), v8::internal::Logger::IntEvent(), v8::internal::CaseClause::is_default(), v8::internal::SmartPointer< T >::is_empty(), v8::internal::Context::is_function_context(), v8::internal::Variable::is_global(), v8::internal::Handle< JSObject >::is_null(), v8::internal::Page::is_valid(), v8::internal::Bootstrapper::IsActive(), v8::internal::Parser::IsBoilerplateProperty(), v8::internal::LargeObjectSpace::IsEmpty(), v8::internal::Statement::IsEmpty(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::IsInlineSmi(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::IsValidChunk(), v8::internal::VariableProxy::IsValidLeftHandSide(), v8::internal::Serializer::IsVisited(), v8::internal::ThreadManager::Iterate(), v8::internal::Top::Iterate(), v8::internal::BASE_EMBEDDED< Allocator >::Iterate(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::IterateRoots(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::IterateWeakRoots(), v8::internal::Thread::Join(), v8::internal::RegExpImpl::JsreCompile(), JSREMalloc(), v8::internal::LabelShadow::LabelShadow(), v8::internal::LargeObjectIterator::LargeObjectIterator(), v8::internal::PreallocatedMemoryThread::length(), v8::internal::KeyedLoadIC::Load(), v8::internal::LoadIC::Load(), v8::internal::Debug::Load(), LoadContextSlotHelper(), LoadDbgHelpAndTlHelp32(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::LoadReference(), LoadSymbols(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::LoadTypeofExpression(), v8::internal::OS::LocalTimeOffset(), v8::internal::Handle< JSObject >::location(), v8::internal::OS::LogSharedLibraryAddresses(), v8::internal::Token::Lookup(), v8::internal::DummyScope::Lookup(), v8::internal::HashMap::Lookup(), v8::internal::Context::Lookup(), v8::internal::Builtins::Lookup(), v8::internal::Parser::LookupBreakTarget(), v8::internal::Parser::LookupContinueTarget(), v8::internal::Heap::LookupSymbol(), v8::internal::Parser::MakeCatchContext(), MakeCode(), MakeFunction(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::MakeWeak(), v8::internal::ThreadManager::MarkCompactEpilogue(), v8::internal::ThreadManager::MarkCompactPrologue(), v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::MarkObjectGroups(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::MarkWeakRoots(), v8::internal::PagedSpace::MCAllocateRaw(), v8::internal::Variable::Mode2String(), v8::internal::Assembler::msr(), v8::internal::ExternalReferenceEncoder::NameOfAddress(), v8::internal::Segment::New(), v8::internal::LargeObjectChunk::New(), v8::internal::PreallocatedStorage::New(), v8::internal::Malloced::New(), NewArray(), v8::internal::Logger::NewEvent(), v8::internal::Zone::NewExpand(), v8::internal::RegExpImpl::NewSpaceCollectionPrologue(), v8::internal::DummyScope::NewTemporary(), v8::internal::Parser::NewThrowError(), v8::internal::Parser::NewThrowReferenceError(), v8::internal::DummyScope::NewUnresolved(), v8::internal::ThreadState::Next(), v8::internal::SemiSpaceIterator::next(), v8::internal::HeapObjectIterator::next(), v8::internal::SpaceIterator::next(), v8::internal::HashMap::Next(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::Node::Node(), v8::internal::JSObject::NumberOfLocalElements(), v8::internal::Accessors::ObjectSetPrototype(), v8::internal::RegExpImpl::OldSpaceCollectionPrologue(), v8::internal::SmartPointer< T >::operator=(), v8::internal::PagedSpace::PagedSpace(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseArrayLiteral(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseAssignmentExpression(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseBlock(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseBreakStatement(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseCaseClause(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseContinueStatement(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseDoStatement(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseExpressionOrLabelledStatement(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseForStatement(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseFunctionLiteral(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseIfStatement(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseLazy(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseLeftHandSideExpression(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseMemberWithNewPrefixesExpression(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseNativeDeclaration(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseObjectLiteral(), v8::internal::Parser::ParsePostfixExpression(), v8::internal::Parser::ParsePrimaryExpression(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseProgram(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseRegExpLiteral(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseSourceElements(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseStatement(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseThrowStatement(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseTryStatement(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseUnaryExpression(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseV8Intrinsic(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseVariableDeclarations(), v8::internal::Parser::ParseWhileStatement(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::PostGarbageCollectionProcessing(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::Node::PostGarbageCollectionProcessing(), v8::internal::Logger::Preamble(), v8::internal::Parser::PreParseProgram(), v8::internal::JavaScriptFrame::Print(), PrintLn(), v8::internal::Top::PrintStack(), PrintTransition(), v8::internal::HashMap::Probe(), v8::internal::CpuFeatures::Probe(), v8::internal::Debugger::ProcessCommand(), v8::internal::Debugger::ProcessDebugEvent(), v8::internal::ObjectLiteral::Property::Property(), v8::internal::String::ReadBlock(), ReadCharsFromFile(), v8::internal::ParserRecorder::ReadString(), v8::internal::Logger::RegExpCompileEvent(), v8::internal::Logger::RegExpExecEvent(), v8::internal::Parser::RegisterLabelUse(), v8::internal::Debug::RemoveDebugInfo(), v8::internal::Parser::ReportUnexpectedToken(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::ReserveInitialChunk(), v8::internal::BreakLocationIterator::Reset(), v8::internal::HashMap::Resize(), v8::internal::Deserializer::Resolve(), v8::internal::Logger::ResourceEvent(), v8::internal::ThreadManager::RestoreThread(), Runtime_Abort(), Runtime_ArrayConcat(), Runtime_CompileScript(), Runtime_DebugConstructedBy(), Runtime_DebugEvaluate(), Runtime_DebugEvaluateGlobal(), Runtime_DebugGetLoadedScripts(), Runtime_DebugReferencedBy(), Runtime_DeclareContextSlot(), Runtime_FunctionSetPrototype(), Runtime_GetFrameDetails(), Runtime_IS_VAR(), Runtime_StringFromCharCodeArray(), Runtime_TraceEnter(), v8::internal::SemiSpace::SemiSpace(), v8::internal::SemiSpaceIterator::SemiSpaceIterator(), v8::internal::Debugger::SendMessage(), v8::internal::Serializer::Serialize(), v8::internal::Serializer::Serializer(), v8::internal::DebugMessageThread::SetEventJSONFromEvent(), v8::internal::Top::SetFailedAccessCheckCallback(), v8::internal::JSObject::SetPropertyWithCallback(), v8::internal::LargeObjectSpace::Setup(), v8::internal::NewSpace::Setup(), v8::internal::Logger::Setup(), v8::internal::Heap::Setup(), v8::internal::Builtins::Setup(), v8::internal::Top::setup_external_caught(), v8::internal::Logger::SharedLibraryEvent(), v8::internal::Top::ShouldReportException(), v8::internal::Variable::slot(), v8::internal::Slot::Slot(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SlotOperand(), v8::internal::MapSpace::SlowAllocateRaw(), v8::internal::OldSpace::SlowAllocateRaw(), v8::internal::PagedSpace::SlowMCAllocateRaw(), v8::internal::SmartPointer< T >::SmartPointer(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SmiOperation(), v8::internal::Heap::SmiOrNumberFromDouble(), v8::internal::Top::StackOverflow(), v8::internal::Top::StackTrace(), v8::internal::OS::StackWalk(), v8::internal::Thread::Start(), v8::internal::ContextSwitcher::StartPreemption(), v8::internal::PreallocatedMemoryThread::StartThread(), v8::internal::ContextSwitcher::StopPreemption(), v8::internal::PreallocatedMemoryThread::StopThread(), v8::internal::Logger::StringEvent(), v8::internal::Logger::SuspectReadEvent(), SweepSpace(), v8::internal::Heap::SymbolMapForString(), v8::internal::Parser::TargetStackContainsLabel(), v8::internal::Top::TearDown(), v8::internal::LargeObjectSpace::TearDown(), v8::internal::SemiSpace::TearDown(), v8::internal::NewSpace::TearDown(), v8::internal::MemoryAllocator::TearDown(), v8::internal::Logger::TearDown(), v8::internal::Heap::TearDown(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::TearDown(), v8::internal::Top::Throw(), v8::internal::OS::Ticks(), v8::internal::OS::TimeCurrentMillis(), v8::internal::String::ToCString(), v8::internal::TryCatch::TryCatch(), Type2String(), v8::internal::Debugger::UpdateActiveDebugger(), v8::internal::KeyedStoreIC::UpdateCaches(), v8::internal::StoreIC::UpdateCaches(), v8::internal::KeyedLoadIC::UpdateCaches(), v8::internal::LoadIC::UpdateCaches(), v8::internal::CallIC::UpdateCaches(), v8::internal::UTF8Buffer::UTF8Buffer(), v8::internal::Vector< uint16_t >::Vector(), v8::internal::VirtualMemory::VirtualMemory(), v8::internal::UsageComputer::VisitDeclaration(), v8::internal::ReferenceUpdater::VisitExternalReferences(), v8::internal::UsageComputer::VisitLoopStatement(), v8::internal::UsageComputer::VisitProperty(), v8::internal::ReferenceUpdater::VisitRuntimeEntry(), v8::internal::Win32Semaphore::Win32Semaphore(), v8::internal::Parser::WithHelper(), v8::internal::Access< T >::~Access(), v8::internal::Assembler::~Assembler(), v8::internal::BreakLocationIterator::~BreakLocationIterator(), v8::internal::GlobalHandles::Node::~Node(), v8::internal::OffsetsVector::~OffsetsVector(), と v8::internal::Win32MemoryMappedFile::~Win32MemoryMappedFile().

kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset v8::internal::Object

platform-win32.cc580 行で定義されています。

参照元 HasConsole().

assembler-arm.cc62 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Assembler::addrmod1(), v8::internal::Assembler::addrmod2(), v8::internal::Assembler::addrmod3(), v8::internal::Assembler::addrmod4(), v8::internal::Assembler::addrmod5(), v8::internal::Assembler::blx(), v8::internal::Assembler::bx(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::Call(), v8::internal::Assembler::CheckConstPool(), v8::internal::Assembler::clz(), disasm::Disassembler::Disassemble(), v8::internal::InternalFrame::FindCode(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), v8::internal::JSEntryStub::GenerateBody(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateCore(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateFastCaseSwitchJumpTable(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadElement(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadLength(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowOutOfMemory(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowTOS(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::Jump(), v8::internal::Assembler::ldm(), v8::internal::Assembler::lea(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::LeaveExitFrame(), v8::internal::Assembler::mla(), v8::internal::Assembler::mrs(), v8::internal::Assembler::msr(), v8::internal::Assembler::mul(), v8::internal::PendingFixups::Process(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::Ret(), v8::internal::Assembler::smlal(), v8::internal::Assembler::smull(), v8::internal::Assembler::swp(), v8::internal::Assembler::swpb(), v8::internal::Assembler::umlal(), v8::internal::Assembler::umull(), と v8::internal::Deserializer::VisitRuntimeEntry().

heap.cc477 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Heap::Scavenge(), と v8::internal::Heap::ScavengeObjectSlow().

objects-inl.h1849 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::FunctionTemplate::AddInstancePropertyAccessor().

assembler-arm.cc47 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::MacroAssembler::Abort(), v8::internal::Assembler::cmn(), v8::internal::Assembler::cmp(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::Comparison(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadCallback(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadConstant(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadInterceptor(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreCallback(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreField(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreInterceptor(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::DeclareGlobals(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterExitFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), v8::internal::StoreIC::Generate(), v8::internal::LoadIC::Generate(), v8::internal::CallIC::Generate(), v8::internal::CallFunctionStub::Generate(), v8::internal::InvokeBuiltinStub::Generate(), v8::internal::UnarySubStub::Generate(), v8::internal::StackCheckStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(), v8::internal::SetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::ObjectLiteralDeferred::Generate(), v8::internal::DeferredInlinedSmiOperation::Generate(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateArgumentsAccess(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateArgumentsLength(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateArrayLength(), v8::internal::JSEntryStub::GenerateBody(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateBody(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateCore(), v8::internal::StoreIC::GenerateExtendStorage(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateFastCaseSwitchJumpTable(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateFastCharCodeAt(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateIsArray(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateIsNonNegativeSmi(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateIsSmi(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateNewObject(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateNormal(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateNormal(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateObjectEquals(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadElement(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadLength(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateSetValueOf(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateStringLength(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowOutOfMemory(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateValueOf(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenericBinaryOperation(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::IllegalOperation(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::InstantiateBoilerplate(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokePrologue(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::Load(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::LoadFromSlot(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::LoadGlobal(), v8::internal::Assembler::mov(), v8::internal::Assembler::mvn(), v8::internal::Assembler::nop(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::PushTryHandler(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SlotOperand(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SmiOperation(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::TailCallRuntime(), v8::internal::Assembler::teq(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::ToBoolean(), v8::internal::Assembler::tst(), と v8::internal::CodeGenerator::UnloadReference().

assembler-arm.cc48 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::CodeGenerator::Comparison(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallConstant(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadCallback(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadConstant(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadInterceptor(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreCallback(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreField(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreInterceptor(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterExitFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::EnterJSFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), v8::internal::CallIC::Generate(), v8::internal::CallFunctionStub::Generate(), v8::internal::UnarySubStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(), v8::internal::SetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::ObjectLiteralDeferred::Generate(), v8::internal::DeferredInlinedSmiOperation::Generate(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateArgumentsAccess(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateArrayLength(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateCore(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateIsArray(), v8::internal::StoreIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateNormal(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateNormal(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateObjectEquals(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadElement(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateSetValueOf(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateStringLength(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateValueOf(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenericBinaryOperation(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokeFunction(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::JumpToBuiltin(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::PushTryHandler(), と v8::internal::MacroAssembler::ResolveBuiltin().

assembler-arm.cc57 行で定義されています。

assembler-arm.cc49 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::MacroAssembler::Call(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::Comparison(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallConstant(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadCallback(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadInterceptor(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreCallback(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreField(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreInterceptor(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::EnterJSFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), v8::internal::StoreIC::Generate(), v8::internal::LoadIC::Generate(), v8::internal::CallIC::Generate(), v8::internal::CallFunctionStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(), v8::internal::SetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::ObjectLiteralDeferred::Generate(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateCore(), GenerateDictionaryLoad(), v8::internal::StoreIC::GenerateExtendStorage(), v8::internal::StoreIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateNewObject(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateNormal(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadElement(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadLength(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateSetValueOf(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowOutOfMemory(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowTOS(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokeFunction(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokePrologue(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::LeaveExitFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::LoadFromSlot(), と v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SmiOperation().

assembler-arm.cc50 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallConstant(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadCallback(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadConstant(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadInterceptor(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreCallback(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreField(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreInterceptor(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), v8::internal::StoreIC::Generate(), v8::internal::CallIC::Generate(), v8::internal::GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(), v8::internal::SetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::JSEntryStub::GenerateBody(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateCore(), GenerateDictionaryLoad(), v8::internal::StoreIC::GenerateExtendStorage(), v8::internal::StoreIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateNewObject(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadElement(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadLength(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenerateSetValueOf(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateStringLength(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowOutOfMemory(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowTOS(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokeFunction(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::InvokePrologue(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::LeaveExitFrame(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::PushTryHandler(), と v8::internal::CodeGenerator::SmiOperation().

assembler-arm.cc55 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::JSEntryStub::GenerateBody().

assembler-arm.cc56 行で定義されています。

  { NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, -1 }

runtime.cc5757 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Runtime::FunctionForId(), と v8::internal::Runtime::FunctionForName().

compiler.cc151 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Compiler::Compile().

emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag string flag tmp v8::internal::serdes

flags.cc196 行で定義されています。

assembler-arm.cc60 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::CodeGenerator::CleanStack(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallConstant(), v8::internal::CallStubCompiler::CompileCallField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadCallback(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadConstant(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadField(), v8::internal::LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadInterceptor(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreCallback(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreField(), v8::internal::StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreInterceptor(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::ComputeExpressionsCount(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterExitFrame(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::EnterFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::EnterJSFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::ExitJSFrame(), v8::internal::CodeGenerator::GenCode(), v8::internal::StoreIC::Generate(), v8::internal::LoadIC::Generate(), v8::internal::CallIC::Generate(), v8::internal::CallFunctionStub::Generate(), v8::internal::StackCheckStub::Generate(), v8::internal::SetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::GetPropertyStub::Generate(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateArrayLength(), v8::internal::JSEntryStub::GenerateBody(), v8::internal::StoreIC::GenerateExtendStorage(), v8::internal::StoreIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateMegamorphic(), v8::internal::ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateNewObject(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateNormal(), v8::internal::CallIC::GenerateNormal(), v8::internal::LoadIC::GenerateStringLength(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowOutOfMemory(), v8::internal::CEntryStub::GenerateThrowTOS(), v8::internal::ExitFrame::GetStateForFramePointer(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::IllegalOperation(), v8::internal::StandardFrame::IterateExpressions(), v8::internal::Assembler::ldm(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::LeaveExitFrame(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::LeaveFrame(), v8::internal::Assembler::pop(), v8::internal::Assembler::push(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::PushTryHandler(), v8::internal::Assembler::str(), v8::internal::MacroAssembler::StubReturn(), と v8::internal::CodeGenerator::UnloadReference().

static byte * v8::internal::spare_buffer_ = NULL [static]

top.cc335 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Top::PrintStack(), と v8::internal::Top::StackTrace().

kPropertyAccessorsOffset kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceTemplateOffset kAccessCheckInfoOffset kInstanceClassNameOffset kHiddenPrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit kFormalParameterCountOffset v8::internal::start_position_and_type

objects-inl.h1908 行で定義されています。

objects.cc3789 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::String::SlowEquals().

objects.cc3769 行で定義されています。

参照元 CompareStringContentsPartial(), と v8::internal::String::SlowEquals().

Object* v8::internal::tables[NUMBER_OF_ENTRY_KINDS] = { 0, } [static]

runtime.cc2341 行で定義されています。

参照元 Runtime_StringToLowerCase().

runtime.cc2340 行で定義されています。

参照元 Runtime_StringToUpperCase().

#define C(name) 


top.cc47 行で定義されています。

参照元 v8::internal::Top::get_address_from_id().

emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message v8::internal::true

flags.cc102 行で定義されています。

emit branch hints print elimination of redundant push pops in assembly code expose debug in global object expose gc extension print a stack trace if an assertion failure occurs defer negation operation use lazy compilation strict error checking enable remote debugging allow calls to RegExp objects size size of the old generation garbage collect after< n > allocations garbage collect maps from which no objects can be reached generate extra code for manipulating stats counters Never perform compaction on full GC testing only Flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle print this message optimize the ast Simulator stop after x number of instructions preallocate some memory to build stack traces activate a timer that switches between V8 threads testing_int_flag v8::internal::world

flags.cc190 行で定義されています。

assembler-ia32.cc56 行で定義されています。

assembler-ia32.cc57 行で定義されています。

assembler-ia32.cc58 行で定義されています。

assembler-ia32.cc59 行で定義されています。

assembler-ia32.cc60 行で定義されています。

assembler-ia32.cc61 行で定義されています。

assembler-ia32.cc62 行で定義されています。

assembler-ia32.cc63 行で定義されています。

 全て クラス ネームスペース ファイル 関数 変数 型定義 列挙型 列挙型の値 フレンド マクロ定義